onesmiths medical中国在中国有吗

  现在已是21世纪年,但在病人管理与支持技术方面,大多数诊所却仍停留在上世纪90年代时的水平。接待员也许能用台电脑来替代管理预约,但繁琐的登记跟填写表格程序却必不可免,而医生则依赖于散乱的纸张来查看你的医疗记录。Tom Lee几年前创立了致力于基层医疗服务的One Medical,正试图彻底改变这种情况。作为医生群体,他们听取了患者的心声,从而建立起一个全新的医疗团体来满足患者的需要。
  创始人 Tom Lee 经过5年的努力从旧金山的小办公室发展到如今的 9 个医疗中心的规模,期间他不仅吸引了 31 位志同道合的医生,也得到了病人们的欢迎。目前One Medical在全美设有23个办事处,分别位于旧金山湾地区,纽约,华盛顿特区,芝加哥和波士顿等人口稠密的地区。
  目前,One Medical 注册用户上涨 50%,并且在 7 个城市新开了办事处。其服务主要集中在美国 27个城市。在今年2月,One Medical 还拓展了包括Adobe、Fitbit、 Quantcast、Uber等公司在内的 40 名企业客户,签订了员工健康管理计划。(数据来源:投资界)
  One Medical的技术使得患者可以在线预约,申请开具处方,获取电子版实验室检测结果,以及查看他们的个人健康状况信息。One Medical根据医生和患者的需要设计电子病历,以便所有医生都能够访问到他们的病历,对病人则意味着可以到任何一家诊所就诊。
  新病人可以在线加入One Medical的服务,并通过网络完成支付。One Medical还提供了一个用于预约的iPhone应用。病人的简单问题,可通过数字技术来处理如电子邮件或iPhone应用,因而不需要再去诊所。
  One Medical的理念是,病人任何时间的访问都是有效的,可以使医疗保健更实惠。他们围绕会员的需求设计看医生的一系列服务,并在热情、无压力的办公环境中为用户提供优质全面的服务项目和高效的使用技术。
  这样的理念贯彻到了One Medical的会员福利细节中:
  和其他美国初级医疗中心不同,One Medical的医生们每天接待大约 16 名病患,低于行业标准的 25 人,这让每位病患获得了更多的门诊时间。“这可以用来改善医患关系,”Tom Lee解释说,“医生有更多的时间来回答病人的问题,双方也可以深入讨论各种医疗选择。” 除此以外,借由强大的 IT 系统代替人工作业,中心的支持人员从行业标准的4.5人降到 1.5 人。
  One Medical所有的技术都结合了现有的系统和专有系统,其目的在于降低管理成本,提升医生和病人的体验。Tom Lee将One Medical与20世纪90年代流行的“医师实践管理运动(PPM)”进行对比,他说,“90年代的PPM运动并没有根本性地重新设计诊所的工作流程,也没有改善医生和病人的体验。”PPM是由医疗管理者驱动的,而One Medical则是由医生推动的,其做法是“重新设计诊所,从而做到以病人为中心,减少管理开支。”
  在门诊以外的时间里,One Medical 的医生需要通过电子邮件追踪病人的近况,并根据即时数据给与用药上的指导,而这正是创始人 Tom Lee 真正在意的地方。作为一名医生,Tom Lee 希望改变以往 “看病就走人” 的模式。医疗应该是医生和病患间长期配合的过程,而不是门诊那短短的几分钟的对话。依托便携式血压仪、血糖仪等家庭监测设备,One Medical 的病患们在家就能完成一系列体征数据收集。将自我监测数据通过邮件的方式传递给医生,使其拥有了和病患保持随时接触的能力。加上在线的 IT 系统、手持程序,病患可以随时随地查看自己的身体报告,减少了不必要的出行。(本段来源:网易科技)。
  2013年,One Medical曾获得来自Google Ventures、enchmark Capital、DAG Ventures 等机构投资的3000万美元, 2014年完成一轮由Redmile Group领投的4000 万美元的融资。该公司目前总融资额为 1 亿美元。日,One Medical为其Affordable High-End Doctor's项目筹集6500万美元。
  One Medical 依靠 IT 系统减少病患出行次数、提高医疗中心运作效率的做法获得了医生和病人的双重肯定。对于初级医疗中心来说,One Media Group 正在重新设计这个行业的未来:更轻、更便宜。
  公司名称:One Medical
  Sandeep Acharya战略和新业务副总裁
  Beth Frensilli,总法律顾问
  Paul Kirincich首席财务官
  Tom Lee创始人兼首席执行官
  Kimber Lockhart首席技术官
  Christine Morehead人力资源副总裁
  我们看到目前国内外医生集团的主要运作模式“医生-医院”、“医生-保险”,这也是目前最好的两种运作模式,然而上面的One Medical是否可以给我们启发:医生集团存在第三种模式“医生-互联网”?
火石专注医疗健康领域的创新创业服务,基于全球化创新资源和领...  may_yyyy (楼主)  Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) has ahistory of more than 5,000 years. It has a complete theory about theoccurrence, development and treatment of diseases. According to TCM theory, theoccurrence of diseases is the incoordination between Yin and Yang and thetreatment of diseases is the reestablishment of the equilibrium between them.Yin and Yang are the two concepts from ancient Chinese philosophy and theyrepresent the two contradictories in everything. In TCM theory, Yin and Yangare used to explain physiological and pathological phenomena of the body. Theyare also the principles of diagnosing and treating diseases. There are twocommon ways of TCM curing diseases: drug therapy and non-drug therapy. As fordrug therapy, traditional medicines are used such as herbs, mineral, animals,etc. As for non-drug therapy, there are acupuncture and moxibustion, massage,cupping.  Do you believe TCM? Have you ever tried TCMto cure your disease since you come to China?  中医有着5000余年的历史,有着一整套关于疾病的起因、变化和治疗的理论。根据中医理论,疾病的起因是阴阳失衡,而治疗则是重新调节阴阳趋于平衡。阴和阳是中国古代哲学的两个概念,代表着存在于万物中互相矛盾的两个方面。阴阳之于中医,不仅可以解释人体的生理和病理现象,还是诊断和治疗的圭臬。中医治病的方法有两种:药物治疗和非药物治疗。中医使用草药、矿物、动物等进行药物治疗;使用针灸、按摩、拔罐等进行非药物治疗。  你信赖中医吗?来到中国之后,你有没有尝试用中医来治病?  原创翻译:龙腾网
翻译:病中乃知 转载请注明出处  本帖论坛地址:/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=90425&extra=page%3D1%26filter%3Dauthor%26orderby%3Ddateline%26orderby%3Ddateline  1、bougie  I've thought about acupuncture. I know aguy that had it and his back was much better for 9 yrs. There is definitelysomething to the whole energy equilibrium thing  我考虑过针灸。我知道一个家伙试过(针灸),9年来,他的后背比以前好多了。很明显,事情在向好的方向发展。  2、guel27  sometimes but i havent tried  将信将疑,不过我没有尝试过  3、8lrr8  i've heard TCM has never passed adouble-blind test. except for one case.  我听说中医从来没有通过双盲测试,只有一次例外。(译者注:简单来说,双盲测试是一种测试药物效用的方法,避免了人的主观偏向影响实验结果)  4、lemongrass  I believe it at some point. Also saw peoplesuccessfully lost weight through acupuncture therapy. But I am the insecure kind.Probably wouldnt try any myself.  我相信(中医)的某些方面,也曾见过有人通过针灸减肥成功的。但我还是不太确信,基本上我是不会去尝试的。
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  5、jenming  That's a horribly broad blanket statement.  I've had TCM (massage and cupping) fornerve problems (sciatica) before, and it's mostly gone. But when you go forthat kind of medicine, it's a gamble as to whether or not the"practitioner" knows what they're doing. If you're lucky and find someonewho has done serious study and isn't just going off what their grandma toldthem or what they read in a book, then it can be a life-saver. But you have toapproach each person slowly, and get a feeling from them.  As usual in china, the best recourse is toget a recommendation from a friend. A friend who has gone to a TCM practitionerand is (long term) satisfied with their results.  (回复3号评论)这也太危言耸听了把。  我以前得了坐骨神经痛,去看了中医(按摩和拔罐),现在好多了。不过进行这种治疗是要冒很大风险的,这要看“从业者”是否知道他们在做什么。如果走运的话,你所找到的医生治学严谨,他们不会生搬硬套祖辈们传下来的以及在书本里学到的东西,然后成为一名救死扶伤的医生。  一般来说,如果你在中国有朋友接受过中医治疗,并对疗效感到满意,那么他的推荐就是最佳的渠道。  6、shanghaijack  Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) has ahistory of more than 5,000 years. It has a complete theory of BLAH BLAH  Well Aristotle's geocentric theory ispushing 2500 years, has probably has just as much evidence in its favor (somereligious nuts still believe it too) Theres a reason Western hospitals don'tdrill holes in peoples skulls and stuff these days  中医有着5000余年的历史,有着一整套理论blabla….  亚里士多德的地心说距今约2500年,拥趸们可能还觉得证据很充分(一些宗教人士仍然深信不疑)我就说一条,起码那时候的西医不会在人的头盖骨上钻孔等等。  7、Kleonri  I think it works  who'd practise anything for 5 000 years ifit wouldn't?  我认为中医是有用的。不然的话,怎么可能流传5000年?
  8、Andreas  Where did you get those 5000 years from?  5000年是从哪冒出来的?  9、iara  For me, any kind of therapy, TCM or westernmedicine can work when do it properly and with the patient cooperation.  I just started acupuncture this week in achinese hospital and maybe is all psychological but something is changing, in agood way. The problem with people is that we want to do something now and becured right away, or we give up. I can be wrong, but I think western medicineworks faster but is not so "healthy" (you take medicine for your painand then need another one for your stomach cause the first one is too strongand so on...), and TCM works slowly but also works with your mind and soul.  So, I believe, or I wouldn't have startedTCM!  我认为只要患者配合,再加上适当地处理,不管是中医还是西医,都有效果。  本周,我开始在一家中国医院接受针灸治疗,或许这只是心理作用,但情况正在朝着好的方向改变。问题在于我们应该立即行动起来、接受治疗,还是放弃。我可能错了,但我认为西医虽然见效很快,但不够“健康”(你吃药治疗疼痛,但药力太强,又不得不吃另一种药来治疗胃,如此反复…),中医则循序渐进,调养心神。  所以对于中医,我还是信得过的!  10、TheDudeAbides  I think most of it is crap, with thepossible exception of acupuncture, which even a lot of westerners swear by (andis usually the first thing TCM advocates bring up). I'd agree with Andreas inthat it's just a bit of a racket, I'd take western medicine over TCM any day ofthe week.  我认为(中医)大部分都是糟粕,针灸是个例外,很多西方人都信赖有加(针灸也是被中医拥趸们第一个传过来的疗法)。无论何时,我都会我选择西医而非中医。  11、mrpango  TCM can be a bunch of bollocks to behonest. My sister had eczema and we went to get some Chinese medicineespecially made up. Didn't work for shiet.  中医全都是胡说八道。我姐姐得了湿疹,我们去看了一些中医,根本就没有效果。
  12、Andreas  I tried TCM, more than once. So did mywife, who is Chinese by the way. Also more than once. It did not work. That's afact. And facts are all I need to establish if something works or not. I wouldnot even want to know, WHY it worked, if it worked. But it didn't. Next !  我看过中医,不止一次。我的妻子也是,她是中国人。但事实上,效果不大。我很想知道(中医)究竟有没有起作用。如果中医有用的话,那么为什么会有效果。  13、hc  I used to have massive headaches thatcouldnt be cured by any Western treatment. TCM cured me.  According to your "logic", Iwould think that Western medicine doesnt work right? Doesnt make any sense doesit?  我以前经常头痛,西医对此束手无策,中医看好了我的病。按照你的“逻辑”,我是否可以认为西医不起作用?难道也感觉不到吗?  14、TheMasterofDisaster  TCM is much more likely to give you liverdisease than help you in anyway. Recent surveys, worldwide, showed over 66% ofTCM "treatments" are not what they claim to be.  中医让你患上肝病的可能更大,而不是对你有所裨益。日前全球性的调查表明,超过66%的“中医疗法”并不像所宣称的那样。  15、dadalee  altho some of the theories dont makesense,there are some did work for me  虽然一些理论有点玄乎,不过对我而言还是有效果的。
  16、yingying236  about 3 weeks ago i was working at theclinic and overheard one of my mums patients telling other patients about howmy mother helped her daughter. THe daughter was only 13 and suffered from BallsPalsy... she her mouth was crooked and she could only sleep with her eyes open.After one session of acupuncture the girl was able to sleep with her eyesclosed... however half her face was still paralysed. After the second sessionshe was completely healed.  This mother then referred another patientto my mother. This boy also had Balls Palsy... he even had been seeing anotherdoctor for treatment but with no success. It took my mum 6 sessions and nowcompletely healed.  Imo this rules out placebo affect. it alsoconfirms that not every doctor is the same... technique and experience is veryimportant and sometimes just natural talent.. ie. not everyone can be anartist, or musician etc... You can learn anything but it doesnt mean you willsucceed or be great at it... your natural talent/ability limits you.  大约3星期之前,我在诊所上班,无意中听到我妈妈的一位病人告诉其他病人我妈妈是如何治好她女儿的。小女孩年仅13岁,却患有贝尔麻痹…嘴巴一直张着,睡觉的时候眼睛也是睁着的。一个针灸疗程之后,小女孩可以闭着眼睛睡觉了…不过她的另半张脸还是不能动。第二个疗程之后,她已经完全康复了。  这位母亲随后又说到了我妈妈的另外一位病人。这个男孩同样也患有贝尔麻痹…之前他也看过医生,不过没有好转。我妈妈对他进行了6个疗程的针灸,现在也康复了。  在我看来,(针灸的疗效)排除了安慰剂的影响,同时也证明了医生也是因人而异的,医术和经验至关重要,可能还和天赋有关…书本上的东西是死的,即使学过但囿于天赋和能力,不代表成功或者精通…  17、8lrr8  before we have the chance to go further,can u tell me where u stand on the following conjectures:  1. at least 80% of TCM is bullfeces.   2. at least 80% of TCM doctors are ****.   3. when TCM does work, the TCM doctoralmost can never tell u why it works. by that i mean he/she cant tell thepatient what the active chemical ingredient(s) are.
  (回复16号评论)在我们把话题扯远之前,请你告诉我就以下推断你的立场:  1、80%以上的中医都是鬼扯。  2、80%以上的中医医师都是(哔——)。  3、即使中医有效果,医师也不知其所以然。我的意思是他们不能告诉病人有效的化学成分是什么。
  18、hc  I used to have massive headaches thatcouldnt be cured by any Western treatment. TCM cured me.  According to your "logic", Iwould think that Western medicine doesnt work right? Doesnt make any sense doesit?  我以前经常头痛,西医对此束手无策,中医看好了我的病。按照你的“逻辑”,我是否可以认为西医不起作用?难道也感觉不到吗?  19、iamsaying  you know Balls Palsy is an illness that canrecover without any treatments and not very sure, about 50% of patients woulddo this way even with no help from MDs. this has already known by MDs in theirclassrooms. a few of cured cases of your mum would not firmly support yourviewpoint: the disease is cured by your mom.  For some diseases like cancers,specifically when these cases are in a late stage, the hope for a complete cureis already gone and western MDs would in general treat they with watchfultherapies to only prolong their lives. TCM might prolong patients' life as wellor even a longer life, but that doesn’t' t mean TCM is better than westernmedicine, as most likely when patients adopt TCM they are still with othertherapies at the same time. That actually means 1+1=2. this has already beenproved in the medical literature.  I agree with you, some TCM therapies,including acupuncture, chinese herbs, and more, can be adopted into modernmedicine.  (回复16号评论)贝尔麻痹是一种无需治疗就可以痊愈的疾病,50%的病人甚至都不用去看医生,况且医生已经在课堂上学过这个了。你妈妈治好的一部分病例并不能支持你的观点:病是你妈妈治好的。  对于癌症(尤其是晚期)这种疾病,痊愈是不可能的,西医也只能延长他们的生命而已。中医或许也能延长病人的生命,甚至(比西医)还长,但这并不意味着中医强于西医,病人很可能在接受中医治疗的同时还接受其他治疗。这就是1+1=2的道理,医学文献已经证明过。  我同意中医的一些治疗方法,比如针灸、中草药以及其他,都可以被现在医学所吸收。  20、One_Brick_Shy  Are we talking real or fake. I'm sure if wehave other fake products that they've also hit on TCM. As for me, have had goodresults from TCM. Treatment of intestinal challenges and colds. Where TCM worksis re-balancing the body. Western medicine traditionally is to mask and not tonecessarily promote healing. It depends on the body's own defenses to rebulidwhereas TCM helps the body to rebuild these defenses. I also believe these TCMdon't work so well if we smoke, do drugs, drink to much, or don't eat abalanced diet. My thoughts and experience with TCM. I'm sold on most of thebenefits as it works most times for me. But then Tylenol gets rid of myheadaches too.  我们谈论的不是真假问题,我敢保证,如果有人有假货,他们都会扯到中医上。中国对我有过莫大的帮助,治好了肠病和感冒。所谓中医,就是让身体机理重新恢复平衡。传统西医表面光鲜,未必能促进痊愈,还要看自身是否能恢复抵抗能力,而中医则是帮助身体恢复抵抗力。对于吸烟、吸毒、酗酒、暴饮暴食,中医当然无能为力。这就是我的经历和对中医的态度。中医对我有裨益,所以我相信它。不过泰勒诺(西药)也治好了我的头痛。
  21、kevinhenan  sometimes it works, sometimes it does notwork, depending on many factors, like illness, pracitoner, etc.  (中医)有时管用,有时没用,这要看是什么病、从业者等等。  22、MiniSthlm  Acupuncture worked wonders on me, so Idefinitely believe in it. I had severe sinusitis for a few years and nothinghelped, neither in the states or in Sweden. (but in all fairness Ishould add that I refused one treatment offered crackingopen my sinuses)  My mom found an amazing doctor ofacupuncture here in Stockholmwho treated me for a prolonged period and my (at that point chronic) sinusitisfinally gave in. A whenever I went in for my treatment she would ask if Iwas feeling healthy and good, if I wasn't she would treat whatever othersymptom I had (like the flu, stomachaches etc.) as well and I was neverdisappointed.  So, in conclusion, I totally believe inacupuncture, and I'm forever grateful towards my doctor.  我接受过针灸治疗,效果出奇的好,所以我对此深信不疑。我曾经患有很严重的鼻窦炎,不管是在美国还是瑞典,都没有治好。(不过话说回来,我还得说一句,西医要敲破鼻窦才行,我拒绝了)  我妈妈在斯德哥尔摩找到了一位神奇的针灸医师,经过长期治疗,治好了我的鼻窦炎。那段时间只要我去看病,她都会询问我的身体状况,如果不舒服的话,她也治疗我患的其他病(比如流感、胃痛等),而且都治好了。  总之,我完全信赖针灸,并永远感谢我的医生。  23、chinafever  TCM DOES WORK FOR ECZEMA.  I tried Western medicine for years and allit did was make the condition worse. I went to a Chinese doctor last month whenI was on a tourist visa, took some prescribed herbs and the condition hashealed 70-80% probably would have been 100% if I had been able to complete theone month course.  All the Western doctors ever did wasprescribe steroid cream which actually thins the skin.  There are things that TCM is really goodfor and there are things Western medicine is good for.  中医可以治疗湿疹。  我以前看过几年西医,无一例外,情况更加糟糕。上个月我去看中医,那时候还拿着旅游签证,他给我抓了几味药,如果我能完成一个月的治疗,就不是现在的七八成,而是痊愈了。  如果是西医,医师会开一种能让皮肤变薄的类固醇油脂的处方药。所以,中医和西医无优劣之别,各擅胜场罢了。
  24、karinalee  i want to share this.... you decide.  this happened 4 years ago. for a couple ofmonths, i was feeling tired, all the time. i had a nice cushy job, notstressful, friends, partying etc. life was good.  yet i was tired.  i went for medical tests - all sorts but tono avail on source of problem. i was admitted to A & E couple of times atnight as i felt i was about to collapse from the giddiness..  this went on for few months until thedoctor at the hospital suggested i go see a psychiatrist. i didnt - i didn'tthink i was sick in that department..  one afternoon, i was hanging out with afriend who suggsted going for a foot massage. i thought it would be fun since ididnt try it... the masseuse told me that i was 'heaty' - some sort ofimbalance in energy.  that evening i went home an brought from some store. i had another the next day. it costs 50rmbfor both treatments.  my tiredness was gone for good. and ibecame a believer in tcm thereafter.  我也来说道一番,各位看官自行定夺…  事情还要从4年前说起,大概几个月之内,我一直感到浑身无力。那时我有一份令人艳羡的工作,逸豫安乐,无事便约三五知己,小酌一番,人生倒也美哉。  可是我却感到很累。  我去做了各种检查,但都查不到病因。好几次因为半夜突然晕厥被送进急救室。  就这样一直持续了数月,直到有一天医生建议我去挂精神科——我断然回绝了,我觉得自己精神没有问题。  一日午后,我和一位朋友出去闲逛,他建议我们去做足底按摩。我还没有做过,觉得蛮有意思…按摩师说我得了“热”症——能量失衡了。  那天晚上回到家,我喝了点从商店买来的草药茶,第二天又喝了点,一共花了50软妹币。  疲乏一扫而空,从那之后,我成了中医的拥趸。  25、xat  Agree with CHinafever on this one:"There are things that TCM is really good for and there are things Westernmedicine is good for."  When Roger Federer was in Shanghai for the Masters Cup one year, heasked for acupuncture to sooth his pain (in feet or legs I don't remember). Thenext year when he was here again (he's good uh?) he appointed for the sameacupuncturer.  My belief is: Western medicine is qu TCM takes longer time (therefore not good for emergencies) andbased on experience (which has a higher requirement on the doctors.)  “中医和西医无优劣之别,各擅胜场罢了”,排这句话。  有一年费德勒参加上海大师赛,请人针灸以舒缓疼痛(腿还是脚,我记不大清了)。第二年他再次来到上海,又找到了上次那位针灸师。  所以我认为,西医见效快,用数据说话;中医疗程长(所以不适合急救),更重视经验(对医生的要求更高)。  26、SnappySammy  works for me...  对我有用…
  27、vr2una  Yes TCM was once a very advanced technologyin the ancient times. It probably was even the best, or one of the best. Butthe fact is, China hand beencontinually invaded by nomads over the centuries and had its Chinesenessdiluted and its previously supremely advanced technology and culture ruined oror spoiled by those regimes built up by the nomads from Siberia.  TCM was a good thing in the old days butunfortunately its development totally stopped centuries ago. During theoccupation and domination of the Ural-Altai language-speaking nomads, ourintelligence was seriously damaged and our lead in technology started to lagbehind.  China suffered a lot from the invasion of nomads from the north, similarto the Roman Empire but rather forunately wemanaged to convert invaders into one of us, though at the expense of our ownChineseness.  Now we have better alternatives from theWest. Is it still necessary to go back to where our ancestors started and goover the evolution again ? I am proud of my Chineseness and being a Chinese,but it does not mean I have to take what is our shortcoming as our strength.  What is Chinese or Western does not matter,what matters is does it work ? Is it scientific ? Whatever is more scientificis good, whether its from the orient or the west.  中医在古代一度非常先进,甚至可能是最好的或者最好的之一。然而由于游牧民族的侵略,神州陆沉数百载之久,在来自西伯利亚的游牧民族所建立的体制之下,先进的科技与文化要么湮灭,要么变得畸形。  从前中医是个好东西,可惜的是,中医的发展在数个世纪之前停滞了。在阿尔泰语系的统治时期内,我们的智慧被严重摧残,曾经领先的科技开始落后了。  与罗马帝国一样,中国遭逢北方草原数度侵略,但我们以自身为代价,把侵略者融入进来。  现在我们有了西医。还有必要回到祖先开始的地方,重新进化吗?我对自身的华夏血胤感到骄傲,我为自己是一名中国人而感到自豪,但并不意味着我要把我们的不足当作优点。  中国的还是西方,这不是问题,关键还要看有没有作用?是否科学?只要更科学就行,不管来自东方还是西方。  28、Moroes  Chinese medicine does wonders to help kidscure their cough. As parents boil up the chinese medicine herbs an abnoxioussmell comes out. The kids will smell it and then hurry to tell their parentsthat they will be good kids. And then voluntarily drink their delicious sweetwestern med cough syrups! Who says Chinese medicine is useless, sure scareskids to go take their syrup!  Anyways Chinese medicine is just the sameas how fruits give you vitamins to make you healthier. But there are a lot ofscammers so its no wonder people don't believe in it. Also western medicinealso claims things out of the blue like how Broccolli cures cancer, sounds abit like Chinese med.  用中医来治疗儿童的咳嗽可以收到奇效。因为在煎煮中草药的时候,会产生难闻的气味。孩子们闻到了会赶紧告诉父母他们会做一个好孩子的。然后自行服下美味可口的止咳糖浆!谁说中医没用,小心孩子们喂你喝糖浆!  不管怎么说,中医就像水果,为身体提供维生素,从而变得更健康。不过由于害群之马的存在,无怪乎人们不太信任中医。当然,西医有时也让人摸不着头脑,比如说西兰花治好了癌症,有一点中医的赶脚。
  29、tihZ_hO  Adding to what has been said, Chinese donot make a the same distinction between medicine and food as we do. Have youever seen in a menu "Soup with Chinese medicine"? Chinese medicinecan be considered as our "heath food". Chinese believe that eatingcorrectly will not only prevent sickness but will reverse the damage done bynot eating correctly - curing the sickness.   补充一点,中国人不像我们把药物和饮食区别开来。你在菜单上见过“中药汤”吗?中医可以被认为是我们的“健康饮食”。中国人认为合理的饮食不仅能预防疾病,还可以痊愈;暴饮暴食则会损害生理机能。  30、pattys24  From my years of experience with Chineseherbal medicine, it does work and it usually helps the body to get "backon the right track", so your body is healthier and stronger, but it healsmuch much slower.  I also want to point out acupuncture istruly THE fastest and safest way to cure Balls Palsy, as I had it before and ittook me only a few sessions to get back to normal.  就我同中药材打了这么多年交道来看,中医是有用的,可以帮助身体“回到正轨”。所以你的身体越健康越强壮,恢复起来越就越慢。  我还要说明一点,针灸是治疗湿疹最迅速最安全的方法,因为我以前患有湿疹,仅仅几个疗程就康复了。  31、hundan  First of all, it is "do you believe INtraditional Chinese medicine?", not "do you believe TCM?".Second, it does NOT have 5000 years of history. Why would it have 5000 years ofhistory when the first dynasty with archaeological proof, the Shang dynasty,was only around 1600 BC. And that covered only a tiny area in the middle of China - it definitely did not rule China. Youwould struggle to find proof of TCM being more than 3000 years old. Don'tforget the first fixed provable date in Chinese history is 841BC, and everythingelse comes from books written centuries later that list previous dynasties, butbased on unknown sources. Stop this stupidity immediately. England has 5000 years of history - the earliestphase of Stonehenge began to be built around 3000 BC - China does not.  首先,标题是“你信赖中医吗?”而不是“你相信中医吗?”。(译者注:二者的差别在于,前者表示如果你“信任”,生病了就会去看中医;而后者可以扩展为“你相信中医的疗效吗”,言外之意就是你可能没尝试过中医,对其还不了解;如果你看过中医而没有效果的话,那就是“不信任”了。有些玩文字游戏的味道)第二,中医没有5000年历史。为什么有着考古依据的第一个王朝商代出现在公元前1600年左右,而中医的历史却有5000年?而且所发现区域只是中国中部的皮毛之地——显然没有统治全国。我看还是去证明中医有3000多年历史比较靠谱些。别忘了第一个有明确记载的中国历史在公元前841年,这本书记载了前朝之事,但却晚了几个世纪,上面所记载的东西也没有任何来源。别再冥顽不灵了。英格兰有5000年历史,最早的巨石阵建于公元前3000年,中国有什么。
  32、BONNIE  I took Yushangling capsules for help withhealing a hairline fracture, and discovered it did wonderous things for mypreviously torn knee cartilage which had been giving me gyp for ages. Seems itis great for bones and cartilage healing.  我的头破了,吃了一些愈伤灵胶囊,然后发现先前膝盖软骨撕裂竟然奇迹般的愈合了,于是我发现被骗了好几年,原来这药对骨骼和软骨治疗有奇效。  33、bloomark  Of course the traditional Chinese medicineis efficacious. It cures a lot of dieseases that can't be cured by moderndrugs, at a very low cost next to modern medicine. I keep some very classifiedrheumarthritic prescribaries at home whose ingredients and proportions can't beanalysed by modern analysors. You know, it is something you can make up but youcan't analyse in the other way around.  中医当然有效,它可以治愈很多现代药物所不能治疗的疾病,而且价格还非常低廉。我在家里备了一些rheumarthritic prescribaries(某种中药),现代医学无法分析它的成分。你知道,有些东西我们可以制造,但无法加以分析。  34、tihZ_hO  My wife once got some traditional Chinesemedicine for a cold - you boil this stuff and drink it three times a day andafter one week you will start to feel better. week...What?!
Sucked in again!  我妻子感冒去看中医,(医生说)把这些药煎服,每天3次,一个礼拜即可痊愈。  等等,一个礼拜…什么?! 又被骗了!(言外之意是说一个礼拜不吃药病都能好)
  35、badaling  Believe it 100%  Good doctor bad doctor still makes thedifference.  I always try TCM when the option isavailable. (not for broken bones but for almost anything else)  100%相信,良医和庸医还是不同的,只要可以,我就会去看中医(除了骨折其他病都去看)  36、anter  If you believe it then it probably doeswork for you. I'd always wondered why there are so many traditional Chineseremedies for cough and phlegm, until I came to live in China. It isthe place where irritated mucous membranes first coughed up that visous massthat lines the streets.  你相信中医,可能是因为中医治好了你的病。我一直很好奇中医为什么会有如此之多止咳化痰的疗法,直到我来到中国。这个地方可以刺激你的黏膜,然后当街吐出一团奇怪的东西。  37、palominocn  Chinese patent drugs are really helpful tochronic diseases.  中药治疗慢性病很管用。  38、2011  I believe in massages, acupuncture andnatural biologic plants like Jensen, etc..  But left part is mostly myth and bullshite. Especially modern meds from TV screens.. it's all contain FDA prohibitedadditions. Don't trust me ? Google for Bawang, 101B , etc.. etc..  我信赖按摩、针灸以及Jensen(说的可能是生姜,存疑)这样纯天然绿色植物。不过剩下的基本上都是胡扯,特别是电视上的医药广告,都添加有食品及药物管理局明令禁止的成分。不信的话,百度一下“霸王”和“章光101B”去吧。
  39、tetrahedron  The TCM theory isn’t based on science. Fewof its medicines can meet the criteria for the modern medicine. Before theadvent of the modern science, it’s more understandable to try them since noother alternatives. But for now, I don’t really see the need to have this “traditional Chinese medicine” concept at all. If China can come up with an effectiveand safe drug, then it is just a contribution to the world medicines to fightdiseases, just as many other countries have done. But unfortunately, except forQinghaosu (artemisinin), a plant extract for treating malaria, China hasn’tinvented any single medicine that is scientifically proven effective and safe.While its people enjoy the benefit of the modern medicine, they take pride fortheir so-called TCM, which, in my opinion, causes more harm than good in anumber of ways.  Modern medicines have to be effective ANDsafe. Some of the traditional Chinese medicines can be effective but most don’thave scientific data to support the claim. Real pharmaceutical research juststarted in Chinaand most of them are being done by CROs and they are doing contract researchfor the big pharmas from the West. Most claims about chinese medicines don'thave scientifically designed tests to back the claims. In China, even it is true you need to get approvedto market a medicine, but the data in the application were mostly forged and China’s head ofAmerican FDA equivalent was executed a few years ago for taking briberiesissuing the approval. Then in their applications, few talked the mechanisms howthe drug works. When they talk about it, it is not based on the science but thetraditional theory that is not scientical at all but more like a philosophy.The modern medicine is at molecular level but for a few Chinese medicines thatmight have some desired effects, they seldom know what ingredients work in theplants or other source material. It is well known most manufactured Chinesemedicines (zhong cheng yao)have western medicines added to make them effective but not tell in the label.  Then bigger problem isn’t the effectivenessbut safety. Not every herb is safe and Chinese medicines use a lot of heavymetals. Many could cause long-term toxic effect.   Another problem is huge waste of resources.For example, Chinastill has many traditional medical schools where 9 out 10 students don’tbelieve in the TCM themselves. Then look at how much junk are produced in thename of TCM that would delay the proper treatment and have toxic effects forthe patients.  Unfortunately, TCM will stay for a while.In a way it is a face problem too for the Chinese. We have many thousands yearsof glorious history and of course we must and we do have our own great medicines,another example of the demonstration of inferior complex perhaps.
  中医理论没有建立在科学的基础上,只有很少一部分药物符合现代医学的标准。在现代科学出现之前,只此一家别无分号,接受中医治疗尚可理解。现在的话,我真想不通“传统中医”这一概念还有存在的必要么。中国应该效仿其他国家,研制一种有效且安全的药物,这才是对世界医学对抗疾病方面的一大贡献。可惜的是,除了从植物中提取用于治疗疟疾的青蒿素,迄今为止,中国还没有发明出一种可以从科学上证明其效果和安全的单一药物。中国人一边享受着现代医学的好处,一边对所谓的“中医”引以为豪,在我看来,他们迟早会搬起石头砸自己的脚。  现代医学既有效又安全。某些中药或许有效,但大多数都没有科学依据。真正的药物研究在中国刚刚起步,绝大多数药物都是由合同研究机构来做的,这些机构为西方的大型医药企业做合同研究。中药的疗效没有经过科学系统的实验来证明自圆其说。在中国,想要把一种药投放进市场,申请的资料几乎都是伪造的,中国药监局局长(指郑筱萸)接受贿赂并批准了申请,前些年被处决了。在这些申请中,鲜有提供详细的药物治疗过程。他们在提及药物时所依据的传统理论毫无科学成分,更像是哲学。现在医学研究已经达到分子层面,他们几乎不知道在植物以及其他药材起中作用的是那些成分。众所周知,大多数中成药都添加了西药成分以确保疗效,而没有在标签上注明。  疗效是一方面,安全性尤为关键。并不是所有的草药都是安全的,中医使用了大量重金属,容易引发长期中毒。  另一个问题造成巨大浪费。比如说,中国还有很多中医学校,十之八九的学生都对中医持否定态度。看看那些以中医的名义生产出来的无用之物,不仅耽搁了的治疗,还对患者造成毒副作用。  不幸的是,中医还是存在一段时间。对于中国人来说,这多少是个面子问题——我们拥有几千年辉煌的历史,当然我们也拥有属于自己的伟大的医学——这是中国人自卑情结的又一明证。
  大家警惕一件事,现在有一群经济学叫兽,砖家,在忽悠政府,忽悠老百姓,说:医疗行业是下一个房地产。  我们可以花二十年的积蓄去买房,但是没有人会花五年甚至一年的积蓄去治病,除非他们别无选择。什么情况下别无选择呢?那就是中医或者中医产业被干掉的时候。  相信上面这段的人我很高兴,不相信上面这段的人,请收集下去年到今年的新闻。什么熊胆,中医,医药股之类的。
  @俗套生活 14楼
21:02:15  剩下的大家去龙腾看吧,网址就在上面!  -----------------------------  Hello,the saying above,I donot think you are totally right.Although TCM have many shortcomings,you cannot deny the real TCM'value and casually assess the necessity of its exist.yes,maybe we seldom know what ingredients work in theplants or other source material and the TCM theory is based on philosophy not science,but science always right? in fact,I only wanna say,both TCM and WM,have their advantages and disadvantages,we cannot simply deny one,medical science is mysterious and great.  last,i wanna tell you ,i am a learner of TCM,study in TCM college,I like my major
  @俗套生活 13楼
21:01:25  中医理论没有建立在科学的基础上,只有很少一部分药物符合现代医学的标准。在现代科学出现之前,只此一家别无分号,接受中医治疗尚可理解。现在的话,我真想不通“传统中医”这一概念还有存在的必要么。中国应该效仿其他国家,研制一种有效且安全的药物,这才是对世界医学对抗疾病方面的一大贡献。可惜的是,除了从植物中提取用于治疗疟疾的青蒿素,迄今为止,中国还没有发明出一种可以从科学上证明其效果和安全的单一药物......  -----------------------------  Hello,the saying above,I donot think you are totally right.Although TCM have many shortcomings,you cannot deny the real TCM'value and casually assess the necessity of its exist.yes,maybe we seldom know what ingredients work in theplants or other source material and the TCM theory is based on philosophy not science,but science always right? in fact,I only wanna say,both TCM and WM,have their advantages and disadvantages,we cannot simply deny one,medical science is mysterious and great.  last,i wanna tell you ,i am a learner of TCM,study in TCM college,I like my major
  西医的医疗事故和药物灾难并不少 却不断地在宣扬只有他们是有益的  
  中医的庸医让你白花钱  西医的庸医让你白送命


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