
添加方式2.搜索微信号ikekenet添加即可。有关学习的文章_关于学习的散文_随笔作文_美文故事_随笔吧当前位置:>随笔吧,学习专题为你精选关于学习的文章,学习的作文,包括描写学习的美文欣赏,描写学习的随笔、心情日志阅读,发生在学习的感人故事等。日期:&点击:263姐妹小萌约我出来吃饭,一顿饭的时间,几乎全在发泄对她老公的不满:“他纯粹是被他妈惯的,衣服只会扔进洗衣机,换下的鞋从来不知道摆整齐,脱下的袜子永远是反面,油瓶倒...日期:&点击:38三下乡的学习今天算是正式三下乡开始的第一天,可能是已经习惯了工作的缘故,又或者是没有像昨天那样走半个小时的路去买菜,所以真心不觉得比昨天累。一个学期的大学生活已...日期:&点击:263我有个学生,圆滚滚的有如机器猫一般。这小胖子是个话痨,每次上课必然废话不断。而他最喜欢问我的一句就是:“老师,你看我已经学了这么久,怎么还没有进步呢?”我向来不...日期:&点击:974在这个美丽的校园里,我和我的同学们一起快乐的学习和成长,我也从书中学到了很多。在学习中,我曾经沉迷陶醉在诗的海洋中,其中李白和白居易的诗我尤其地喜欢。什么“野火...日期:&点击:1683对于20岁左右的姑娘来说,没有几样东西会比孤单身更可怕。孤单如此地摧残身心迫使我们奋起反抗,“我孤单我乐意”。和这个年龄段会遇到的很多其他的天大的困难一样,当孤...日期:&点击:898学习(摘自《七年悟》,中国迷茫问题攻克第一人 杨奎修 著,云南人民出版社,2015年1月。)标签:学习 杨奎修 迷茫 迷茫怎么办 人生迷茫学习为更好做事,做事为...日期:&点击:786我先说一下,我就不是理性的人,我是一女的,我非常小气,而且还记仇,所以不要再质疑我理性不理性这事了。我写这个想让自己发脾气的时候看看,然后不发火。因为看待问题的...日期:&点击:351最近管理咨询培训界的新亮点似乎是“如何管理90后”,当我看着各种秘籍的时候实际上在想,80后你们应该很开心自己也到了可以说“最近的年轻人啊……”这种话的岁数了吧...日期:&点击:2673你要是天天一大早六点起床,吃顿好饭,奔去教室背两篇新三,八点坐直在教室的前排,使劲不分心不玩手机地听完三节还是四节课,课间练字背单词看报纸,放学奔去食堂抢份好饭...日期:&点击:759早晨坐在便利店里吃早餐,看着外面来来往往的人,我突然想我大学时应该来便利店打工,早早开始看这生活的众生相。许多人说如果重回大学,我要发奋读书努力蹭课好好学英语天...日期:&点击:827踏实的学习(摘自《方向,目标,理想——迷茫问题解决方案》,杨奎修 著,云南人民出版社,2015年1月。)标签:踏实的学习 杨奎修 迷茫 迷茫怎么办 如何走出迷茫...日期:&点击:1225学习是人成长的必由之路,但如果一味地学习,不加思考或梳理,就像往一个口袋里不停地杂乱无章地塞东西,口袋之中因为塞满了无序的东西,空间会因之而变得狭窄,无法...日期:&点击:724法则一:从外在看内在,从别人看自己。 透过别人,你才能认识真正的自己你从别人身上看到的其实是自己。我们对别人的意见,主要是取决于他们使我们看清自己什么,而不是我...日期:&点击:429因为北京市雾霾红色预警,所以北京市中小学生在家自主学习四天。因此,每天都被作业淹没。在家自主学习的日子,并不愉快,相反,枯燥而烦恼,因为没有同学们的陪同,自己一...日期:&点击:1135经过了残酷的期中考试还有月考,我们又可以放松了。而且最开心的是,今天我微机课老师给我们连上了网。好开心啊。大家各玩各的,真应了那句话。晚上宿舍总是说话,如果每人...日期:&点击:993我们为什么要学习?这个问题有很多人都在做题做的吐,却不得不吐好了继续做的时候在心底悲愤的呐喊一句。是的,学习对我们来说到底是怎样的存在?在高考改革的一系列措施颁...日期:&点击:422农民种庄稼,就是这样,每个季节需要播种什么农作物,每个季节会有什么庄稼需要收获,他们都很清楚,这其实对我们日常生活中来说有着莫大的禅理!蔬菜水果,水稻棉花这些都...日期:&点击:677文|生椒牛肉你有多久没有看完一本书了?上次看完一本书是什么时候了?你的身边还有书吗?我不知道你是如何回答这三个问题的,但是就我身边的朋友来说,很多人看完这三个问...日期:&点击:963文|知乎匿名用户这个问题我曾经也想过,因为我爸爸就是一个个体户,我是家里唯一一个上大学的,而且还是出国念的。我家是在中部的小县城里,年收入约20-30万,在县城...日期:&点击:1004桐乡市实验中学703班
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标题: 申请耶鲁的Essay范文欣赏
作者: 文化大革命& & 时间:
标题: 申请耶鲁的Essay范文欣赏下面的这篇作文是一篇极为优秀的范文,作者为 Lanren A Hackney,被耶鲁大学,麻省理工学院和波士顿学院同时录取。原文:
I'M GOING RUNNING TODAY. I am not concerned about my calorie consumption for the day, nor am I anxious to get in shape for the winter season. I just want to go running。
I used to dislike running. &If you don't win this game, you're all running five miles tomorrow,& the field hockey coach used to warn, during those last days of October when the average temperature seemed to be decreasing exponentially. And so, occasionally, my grief-stricken team would run numerous miserable laps around the fields. At the end of these excursions, our faces and limbs would be numb, and we would all have developed those notorious flu- but the running made us better in the long run, I suppose. Nevertheless, I counted down the days until the end of the field hockey season, vowing never to put on a pair of running shoes again. Then I surprised myself by signing up for outdoor track in the second half of sophomore year. I was foolish to have believed that I could ever escape this insidious and magnetic addiction。
Anyone would have thought that I'd be off the team in a few days, but the last week of January caught me splashing through puddles of melted ice, and February winds nearly blew me off the track. I looked forward to practices this time around, to the claps and the persistent cheers of my fellow trackies. I was feeling a &runner's high& spurred by the endorphins released by exercise. But to attribute my affinity for running solely to chemistry diminishes the personal importance that running has for me。
I like running—in the cool shade of the towering oak trees, and in the warm sunlight spilling over the horizon, and in the drops of rain falling gently from the clouds. Certain things become clear to me when I'm running—only while running did I realize that &hippopotami& is possibly the funniest word in the English language, and only while running did I realize that the travel section of The York Times does not necessarily provide an accurate depiction of the entire world. Running lends me precious moments to contemplate my life: while running I find time to dream about changing the world, to think about recent death of a classmate, or to wonder about the secret to college admission
Running is the awareness of hurdles between me running is the desire to overcome them. Running is putting up with aches and pains, relishing the knowledge that, in the end, I will have built strength and endurance. Running is the instant clarity of vision with which I can see my future just one hundred y it is the understanding that these crucial steps will determine victory or defeat。
Running is not the most important thing in the world to me, but it is what fulfills me when time permits. And right now, before the sun goes down, I like to take advantage of the road that lies ahead。
作者: 文化大革命& & 时间:
作者: 文化大革命& & 时间:
1. 生活是不公平的,你要去学会适应它;
2. 这世界不会在意你的自尊,这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就;
3. 高中刚毕业后你不会一下就拿到年薪六万美金的职位,你也不会很快成为拥有车载电话的公司副总,这些都要你自己挣得;
4. 如果你认为你的老师严厉,等你有了老板后再比较,老板可不是终身的;
5. 翻烤汉堡包并不有损你的尊严。你的长辈们用另一个词来描述这份工作,他们称之为机遇;
6. 如果你搞砸了,那不是你父母的错,不要只会发牢骚,要学会吸取教训;
7. 在你出生之前,你的父母并非像现在这样乏味。他们变成今天这个样子是因为这些年来他们一直在为你付账单,给你洗衣服,听你大谈你是如何的酷。在你大谈拯救雨林以免遭受你父母辈的寄生虫的危害时,先把你自己衣橱里的跳蚤除去;
8. 你的学校也许已经不再分优等生和劣等生,但生活却仍在划分;有些学校已经废除了不及格并给你想要多少就多少的机会让你得到正确的答案。但在现实生活中,却完全不同;
9. 生活不分学期,你并没有暑假可以休息,也没有几个人乐于帮你发现自我。你得用你自己的时间去发现;
10. 电视并不是真实的生活,在现实生活中,人们得离开咖啡屋去干自己的工作;
11. 善待那些看似怪异的人,很有可能有一天你会不得不为他们打工。
1. 使用了不少科学词汇,如指数般(exponentially),内啡肽(endorphin),爱好(affinity),这些词汇的应用显然有利于叩击麻省理工学院的大门。
2. 巧妙甚至狡猾地使用了幽默。幽默是个双刃剑,往往容易弄巧成拙,一般人在作文里会尽量避免。然而,作者却大胆地调侃道:跑步时,会去猜想大学招生的秘密 --这简直是在向正在阅读此作文的招生人员叫阵!但是,说这句话的时候,招生的人应该已经为其经历和毅力所触动,而且前面谈到河马单词,已经把作文的节奏调得轻松,这句话会让招生人员会心一笑,拉近了彼此的距离。而随后梦幻般的紧凑道白,为这篇作文留下了非常美妙的收尾。
Lauren 是个可男可女的名字,但从第一段谈论控制体重保持身材就可看出是个女孩。的确,这篇文章透着一股女孩气,精灵机警,如同金庸小说里的某位人物。(转载)
作者: 文化大革命& & 时间:
高二的署假,我到美国去参加了为期两周的夏令营活动。与以前去日本一年、去英国四周相比,这次是时间最短、却是印象最深的一次!我们住在美国的XXX 。参观了XXX,去 XXX 学校上语言课等等。在我感慨美国科技之发达,城市之美丽的同时,我更赞叹美国公众的素质之高,美国环境的保护之好,人们是那样的彬彬有礼,蓝天白云是那样的透彻明亮,让人感到无比愉悦。& && && && && &&&
作者: 文化大革命& & 时间:
本帖最后由 文化大革命 于
04:19 编辑
欣赏三:My childhood left three months ago on a plane to Austria.
It was a sad day, the end of June, when my baby cousins moved away. They had lived nearby for almost five years, and now they were moving to a country too far to visit with any regularity. My cousins were a fundame when they were not with me, they were on my mind. A week had never gone by without a visit from them and I doubted my life would be the same without them. They brought back the untroubled days of my childhood, through games, adventures, and yet they helped mature me from an at-times selfish teenager into a responsible, mature adult.
My aunt and uncle moved to New Jersey from Boston, with their 1-year-old daughter Yasmeen, in the winter of 1998. They lived in an apartment on the side of our house and I was ecstatic to have our family, especially a baby girl, so close to us. Yasmeen had close friendships with each of my sisters, but I knew the one that developed between us was the strongest. As she began to walk on her own and talk in full sentences, I realized the extent of my influence upon her. I would notice her syntax and mannerisms mimicking mine. I also noticed when she’d copy some of my more unpleasant actions, arguing with her mother after I had done the same. Yasmeen made me realize what being a role model really was.
When Maya was born in 2000, Yasmeen had a hard time adjusting. She was jealous of the attention we all paid to her new younger sister, so I did my best to pay attention to her when she might have not been noticed. Once Yasmeen overcame her jealousy, she was able to enjoy Maya’s presence in our lives, like we all did. Maya grew up fast, too, it seemed. Each day, they got a little bit bigger, doing my best to free my schedule for my two favorite people.
My experience with Yasmeen and Maya has brought me to realize the importance of influential people. I know that I have helped Yasmeen and Maya grow, but “the babies” have made an even great impact on my own life. They have shown me how to be a parent, a sister, a cousin, a babysitter, a child, and most importantly, a friend. My relationship with my cousins has made me a better person-a more patient person, with the ability to tolerate endless questio an exuberant person, able to have fun and be happy with others and sometimes, when I’d rather not, fo a role model, showing the babies the ethics of life, right, wrong, and a compassionate person, able to be responsible, forgiving, and loving. Yasmeen and Maya made me know that I can and do affect people’s lives and emotions. They are where I leave a lasting impression. And maybe, as they grow, they won’t remember all the fun times we had, but I do know they’ll remember the things I tried to teach them about life and love and family.
Things to Notice about This Essay英文点评
1.&&The essay has a sharp, strong beginning and a fresh honesty that conveys the events of the author’s life and her outlook.
2.&&The style is simple and the topic is, too. But we believe in this story because of its simplicity.
3.&&The author proves that this has been a significant experience by the lessons she enumerates in the last paragraph.
4.&&The reader needs to know a little more about the circumstances of these moves from Boston to New Jersey to Austria, in order to understand the context of the essay.
5.&&A few more specific examples in the second and third paragraphs would give them the same strength and vividness as the “spilled juice” reference.
6.&&Having shared this interesting story, the author might find a few more insights and results to add to the last paragraph.&&The e the effects might be multiplied.
1、&&这是一篇带有感情描写的申请Essay,属于三种最厉害的Style(Professional, Appealing to Emotion, and Creative)中的第二种。
作者: 文化大革命& & 时间:
欣赏四:My most important experience sought me out. I I didn’t cause it.
My preferred companions are books or music or pen and paper. I have only a small circle of close friends, few of whom get along together. They could easily be counted “misfits.” To be plain, I found it quite easy to doubt my ability to have any sort of “close relationship.”
After the closing festivities of Andover Summer School this past summer, on the night before we were scheduled to leave, a girl I had met during the program’s course approached me. She came to my room and sat down on my bed and announced that she was debating with herself whether she wanted me to become her boyfriend. She wanted my reaction, my opinion.
I was startled, to say the least, and frightened. I instantly said, “No.” I told her I on no account wanted this and that I would reject any gestures she made towards starting a relationship. I would ignore her entirely, if need be. I explained that I was a coward. I wanted nothing whatsoever to do with a relationship. I talked a lot and very fast.
To my surprise, she did not leave instantly. Instead, she hugged her knees and rocked back and forth on my bed. I watched her from across the room. She rocked, and I watched. Doubts crept up on me. Opportunity had knocked and the door was still locked. It might soon depart.
“I lied,” I said. “I was afraid of what might happen if we became involved. But it’s better to take the chance than to be afraid.”
She told me she knew I had lied. I had made her realize, though, how much she actually wanted me to be her boyfriend. We decided to keep up a relationship after Andover.
Even then, I was not sure which had been the lie. Now I think that everything I said may have been true when I said it. But I’m still not sure.
I learned, that night, that I could be close to someone. I also realize, now, that it doesn’t matter whether or not tha the only important thing is the feeling, the closeness, the connection. As long as there is something between two people--friendship, love, shared interests, whatever else--it is a sign that there can be some reconciliation with fear, some “fit” for misfits. And it shows that fear need not
always win, that we can grow and change, and even have second chances.
I am still seeing her.
Things to Notice about This Essay相关点评
1. It follows the standard essay pattern: an introduction (short), a series of supporting paragraphs for the body, and a conclusion (here, a summary paragraph and an end sentence).
2. It has a focus: his anxiety about relationships.
3. It has proof: the story of his conversation with a girl. Again, focused narrative development has made the proof vivid.
4. It is short, to the point, simple, and yet memorable. It is interesting without being grand, noble, or cosmic.
5. The style is simple and direct, employing short sentences and simple words to tell a simple story.
6. It coordinates and enriches an application full of academic achievements and high scores and grades. It is information definitely not found elsewhere in the application.
作者: 文化大革命& & 时间:
欣赏五:Undergraduate College Application Essay Sample
From the time I was able to realize what a university was, all I heard from my mother’s side of the family was about the University of Michigan and the great heritage it has. Many a Saturday afternoon my grandfather would devote to me, by sitting me down in front of the television and reminiscing about the University of Michigan while halftime occurred during a Michigan Wolverines football game. Later, as I grew older and universities took on greater meaning, my mother and uncle, both alumni of the University of Michigan took me to see their old stomping grounds. From first sight, the university looked frightening because of its size, but with such a large school comes diversity of people and of academic and non-academic events.
In Springfield High School, non-academic clubs such as the Future Physicians and the Pylon, both of which I have belonged to for two years, give me an opportunity to see both the business world and the medical world. These two clubs have given me a greater sense of what these careers may be like. In Future Physicians, I participated in field trips to children’s hospitals and also participated in two blood banks.
Currently I hold a job at Maas Brothers. This lets me interact with people outside my own immediate environment. I meet different kinds of people, in different moods, with different attitudes, and with different values. This teaches me to be patient with people, to have responsibility, and to appreciate people for what they are.
In the community I am active in my church Youth Group. As a high school sophomore, I was our church’s representative to the Diocesan Youth Fellowship. I helped organize youth group events, the largest being “The Bishop’s Ball”, a state-wide event for 300 young people. I also played high school junior varsity soccer for two years. As a senior I will be playing varsity soccer, but in the off-season. As a junior I coached a girls’ soccer team for the town. This gave me a great deal of responsibility, because the care of twenty-four girls was put into my custody. It felt very satisfying to pass on the knowledge of soccer to another generation. The girls played teams from other parts of Florida. Though their record was 3-8, the girls enjoyed their season. This is what I taught them was the greatest joy of soccer.
The past three years of my life have given me greater visions of my future. I see the University of Michigan as holding a large book with many unread chapters and myself as an eager child who has just learned to read. I intend to read a probe into all the chapters. The University of Michigan offers me more than the great reputation of this fine school, but a large student body with diverse likes and dislikes, and many activities, both academic and non-academic, to participate in. With the help of the University of Michigan, I will be successful after college and be able to make a name and place for myself in our society.
Things to Notice about This Essay中文点评
1.&&It follows a general essay organization, with an introduction, several body paragraphs about different activities, and a conclusion that returns to the earlier idea of Michigan’s diversity.
2.&&It has no focus but rather jumps around from the school to the writer and from point to point.Notice especially the lack of transition from the first paragraph to the second:&&how did we get from Michigan’s diversity to the writer’s clubs?
3.&&The body paragraphs lack proof:&&What are these clubs and jobs, what did he do in each one, how many field trips were taken, and what was his role?
4.&&What’s Pylon?&&What does he do at Maas Brothers?
5.&&There are plenty of generalizations but no evidence to back up any of them.&&How did these activities give him a greater sense of the career world?&&“Participated” and “interact” are pretty vague words.&&Compare the discussion of Maas Brothers with the hockey ref’s story
6.&&There is very little specific knowledge of what the University of Michigan has to offer.
7.&&The style is rather stuffy and awkward (“while halftime occurred”, “the care of twenty-four girls was put into my custody”).
8.&&Most important, nearly everything described here appears elsewhere on&&the application, under sports, jobs, extracurricular activities, and alumni connections.
9.&&The writer would be well advised to focus on one of the things discussed in this essay.&&Perhaps he could show the reader his work with the girls’ soccer team.&&What he did to make Jennifer and Gretchen and Courtney enjoy soccer even though they only won three of their games would be more vivid than a lot of talk about passing things on to future generations.
10.&&In short, the essay seems full of information and displays adequate form, but it lacks focus and proof.
作者: 安多福& & 时间:
作者: LIUX& & 时间:
作者: LIUX& & 时间:
记得一次面试,一个 Candidate说喜欢吃,最后也拿到了offer,每件事每个人的视角不一样,动人之处更不一样
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作者: dinoway& & 时间:
作者: 文化大革命& & 时间:
本帖最后由 文化大革命 于
11:21 编辑
我在新加坡读了初中高中(same as many of 潜水校友们here),DIY , sat2170, 托112,被northwestern,uiuc录取,and cornell ED拒,comlumbia WL拒,还有N个排名靠前的大U直接拒了。结果我最后选择了英国的学校。
Tea, cool in nature, is a drink for those who act according to their beliefs, and possess virtues of humility.
- The Classic of Tea, Lu Yu (Sage of Tea, Tang Dynasty)
My father loves tea. He used to make it every morning. I, however, did not enjoy its rough bitterness. Neither had I been willing to ask him why he loved it so much: he had always seemed so distant from me.-
The shriveled tea leaves languished in t my father talked to me while performing his routine of tea making on that humid summer night at the dinner table. Time seemed to freeze at that moment. I ran into my room, slammed the door, hid myself in the quilt and cried bitterly. I was not able to understand how a father could decide to leave his daughter behind for three years to work in one of the most remote and impoverished villages in China. As a man of few words, my father left without an explanation a few days later. I comforted myself that my elusive father was just, once again, being elusive.
The dry tea leaves danced gracefully and blossomed like flowers as my father poured boiling water into the glass pot. Visitors from the village where my father had wor they had come thousands of miles to express their gratitude to my father for transforming their village and lives. Clean water, electricity, roads. Harvest, sheep, corns. My father listened attentively, sipping the cup of tea in his hand every now and then. I sat aside, and saw white color in his hair through the rising mist of the tea. I took a cup of tea myself and savored. For the first time the tea was no longer bitter. Its smoothne it traveled down, and left traces of rich, sweet fragrance in my mouth, delicate yet pure. The sweet flavor lingered. I finally understood my father’s love for tea. And like learning to appreciate tea, I finally learnt to read my father.
The aroma of the tea wafts quietly as I make myself a cup of tea every morning. It has been four years since I came over to study on my own in Singapore. Days passed and I learnt more, understood deeper and gained new insights. The great geographical distance did not stop my father's influence on me. I followed his path and embarked on a journey of improving the lives of those around me. The government of my hometown accepted my proposals to implement new measures to improve people’s lives. The free tuition project I organized benefited the less privileged children in the society. It is heartening to see people’s smiles and to realize that like my father, I can make a difference too.
The tea leaves in the cup sink down, forming piles of dark brown layers at the bottom. The water has turned brownish golden. It seems that I have become my father, whose life has been motivated by the respo I believe this motivation will steer mine too.
作者: Jennyww& & 时间:
Running 写得真不错。对平常事的感受和思考,思想的升华自然,而且意犹未尽。特别喜欢结尾,中文的翻译逊色了许多。
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作者: LIUX& & 时间:
文化大革命 发表于
我在新加坡读了初中高中(same as many of 潜水校友们here),DIY , sat2170, 托112,被northwes ...
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文化大革命 发表于
欣赏五:Undergraduate College Application Essay Sample
From the time I was able to realize what a u ...
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