
雨中冷掉 陈思诺
出门在外也不愁谁能告诉我英文歌曲 雨中的节奏 歌词是什么?_百度知道
谁能告诉我英文歌曲 雨中的节奏 歌词是什么?
【雨中的节奏】倾听着落雨的声音它正在说我曾是多傻的一个人我希望小雨快快淡去,留我独自茫然哭泣让我重新走回孤独因为我唯一在乎过的女孩已经远去去寻找一个新的开始但她丝毫不知她走时同时把我的心也一同带去雨啊请告诉我这公平吗她偷走了我的心却一点也不在乎我的心已随她而去我的爱无力重新开始我唯一在乎的女孩已经远去去寻找一个新的开始但她却仍然不知她把我的心也一同带去雨啊请告诉她我是多么爱她请让太阳把我的心照亮雨啊到她心里去滋润我们曾经存在的爱让它再度开始倾听着落雨的声音它在说着我曾是多傻的一个人我希望小雨快快淡去,留我一人茫然哭泣让我重新走回孤独哦,听吧听落雨的声音滴滴嗒嗒……听吧听吧落雨的声音滴滴嗒嗒 Sung by CascadesListen to the rhythm of the falling rain,telling me just what a fool I've beenI wish that it would go and let me cry in vainand let me be alone againThe only girl I care about has gone awaylookin' for a brand new startBut little does she know that whenshe left that day along with hershe took my heartRain, please tell me now does that seem fair,For her to steal my heart awaywhen she don't care I can't love anotherwhen my heart's somewhere far awayThe only girl I care abouthas gone away lookin' fora brand new startBut little does she know thatwhen she left that day along with hershe took my heartRain, won't you tell her thatI love her so, please ask the sunto set my heart aglowRain in her heart and let the love we knewstart to growListen to the rhythm of the falling rain,telling me just what a fool I've beenI wish that it would go andlet me cry in vainand let me be alone againOh, Listen, to the falling rainpitter patter, pitter patter Oh,listen, listen, to the falling rainpitter patter, pitter patter Oh
Rhythm Of Rain Listen to the rhythm of the falling rainTelling me just what a fool I've beenI wish that it would go and let me cry in vainAnd let me be alone againThe only girl I care about has gone awayLooking for a brand new startBut little does she knowThat when she left that dayAlong with her she took my heartRain, please tell me now does that seem fairFor her to steal my heart away when she don't careI can't love another when my heart's somewhereFar awayThe only girl I care about has gone awayLooking for a brand new startBut little does she know that when she left that dayAlong with her she took my heartRain, please tell me now does that seem fair...
听那淅淅沥沥的雨声,它好象在说,我是个傻瓜。 我真希望雨停下来。 让我无望地哭泣, 让我再次孤身单影。 我唯一在乎的姑娘已经离去, 去寻找她的新生活。 然而,她不知道, 当她离去的那天, 也将我的心带走。 雨呀,请告诉我,那样公平吗?她偷走了我的心, 居然毫不在乎。 我无法再爱别人, 我的心已远远漂向异地。 雨呀,你就不能告诉她 我多么地爱她, 请让太阳燃起她心中的爱苗, 让雨滋润她的心田。 让我们爱情之花重新盛开。 哦,听那雨声, 噼哩啪啦。
Rhythm Of Rain Listen to the rhythm of the falling rainTelling me just what a fool I've beenI wish that it would go and let me cry in vainAnd let me be alone againThe only girl I care about has gone awayLooking for a brand new startBut little does she knowThat when she left that dayAlong with her she took my heartRain, please tell me now does that seem fairFor her to steal my heart away when she don't careI can't love another when my heart's somewhereFar awayThe only girl I care about has gone awayLooking for a brand new startBut little does she know that when she left that dayAlong with her she took my heartRain, please tell me now does that seem fair...
天色朦胧。就着一丝淡淡的光,我开始了一次期待已久的Trip.身材矮小就注定在没有位置的情况下坐别人身上。其实,那样也不是不舒服,倒是与人更亲近了。大家一路猜疑着石燕湖的真貌,一路抱怨着来到这样一个鬼地方。于我来说,看到路途中那田园中的低矮楼房,有一种亲切的感觉。窗外飘洒着几滴雨丝。下了车就要徒步上山。一群又一群同伴被船载去了湖心岛。岛上有一座塔。这时想到曾经的一个绘画命题:深山藏古寺。这山还真不够深,这寺也真不够古。到塔中上个香,求个签,再解签吧。呵,这点事便得花上个十来元钱。说得好是行善积德,其实...大家心知肚明。我听说那僧侣里面还穿着阿迪的衣裤。博大精深的中华文化正在被所谓的物质追求一点一点地践踏了罢。我喜欢那一层层台阶,但爬上去有些艰难。远处的山朦朦胧胧,这正是我喜欢的景。笼罩着山尖的是水汽还是云雾。我想在一座幽静的林子里搭一座属于自己的小木屋,或许可以像《绿光森林》里的绿光小学一样。我,日出而作,日落而息。只是现实社会太过繁华,想终究只能归于想。她们在谈笑,我也笑了,然后马上止住自己的笑。如果说一群人在一起给我一种孤单的感觉,我宁愿一个人在雨中漫步。我走在最后,缺少一个好的伴侣:MP4. 如果它在我身边我就有借口了。我好冷。但我不说。我好饿,我也不说。我看不透彼人的心,我只是用自己的方式让彼人快乐。或许我的某些做法也伤害人。也痛了自己。只是偶尔还会想起谁。再说一次HELLO.GOODBYE。高考前的第一次或许也是最后一次集体出游落寞地结束了。这一天只是过得很轻松。却也沉重。&


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