
Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles).The players or pairs take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a net.Unlike many racket sports,badminton does not use a ball:badminton uses a feathered projectile known as a shuttlecock.Since the shuttlecock is strongly affected by wind,competitive badminton is always played indoors.General DescriptionThe players strike the shuttlecock with their rackets so that it passes over the net and into the opponents' half of the court.The rally ends once the shuttlecock touches the ground:every stroke must be played as a volley.In doubles,either player of a pair may hit the shuttlecock (except on service),but only a single stroke is allowed before the shuttle passes again into the opponents' court (unlike volleyball).Players are awarded a point if the shuttlecock lands on or within the marked boundary of their opponents' court,or if their opponent's stroke fails to pass the net or lands outside the court boundary.A rally begins with the service,in which the serving player must strike the shuttlecock so that,if left,it would land in the diagonally opposite service court.In doubles,only one player,the receiver,may return the service (thereafter either player may hit the shuttlecock); the order of doubles service is determined by the Laws,which ensure that all the players shall serve and receive in turn.If the server wins the rally,he w if he loses the rally,the serve will pass to his opponent.In either case,the winner will add a point to his score.A match con to win each game players must score 21 points (exceptions noted below).There are five events:men's singles,women's singles,men's doubles,women's doubles,and mixed doubles (each pair is a man and a woman).
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羽毛球的来历   shuttle是&穿梭&,cock是公鸡,那shuttlecock是什么呢?把公鸡穿梭起来,该是什么?  伊湖居士幼年的时候,听说某局长因贪污受贿案被抓,据说,该局长满后院都是公鸡,用绳子&穿梭&起来,可见贪污受贿之多,莫非shuttlecock是&局长&的意思?或是&后院&或&受贿&?  都不像!  伊湖居士苦苦思索不得其解,就信步某大学操场,不知不觉进入羽毛球场,两方正厮杀得激烈,伊湖居士浑然不觉。  &啪&的一声,一个什么玩意儿正好打在居士眉心,吓了一跳,再看是什么东西打来时,伊湖居士不由得哈哈大笑:真是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫!  原来是羽毛球,就是它!  最早的羽毛球可能是把公鸡串起来,用桌面当球拍来打,&众神之父&宙斯和太阳神阿波罗就是这样玩羽毛球的。而传到人间时,羽毛球就简化成把公鸡羽毛穿在一起了。shuttlecock,羽毛球。扫二维码下载作业帮
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Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles). The players or pairs take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divi...
About Badminton (Olympic sport since 1992)
Made-for-television radar guns instantly flash the speed of serves, volleys and pitches to the sporting ...
篇一:实用句子 300.Snow is going to continue through tomorrow in this area. 本地区降雪将持续到明天过后。 301.Now here is the latest weather forecast. 现在播报最新气象预报。 302.The weatherman says that frost is on its way. 天气预报员说要大雾的天气要来了。 303.Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon. 今天凉爽局部多云,下午有可能降雨。 304.Tomorrow there will be light/heavy rain with a high of 30 degrees. 明天将有小/大雨,最高气温30度。 305.Tomorrow will be overcast with drizzle 明天多云有小雨。 306.It’ll be mild, and later turn to partly cloudy, with the southeast wind. 天气温和转多云,有东南风。 307.Light to no winds with little change of the temperature.清风或无缝,气温变化很小。 308.A light northeast wind is expected for the next two days. 接下来两天预计有轻微东北风。 309.It’ll get colder in the afternoon with a heavy snow. 下午天气转冷有大雪。 310.In the evening there’s a good chance that we’ll get some snow 傍晚很有可能下雪。 311.It’ll be dull tomorrow with a light snow. 明天阴有小雪。 312.Today is a cloudy and cool day with a low of 12 degrees 今天多云凉爽,低温12度。 313.It is quite a warm day with a temperature around 24 degrees.今天很暖和,气温24度左右。 314.It’s going to warm up. 气温要回暖。 315.What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? 316.What’s the weather report? 天气预报怎么说? 317.Will it be a nice day? 天气会好么? 318.How is the weather there? 那的气候怎么样? 319.What’s the temperature? 气温多少? 320.What do you think of the weather here? 你觉得这的气候怎么样? 321.What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow? 明天天气怎么样? 322.It’s nice to see the sun again. 又看到太阳真好。 323.Do you think it’ll be a fine day tomorrow? 你认为明天会是好天么? 324.What did the weatherman say? 天气预报员怎么说? 325.Today is cool and a bit cloudy, isn’t it? 今天凉爽有些多云,不是么? 326.What’s it like outside?外面怎么样? 327.Lovely day, isn’t it? 不错的天儿,不是么? 328.It’s warm and sunny. 天气暖和晴朗。 329.It’s cold for Novermber. 对于11月份来说挺冷。 330.It’s lovely and nice. 天气晴。 331.It’s all right, but it rains a lot. 还行,但是经常下雨。 332.It’s lovely and clear. 天气晴。 333.Fairly mild for this time of year. 就现在这个节气来说天气是相当温和了。 334.We are really going to enjoy a lot of sunshine. 我们真要享受大片阳光了。 335.A perfect day to play outside. 一个出去玩儿的好天儿。 336.It looks like rain. 看起来要下雨。 337.What a beautiful/lovely/awful/terrible day! 多好/糟糕的天儿啊。 338.The heat is killing me. 热死我了。339.The hot weather makes me lazy. 炎热的气候使我变懒。 340.Format of a weather forecast 天气预报的模式。 341.Language features of a weather forecast. 天气预报的语言特点。 Talking about Sports and Activities 谈论运动和活动 342.Haven’t you seen the poster of the friendly basketball match organized by the Students’ Union? 难道你没看到由学生会组织的篮球友谊赛的海报么? 343.Look! There is a colored poster on the notice board. 看!通知栏上有个彩色海报。 344.A poster in the club lounge says there will be a fishing contest this weekend. 俱乐部长廊的海报说这个周末有场钓鱼比赛。 345.Let’s design a poster for it. 让我们给它设计个海报吧。 346.How should we decorate the poster to make it more attractive? 我们怎么样能把海报装饰得更吸引人呢? 347.Look at the poster. It seems that there will be an exciting event happening in the community. 看这个海报,看起来这个社团要有一场精彩的事件发生。 348.Let’s make a poster for the badminton match together. 让我们一起为羽毛球比赛做个吧。 349.There is a basketball match at the college gymnasium. Would you like to go and watch it? 学院馆有一场篮球比赛,你想去看么? 350.Let’s go to support/cheer for our team. 让我们去为我们队加油吧。 351.I’m eager to watch the game. 我很渴望看这场比赛。 352.It says there will be a chess game at the Students’ Center on Sunday. Let’s go to watch it. 据说周日学生中心要举办一场象棋赛,让我们去看吧。 353.Are you going to hold a marathon race next week. 你们下周要举办一场马拉松比赛么? 354.Are you interested in the tug-of-war matches in the college? 你对学院拔河比赛感兴趣么 355.What kinds of sports are you interested in? 你对哪种运动感兴趣? 356.Would you like to join us in supporting the college football team tonight? 你今晚愿意加入我们为学院足球队加油么? 357.Are you a fan for the college team? 你是院队的粉丝么? 358.The Normal University team is not easy to beat. 师范大学对可不容易打败。 359.The match will be exciting. 比赛会很精彩。 360.Both the teams played incredibly well. 两队打得都棒极了。 361.I am crazy about the performance of our team. 我为我们队的表演着迷。 362.Our team had an unbelievable victory against the other school team. 我们队在对另一个对的比赛中取得了难以置信的胜利。 363.Are you interested in fishing? 你对钓鱼感兴趣么? 364.I enjoy fishing a lot. It’s a healthy sport. Why not go fishing with us? 我很喜欢钓鱼,它是一项健康的运动,为什么不和我们一起钓呢? 365.Mountain climbing is a very good outdoor activity. Will you/Would you like to join us in climbing the mountain outside the city this Sunday? 爬山是一项非常好的户外活动,这个周日你愿意加入我们的户外爬山么? 366.Picnicking is an interesting outdoor activity. And most people enjoy having a picnic insummer. 野餐是一项很有趣的户外活动,很多人夏季都很喜欢野餐。 367.It’s sunny today. Shall we go to the beach shore this afternoon? 今天晴,我们下午去海岸怎么样? 368.When and where will the party be held? 派对什么时间在哪里举办? 369.I’d like to invite you to a concert sometime this week. 我这周找个时间想邀请你去听音乐会。 370.Why not join us for an exciting/entertaining evening?为什么不加入我们今晚的活动 371.Thanks for coming to our get-together. 感谢来参加我们的聚会。 372.In that case, you can come to the Christmas Party for overseas students on campus this Sunday. 那样的话,你可以参加本周日校园海外学生的圣诞晚会。 e on in. I want you to meet some of my friends. 来吧,我想你见见一些我的朋友。 374.My wife and kids would be very pleased to have you at our dinner party. 你来参加我们的晚会我妻子和孩子一定会非常高兴。 375.I’ve got your invitation for the dinner party. 我收到了你邀请我参加晚宴派对的邀请函。 376.It’s at 7:30 p.m., on May 5th. And we’ll have it in the Students Center. 5月5日下午7点30分举行,地点在学生中心。 377.The Students’ Union is organizing an English Party for the coming weekend. 学生会在为即将到来的周末组织英语派对。 378.There will also be an exchange corner at the stamp show. 邮票展上也会有个交换角。 379.Are there any special arrangements for overseas students? 有海外学生的特殊安排么? 380.There will be parties, tours with local guides, and visits to people’s homes. 会有派对,当地导游引导观光,参观百姓家。 381.I’d like to participate if it’s not too expensive. 如果不太贵我就参加。 382.Most guests will arrive a little bit earlier, according to Chinese custom. 按中国的习俗,多数客人会早到一点。 383.Casual dress would be quite acceptable for a family gathering. 家庭聚会中穿休闲服会很容易被接收。 384.Generally we Chinese won’t open a gift until the guests leave. 通常我们中国人在客人走之前不会打开礼物。 385.Are you also interested in stamp collecting/collection?
你对集邮还感兴趣么? 386.We’d be so happy to have you at the show. 你参加展览我们很高兴。 387.Would you like to have some Chinese stamps? 你想来些中国邮票么? 388.Are you coming for the IT Show? 你是来参加IT展的么? 389.Let’s go to the third exhibition hall. 让我们去第三展览大厅吧。 390.That’s also one of our purposes for organizing this show/fair. 这也是我们组织这次展览的目(转 自 于: 唯才教育 网:关于羽毛球好处的英语句子二十字海报)的之一。 391.It’ll be in the exhibition center from next Monday till Friday. 从周一到周五它将在展览中心。 392.Will you attend the exhibition that will be held in the International Exhibition Center? 你会参加在国际会展中心举办的展览么? 393.Our company is planning to set up a tradeshow exhibition for international clients. 我们公司正在计划为国际顾客举办一场贸易展览会。 Keeping Healthy and Seeing a Doctor
保持健康和就医 394.I’ve got a sore throat and a bad cough. 我嗓子疼,重感冒。395.It’s my skin. It’s so dry and rough. 是我的皮肤,又干又粗糙。 396.I’ve come down with a bad cold. 我重感冒。 397.I’ve got a bad cough. 我咳嗽的厉害。400.I’ve got a terrible toothache. 我牙疼的厉害。 398.I don’t feel like eating anything. 我什么都不喜欢吃。 399.I have a bad headache and a temperature. 我头疼的厉害,发烧。篇二:羽毛球赛 重庆市水利电力职业技术学院 水利系羽毛球比赛 一、主办单位: 水利工程系 二、活动对象: 在校生 三、活动内容: 女单,男单,团体赛 四、活动背景: 为让我们生环的研究生在忙碌而又紧张的实验之余,能够放松身心,劳役结合。以运动激发灵感,更好地促进科研的开展。同时也为学院发掘羽毛球人才,丰富研究生的业余生活,致力于为研究生们打造一个互相交流、互相学习的平台,我院特策划举办此次的生环学院羽毛球赛。 五、比赛规则: 本次比赛有男子单打、女子单打、男女混双和师生混双四个项目,每一轮比赛都采取3局2胜制。其中男女混双每一局上场的两名队员必须不同;师生混双,3局中可以是一名老师换2名学生或3名学生,由班长自行安排。男子单打、女子单打以11分记一局,先得11分者为赢的一方;男女混双,师生混双以15分记为一局,先得15分者为赢的一方。每局比赛均由抽签确定比赛对手。 五、活动的宣传:由体育部通知各班班长团支书,由班长通知各班同学,并确定参赛名单。原则上每个专业必须派选手参加。六、 奖项设置: 每个项目均决出第一名、第二名、第三名并颁发证书和精美奖品。(注:本次比赛的记录员和裁判员均有奖品补贴。)
七、 比赛详细规则: 1、本次比赛根据实际情况在国际通用羽毛球规则上有一定的修改。 2、参赛队伍须提前15分钟到达比赛场地,由队长向裁判员提交球队队员名单并签字,裁判员由体育学院学生或未参加比赛的班级中有过裁判经验的学生担任 3、在比赛开始时,迟到15分钟的队伍做弃权处理并判对方球队以3:0处理。 4、任何一场正式比赛开始之前,参赛双方首先要做的事是在裁判员的主持下,通过由裁判员抛硬币确定首先发球的一方。硬币决定的胜者具有挑选发球权或场地的优先权。赢方选剩下的一项归输方所有。(注:这里用硬币代替挑边器) 5.比赛中由通过硬币获得发球权的运动员先发球,发1个球后交换发球权,由对方发1球后再交换,直至比赛结束。 6.下一局比赛开始时,均由上一局的胜方先发球。 7.比赛中如有发球方在发球时发出边线、底线或没有过网则算该运动员失误,对方运动员得分。 8.发球方在发球时没有触及球拍有第2次发球的机会、如果第2次发球仍未触及球拍则算该运动员失误对方得分。 八、局数和分数 1.每场比赛师生混双采取单局淘汰制,其余项目采取三局二胜制。 2、其余项目均以11分为一局,先得11分的一方胜该局。 九、交换场地 1. 第一局比赛结束,双方应交换场地进行第二局的比赛。如前二局双方战成1比1时,双方也应交换场地进行决胜局的比赛,即第三局的比赛。在第三局比赛中,当任何一方先得8分(15分为一局)、6分(11分为一局)时,必须再次交换场地后,才能进行余下的比赛。 2. 在比赛中,如选手未按规则规定,按时、正确地交换场地,一经发现,应立即交换、已得分数有效,并继续进行比赛。
十、发球和接发球 (一)合法的发球 有发球权的一方称发球方,对方则称为接发球方。 1.发球时脚不得踩发球区的任何界线。 2、发球开始,发球员的球拍必须连续向前挥动直到将球发出。必须注意的是,发球员开始挥动球拍发球,第一次球未触及球拍,有第二次发球机会,但第二次仍未未击中球,则应视为该球员失误,对方得分。发球时,任何一方都不允许有非法延误发球的行为,一经发现,该局即算对方赢。 3. 在发球过程中,即从发球员的球拍开始挥动直至球拍的拍面将球击出为止,发球员的双脚均不得离开地面或移动。 4. 球体须经球网的上方飞过,落入对方场地的发球区域内才有效。单打有效发球区域的范围是(以右区为例):前发球线、中线、单打后发球线和单打边线之间。左区反之。
(二)合法的接发球。 1.接发球员必须等对方发球员按相应的规定将球发出后,即球托触及球拍的拍面而飞离球拍后,才能移动两脚,并开始接发球,否则属违例。 2.接发球时,接球员的脚不能踏踩在接发球区域四周的任何线上或线外,否则后违例。
七、重新发球:如下列情况发生时应重新发球 1. 发球时如果未超过球网或未触及球拍则重新发球。 2. 发球时,发球员和接发球员同时违例。 3. 当接球员尚未做好准备之前,发球员即发球。 4. 除发球以外,球过网后桂在网上或停在网顶。 5. 在比赛中,不可预见或意外的情况发生。
十一、比赛的连续性及对不端行为的处罚 (一) 一场比赛应从每一次发球开始连续进行直至整场比赛结束。比赛中只有裁判员有权暂停比赛。但有二种情况除外: 第一,每场比赛的第二局与第三局之间,允许有间歇五分钟的休息 第二,比赛中遇到运动员无法控制的情况发生时,裁判员可根据实际需要暂时停止比赛,双方所得分数有效,比赛恢复时从该分数起算。
(二) 下列三种情况发生时,裁判员可给予警告或违例等处罚: 1. 除第二局与第三局之间5分钟的间歇外,比赛进行中,运动员接受场外指导或未经裁判员同意擅自离开场地; 2. 运动员在比赛中故意损坏球,以及有其他任何不利于比赛的行为。
十二、违例 1.比赛中,击球者球拍与球的击球点不在自己球网一方,而是过网击球。 2.发球时,球从网下或网孔中穿过。 3.比赛中,选手的球拍、身体或衣物碰网或网柱;选手的脚或球拍由网下侵入对方场区。 4.击球时,球夹在或停滞在球拍上,紧接着又被拖带。 5.一名球员两次挥拍,连续两次击中球,或是同一方的两名选手连续各击中球一次。 6. 球触及球员的球拍后继续飞行并落在界外。篇三:中专实用英语教案Unit02-campus life Unit 2 Campus Life Plan 1 for Listening & Speaking Lesson (教案1:听说) ▲Teaching Objectives: Enable to get the main ideas and details about majors, food at school and school life from nine short sentences, five conversations and a short passage. ▲ Language Focus(重点内容) 1. Useful Words(听力材料中将出现的有帮助的单词) E-commerce n. 电子商务 on line
在线 badminton club 羽毛球俱乐部 sales lady
女销售员 computer club 计算机俱乐部 2. Focus Function and Patterns(重点句型和习惯表达法) (1) I’m a student of printing technology major. 我是印刷技术专业的一名学生。 (2) Clubs bring me knowledge and fun.俱乐部带给了我知识和乐趣。 ▲ Difficulties: Catch the key words to get the main ideas and details. ▲ Teaching Suggestions(教学建议) 1. Teaching Approach: Audio Lingual Approach … 2. Teaching Aid and Teaching Resource: PPT, recorder, tape… ▲ Language Points be majoring in 就读于??专业 get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽 be famous for 因??出名 take part in 参加 in one’s spare time 在某人闲暇时间 bring sb. sth.带给某人某物 ▲ Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up 1. Vocabulary Link 教师引导学生完成图片配对任务。 2. Game time 游戏目的:进一步扩大学生的词汇量―关于校园地点的英文表达。 组织形式:小组竞赛形式。A. 教师或学生陈述多种地点的特征,让学生猜出校园地点的名称。B. 在规定时间内回答对最多的小组胜出,给予奖励。 例如:Game 1: We can do experiments there and have training lessons there. What place is it?
(Training Room) Game 2: We can surf on internet and play computer games there. What place is it? (Computer Room) Game 3: We have three meals in it everyday.
(Canteen) Game 4: Our home―we play and sleep in it everyday.
(Dormitory) 3. Culture Tip (文化视角) 内容:教师引导学生了解中西方对“某某老师”称谓的用法区别。中文表达在老师前直接加姓或姓名,英语表达则不用“teacher”而常用Mr., Miss, Ms后加姓或姓名。 建议:教师适当拓展,中国人姓名中字词的使用没有性别区分,基本上所有的字男性、女性都可以用,例如“宏”、“ 红”男女均可用来做名字,因此我们不能单单从姓名来推断中国人的性别;但在欧美国家,一般分男名和女名,例如Jack(杰克)是男名,Rose是女名。?? Step 2: Listening in 教师引导学生完成听力的各项任务。?? Step 3: Speaking out 教师引导学生图片描述/看图说话。?? Step 4: Conclusion 教师归纳总结。?? Step 5: Assignment 教师布置适量的作业。??
Plan 2 for Reading Lesson (教案2:阅读) ▲ Teaching Objectives: Enable to understand some posters about clubs. ▲ Language Focus(重点内容) 1. Focus Words and Expression(重点单词13个和词组7个) recruitment, poster, club, poem, welcome, expect, express, special, wonderful, prince, charming, immediately, technology, show sb. sth., share with, pay more attention to, quite a few, right here waiting for, run your brains, make friends 2. Focus Function and Patterns(重点句型和习惯表达法) 1) You can express what you want to say here. 你可以在此表达所感所想。 2) Welcome to the Cinema Club. 欢迎加入电影俱乐部。 3) Don’t waste your time and join us immediately. 别浪费时间,快点加入我们。 ▲ Difficulties: Usage of the number of terms. ▲ Teaching Suggestions(教学建议) 1. Teaching Approach: Audio Lingual Approach, CLT, etc. 2. Teaching Aid and Teaching Resource: tape, recorder, computer, PPT… ▲ Language Points(语言点) 1.poster
n. 海报, 标语,宣传画(广告) e.g.① There is a poster about weekend activities before the teaching building. 教学楼前有一张关于周末活动的宣传海报。 ② Do you like the style of this poster? 您喜欢这种风格的海报吗? 2. recruitment
n. 招聘,征募新兵,补充 e.g. ① There is a recruitment of Science Club. 科学俱乐部正在招聘。 recruit
v. 补充,征募,招聘;n. 新兵,新会员 e.g. ② We recruit a lot of new members every year. 我们每年招聘大量新会员。 3.expect to do sh.
想做某事,打算做某事 e.g. ① Do you expect to visit Beijing this year? 你今年想游览北京吗? ② I expect to buy a laptop this summer vacation. 这个暑假我想买部手提电脑。4.welcome
vt. 欢迎;n. 欢迎;a. 受欢迎的 e.g. ① Welcome to Guangzhou. 欢迎来到广州。 ②They gave us a passionate welcome. 他们给了我们一个热烈的欢迎。 ③ Mr. Zhang is welcome among our class. 张老师在我们班受欢迎。 5.special
a. 特别的,专用的;n. 特派员,专车,专刊,特色菜 e.g. ① His hair style is very special today. 他今天的发型很特别。. ② Today’s special is sweet and sour fish. 今天的特色菜是酸甜鱼。 6.immediately
adv. 立即,马上 = right now / at once e.g. ① Call the police immediately! 马上叫警察来! 7.technology
n. 工艺,科技,技术 e.g. ① Science technology is developing very quickly. 科学技术发展日新月异。 ② My brother works in IT (Information Technology) field. 我兄弟就职于IT行业。 8.share with
分享,共享 e.g. ① I share my dormitory with five roommates. 我和五个舍友共享一间宿舍。 ② Can you share your book with me? 我们一起看这本书可以吗? 9.pay attention to
注意 e.g. ① Please pay attention to your spelling. 请注意单词拼写。 ②You should pay attention to that crazy dog. 请注意那条疯狗。 10.make friends
交朋友 e.g. ① He makes a lot of friends. 他交友广泛。 ② Making friends is also a kind of art. 交朋友也是一门艺术。
▲ Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Lead-in / Pre-questions 灵活运用各种方式导入课堂,吸引学生的注意力。 There are many clubs in technical school such as music club, sports club. What’s your interest? Find some clubs you’re interested in and eoll. They will eich your campus life. … Step 2: Word Study 词汇学习。?? Step 3: Intensive Reading (精读篇) 阅读理解,讲解语言点,要求突出重点,化解难点。?? Step 4: Internet Surfing /Post-reading 教师引导学生使用与俱乐部、社团 (Association)有关的关键词上网搜索,增加阅读量,快速捕捉有用信息,开拓视野,养成健康上网的习惯。?? Step 5: Conclusion 教师归纳总结。?? Step 6: Assignment 教师布置适量的作业。??Plan 3 for Oral Communication Lesson (教案3:口头交际) ▲ Teaching Objectives: Enable to talk about dormitory and roommates. ▲ Language Focus(重点内容) 1. Focus Function and Patterns(重点句型和习惯表达法) When asking your partner about his/ her dorm and roommates, you may ask: 1. Do you like your dorm/dormitory? Why? 2. How many people are there in your dorm? 3. What do you think of your roommates? 4. Do you get on well with each other? 5. Where do they come from? 6. What are their hobbies? 7. Do you often play together? 8. Would you like to move to another room? Your partner may answer: 1. I like (don’t like) it very much because… 2. There are …people in it. 3. Good./ Not bad. /Just so so. 4. Yes. / No. 5. Some of them come from…and some of them come from… 6. Playing football and … 7. Yes. / No. 8. Yes. / No. ▲ Difficulties: Use patterns to make a dialogue about dormitory life. ▲ Teaching Suggestions(教学建议) 1. Teaching Approach: CLT, ?? 2. Teaching Aid and Teaching Resource: PPT, computer, recorder, tape… ▲Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Reviewing / Lead-in 复习上两节课的重点知识或其他方式导入新课。?? Lead-in: Do you like your new school? Why? What are the new things? How can we eich our campus life? Step 2: Extensive Reading(泛读篇) 教师引导学生在10分钟内快速捕捉文章中有用信息,帮助理解篇章的大意和细节。?? Step 3: Oral Communication 1. Dialogue 教师组织学生听读对话,指出应注意的语音语调,帮助学生理解对话的背景及内容,并归纳有用的句型句式。??2. Pair work / Team work 要求:教师解释活动的具体要求,组织学生进行口头交际活动。 组织步骤:(1)收集相关句型句式组织句子;(2)2~4人一组进行对话;(3)教师巡视指导;(4)几组同学上台表演,其他同学给出建议;(5)教师小结。 3. Group Discussion 要求:教师布置小组调查的任务,组织学生开展开放性话题的讨论及汇报。 组织步骤:(1)解释活动的具体要求和布置任务;(2)每组派代表表述寄宿生活的便利; (3)引导学生发表观点― 学生时代外出租房的利与弊。 建议:对于基础好或英语要求较高的班级,可将全班学生分为正方(赞同不内宿和外出租房)和反方(反对不内宿和外出租房),要求双方课前准备,进行课堂辩论。 Step 4: Conclusion 教师归纳总结。?? 【以下如何成为宿舍中受欢迎的人的建议可根据实际情况适当拓展。】 T: Dormitory life is an important part of campus life. We should cherish our life. Getting on well with roommates is very important. We live together in a dorm for two years and we share the same feeling with each other. Friendship will last all our lives. How to get on well with your roommates? How to be popular among them? Here are some tips for you. 1. Go back room on time. 2. If you have something good, share them together with roommates. 3. Go shopping or do sports together with them. 4. Help each other both in study and daily life. 5. Tidy yourself and your things up everyday. 6. Seldom borrow money from roommates. 7. be active in spring-cleaning (大扫除). 8. When there’s a dorm meeting, please don’t be absent. Step 5: Assignment 教师布置适量的作业。??
Plan 4 for Grammar & Exercise Lesson (教案4:语法与练习) ▲ Teaching Objectives 1. Enable to understand what is called the number of terms and the usages of countable and uncountable nouns. 2. Enable to use the single and plural forms of nouns correctly. 3. Enable to understand the usage of numerals (cardinal number & ordinal number基数词和序数词). 4. Enable to write sentences with proper numerals. ▲ Language Focus 1. The usage of single form and plural form of countable nouns.


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