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常见汉译法句子正误分析-I ●北京外国语大学 傅荣 作者简介:北京外国语大学法语系主任、教授、中国法语教学研究会副会长、全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试法语专家委员会委员、法国《应用语言学》(ELA)杂志外籍编委、北京外国语大学学术委员会委员。 《法语学习》刊物曾连载新华社应鸿先生的“百例新闻翻译误正之比较”的文章,读后令人印象深刻,很受教益。今天,笔者受其启发,也将自己近来的教学和翻译实践体验诉诸笔端,求教于国内外同行。 特别需要说明的是,翻译说到底就是一种解释,就是译者在充分理解原文的基础上,用另一种语言解释原文。理解不同,解释便有差异。所以,翻译不可也不应该指望有所谓的惟一正确答案,但一定有错误或者不当的译法,当然也一定有更好的译法。本着这一信念,笔者在下文中所指“误”译,即包含着明显错误的翻译和不恰当的翻译两方面的问题;同样,下文中所指“正”译,只是一个改进建议,仅供参考,千万不能视为定论。 1. 一定要不断提高人民的生活水平。   应该说这是一个国人耳熟能详的句子,看似简单,但要译成准确、地道的法语,应注意避免下面的翻译: [误] Il faut augmenter sans cesse le niveau de vie du peuple. 最主要的问题是,augmenter与其宾语名词le niveau属于比较常见的法语动宾搭配不当,因为augmenter虽然有“提高、增加”的意思,但其宾语一般都是内含数字或数量概念的名词,如augmenter le salaire,augmenter la température,augmenter le prix等,而本句中的“水平”显然指的是生活质量,属抽象或概念化名词。 另外,“人民”这个词法译时,要尽可能少用le peuple,因为le peuple在法语里具有很强的政治和国家色彩,是个非常郑重的
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法语高手帮帮我 中文翻法文 && 禁止翻译软体 (急) 可以再加分
(不要翻译软体 && 我看得出来)我法语不好 请帮我中文翻法语 句子尽量通顺 文法也畅偿扳锻殖蹬帮拳爆哗通顺一点 拜托高手 (急需)以下我将以简单的演讲告诉我学校的学生们那些流浪汉的生活条件。让他们了解流浪汉的生活和特徵 首先 ,流浪汉们主要的生活条件 他们都有强壮的身体 因为他们都吃别人剩下的食物 流浪汉们经常翻垃圾桶 捡瓶子 拿去赚他们的基本生活费还有 他们必须做好心理准备 忍受人们的异样眼光他们必须知道如何养活自己 和打理自己有很多的原因造成一些人 成为流浪汉因为经济因素 或是因为家庭破碎 有肢体障碍 等等的原因造成他们无家可归 成为流浪汉我们可以经常看到流浪汉 在路边 翻垃圾桶 捡些瓶瓶罐罐 因为他们只能捡瓶子 拿去卖钱 买些他们需要的基本生活物品 或是食物我们也可以看到 有些流浪汉 翻垃圾桶 捡些大家吃剩的食物 (还可以吃的食物) 填饱他们的肚子流浪汉们 都必须要有如铜墙铁壁的身体 抵挡 那些 不乾净的食物 和抵挡外面的疾病有时候 当天气冷的时候 只能以纸箱来保护自己 所以健康对他们是很重要的 因为流浪汉们 没有足够的金钱 去买些 基本的生活用品所以他们摆著碗或是盒子 和人们讨钱他们必须忍受人们的异样眼光 看待他们但他们不介意 他们只想要有钱 去买食物和基本生活物品也有些流浪汉们 用他们擅长的事 去赚钱 例如弹奏乐器等等的流浪汉们的生活是很艰辛的 没有人可以体会到他们的辛苦我们生活在有水有电 有房子 的好环境里很难去体会 无家可归的生活如果我们可以提供一些食物或者是 提供我们平常不会用到的生活用品 给他们我想这对他们是很有帮助的 希望每个人 只要看到有流浪汉在路边 随手捐个钱 帮助他们
以下是我逐句给你做的翻译,没有用软件,希望能帮到你,还有,你的一些语句是重复的,是刻意的吗?我就按照你写的都翻译了。我将以简单的演讲告诉我学校的学生们那些流浪汉的生活条件。Je vais vous faire un décours en bref aux élèves de notre école sur la vie de clochard 让他们了解流浪汉的生活和特徵 Pour qu’ils comprennent leurs vies首先 ,流浪汉们主要的生活条件 他们都有强壮的身体 因为他们都吃别人剩下的食物 Tout d’abord, la condition de la vie des clochards, ils ont la bonne santé grâce à manger les nourritures jetant par les autres流浪汉们经常翻垃圾桶 捡瓶子 拿去赚他们的基本生活费Les clochards fouillent souvent
la corbeille pour ramasser des bouteilles à échanger s frais de subsistance de base还有 他们必须做好心理准备 忍受人们的异样眼光D’ailleurs, ils doivent être préparés psychologiquement d’accepter l'œil désapprobateur des gens他们必须知道如何养活自己 和打理自己Ils doivent prendre en compte comment se nourrir et prendre soin d'eux-mêmes有很多的原因造成一些人 成为流浪汉Il y a de nombreuses raisons poussent certaines personnes à devenir un clochard因为经济因素 或是因为家庭破碎 有肢体障碍 等等的原因Soit la raison financière, ou la raison de famille, ou bien à cause de handicaps physique造成他们无家可归 成为流浪汉Tous ces problèmes
causent leurs sans abri我们可以经常看到流浪汉 在路边 翻垃圾桶 捡些瓶瓶罐罐 On voit souvent que les clochards fouillent
la corbeille pour ramasser des bouteilles à échanger s frais de subsistance de base因为他们只能捡瓶子 拿去卖钱 买些他们需要的基本生活物品 或是食物Parce qu'ils ne peuvent que utiliser ces bouteilles à gagner les sous d’acheter plus de produits dont ils ont besoin de subsistance basique ou de les nourrir 我们也可以看到 有些流浪汉 翻垃圾桶 捡些大家吃剩的食物 (还可以吃的食物) 填饱他们的肚子On voit aussi que les clochards fouillent les poubelles à chercher les nourritures jetée par les autres (mangeables) à remplir leur ventre流浪汉们 都必须要有如铜墙铁壁的身体 抵挡 那些 不乾净的食物 和抵挡外面的疾病Clochard doit avoir un très bon état de santé à se nourrit par les alimentations détruites, et résister aux maladies en dehors de有时候 当天气冷的时候 只能以纸箱来保护自己 所以健康对他们是很重要的 Parfois,
quand il y a la tempête, ils protègent eux même, donc un corps sain pour eux est très important因为流浪汉们 没有足够的金钱 去买些 基本的生活用品Clochard n’a pas assez d'argent pour acheter des fournitures de subsistance de base所以他们摆著碗或是盒子 和人们讨钱Donc, ils se tenaient bol ou une boîte sous les yeux des gens pour demander des l’argents他们必须忍受人们的异样眼光 看待他们Ils doivent supporter des traitements étranges des passants但他们不介意 他们只想要有钱 去买食物和基本生活物品Mais ça les gène pas, ils veulent justement d’avoir les sous pour acheter les éléments basiques pour vivre也有些流浪汉们 用他们擅长的事 去赚钱 例如弹奏乐器等等的Certains clochards gagnent de l'argent avec les choses qu'ils sont bons, comme un instrument de musique流浪汉们的生活是很艰辛的 La vie de clochard est très difficile没有人可以体会到他们的辛苦Personne peut comprendre leur difficiles我们生活在有水有电 有房子 的好环境里Nous vivons dans un bon environnement avec de l'eau et l'électricité et une maison很难去体会 无家可归的生活Ça fait difficile à comprendre la vie des sans-abri如果我们可以提供一些食物或者是 提供我们平常不会用到的生活用品 给他们Si nous pouvons fournir aux clochards de la nourriture ou de fournir les nécessités quotidiennes que nous ne seront plus 我想这对他们是很有帮助的 Je pense qu'il
serait très instructif pour eux.希望每个人 只要看到有流浪汉在路边 随手捐个钱 帮助他们J’espère que tout le monde puisse donner de l'argent aux clochards à les aider de vivre mieux
张小娴好的爱情和坏的爱情是很容易分别出来的,因为你们携手漫步在草原上,使你妒忌的时候心存愧疚,使你不害怕老去,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界.,因为即使年华老去。你不会担心十年后,最广阔的时候也只是上床的时候,人於是变得愈来愈狭隘。好的爱情是能够令本来没有理想没有大志的你,就没必要再相依下去。坏的爱情使你的世界愈来愈狭窄,最狭窄的时刻也不过是大家在床上的时候, 如同在一片一望无际的草原上漫步。坏的爱情。好的爱情是你透过一个人看到世界。好的爱情让你时刻反省自己付出的够不够多,也无非是井底之蛙,没有别的可恋;本来偏激的你变得包容,当雨停了,变得不再惧怕,你也不会失去对方,而不是在屋檐下避雨,变得有理想和大志;本来骄傲的你变得谦逊,是最挤逼的了。好的爱情,你们的步伐不一致,爱得死去活来希望能把原文的韵味体现出来。好的爱情使你的世界变得广阔.;本来自私的你变得肯为人设想。坏的爱情与这一切全然相反。如果满意还会追加分数
本来骄傲的你变得谦逊, the most capacious moment is only in bed too,最后只剩下屋檐下一片可以避雨的方寸地, ignorant of everything。 你不会担心十年后. What a bad love can offer is exactly the contrary,也无非是井底之蛙, 如同在一片一望无际的草原上漫步,因为即使年华老去,你唯一可见的将来就是爱情, the tightest moment is when you are in bed together,因为你们携手漫步在草原上, while a bad love will let you forsake the world for just one person, just like strolling on a prairie stretching to the horizon; 本来自私的你变得肯为人设想. With a good love,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界; but for bad love你好的爱情和坏的爱情是很容易分别出来的; and when the rain stops,是最挤逼的了; transform you from being radical to forgiving。 坏的爱情与这一切全然相反。 坏的爱情,你们的步伐不一致,就没必要再相依下去. A bad love shrinks your world into straitness.,最广阔的时候也只是上床的时候。 好的爱情是你透过一个人看到世界, selfish to considerate and apprehensive to confident;本来没有安全感的你, 人於是变得愈来愈狭隘,当雨停了. 好的爱情是能够令本来没有理想没有大志的你, feel guilty when you are jealous and expel the fears of aging because you know you won’t lose your loved one even after growing old,爱得死去活来, so much so that you are left with a spot under the eaves just for rain shelter。 It is easy to distinguish between a good and bad love。 好的爱情让你时刻反省自己付出的够不够多. You won’t worry about your non uniform paces ten years later because you are strolling hand in hand on the prairie instead of sheltering from the rain under the eaves. A good love transforms your world into amplitude,使你妒忌的时候心存愧疚, you have a vision of the whole world through your loved one. For good love。 好的爱情, although madly in love yet they are just like frogs in a well, 使你不害怕老去, that will be the most spacious already.. And the persons will become more and more narrow-minded, for them there is no more need to hang on together…… 注,变得有理想和大志; 本来偏激的你变得包容; your only foreseeable future is love and nothing else to cherish,最狭窄的时刻也不过是大家在床上的时候,没有别的可恋. A good love will prompt you to hitch your wagon to a star,你也不会失去对方, 而不是在屋檐下避雨, arrogant to modest,变得不再惧怕:hitch your wagon to a star 。 好的爱情使你的世界变得广阔. A good love let you constantly reflect the degree of your contribution。 坏的爱情使你的世界愈来愈狭窄, that’s the most squeezing you can feel,那已经是最大的空间
Good love and bad love Zhang Xiaoxian
Good love and bad love is very easy to separate them.
Good that you love the world has become wider, as in an endless steppe for a stroll.
Bad that you love the world more and more narrow, only the last one can shelter under the eaves of Fangcun Di.
Love is good to see you through a world of love is bad for a person you give up the world.
Good love, the most narrow the moment but is also in bed all the time, is the most crowded.
Bad love, the most extensive time just go to bed when it is already the largest space,
So people become more and more narrow-minded, love in the Siquhuolai, is none other th...
Good love and bad love is very easy to separate them.
Good that you love the world has become wider, as in an endless steppe for a stroll.
Bad that you love the world more and more narrow, only the last one can shelter under the eaves of Fangcun Di.
Love is good to see you through a world of love is bad for a person you give up the world.
Good love, the most narrow the moment but is also in bed all the time, is the most crowded.
Bad love, the most extensive time just go to bed when it is already the largest space,
So people become more and more narrow-minded, love in the Siquhuolai, is none other than Jingdizhiwa.
Good love is to make n...
呵呵~ 比较难。 散文是最难翻译的!
Good love and bad love Zhang Xiaoxian
To distinguish good love and bad love is very easy .
Good love makes the world become wider, like walking in an endless steppe for a stroll.
Bad love makes the world more and more narrow,
the last place that can shelter you is under the eaves of Fangcun Di.
you can see the whole world through good love while you may abodon the world because of bad love.
Good love, the moment you feel most narrow is also in bed all the time, is the most crowded.
Bad love, the most extensive time just go to bed when it is already the largest space,
So people become more and more ...
是Good love and bad love Zhang Xiaoxian
Good love and bad love is very easy to separate them.
Good that you love the world has become wider, as in an endless steppe for a stroll.
Bad that you love the world more and more narrow, only the last one can shelter under the eaves of Fangcun Di.
Love is good to see you through a world of love is bad for a person you give up the world.
Good love, the most narrow the moment but is also in bed all the time, is the most crowded.
Bad love, the most extensive time just go to bed when it is already the largest space,
So people become more and more narrow-minded, love in the Siq...
Good love and bad love
Good love and bad love is easy to differentiate.
Good love can widen your world, like wandering on a piece of grasslands which spreads out fa
Bad love can narrow your world, only leaving you a place to protect yourself from
Good love is that you see the bad love is that you abandon the world for a man.
For good love, the narrowest moment is what we are on bed and it is the narrowest.
For bad love, the widest moment is just what we are on bed, which is really the widest.
Thus one becomes more and more narrow-minded, hovering between life and death as he is for ...
good love and bad love are easy to make out
good love,which spreads your world,is just like walking on a vast grassland.
bad love,which limits your world,only leaves you a small piece of eaves to hide from rain.
good love means you seeing the whole world through someone,bad love means you losing the whole world for someone.
good love gives you the least space on bed.
bad love gives you the most space on bed,too.
so people becomes more and more narrow-minded.
They are no more than a frog in a dark well,no matter how much love they have.
good love makes a lazy boy firm and mature.
good love turn extrame into mercy,turn conceit into mo...
Love and bad love Zhang Xiaoxian good love and bad love is very easy to separate them. Good that you love the world has become wider, as in an endless steppe for a stroll. Bad that you love the world more and more narrow, only the last one can shelter under the eaves of Fangcun Di. Love is good to see you through a world of love is bad for a person you give up the world. Good love, the most narrow the moment but is also in bed all the time, is the most crowded. Bad love, the most extensive time when the only bed,That is already the largest space, then people become more and more narrow-minded, love in the Siquhuolai, is none other than Jingdizhiwa. Goo...
Good and bad love love love Zhang Xiaoxian good and bad of love is very easy to separate them. Good that you love the world has become wider, as in an endless steppe for a stroll. Bad that you love the world more and more narrow, only the last one can shelter under the eaves of Fangcun Di. Love is good to see you through a world of love is bad for a person you give up the world. Good love, the most narrow the moment but is also in bed all the time, is the most crowded. Bad love, the most extensive time when the only bed,That is already the largest space,,So people become more and more narrow-minded, love in the Siquhuolai, is none other than Jingdizhiw...
Good love composes in reply bad love Zhang Xiao Xian
Good love and bad love are very easy to part for out. Good
love makes your world become vast, like rambling in on
grasslands being vast in extent in a slice. Bad love makes
your world narrower and narrower , eave distance of a time
of a state of mind being able to take shelter from rain is
left finally only. Good love is that you see the world
through one people , bad love is that you give up the world
for one people. That good love , the narrowest moment also
are just everybody when on bed, has been to compel push
against most. Bad love , the vastest moment also are only
The good love and bad love Zhang Xiao Xian the good love and the bad love are very easy to come out separately. the good love causes your world becomes broad, is similar to strolls on a piece of vast prairie. the bad love causes your world to be getting more and more narrow, finally is only left over a square inch place which the eaves next piece may take shelter from the rain. the good love is you sees the world by a person, the bad love is you, for a person discards the world. the good love, the narrowest time is also everybody on bed's time, was most crowds. bad love, broadest time also is only goes to bed, that already was the biggest space, the pe...
Good love with bad love Zhang Xiao3 Xian2
Good love with bad love I am very easy to come out respectively.
The good love make you of the world become vast, like in the one look endless of steppe top stroll.
The bad love make you of the world be more and more narrow, end the inch ground of the square who leave under the eaves one and can seek shelter from rain.
The good love is you to see world through a person and the bad love be you to abandon world for the sake of a person.
Good love, the most narrow time also however is everyone at bed up of time, is most crowded to force of.
Bad love, vast of the time also just go to bed of time, that ...
Good love and bad love Zhang Xiaoxian
Good love and bad love is very easy to separate them.
Good that you love the world has become wider, as in an endless steppe for a stroll.
Bad that you love the world more and more narrow, only the last one can shelter under the eaves of Fangcun Di.
Love is good to see you through a world of love is bad for a person you give up the world.
Good love, the most narrow the moment but is also in bed all the time, is the most crowded.
Bad love, the most extensive time just go to bed when it is already the largest space,
So people become more and more narrow-minded, love in the Siquhuolai, is none other th...


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