
Unit&16&你的中名是什么? Lesson&31 Lesson&32 Unit&17&鸟窝中的布谷鸟 Lesson&33 Lesson&34 Unit&18&看标签! Lesson&35 Lesson&36 Unit&19&松鼠问题 Lesson&37 Lesson&38 Unit&20&平凡的生活 Lesson&39 Lesson&40 Unit&21&天气预报 Lesson&41 Lesson&42 Unit&22&我会规规矩矩的! Lesson&43 Lesson&44 Unit&23&相当高&&也相当引人注目! Lesson&45 Lesson&46 Unit&24&小测验 Lesson&47 Lesson&48 Unit&25&卡伦省了些钱 Lesson&49 Lesson&50 Unit&26&成绩单 Lesson&51 Lesson&52 Unit&27&零花钱 Lesson&53 Lesson&54 Unit&28&她甚至不存在! Lesson&55 Lesson&56 Unit&29&没人比保罗好! Lesson&57 Lesson&58 Unit&30&巨型鱿鱼 Lesson&59 Lesson&60 Rhymes&and&Songs Vocabulary Appendix
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Unit 17 鸟窝中的布谷鸟 (2)_第4页_沪江英语学习网
新概念 青少版 2B
Unit 17 鸟窝中的布谷鸟 (2)
Listening 听力
The speaker stresses the word that reflects his or her point of view. Listen to therecording, and underline the stressed words. 说话者会强调反映其观点的词。听录音,用下划线标出被强调的词。1.I don’t have much bread in the house, but there’s plenty of rice.2.Claire didn’t have many friends a year ago.3.We don’t eat much meat, but we like to eat some.4.I don’t have much time, but I can manage a few minutes.5.They don’t have much time for going to the gym.6.We don’t have much time before the exams, but we’re going to be OK.7.Vikki doesn’t eat much chocolate, because she doesn’t eat between meals.8.Lucy didn’t eat many chocolates, because she shared them with the boys.9.ack didn’t have much sleep last night, but he’s feeling all right.10.Paul and Claire went to the Marathon Party last night, so they didn’t havemuch sleep.
Match the Questions and Answers 问答搭配Can you match the questions on the left with the answers on the right? Write them down.你能从右栏中找出左栏中问题的回答吗?把它们写下来。Multiple Choice 选择填空Choose the correct answer to fill the blank a, b, c or d. Then look at the text inLesson 33. 从a、b、c 和d 中选出正确的答案填空,然后查看第33 课的课文。
1.Ken Bruce is an engineer. He’s also _______ birdwatcher. (lines 1-2)a) enthusiastic& b) an enthusiastic& c) enthusiastically& d) the enthusiastic2.The cuckoo watched _______ . (line 9)a) patient& b) patiently& c) a patient& d) at patiently3.The little birds _______ to get food for the baby cuckoo. (lines 17-18)a) talked& b) watched& c) appeared& d) hurried4.The baby cuckoo picked up the other eggs _______ with its back. (lines 20-21)a) politely& b) easily& c) quietly& d) suddenly
第十七单元《鸟窝中的布谷鸟》PDF 格式:
修改的建议:新概念 青少版 2B
Unit 17 鸟窝中的布谷鸟 (1)_沪江英语学习网
新概念 青少版 2B
Unit 17 鸟窝中的布谷鸟 (1)
Listening and Understanding 听力理解Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: Who are all enthusiastic birdwatchers now? 听录音,然后回答问题:现在谁是观鸟爱好者?
Paul’s father, Ken Bruce is an .He’s also an
Last , two little birds
in his . Ken
a , and invited his
on.Everyone watched .Soon, there was a little . Then, another bird arrived. It was a .The cuckoo watched .Three little eggs appeared in the nest.
The cuckoo waited. , she had her chance. The mother wasn’t there.The cuckoo
to the nest. In two seconds, there was a fourth egg beside the other three.
After twelve days, the young cuckoo
hatched.The little birds hurried to get food for the baby cuckoo.
Ken’s neighbours watched .The baby cuckoo picked up the other eggs easily with its back, and pushed them out of the nest. The birds returned and pushed food into its mouth. After twenty days, the cuckoo was !On 6th May, it opened its wings. In a moment, the nest was empty. The show was over.Ken’s neighbours are all enthusiastic birdwatchers now, of course!
修改的建议:朗文外研社 新概念英语 青少版 2B学生用书 最新版 附盘
『陕西尚友图书有限责任公司』的联系方式为029-, 029 ,联系人:谢彩云 &nbsp
图书定价:40作者:L.G.Alexander 英)Julia Alexander英)Roy Kingsbury(英)著书名:朗文外研社 新概念英语 青少版 2B学生用书 最新版 附光盘题材:教材教辅考试类出版社:外语教学与研究出版社
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基本信息书名:新概念英语(青少版)2B学生用书(*MP3和DVD)原价:40.00元作者:L.G.Alexander (英)Julia Alexander(英)Roy Kingsbury(英)著出版社:外语教学与研究出版社出版日期:2008...
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联系电话:新概念 青少版 2B
Unit 17 鸟窝中的布谷鸟 (1)
Listening and Understanding 听力理解Listen to the recording, and then answer this question: Who are all enthusiastic birdwatchers now? 听录音,然后回答问题:现在谁是观鸟爱好者?
Paul’s father, Ken Bruce is an .He’s also an
Last , two little birds
in his . Ken
a , and invited his
on.Everyone watched .Soon, there was a little . Then, another bird arrived. It was a .The cuckoo watched .Three little eggs appeared in the nest.
The cuckoo waited. , she had her chance. The mother wasn’t there.The cuckoo
to the nest. In two seconds, there was a fourth egg beside the other three.
After twelve days, the young cuckoo
hatched.The little birds hurried to get food for the baby cuckoo.
Ken’s neighbours watched .The baby cuckoo picked up the other eggs easily with its back, and pushed them out of the nest. The birds returned and pushed food into its mouth. After twenty days, the cuckoo was !On 6th May, it opened its wings. In a moment, the nest was empty. The show was over.Ken’s neighbours are all enthusiastic birdwatchers now, of course!
'Guided Conversation 对话练习1 Answer questions about the text. 根据课文回答问题。 2 Ask questions about the text. 根据课文提问。Example: Ken / ...' http://i1./topic/shaoerjiaocai2220.jpg 分享到:
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