HTML5browser supportwithCSS3DorWebGLsupportrequired,是什么意思

作者:霍根(Brian P. Hogan)(作者), (合著者), (译者), (译者), 朱嵬(译者)
出版社:人民邮电出版社; 第1版 (日)
外文书名: HTEL5and CSS3 Develop with Tomorrwo's Standards Today
丛书名: 图灵程序设计丛书
商品尺寸: 23.2 x 18.4 x 1.6 cm
商品重量: 422 g
如果不想使用Flash,不妨看看《HTML5和CSS3实例教程》是如何在页面中嵌入音频、视频和矢量图的。此外,书中关于Web Sockets、客户端存储、离线缓存和跨文档消息机制的内容将为你免去不少Web开发之苦。简单的CSS3亦将丰富页面区域的样式。如果你作为Web设计师担心旧浏览器的兼容问题,《HTML5和CSS3实例教程》中相应的解决方案将为你排忧解难。Web和移动开发必读掌握技术走向,自信应对未来轻松实用、细致入微。
作者:(美国)霍根 (Brian P. Hogan) 译者:李杰 刘晓娜 朱嵬 合著者:柳靖
第1章 HTML5和CSS3概述 1
1.1 一个新的Web开发平台 1
1.1.1 更多的描述性标记 1
1.1.2 较少依赖于插件的多媒体支持 1
1.1.3 更强大的Web应用 2
1.1.4 跨文档消息通信 2
1.1.5 Web Sockets 2
1.1.6 客户端存储 2
1.1.7 更精美的界面 2
1.1.8 更强大的表单 2
1.1.9 提升可访问性 3
1.1.10 先进的选择器 3
1.1.11 视觉效果 3
1.2 向后兼容 3
1.3 未来之路崎岖不平 4
1.3.1 IE 5
1.3.2 可访问性 5
1.3.3 废弃的标签 6
1.3.4 企业利益的竞争 7
1.3.5 HTML5和CSS3仍在改进 8
第一部分 改善用户界面
第2章 新的结构标签和属性 10
2.1 实例1:用语义化标记重定义博客 11
2.1.1 以正确的文档类型声明为基础 13
2.1.2 头部 13
2.1.3 尾部 14
2.1.4 导航 14
2.1.5 区段和文章 15
2.1.6 文章 16
2.1.7 旁白和侧边栏 17
2.1.8 旁白绝非页面侧边栏 18
2.1.9 添加样式 19
2.1.10 回退 21
2.2 实例2:使用自定义数据属性创建弹出窗口 22
2.2.1 行为与内容的分离,或者说为什么设置onclick不好 22
2.2.2 提升可访问性 23
2.2.3 废弃onclick 23
2.2.4 自定义数据属性来解围 24
2.2.5 回退 25
2.2.6 未来展望 25
第3章 创建易用的Web表单 27
3.1 实例3:使用新的输入域描述数据 28
3.1.1 改进AwesomeCo项目中的表单 28
3.1.2 创建基础表单 29
3.1.3 使用range类型创建滑块 29
3.1.4 使用选值框处理数字 30
3.1.5 日期控件 30
3.1.6 email类型 31
3.1.7 url类型 31
3.1.8 color类型 32
3.1.9 回退 32
3.1.10 替换颜色选择器 33
3.1.11 Modernizr 34
3.2 实例4:使用autofocus属性定位第一个表单域元素 34
3.3 实例5:使用placeholder属性进行提示 35
3.3.1 简单的注册表单 36
3.3.2 阻止自动完成 37
3.3.3 回退 38
3.4 实例6:基于contenteditable属性实现在位编辑 42
3.4.1 账户表单 42
3.4.2 持久化数据 44
3.4.3 回退 44
3.4.4 创批建编辑页面 44
3.4.5 未来展望 47
第4章 用CSS3打造更好的用户界面 48
4.1 实例7:使用伪类渲染表格 49
4.1.1 优化付款清单样式 49
4.1.2 使用:nth-of-type条纹化表格的行 51
4.1.3 使用:nth-child对齐列文本 52
4.1.4 使用:last-child加粗最后一行 53
4.1.5 使用:nth-last-child向前查找元素 54
4.1.6 回退 55
4.1.7 修改html代码 55
4.1.8 使用JavaScript 56
4.2 实例8:使用:after和content支持打印页面上的链接 57
4.2.1 使用CSS 57
4.2.2 回退 58
4.3 实例9:创建多列布局 60
4.3.1 分栏 60
4.3.2 回退 63
4.4 实例10:使用媒体查询构建移动设备界面 65
4.4.1 回退 66
4.4.2 未来展望 66
第5章 增强可访问性 67
5.1 实例11:使用ARIA角色提供导航提示 68
5.1.1 标志角色 68
5.1.2 文档结构角色 70
5.1.3 回退 71
5.2 实例12:创建可访问的可更新区域 71
5.2.1 创建页面 72
5.2.2 polite和assertive更新 74
5.2.3 atomic更新 74
5.2.4 隐藏区域 74
5.2.5 回退 76
5.2.6 未来展望 76
第二部分 新的影音解决方案
第6章 在canvas上绘图 78
6.1 实例13:绘制logo 78
6.1.1 绘制logo 80
6.1.2 添加文字 81
6.1.3 绘制线条 81
6.1.4 移动原点 82
6.1.5 添加颜色 83
6.1.6 回退 84
6.2 实例14:使用RGraph绘制统计图 84
6.2.1 使用HTML描述数据 85
6.2.2 将HTML内容转换为条形图 86
6.2.3 显示备用内容 87
6.2.4 回退 88
6.2.5 未来展望 90
第7章 嵌入音频和视频 92
7.1 发展历史 92
7.2 容器和编解码器 93
7.2.1 视频编解码器 94
7.2.2 音频编解码器 95
7.2.3 容器和编解码器协同工作 96
7.3 实例15:音频 96
7.3.1 建立基本列表 97
7.3.2 回退 98
7.4 实例16:嵌入视频 99
7.4.1 回退 101
7.4.2 HTML5视频的限制 103
7.4.3 音频、视频和可访问性 104
7.4.4 未来展望 105
第8章 柔化视觉体验 106
8.1 实例17:创建圆角 106
8.1.1 圆角化登录表单 107
8.1.2 特定于浏览器的选择器 108
8.1.3 回退 109
8.1.4 检测对圆角的支持 109
8.1.5 jQuery Corners 110
8.1.6 自制表单圆角插件 111
8.1.7 生成圆角 111
8.1.8 微调 112
8.2 实例18:使用阴影、渐变和变换 113
8.2.1 基础结构 113
8.2.2 增加渐变 115
8.2.3 给标志加上阴影 115
8.2.4 旋转标志 116
8.2.5 调节背景的透明度 117
8.2.6 回退 118
8.2.7 旋转 119
8.2.8 渐变 119
8.2.9 透明度 120
8.2.10 整合 120
8.3 实例19:使用实用的字体 122
8.3.1 @font-face 122
8.3.2 字体格式 123
8.3.3 改变字体 124
8.3.4 回退 125
8.3.5 未来展望 126
第三部分 HTML5延伸
第9章 客户端数据的使用 128
9.1 实例20:使用localStorage保存参数设置 129
9.1.1 创建参数表单 130
9.1.2 保存和加载设置 131
9.1.3 应用设置 132
9.1.4 回退 132
9.2 实例21:在客户端关系数据库中保存数据 135
9.2.1 浏览器中的CRUD 135
9.2.2 留言的前端展现 136
9.2.3 连接数据库 138
9.2.4 创建留言表 139
9.2.5 加载留言 139
9.2.6 获取指定记录 140
9.2.7 插入、更新和删除记录 141
9.2.8 包装 143
9.2.9 回退 144
9.3 实例22:离线运行 145
9.3.1 使用manifest定义缓存 145
9.3.2 manifest和缓存 146
9.3.3 未来展望 147
第10章 使用其他API锦上添花 148
10.1 实例23:维护历史记录 148
10.1.1 保存当前状态 149
10.1.2 获取先前状态 149
10.1.3 默认状态 150
10.1.4 回退 150
10.2 实例24:跨域对话 151
10.2.1 联系人列表 152
10.2.2 发送消息 153
10.2.3 支持页面 153
10.2.4 接收消息 155
10.2.5 回退 156
10.3 实例25:使用Web Sockets进行即时通信 157
10.3.1 即时通信界面 157
10.3.2 与服务器交互 159
10.3.3 回退 160
10.3.4 什么是Flash套接字策略 161
10.3.5 服务器 162
10.4 实例26:Geolocation 162
10.4.1 定位Awesomeness 163
10.4.2 如何定位 163
10.4.3 回退 164
10.4.4 未来展望 166
第11章 未来的发展方向 167
11.1 CSS3变换 167
11.2 Web Workers 170
11.3 原生拖放支持 171
11.3.1 拖放事件 172
11.3.2 释放元素 173
11.3.3 修改样式 174
11.3.4 拖动文件 175
11.3.5 并不完美 175
11.4 WebGL 176
11.5 Indexed Database API 176
11.6 客户端表单验证 176
11.7 前进! 177
附录A 功能快速索引 178
A.1 新元素 178
A.2 属性 178
A.3 表单 178
A.4 表单域属性 179
A.5 可访问性 179
A.6 多媒体 180
A.7 CSS3 180
A.8 客户端存储 181
A.9 其他API 181
附录B jQuery入门 183
B.1 加载jQuery 183
B.2 jQuery基础 183
B.3 修改内容的方法 184
B.3.1 hide和show 184
B.3.2 html、val和attr 184
B.3.3 append、prepend和wrap 185
B.3.4 CSS和类 185
B.3.5 链 186
B.4 创建元素 186
B.5 事件 187
B.5.1 绑定 187
B.5.2 原始事件 187
B.6 document.ready 188
附录C 音频和视频编码 189
C.1 音频编码 189
C.2 为Web进行视频编码 189
附录D 资源 191
附录E 参考书目 193
猜你感兴趣HTML5, CSS 3D Transforms and WebGL are a very new technologies and so many browsers and systems
still have different implementations, a different level of support and also different issues.
The krpano HTML5 Viewer internally deals with all these differences and tries to provide the same output
with the best possible performance on all systems and browsers.
The currently supported systems and browsers of the krpano HTML5 Viewer are:
(iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)
The viewer is perfectly optimized for these devices.
There should be no display or controlling issues.
The viewer should work also fine in all other Safari / WebView based iOS browsers and apps, but there can be issues,
like a wrong display orientation, when these features are not correctly implemented in these browsers / apps.
The memory on these devices is limited and when too much memory will be used (too big or too much images
at the same time on the html page) then the Safari Browser will simply crash. To avoid this, always keep an eye on the pixel-sizes
of all images (pano and layout / skin images).
iOS Version Notes:
iOS version 7.1 or higher is recommended.
iOS version 7.0 has several memory leaks and is pretty instable.
The minimum iOS version for multi-resolution is 5.1.
The minimum iOS version for normal panos is 4.1.
(Windows, Mac, Linux)
Goolge Chrome Version 20 or higher is needed (Version 20 is the first Chrome version
with correct CSS 3D rendering, all older versions had '3D-clipping' issues).
The pano display will be only correct when WebGL and/or hardware-accelerated CSS 3D Transforms is available.
The overall working, performance and support is very good.
Chrome supports Multi-touch-usage also on the desktop.
(Windows, Mac, Linux)
Firefox Version 10 or higher is needed (the first version with CSS 3D support).
The pano display will be only correct when WebGL and/or hardware-accelerated CSS 3D Transforms is available.
Multi-touch-usage on the desktop is working the most time, but sometimes Firefox forgets the touch-control and starts sending mouse-events instead (Firefox bug).
The overall working, performance and support in WebGL-mode is very good.
In CSS3D mode there can be several different rendering errors (depending on the Firefox version and on the system),
so krpano embedding script tries to avoid using Firefox in CSS3D mode.
Note - Firefox doesn't support mp3/h264 audio/video codecs, so there different file-formats need to be used.
(Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows RT, Windows Phone 8)
Internet Explorer Version 10 or higher is needed (the first version with correct HTML5, XML and CSS 3D support).
Works the same for the desktop and the 'Metro/Windows 8' IE10 version.
Windows 8 Tablets are supported too, but non-ARM tablets will be detected as 'Desktop' -
Microsoft doesn't allow to detect if the device is a desktop or just a tablet.
The overall working and performance is good.
There are only some performance-problems when using textfields with shadows-effects.
That means for best performance in IE, the usage of shadows should be avoided or limited.
The IE10 sometimes shows small graphics/display errors - the edges of elements (like the cube-faces or hotspots) can become visible because of rendering-errors.
IE10 supports Multi-touch-usage on mobiles, tablets and also on desktops.
New: With IE11 also WebGL and the HTML5 Fullscreen API will be supported.
(Windows and Mac)
Safari 5.1 or higher is recommended.
Works fine with good performance.
Only the Window-Safari version has some issues - the mouse-moving can be sometimes blocked/hanging for a a short time
(but the mouse-wheel and keyboard controls are working during this time) and
the memory-need on can be very high and lead to browser crashes.
(before Android 4.4)
Android 4.0 or higher is needed.
For HTML5 multiresolution the Android browser need to support WebGL.
The CSS3D support from the Android stock browser is too buggy for HTML5 multiresolution.
The CSS 3D transforms support in the Android stock (=typically WebView-based) browsers is still
a bit unreliable and unpredictable at the moment.
Even with the same Android version there can be rendering differences and issues
between different Android devices. Some devices might work very well while others might have
The CSS 3D transforms itself will be only displayed correctly when the Android browser is able
to use Hardware-Acceleration!
In some situations (low-gpu-memory?) the browser can switch automatically to an
internal so called 'tiled based ',
which is extremely slow and extremely bad and buggy.
There will be strange graphics errors or mirrored cube images in this case.
When the CSS3D rendering itself is working, then the rendering performance is good up to very good.
The browser stability depends often on the currently available RAM.
Goolge Chrome Version 20 or higher is needed (Version 20 is the first Chrome version
with correct CSS 3D rendering, all older Chrome versions had '3D-clipping' issues).
Many devices have a preinstalled Chrome 18 version - they will require an update via the
Android Playstore before Chrome can be used to view panos. The krpano embedding script will
report unsupported Browser for Chrome 18.
The overall working, support and stability is very good and the performance differes from
okay up to very good.
The new Webkit-based Opera browser works very fine.
It works like Android Chrome, but additionally has
WebGL enabled by default. Both - CSS3D and WebGL are working very well.
Internally in krpano, the Opera browser will be detected as Chrome browser.
Firefox Version 18 or higher is needed (the first version with corrected touch-events
and well performing CSS 3D support).
The Android Firefox browser provides CSS3D and WebGL for the pano rendering:
In CSS3D there are still some clipping bugs (can become visible when zooming out) but
the performance itself is very good.
WebGL is slow before Android Firefox 22, but with version 22
Mozilla has dramatically improved the WebGL performance, so that, when Firefox 22
or higher will be used, the krpano viewer will automatically prefer WebGL over CSS3D.
See also the
for information about these preference settings.
The overall working, support and performance (with Firefox 22 and WebGL) is very good.
Some BlackBerry devices are supporting WebGL and when WebGL is available and enabled the panos are working fine.
There is only one small issue/bug in the BlackBerry browser - images that were build via &canvas& elements can't be uploaded as textures - they will be always black.
For krpano support/functionality this means that the preview-panos will be always black on BlackBerry devices.
Everything else is working fine with very good performance.
The krpano viewer is currently being developed and tested on:
Windows systems
Several typical Desktop and Notebook devices with different Windows versions (XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1)
Sony Vaio Tap 20 (Windows 8.1 Multitouch desktop system)
Microsoft Surface (Windows 8.1 RT)
Mac OSX systems
MacMini 2011
MacBook 2010
Android devices
Samsung Galaxy S3 (Android 4.3)
Samsung Galaxy S5 (Android 4.4.2)
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Android 4.0.4)
Google Nexus One (Android 2.3.6)
Google Nexus S (Android 4.1.2)
Google Nexus 7 (Android 4.4.2)
Google Nexus 9 (Android 5.0)
Asus Transformer Pad TF700T (Android 4.2.1)
Medion Lifetab S9512 (Android 4.0.4)
BlackBerry devices
Playbook (OS 2.1)
iOS devices
iPad 1 (iOS 5.1.1)
iPad 2 (iOS 6.0)
iPad 3 (iOS 8.0.2)
iPad Air (iOS 8.1)
iPad Air 2 (iOS 8.1)
iPad Mini (iOS 7.1)
iPad Mini Retina (iOS 8.0.2)
iPhone 3GS (iOS 6.0)
iPhone 4 (iOS 4.3.3)
iPhone 4 (iOS 8.1)
iPhone 5 (iOS 8.0.1)
iPhone 5 (iOS 8.1.1 beta)
iPhone 6 (iOS 8.1)
iPhone 6 Plus (iOS 8.1)
iPod Touch 2.Gen (iOS 3.1.3)
iPod Touch 4.Gen (iOS 6.0)
Windows Phone devices
Nokia 630 (Windows Phone 8.1)
Nokia 930 (Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1)
Viewer support - Cubical and flat panos only
The krpano HTML5 Viewer itself currently only supports cubical and flat panoramic images.
Why? &rA With the HTML5 CSS 3D transforms it is only possible to transform flat html surfaces in 3D space.
And this only allows to the usage of panoramic formats with flat surfaces like the six flat sides of a cubical pano or the flat surface of a flat pano.
Tools support - Spherical, Cylindrical and Cubical
To be able to use also other formats like spherical or cylindrical, the krpano Tools and Droplets can be used.
They can convert such images (only images with hfov=360) automatically to cubical images and
also set automatically viewing-range-limitations to avoid seeing
the unused parts of the converted cubical images.
The krpano HTML5 Viewer itself is the krpano.js file.
The krpano HTML5 Viewer can be only loaded by the .
That embedding script will load the HTML5 viewer automatically when needed and available (depending on the
embedding setting).
When using the krpano Droplets, a single all-contained '.js' file will be created.
In that .js file the embedding script and the HTML5 viewer are merged into one single file.
In this case, only that file need to be included in the html file.
(iPhone, iPad, Android)
For optimal performance and stability on mobile devices like iPhone, iPad and Android mobiles and tablets,
either multi-resolution panos should be used - or alternative smaller cube images be provided.
The krpano HTML5 viewer would be able to load also the bigger desktop images and scale them down on-the-fly,
but for more efficiency the availability of already downscaled images would be better. The loading is also faster this way.
For controlling the cube sizes on the mobiles devices there are
settings available.
There are several ways for providing smaller images for mobile devices:
Use dedicated mobile images (for mobiles and tablets) and specify them in xml via a &mobile& element
inside the &image& element:
&cube url="pano_%s.jpg" /&
&cube url="mobile_%s.jpg" /&
Use dedicated images and use the
setting to control which
images should be used on which device:
&image devices="Desktop"&
&cube url="pano_%s.jpg"
/& &/image&
&image devices="Mobile"&
&cube url="mobile_%s.jpg" /& &/image&
&image devices="Tablet"&
&cube url="tablet_%s.jpg" /& &/image&
&image devices="iPad+Retina"& &cube url="ipad3_%s.jpg"
/& &/image&
Combine both methods from above - e.g.:
&cube url="pano_%s.jpg" /&
&mobile devices="mobile"& &cube url="mobile_%s.jpg" /& &/mobile&
&mobile devices="tablet"& &cube url="tablet_%s.jpg" /& &/mobile&
Note - see the also the
for embedding the viewer into the html page.
Since version build , the krpano HTML5 viewer is also supporting the .
With it and when the browser supports it (btw - iOS currently not), it is possible to switch to fullscreen mode also with HTML5.
For detecting if the fullscreen mode is supported and available, the
xml devices setting
and the actions
variable should be used.
Notes about &iframe&gt usage:
When trying to use the HTML5 Fullscreen mode from an viewer within an iframe, it is necessary to add the allowfullscreen
parameter (and the non-standard browser versions of it) to the &iframe& declaration.
This tells the browser that this iframe is allowed to switch to Fullscreen mode.
&iframe ... allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"&&/iframe&
Note - when the iframe usage is not 'allowed', some browsers might not report this correctly, so the
devices setting can tell a wrong availability in this case!
The krpano
tool and its MAKE PANO / MAKE VTOUR droplets
are having new
settings for automatically using the krpano HTML5 viewer and for automatically generating smaller images
for mobile usage.
The settings which are important for HTML5 are (click on the setting for details about it):
# set the html5 usage
# convert spherical/cylindrical to cubical
# generate dedicated smaller mobile images
=&mobile& &cube url="[PATH]" /& &/mobile&
Note - when increasing the default sizes for mobile images, then also the
setting need be increased!
There are several ways to test the krpano HTML5 Viewer on Desktop while keeping the default Flash usage.
setting as url parameter
Add and enable the
setting in the html:
embedpano({...., passQueryParameters:true});
Enter the pano / tour url and add
as parameter:
Disable (temporary) the Flash plugin
Firefox: Add-Ons &rA Plugins &rA 'Shockwave Flash' &rA Disable
Chrome: enter 'chrome://plugins/' &rA click on 'disable' for all 'Shockwave Flash' plugins
Safari: Settings Menu &rA Security Tab &rA uncheck 'enable Plugins'
IE: Settings Icon &rA Security Menu &rA check 'ActiveX-Filtering'
For testing / simulating iPhone or iPad devices on Desktop a
embedding setting can be used. When this settings is set, the viewer will act like on these devices (except the mouse/touch controlling) -
the same layout scaling, the same
settings, the same pano images.
(included in the viewer
package) is using that setting together with an iPhone / iPad background and an original sized viewing window.
The krpano HTML5 Viewer is still missing some features (like partial-panos and object-movies) that are only available
in the krpano Flash Viewer, but it is only a matter of time until they will become available / supported too.
The HTML5 browsers and devices are becoming better and better with each version and krpano will do so and
take advantage of these improvements.
Having the same interface for the two systems - Flash and HTML5 - has already some big advantages -
a pano or tour need to done only once, the transition from Flash to HTML5 itself is almost seamless.
(State: krpano 1.18)
The krpano Flash and HTML5 Viewers are already offering almost the same level of functionality,
so listing all supported functionality would be too long and therefore only the currently not supported functionality
will be listed here:
Unsupported functionality:
Multiple pano frames (multiframe/objects) - currently not possible, but already in work.
Lensflares - currently not possible, but already in work (for WebGL).
Unsupported xml elements / variables / actions:
Flashplayer related:
Multiresolution related:
Global Layer Settings:
(Note - don't mix up these settings with the normal layer/plugin/hotspots element settings, there these settings are supported of course!)
Layer/Plugin/Hotspot Elements:


更多关于 css input required 的文章

