
Here are all of the posts tagged ‘Weixin’.
WeChat now has 355 million active users
According to , WeChat has now grown to 355 million monthly active users (MAUs), and up from 271.9 million monthly users in Q3, 2013. It is important to note that WeChat had 30.6% of growth on monthly active users from Q3 2o13 to Q4 2013 base on
calculation of MAUs. It looks like the intensive competition between the chat apps giants will be continuing in 2014. It is still hard to predict who will be championing this battle with WhatsApp being owned by Facebook, which has 465 million monthly active users and Japan’s leading Chat app – Line (who have not revealed their active user figures) with 350 million registered users.
Facebook eventually opens office in Indonesia
, their newly opened office in Jakarta does not come as a surprise.
, Facebook also identified that Indonesia as one of the key countries to help Facebook reach the next billion in its user base. Dan Neary, Facebook Asia Pacific vice president points out the market potential:
We have 65 million users in Indonesia — that’s 90 percent of everybody that’s online. We’re also focusing on the 80 percent of Indonesians who are still not connected, and so there’s lot of opportunities for us to collaborate with the government and public sector.
Social numbers from Tencent
The leading Chinese social media giant, Tencent experienced a robust growth with $3.15 billion in profit in 2013. From , it clearly shows that Tencent intends to focus more on mobile and ecommerce. The company seems to be very keen on integrating both WeChat and ecommerce, in order to dominate the market share in China.
Here are the key platform statistics:
Monthly active Instant Messaging (“IM”) user accounts were 808 million, a decrease of 1% QoQ or an increase of 1% YoY.
Peak simultaneous online IM user accounts were 180 million, an increase of 1% QoQ or an increase of 2% YoY.
Combined MAU of Weixin and WeChat were 355 million, an increase of 6% QoQ or an increase of 121% YoY.
Monthly active Qzone user accounts were 625 million, an increase of 0.3% QoQ or an increase of 4% YoY.
Peak simultaneous online QQ Game Platform user accounts were 8.5 million, an increase of 4% QoQ or a decrease of 3% YoY.
(Note: Please see the difference between WeChat and Weixin as defined by Tencent: “In view of the evolution of Weixin and WeChat from communications services to multi-functional platforms, we have revised the definition of combined MAU of Weixin and WeChat since the fourth quarter of 2013 to denote the total number of user accounts that sent out one or more messages via Weixin/WeChat or conducted other proactive operations on Weixin/WeChat, such as logging into Game Center or updating Moments, at least once during the last calendar month prior to the relevant date. Comparative figures have been restated to conform to the current period’s presentation.”)
Time spent on digital increasingly outdoing television
The time US adults spend using mobile phones for the first time, with averages of 151 minutes and 147 minutes per day respectively, according to research by Millward Brown. In China, people spend an average of 170 minutes a day on their phones, more than double the TV time, and people in Indonesia, the Philippines, Brazil and Vietnam also spend more time on their phones than Americans. Interestingly, eMarketer sources show that mobile accounts for significantly less time than TV, though for the first time . This study concludes that US adults spent five hours and nine minutes every day on digital media, compared with four hours and 31 minutes in the previous year:
The UK’s figures are slightly behind: in 2013, TV accounted for more time than digital. However, this is , when digital will account for three hours and 41 minutes of the average adult’s day, compared to three hours and 15 minutes of television. Of this digital time, non-voice usage of mobile phones will account for one hour and 49 minutes.
Instagram photos with faces get more likes and comments
Research conducted at Georgia Tech has found that Instagram photos that contain faces are
and 32% more likely to be commented on. Saeideh Bakhshi, a researcher on the study, attributed this to a human urge to see the faces of others, and found it interesting that this translated into an online context.
Google releases ‘Android Wear’ software
Google has , in the hope to gain traction in the smartwatch market. The video below shows off some recent advances in the field.
Forrester argues that Facebook is failing marketers
A blog post from Forrester Research has argued that . Having made a similar point last October, the piece’s author points to low organic reach, discontent amongst brands and fears over fake fans as reasons to concentrate social efforts on other platforms.
Facebook growing its share of mobile ad dollars
The mobile ad business is growing fast. Up by 105% in 2013, it is forecast to exceed a value of $31.5bn this year. Google remains the biggest player, though its market share is decreasing due to the . With just 5.4% of mobile ad dollars in 2012, Facebook’s share increased to 17.5% in 2013 and is set to grow to 21.7% in 2014.
Facebook games are hugely popular
According to new statistics, Facebook gaming is an . Roughly 375 million people (a quarter of the network) play Facebook games each month, and 735m referrals are sent every day. The most popular game? You guessed it. Candy Crush, of course.
Share Facebook albums with a limited selection of friends
Facebook launched v8.0 of its app for the iPhone and iPad recently, with an interesting new feature: users can now . Users can already do this for photos and status updates, despite it being reported that this feature, too, was brand new.
TED takes over category on Facebook Paper
of Facebook’s standalone news feed app, Paper, last week. The move was in line with the TED 2014 conference and sees Facebook looking to source high quality content for Paper.
The difficulty of Twitter for brands
Last week, we marked Twitter’s 8th birthday with , who discussed the development of Twitter as a social network. She pointed out some of its difficulties, highlighting a slowing user growth and decrease in timeline refreshes. She attributed these in part to confusion felt by new users, as well as weaker relationships than on other social networks. This comes at the same time as research that suggests that 30.6% of brands are still : 45.1% of brands cited their greatest challenge as “measuring ROI and results”, followed by “building an audience” (42.1%) and “engagement” (36.8%).
Twitter trialling new features, may drop @replies
Twitter is testing a number of new features this week, including the potential of. The change is included in the alpha version of Twitter’s new Android app and it’s believed that this may be part of a wider move across the network.
Naturally, the move has led to debate about the effects across Twitter. We Are Social’s about the issue, saying:
Since inception Twitter’s been making changes to try and make the platform less confusing. Recently, these developments have picked up even more pace, perhaps as a result of its recent first earnings announcement, where attracting and holding on to new users was flagged as an issue for the platform.
Yesterday’s news that Twitter is experimenting with phasing out @ replies completely won’t be popular with loyal Twitter users – change never goes down well, especially to something as fundamental as the @ reply.
Many see this as one of Twitter’s key differentiators, and the new Twitter tests look more like what happens when you tag people in Facebook posts. But with Twitter’s current focus clearly tuned into keeping new users engaged, rather than placating its existing community, it’s unlikely the prospect of short-term protest will disrupt its long-term plans.
In addition, two more features are being tested. First of all, a new reach figure will allow you to ascertain . This should prove useful for brands’ analytics, though Twitter may end up regretting the decision to show people how few followers are seeing each tweet. The second feature, , allows users to siphon off a select set of contacts and view their tweets in a separate stream.
Twitter pulls #Music app
Twitter has . Existing users have until 18th April with the app, which hoped to make the most of the popular topic of conversation on the network. That one goes down as a failed experiment.
Pinterest looking to grow revenue and users
Pinterest is planning to introduce adverts, with a . Evidently, the network is aiming its offering at premium brands, though no date has been announced for their launch as yet. This isn’t the only recent move aimed at revenue driving, , curated entirely from buyable items, which it hopes will raise further money from e-commerce.
The network is also looking to expand into new markets and is now available in four additional languages: , ,
Vimeo buys Cameo
Video-sharing platform , the mobile, cloud-based app that that aids in shooting, styling and sharing short films. Kerry Trainor, Vimeo’s CEO, said of the move:
Vimeo is committed to empowering all creators, and the ubiquity of HD camera phones is driving the largest wave of video creation ever seen. What we love about Cameo is that it gives even novice video-makers the power to create beautiful, well-crafted videos.
We Are Social launches evian on Snapchat
We Are Social has been working with evian to , in a campaign which shared exclusive content from evian’s latest ad ahead of its official release. You can see the trailer for the video below. It’s .
Carlsberg brings happy hour to Instagram
Danish beer brand Carlsberg is
in exchange for Instagram photos. Dubbed ‘Happy Hour 2.0′, the campaign asks users to share an image with the name of the venue and #HappyBeerTime (whatever that may be), thus benefitting the drinker, the bar and the brand.
Not your average pitcher of Heineken
Heineken has asked Twitter followers to send in a , themed around “going beyond what you’re capable of”. The campaign received more than 1,800 tweets and a winner will be selected on a number of criteria including creativity, entertainment value and the pitch’s 15 second feasibility. The winner’s pitch will be brought to life and premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival. Here’s one of our favourites.
Man and wife. Man has obsession with banana. Banana ruins their marriage and kills the wife. Man and banana get married.
— Jack Hinders (@Hinders6)
Taco Bell promotes its new breakfast menu
US fast food chain Taco Bell is launching a breakfast menu, and promoting it by and dropping others in secret locations revealed to Twitter followers. These phones will be sent challenges by the restaurant, which can be completed by posting to Instagram or Twitter. They are also capable of phoning Taco Bell HQ. You know, just for a chat.
Nivea Men signs Jamie Redknapp up for Facebook campaign
Soccer pundit Jamie Redknapp stars in , appearing in a fictional show named ‘Redknapp’s Grassroots Round Up’. The programme takes the form of humorous, scathing reviews of amateur soccer, into which Facebook users can insert pictures of their friends, while selecting particular insults.
‘No make up selfies’ create Cancer charity windfall
As you may well already know, a number of selfies appeared on Facebook this week, taken by women without makeup, in aid of Cancer Research. Two separate Guardian articles discussed the key issues that the meme highlighted: the first pointing out the, the second arguing that this only came about after it was .
The effect of Turkey’s Twitter ban
The Turkish government banned citizens from using Twitter last week, in an attempt to prevent the spread of dissent. However, users initially found , including a quick and easy change to a device’s DNS. In fact, data that We Are Social released to the press has shown that the ban has pushed the number of Tweets in Turkey to record numbers, as :
The main effect so far of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s Twitter ban seems to have actually been inspiring more people to tweet. Banning Twitter is clearly a counterproductive move that will ultimately have the opposite effect to that intended. The Internet was designed to route around obstacles like PM Erdogan, and its users will continue to find ways to do so.
It appears people in Turkey are enjoying the challenge, tweeting via text message, through an anonymous VPN, by changing their DNS — and it seems even those who may have had little interest in tweeting before are now getting involved. As numerous politicians all over the world have discovered to their detriment in the past, it’s not clever to pick a fight with social media. It’s not one they’re likely to win.
The Budget on Twitter
The launch of the 2014 budget by the UK government saw a , with 150,000 mentions of #Budget2014 and 40,000 of #ToryBingo. The latter came after the government reduced the tax on bingo, which received significant negative traction when Conservative Party chairman, Grant Shapps, .
cuts bingo & beer tax helping hardworking people do more of the things they enjoy. RT to spread the word
— Grant Shapps MP (@grantshapps)
We Are Social’s Ed Kitchingman discussed the tweet’s impact with Ad Age:
The Conservative Party [also known as the Tory Party] must be kicking themselves… Grant Shapp’s tweet was seized on as an example of a party out of touch. Some [Members of Parliament] or commentators might laugh this off as just a storm on social, but this just shows a lack of understanding about social’s influence. One ill-considered tweet has undermined the core message.
Global Marketer Week takes place in Sydney
The WFA’s , with a number of events from the likes of Google, Unilever, Diageo and adidas. We Are Social is presenting its latest research on inspiring brand stories, with a panel including senior executives from the likes of Unilever, Fiat and Kimberly Clark.
The astonishing growth of all things digital continues to gather pace around the world, as ’s new
report on the key social, digital and mobile stats from around the world demonstrates.
It should come as little surprise that much of this growth is being fuelled by connected mobile devices, but this year’s data do reveal some interesting trends and anomalies, especially in relation to Japan and Korea.
You’ll find the complete story in the
above, but we’ve pulled out some of the highlights below.
UPDATE: We’d like to thank the lovely folks at
for allowing us to use the data in their premium Active Usage: Social Platforms data pack in this report – you can .
around the world, there appear to be around 2.5 billion global internet users today – roughly 35% of the world’s population:
While this represents around 150 million more users than this time last year, these numbers may still be conservative. Reliable, recent data for some countries remains patchy, but the
that there are probably closer to 3 billion global internet users, with most of the difference made up by mobile-only connections.
Users are still not distributed evenly either, with some parts of the world still struggling to reach double-digit internet penetration. In particular, Africa, Central and Southern Asia all report relatively low numbers, although it’s worth highlighting that mobile internet users may contribute a significant – yet uncounted – increase in these areas.
reference to the continued growth in internet penetration, it seems clear that mobile connections will account for the vast majority of new sign-ups in the coming months. As the chart below highlights, the distribution of mobile penetration matches much more closely to the distribution of the world’s population, meaning most people around the world now have a realistic opportunity to access the internet:
The cost of mobile data clearly remains a barrier in much of the remaining world, but as costs continue to fall, and as the benefits continue to increase, it’s likely we’ll see more and more people in the developing world putting increased importance on reliable internet access.
Social Media
Social channels continued to show strong growth over the past 12 months, with top social networks adding more than 135 million new users in the course of 2013.
This number is slightly misrepresentative of actual growth though, as we’ve decided to focus solely on monthly active user figures to report social media usage in this year’s report. As a result, some numbers may appear lower than they did this time last year (when we used total registered user numbers for some platforms), while the actual growth in active usage may appear smaller than it really was.
Due to the different usage contexts, associated behaviours and opportunities for brands, we’ve also chosen to treat chat apps such as WhatsApp and WeChat separately to social networks in this year’s report.
However, these platforms continue to capture significant interest from users and marketers alike, a trend reflected in their huge active user bases:
It also appears that social media is now an engrained part of the lives of people across different demographic groups. This increased ubiquity may result in some changes to the specific demographic bases of individual platforms, but even if people’s habits are changing, it appears that people are moving from one social platform to another, rather than deserting social media in its entirety.
Despite this increasing ubiquity, though, social media penetration remains unevenly distributed around the world:
As might be expected, mobile is playing an increasingly important part in the social media landscape.
that almost three quarters of its 1.2 billion monthly active users around the world access the platform through mobile, while on any given day, .
The importance of mobile is mirrored across other platforms too, with Twitter increasingly a mobile-dominated platform, and platforms like WhatsApp, WeChat and Instagram depending entirely on a mobile ecosystem.
Given the above, most marketers have now accepted that , but the opportunities they offer continue to evolve at a staggering pace.
Connected mobile devices have
such as laptops and PCs, while
around the world too.
The number of mobile subscriptions jumped by 173 million in 2013, and the number of active mobile subscriptions around the world now equates to roughly 93% of the world’s population.
Penetration rates are more healthy all over the world too, with two-thirds of Africa’s population now mobile powered. Meanwhile, many regions – including those in the developing world – have penetration levels far in excess of 100%:
Mobile broadband access has exploded around the world in recent months too, and 1.5 billion people now have access to relatively fast internet from their mobile devices:
A Regional View
While the picture in many Western countries has converged, there are a number of areas around the world that maintain their idiosyncrasies. In particular, China and Eastern Europe continue to prefer local social networks, while Africa, Central and South Asia are considerably under-represented when it comes to internet penetration:
The world’s most populous region saw another strong year of growth across all things digital in 2013.
China’s social media giants continue to post strong growth, whether it’s active users on Qzone, or the incredible growth of Weixin (WeChat).
However, both Japan and South Korea have seen some fragmentation of the social media landscape, with chat apps like LINE and Kakaotalk continuing to gain momentum. Neither company releases monthly active user numbers though, so it’s hard to know exactly how these platforms compare to the more traditional networks like Facebook and Twitter.
Interestingly, however, ‘claimed’ usage of social media in both countries differs dramatically from the picture painted by Facebook’s monthly active user numbers, suggesting that Northeast Asia’s netizens may be harnessing a wider variety of platforms.
Facebook continues to lead Twitter in both countries though, and appears to maintain its top spot almost everywhere.
China and countries in Eastern Europe host the few exceptions to Facebook’s global dominance, with Qzone and VKontakte claiming the top spots in a handful of nations.
However, with more than 1 billion monthly active users, it’s safe to say that Facebook will continue to play a central role in the social media landscape in 2014 too.
The Local Picture
We’ve gone into an extra level of detail in this year’s report too, offering insights into the local digital ecosystem across 24 of the world’s biggest economies:
Alongside offering the key digital indicators, we’ve also collated some key behavioural indicators, including time spent on the internet and on social media, as well as the prevalence of important activities on connected mobile devices.
You’ll find all the facts and figures for each country in
(as embedded at the top of this post), but here are the infographics for China as an illustrative example:
Sources for all the above data are listed in the .
this great chart from Statista and GlobalWebIndex that shows the top 10 most-used smartphone apps in the world:
What’s interesting is that 9 out of the top 10 apps are social media-related, with 7 of them dedicated to social communication.
Intriguingly, WeChat / Weixin is already in the top 5 apps globally, putting it in the top 3 mobile social networks in the world.
Yet another reason why .
Buy your own Weibo clone
Tech In Asia
chancing upon a Weibo clone, named JiShiGou, intended for sale to corporations seeking to incorporate microblogging technology into their operational workflow. Hosted on the corporation’s servers, the product offers integration with
and , in addition to other Chinese social networks. What’s the price tag? The basic web package starts at 10,000 RMB (S$1,932) with optional add-ons such as text messaging support as well as iPhone/iPad and Android phone and tablet apps available at an additional fee. It costs US$2,380 (S$2,910) for iOS apps and US$ 1,587 (S$1,940) for Android apps with text message packages at US$126 (S$154) per 10,000 texts. JiShiGou makes it easy for a corporation to own a whole microblogging system complete with apps, text messaging support, auto-backup, updates and training for less than US$10,000 (S$12,225).
Tencent to localise WeChat in Indonesia
(aka “Weixin” in China) recently zipped past the 200 million users mark. Encouraged by the growth, Tencent, the company behind this messaging app, is setting its sights further afield for worldwide growth. Viewing
because it comprises half of the Southeast Asian population, Tencent plans to set up an office in the country soon and has been in talks with local celebrities, media and merchants on co-marketing partnerships. In addition to considering making its app available on Blackberry, Tencent is exploring working with some telcos for BBM packages for WeChat.
Tencent releases version 1.2 of Weiyun cloud service
, Tencent’s personal cloud storage offering, links up with the company’s Weibo microblogging and Weixin messaging service and runs on iPhone, Android and Windows. Comprising “wangpan” (cloud storage), a photo album that synchronizes across multiple devices, Wi-Fi hotspot transfer feature and a cross-device clipboard feature, Weiyun allows seamless sharing of files, text, and photo independent of the internet. Though currently still only available in Chinese, Tencent is open to exploring multi-language options to support global expansion.
China’s Renren network mimics Facebook’s Timeline
Renren, a Chinese social network that has always maintained a close look and feel to Facebook , . Facebook is currently blocked in China, but Renren continues to grow, though its engagement numbers are not as strong as Facebook’s. Renren reported 45 million monthly active users in Q2, which is only 27% of its 162 million total active users. Renren also created a Pinterest clone earlier this year.
Microblogs get their own Chinese TV drama
Microblogs, known as Weibo in China, are such a pervasive cultural phenomenon, they’re the focal point of a new Chinese TV drama called . Set in 2010, the period of the rise of microblogs in China, the fictional story documents the competition between two rival weibo companies. Those who are hoping that the drama’s based on Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo will be disappointed to know that the drama doesn’t tell their story.
Yelp debuts in Asia with Singapore launch
US-based reviews and listings site Yelp , marking its foray into Asian markets, albeit pretty late in the game. Wired Singaporeans can submit reviews on places whilst businesses can start up their own pages on the site. Food review sites are not new in Singapore as locals have already been using popular sites like
or apps like . In other parts of Asia, Yelp faces competition from locally developed services such as , which is looking to expand within the region and , which has established a firm foothold within China.
19% of US online women on Pinterest, 12% of US online adults Instagram
A new study from the Pew Internet Project found that . For the first time, Pew asked respondents about their use of photo-heavy social networks, specifically Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr, and found that 12% of online adults use Pinterest, but a whopping , mostly creating home decor wishlists and looking for craft inspiration. About 5% of US online adults are on Tumblr, with 11% of young adults on the site. Instagram’s growth has also skyrocketed in the months since its acquisition by Facebook. 12% of US online adults are using Instagram, including 27% of 18 to 29 year olds. In the last six months, , with its daily active user base now standing at 11 million strong. Maybe $1 billion was more of a bargain than we originally thought?
Fortune 500 companies embrace corporate blogs
America’s largest corporations haven’t always embraced the idea of having unfiltered online conversations with the public, but new research shows that the times are a’changing.
across Fortune 500 companies over the last year, even after so many have proclaimed the death of the blog. This year saw the largest increase in corporate blogs among these companies since 2008.
European business execs turn to Twitter before big-name publications
The upper echelon of , like Reuters, Bloomberg and The Economist, according to new research. The research tries to pinpoint the media habits of executives with an average salary of ?125,000. More than 60% of the execs said they accessed content via their mobiles, and LinkedIn is surprisingly the most popular website for this group.
Ping hears its death knell, but iTunes and iPhone still get social
Ping, Apple’s ill-fated music network, will soon be going to the internet graveyard, and . The network’s shutdown was imminent, as Apple announced a new version of iTunes with more integration with the already established social networks, Facebook and Twitter. Users can now ‘Like’ music, videos and apps and see what friends like. And it’s not just iTunes that’s getting friendly with social networks, . New features include updating Facebook or Twitter using Siri, sharing photos, links and map locations to Facebook and syncing your phone book contacts with your Facebook friends.
Facebook ends Reach Generator program in favour of Promoted Posts
for premium advertisers, less than seven months after it was announced. Reach Generator allowed advertisers to pay Facebook on an ongoing basis to sponsor their page posts and guarantee a 75% reach of the page’s fans over a month-long period. Facebook are focusing instead on their Promoted Posts to simplify their ad offering. This product is available to all pages with more than 400 likes. Promoted Posts, like Reach Generator, ask advertisers to pay a fee to reach a portion of their existing audience.
New Open Graph policy will help Facebook understand affinity
Developers who create custom Open Graph actions that express affinity — for example “love”, “favourite” or “star” — will now need to . This will help Facebook understand the nature of the connections users are making so that they are able to detect positive affinity better for advertisers. Facebook started allowing developers to create custom verbs for their apps last year, and the most popular ones express something simliar to a ‘Like’, such as “smileyface”, “yum” and “nom”. But not all of these verbs have to be positive, so Facebook has asked developers clarify them so that ads can be targeted to someone who makes an action equivalent to a “Like”.
Has Facebook eliminated a few degrees of separation?
Just how connected are the people across the planet? Facebook has by far the most complete data set and research behind real-world friendships, and through a partnership with Stamen, a design studio, . The project poses some awesome Freakonomics-style questions: Why do so many Japanese people live in Brazil? How did so many people from Australia and Nepal become good friends? Set aside a good chunk of time for this one.
Twitter beefs up targeting options for Promoted Tweets and Accounts
for its paid-for features, such as Promoted Tweets and Accounts, and some countries can now be targeted based on their region or city. Twitter has put the focus on three countries, including Japan, which now has options for wider regions around Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya. This is also true in the UK, where tweets can now be targeted to London or Manchester. But the most interesting might be the update for the US, not long before election time in November, where advertisers can now set geo-targets based on state.
Twitter agrees to surrender tweets of Occupy protester
Twitter has ended its legal battle with New York prosecutors and , which may show that the defendant knew he was breaking police orders. The social network had initially argued that the tweets were Harris’s property and, as such, handing them over would serve as a breach of the Fourth Amendment. The case represents an interesting landmark in the nature of privacy and proprietary rights over content posted online.
LinkedIn hits 10 million users in the UK
LinkedIn, the social network for jobs, has . LinkedIn dug through its data and highlighted the top job titles (“owner” easily takes the top slot), the biggest industries and the most represented companies on LinkedIn in the UK. And today we learned that there are exactly 103 British people who call themselves professional sailors on the site.
Google buys Instagram competitor Snapseed
Did Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram leave Google shaking in its boots? Google’s first round of retaliation has now come, as it picked up mobile app developer Nik Software, meaning that . Although Google+ often gets dismissed as a ghost town, the network could become a go-to platform for photographers, which have already been flocking to the site because it has been quick to adopt photo-friendly features, such as showing photos in a large format and in a lightbox, which Facebook quickly noticed and implemented as well.
New Skype beta lets users sign in using Facebook
Skype has been integrated with Facebook chat for a year now, but Skype has just added a feature to its beta version for Windows and Mac that make signing up to the app even easier: . Skype is also touting more of its Microsoft credentials, and the beta also comes with Live Messenger integration.
Saturday Night Live asks the crowd for recommendations
The fans spoke, and Saturday Night Live listened. The popular US show is now
after noticing that fans took to its Facebook page to make recommendations. Now Saturday Night Live has made it official. Tweet using the hashtags #SNLHost or #SNLMusic or leave your comment on their once-a-month crowdsourcing posts, and sit back and enjoy your selection.
Oreo dives into pop culture with ‘Daily Twist’ campaign
Who knew Oreos were so versatile? From the now-iconic image of the 7-layer rainbow Oreo celebrating Gay Pride Month to the release of the new iOreo 5, . Through timely
and tongue-in-cheek updates, the page has seen a 110% growth in engagement. If the gay pride Oreo started the conversation,
has kept the viral ball rolling.
Grey Poupon seeks out only the classiest of Facebook
Need an excuse to remove a few Facebook friends or clean out your ‘Likes’ section? Grey Poupon is putting potential fans to the test by asking them to first . If you’re rejected, try, try again. Though we’re sure to be let in, as we do know a few things about …
The xx release new album through a single fan
Alt-pop band The xx have taken the socially driven album release further than ever before. Unlike other bands, which usually tie social releases with a large initial reveal, and allowed to . A digital copy of the album is also being given to everyone who purchases a tour ticket, showing the shifting face of interaction between fans and artists.
< and Tumblr team up to find ‘the next Artspace Artist’
</, the leading online marketplace for contemporary art, has partnered with Tumblr to host . The winner will receive a cash prize and the opportunity to create an Artspace Edition to be sold alongside famed contemporary artists. Emerging artists may . Semi-finalists will be chosen on by Tumblr popularity (reblogs and other share options) before being whittled down to three finalists by a jury of art experts.
Millions watch online video of Topshop London Fashion Week Show
More than 2 million people from 100 countries watched online footage of Topshop’s Spring/Summer 2012 Unique show in the three hours after the fashion retailer live streamed it. Both #Topshop and #unique trended globally on Twitter, and
within that time. Viewers saw a personalized live stream, and they could click on clothes and accessories to browse colour options as they came down the catwalk. They could also create screenshots and video clips to share instantly on Facebook, as well as pre-ordering the collection for delivery. Broadcast on Topshop’s website and Twitter page, as well as 200 media partner websites, the show was also shown on large screens at its Oxford Circus flagship store in London.
Volvo looking to make brand relevant for Pinterest users
One challenge for certain brands using Pinterest is getting users to engage with visuals about a product that would not always interest them directly. A shot of a Volvo, for example, might not be particularly engaging for all Pinterest users. So that’s why the car company created a contest where, by, users can win the trip they’ve dreamt up. Volvo’s social media manager says the campaign is “about situations that pinners can relate to, where the Volvo brand is relevant”.
Kraft Cheese teams up with Five Guys to feed the hungry with Foursquare
To celebrate National Cheeseburger Day, Kraft is teaming up with Five Guys, the popular burger chain, and is using Foursquare to spread the word. , and users will get a thank you coupon for Kraft Singles. As an extra bonus to get you to the top of the leaderboard, Foursquare will be offering bonus points for checking into a burger restaurant on September 18.
Bacon Barter campaign asks exactly what bacon is worth
Everyone’s had them — times where you’d do anything for a bacon sandwich. To see just how far bacon can go, . He’s hoping to see how far he can get, trading the meat for other sustenance, car equipment and even places to sleep. The campaign for Oscar Mayer is being promoted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter via #BaconBarter.
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