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New from Bernie Siegel &#8211; Love, Animals & Miracles
Introducing Bernie Siegel's new title, Love, Animals & Miracles:
Inspiring True Stories Celebrating the Healing Bond
. The stories in this new book offer funny and heart-touching, true-life experiences that convey loving connections, amazing rescues, and healing with (and by) animals — both wild and domestic.
&&&&&Available now in bookstores everywhere.
Order your copy online today at:&&, ,&
Amelia&#8217;s Ark Angel Society
Please support my friend Amelia Kinkade with her new charity, , which enables her to go into schools in rural Africa and educate children about wildlife conservation so that they don’t grow up to be poachers.
Amelia Kinkade has written a book called . In this book, she takes us all over the world, revealing the inner thoughts and feelings of a huge variety of animals, including dangerous ones. She shares the advice she has gleaned from working with such a diverse group of animals — words about tenderness, reconnection with nature, life after death, and the possibilities of magical awakenings inside the brains of an ever-evolving human race.
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Today&#8217;s Prescription for the Soul &#8211; Prescription #122 &#8211; Getting to Know You
I hope that my “365 Prescriptions for the Soul,” will be a welcome and healing addition to your day.
The prescriptions I ask you to fill are designed for your total well-being.
They come from hard-earned wisdom and experience with the difficulties of life.
They are dispensed “as written” with love.
At the end of each prescription is my “Soulution” to help you develop healthy self-love, self-esteem, and self-worth.
Please take the prescription I have written for you here and fill it right away.
The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none.
~ Thomas Carlyle, , Scottish Historian and Essayist
Getting to know yourself better takes courage.
It is far easier to hide behind a mask than to see yourself as you really are.
There are many who think they are perfect and need not change, who think they’re the center of the universe, and they have a problem.
If you wish to know yourself and change for the better, you need to accept your inadequacies, fears, weaknesses, mistakes, and more.
If you need others present constantly to entertain and distract you, then you are afraid to be still and know yourself.
So spend some time being totally alone and see how you feel.
If you are comfortable, then I would say you are in the process of knowing yourself.
Knowing yourself means being willing to be with yourself.
Once you can do that, the frantic search for distraction and escape will stop ruling your life and you can choose to fill your life with the things that bring you joy.
Soulution of the Day
Even if it feels uncomfortable, go away with yourself
and spend some time together getting to know yourself.
You may find that you are great company.
As the December 2017 holidays come to a close, some of us begin to think about making changes in our lives for the New Year. I encourage you to make one change that is harder for a lot of people than the usual one about losing weight and getting fit.
The change I hope you make has the power to eliminate one the most vexing problems we humans grapple with as we travel through life—loneliness.
The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his or her loneliness. When you know yourself, you will never be lonely because you will always have yourself to be with.
When you achieve this state of self-awareness you will also realize that there is a greater awareness, the universal consciousness that is aware of you and with you at all times.
One of the ways to connect with this consciousness is through prayer.
It can connect you with all things.
You have to be willing to see beyond yourself for this to happen.
If you blame others for your loneliness or the lack of attention you receive, things will not change.
Then loneliness will prevail.
But if you focus on getting to know yourself and your Creator, you will always have company.
Take some time to get to know yourself better. Keep a journal, meditate, pray, and listen.
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Dear Everybody -
Merry Browne once wrote: &#8220;Expect people to be
it helps them to be better. But don&#8217;t be disappoint it helps them to keep trying.&#8221;
Often we are required to participate in gatherings. From holiday and office parties to family reunions, these can be difficult. The expectations we have before we go will color our experience when we get there.
When you expect to bee loved, you behave differently. Think about going to a family affair where you expect everyone to praise and love you. Now think about going to an event where everyone will be critical of you and your behavior. Feel the difference in your body and attitude.
Go expecting to be loved, and you will be. Because of the love of my parents, wife, and family, I anticipate that people will love me. I have found myself laughing when I go to a meeting where I expect to be loved and am instead criticized. When my critics ask why I am laughing, I explain the problem is I feel loved and expected them to love me too. The meeting always goes well after that.
So I recommend that you always expect the best and see what happens.
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I break the word question into multiple words, because these words reflect what my questions are about.
Where am I going?
What should I be doing?
They speak to me of my life and future—what quest am I on? They speak to me of having a calling.
The word calling speaks to me of a voice calling out to help guide me through the troubled waters of life.
The words voice and vocation speak to me of the same search.
Hopefully I will hear my true calling and not be misled or distracted.
Keep listening for the voice. Guides surround you and are speaking to you. When you hear a voice, do not be afraid to question it to be sure it is guiding you on your true quest.
Ask yourself the important questions of life, because as Mother Teresa said, “We all need to find our Calcutta.”
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No news is good news!
Hello All,
It seems important to prescribe something for you that will help the Holiday Season be what it should be—heart-healing.
This “medicine” is easy to take each day until you have restored the sense of inner peace, goodwill, and gratitude that should be yours all year ‘round.
Never watch the news before you go to bed, after you wake up, or during the day, and you’ll live a longer, healthier life.
If you don’t believe me, give up listening to, watching, and reading the news for one week and see how you feel.
And think of all the free time you’ll have to enjoy yourself!
Don’t worry:
you’ll hear about anything really important from someone in our life.
Why can’t we have a good news station telling us about all the good deeds that people do?
Occasionally if the kindness shown is really off the chart it does make the news, but only rarely.
Think of what it does to our children to be exposed to the horrors of life every day.
How will they act, and what will they believe when they get older?
So try no news for one week.
If by accident you hear or observe it, do not discuss it.
Take note on how you feel, sleep, and what you accomplish that week.
And let me give you a bit of news.
God loves you, and so do I.
Now spread that news.
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It struck me today as I was out walking the dog that when I have lost track of time due to the activity I was involved in.
I was totally unaware of my body as well.
It reminded me of my childhood NDE and the time when back pain made it difficult for me to stand up, but I could stand for hours when in the operating room or painting a portrait and be totally free of pain, until the activity ceased.
Consciousness does not require a body to exist, and what the loss of the awareness of time indicates is that we are in a state free of our bodies. So find those activities, pursue them, and live your longest and healthiest life.
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Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the
doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.
Dear Everybody,
What is a friend?
To me it is someone who knows our faults and still sees the divine in you.
A friend will love you despite your imperfections.
A friend is someone who is there for you when you have the courage to ask for help.
A friend is also someone who can say no to you and still remain a friend.
A friend points out your imperfections, not to blame you for them but to help you become better at what you are doing, just as a coach would talk to an athlete.
A friend always answers your calls even when you are driving them crazy.
A friend never talks about who is right but rather listens to how you are feeling.
A friend will not judge without taking the time to understand and can forgive, let go of the past, and continue to love.
Probably the most important thing a friend does is never to abandon you, no matter what you do. Do something to acknowledge a good friend today, and remember to be one as well.
Since the Thanksgiving holiday is traditionally about sharing a meal
and time with family and friends, remember that for many people, friends
ARE the family in their lives.
So remember to be thankful for your
friends, too, this coming holiday week, and all year long.
everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, and hope you make it a time of real
reflection on everything in your life that you are grateful for, your
friends among them.
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Xenophon, a Greek historian, once said &#8220;The sweetest of all sounds is praise.&#8221; Praise is seen in your eyes when you look at your beloved. Praise is felt in your touch when you embrace. Praise is heard in your voice when you speak to the one you adore. Praise is about your loved one&#8217;s potential and the hope you can have
for that person. P it lifts us up above the troubles and obstacles of life.
Praise does not say you are perfect. It says I admire you and what you have accomplished and what I know you will go on to do. Praise is the food of the soul. No one survives without it.
Remember: Praise is like fertilizer. Sprinkle it freely and those you love will grow, bloom and blossom.
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I use a mirror to see myself, but the mirror reflects only the image I can see with all its imperfections.
I’m sure that somewhere God is laughing at me.
She laughs because she sees more than I do.
She can see through me.
As I turn away from the mirror, for the first time I see my self, my essence, and my beauty reflected in God’s eyes.
Someone once said, &#8220;Just as we cannot see our own faces without looking into a mirror, we cannot know ourselves without looking into our soul.&#8221; You should reflect on the fact that you are much more than the physical being you see in the mirror.
Stop judging yourself and become a perfectly imperfect human being.
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Chief Seattle (or Chief Sealth) once said, &#8220;We did not weave the web of life &#8211; we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.&#8221; In considering his statement, it occurs to me that what we do has the same effect as a butterfly flapping its wings. Now the small movement of butterfly wings may not seem impressive to you, but it actually alters the world&#8217;s air currents and affects us all.
In the same way that dandelion seeds can move in the wind, when you plant your seeds in the earth, you are having an effect on what you will grow. Even a small pebble thrown into a pond causes change. The ripples caused by your actions will spread out and change the nature of all life.
Remember that you are the one who casts seeds, creates breezes, and makes waves by your life, words and actions. So thi it affects us all and creates a future for the world&#8217;s children.
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“Indeed, this need of individuals to be right is so great that
they are willing to sacrifice themselves, their relationships, and even
love for it.”
~ Reuel Howe, author of The Miracle of Dialogue
Dear Everyone,
As we continue to cope with a wave of natural disasters and other issues that have impacted the lives of so many fellow Americans in the most challenging ways, one simple change each of us can make might help transform struggle into recovery. Start supporting collaboration instead of confrontation by your own actions.
Keep lines of communication open by reaching out and welcoming people and their ideas into a joint effort to solve big and small problems through respectful compromise.
Many people choose to be right rather than happy. They will argue to the bitter end about the “rightness” of their thoughts and actions.
They do not care about what they are doing to the people they are arguing with.
Why do they behave this way?
Are they perfect?
No, few of us could claim to be that.
They are simply unwilling to view their fallibility and confess to the weaknesses that come along with being human.
When you are willing to give up being right, you will find peace and happiness.
It is when you are ready to learn that you will be right.
If you wish to be happy and free, give up having to be right all the time.
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Follow Us!
We have a cancer support group that meets the second and fourth Tuesday afternoons of the month at Coachman’s Square, 21 Bradley Road, Woodbridge. If interested contact: Lucille Ranciato
203-288-2839; or myself
for details.
Listen to Bernie on Radio
On his program, Mind Health Matters, Bernie and his guests give expert advice on personal questions about Health and Healing. His message of hope and love is extended to all who seek a whole person approach for living life fully.
The call in number is: 800-555-5453.Bernie's show is the first Tuesday of each month 9am PT. The encore edition of the show is the first Tuesday of each month 9pm PT.
View Bernie's show information at the .
Listen to Bernie on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network
From the authentic soul of Bernie Siegel MD comes Mind Health Matters. A show that reflects Bernie's passion to reach people struggling with all of life's challenges-not just the physical ones-so that each person can live life fully. Join Bernie as he shares his powerful journey through life while offering us special nuggets of his sacred wisdom.
Listen to Bernie Wednesday-Friday at 12:00noon ET. View full schedule of all show times at
Dreamvisions7 Radio
View full schedule of all show times at
Upcoming Events
Wisdom of the Ages
Owned & operated by Bernie’s son & daughter-in-law, Wisdom of the Ages, has all of Bernie’s books, CDs & DVDs available for purchase. Bernie also holds one of his support groups there.
A Place to Nurture Your Spiritual Side
An inspiring and best seller,
now available in paperback
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A Book of Miracles
Learn more about Bernie Siegel's new title, Love, Animals & Miracles, with inspiring true stories of the healing bond we have with animals.
Visit Wisdom of the Ages
has all of Bernie’s books, CDs & DVDs available for purchase.CHARTS & TRENDS
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