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陕西华商网新浪陕西网 近几日,火爆西安全城的“遇见最浪漫的你,神秘送花束”的全城送花活动终于露出真容,上万名车主莫名收到了陌生帅哥美女赠送的精美花束,原来此次活动正是西安雅致夜生活新地标——繁花酒吧对西安市民发出的一份浪漫邀约,坐落于西安曲江新区不夜城海港城9街,繁花酒吧将于7月21日晚8点在古城正式揭开神秘面纱。这里鲜花处处浪漫满溢,音乐充满仙气,与烟雾缭绕、拥挤嘈杂的酒吧大相径庭,有别于一般的夜店和清吧,这里热闹不吵闹,营造浪漫、雅致、尊重而具备细节的夜晚情境,让每位客人体验身心放松的愉悦。西安繁花酒吧建立在深度剖析西安古城的地域文化和人文特色的基础之上,以浪漫、舒适、自由、健康为基调。据悉,在开业前四天,风靡西安全城万名车主免费收花事件,就是繁花邀请西安古城市民的一份浪漫的见面礼,鲜花满城的浪漫与温馨,让市民体味到更加美好的生活情趣,给整个城市带来了满满的暖意和正能量。Fun花呈现独具一格的娱乐空间品类—东方式柔美浪漫夜生活乐园,是神秘的东方文化在现代空间的创意再现。取近千种花卉为原型,结合光影、音乐的流动,织造出梦幻神秘的东方夜花园。繁花酒吧从整个外立面到内部装饰,布满唯美的鲜花与绿植,让人忍不住停留驻足,享受原木自然空间与花卉完美结合的浪漫格调,因此在定位上,“繁花倡导的是一种都市慢生活的节奏,享受有趣美好的夜生活哲学。”繁花相关负责人表示。Fun花-遇见最浪漫的你本文来源于公众号:。文章为作者独立观点,不代表本站立场。
TA的最新馆藏常春藤解析英语 103 Eye of the Leopard 花豹之眼
Eye of the Leopard 花豹之眼
by Matthew Brown
A new two-hour program shows us a leopard''s struggle for survival in the wilds of Africa.
This month, the National Geographic Channel presents a new program you won''t want to miss. Husband-and-wife filmmakers Dereck and Beverly Joubert spent three years following the life of a single leopard. The result of their work is the two-hour special Eye of the Leopard, an enthralling journey deep into the rarely seen lives of leopards.
The project began when the filmmakers were observing leopards in Botswana, Africa. One leopard in particular caught their attention. The cat had a birthmark that made her stand out from all the others, and they named her Legadema, which means &light from the sky.& As they followed Legadema over the next few years, they watched as she grew from an eight-month-old cub to an adult.
Leopards are skillful predators, but in their harsh environment, survival cannot be taken for granted. Legadema and her mother were forced to fight off baboons and escape from scavenging hyenas. While documenting the leopards'' adventures, the Jouberts chose to respect the natural environment and didn''t allow themselves to interfere in the leopards'' existence, even when the animals faced great danger.
As Legadema grew, she refined her hunting skills, moving from lizards and squirrels to warthogs, impalas, and even dangerous baboons. One incredible episode is particularly memorable and shows that leopards aren''t simply fierce hunting machines. Legadema kills a mother baboon, and then finds the young baby baboon still clinging to its mother. To the filmmakers'' amazement&and ours&Legadema doesn''t harm the baby baboon. Instead, she lies down and wraps herself around it protectively. When a scavenging hyena comes along, Legadema carefully lifts the baby to safety. For viewers, this complex scene brings different emotions, but one thing is certain: watching Legadema protect the baby baboon is unforgettable.
Rarely do we get a chance to learn so much about the mysterious lives of leopards. Tune in to Eye of the Leopard for insight into a leopard''s world.
1. How did filming of Eye of the Leopard begin?
(A) The filmmakers spent three years with a tribe of leopards.
(B) The filmmakers noticed Legadema and they watched her raise her cubs.
(C) The filmmakers were following an adult leopard named Legadema.
(D) The filmmakers were watching leopards and they noticed one particular young cub.
2. Why didn''t the Jouberts interfere in the leopards'' lives?
(A) It was too dangerous.
(B) They were too far away.
(C) They thought it was wrong to disturb nature.
(D) It was illegal.
3. What is surprising about the scene where Legadema kills a baboon?
(A) It''s unusual for an animal to care for another animal''s young.
(B) It''s strange for a leopard not to run away after killing its prey.
(C) Legadema decides to raise the baby baboon herself.
(D) Baboons usually hunt leopards.
4. In the first and last paragraphs, the article suggests that this program is worth watching because _____.
(A) the filmmakers are married
(B) no one was sure that leopards existed until now
(C) Africa is a difficult place to film
(D) opportunities to learn about leopards are rare
Rarely do we get a chance to learn so much about the mysterious lives of leopards.
例: Rarely does a movie do so well for so long.
例: Never have I seen such acts of generosity.
leopard n. 花豹
observe vt. 观察
birthmark n. 胎记
cub n. 幼兽
predator n. 猎食者
harsh a.(天气、环境等)恶劣的,严峻的
baboon n. 狒狒
scavenging a. 觅食的
scavenge vt.(动物)以(腐肉)为食
hyena n. 鬣狗,土狼
document vt.(以记述、拍摄电影或照片的方式)纪录 & n. 纪录;文件
documentary n. 纪录片
lizard n. 蜥蜴
squirrel n. 松鼠
warthog n. 疣猪
impala n.(非洲的)黑斑羚
memorable a. 难忘的
wrap vt. 卷起;包住
complex a. 错综复杂的;难懂的
unforgettable a. 难忘的
prey n. 猎物
catch/grab one''s attention  吸引某人的注意
care for...  照料&&
present vt. 上演;呈献
present sb with sth
= present sth to sb   将某物呈献给某人;颁发某物给某人
例: The group presented the basketball player with an award.
enthralling a. 迷人的
enthrall vt. 迷住,使着迷
例: Billy was enthralled by the movie about aliens.
in particular  特别地;尤其
= particularly adv.
例: Everyone in my family loves ice cream, my sister in particular.
= Everyone in my family loves ice cream, particularly my sister.
stand out  显眼;突出;杰出
例: My yellow bicycle really stands out from the other bikes.
skillful a. 有技术的,老练的
be skillful in/at...  对&&很在行
= be skilled in/at...
例: Terry is skillful in diving, and he''s competed in several events.
take...for granted  把&&视为理所当然
例: Gary broke up with Tracy because she took him for granted.
escape from...  从&&逃脱
例: Nelly managed to escape from her kidnapper.
interfere in...  干涉∕干预&&
interfere with...  妨碍&&
例: Please don''t interfere in my friendships!
例: I try not to interfere with my dad''s work.
existence n. 生存;存在
come into existence  产生,发生;开始存在
= come into being
例: The legend came into existence shortly after the war.
refine vt. 改进,使完善
例: Your painting style isn''t bad, but you should try to refine it a little.
cling to...  紧紧黏着∕抓住&&
例: The child clung to his mother while the firecrackers exploded.
to + 所有格 + amazement  令某人惊讶的是
『to + 所有格 + 表情绪的名词』可形成介词词组,通常置于句首,修饰全句。常见的有:
to one''s delight  令某人高兴的是
to one''s disappointment  令某人失望的是
to one'' sorrow  令某人难过的是
to one''s satisfaction  令某人满意的是
例: To Al''s delight, his son graduated with honors.
protectively adv. 保护性地
protective a. 保护的,防护的
be protective of...  保护&&
例: Kyle is protective of his little brother and doesn''t let anyone make fun of him.
(凯尔很保护自己的小弟,绝不让别人捉弄他。) safety  将&&举起到安全的地方
lead/ safety  将&&带到安全的地方
例: The rescue helicopter found the missing ship and led it to safety.
insight n. 洞察力,见识(常与介词 into 并用)
例: The research provides insights into solar energy.
be worth + N/V-ing  值得&&
例: This movie is worth watching. I''ve seen it twice.
本月份的国家地理频道将呈现给您绝对不容错过的全新内容。制作人德瑞克?朱柏特和比佛莉?朱柏特夫妇花了 3 年时间跟拍一头花豹,纪录牠的生活点滴。他们的心血将制成两个小时的特辑《花豹之眼》,这趟迷人之旅将带您一赌行踪鲜少曝光的花豹,深入了解牠们的生活。
本节目要从这对制作人夫妇在非洲的波札那观察花豹开始说起。有一只花豹特别引起他们的注意。这只猫科动物身上的胎记使她特别突出,他们将这只花豹命名为拉赫迪玛,即『天上的闪电』之意。接下来他们花了几年的时间跟随这只花豹,看着她从 8 个月大长到成年。
1. 《花豹之眼》这个节目以什么做为开场?
(A) 制作人花了 3 年时间和一群花豹相处。
(B) 制作人注意到拉赫迪玛,看她养育自己的小花豹。
(C) 制作人跟随一头名为拉赫迪玛的成年花豹。
(D) 制作人观察花豹时发现一只特别的小花豹。
题解: 根据第二段,本节目要从这对片制作人夫妇在非洲的波扎那观察花豹开始说起。一只身上有胎记的花豹特别引起他们的注意。他们花了几年的时间跟随这只花豹,看着她从 8 个月大长到成年,可知应选 (D)。
2. 为什么朱柏特夫妇不干预花豹的生活?
(A) 那样太危险了。
(B) 他们的距离太遥远。
(C) 他们认为不应该干扰自然。
(D) 这是犯法的行为。
题解: 根据第三段,在纪录花豹冒险经历的同时,朱柏特夫妇选择尊重自然环境,避免干预花豹的生活,可知应选 (C)。
3. 拉赫迪玛猎杀狒狒的那一幕发生什么令人惊讶的事?
(A) 动物会照顾另一种动物的小孩实在不寻常。
(B) 花豹捕杀猎物后没有离开实在太奇怪了。
(C) 拉赫迪玛决定自己抚养这只小狒狒。
(D) 狒狒通常会猎捕花豹。
题解: 根据第四段,拉赫迪玛猎杀母狒狒后,发现狒狒宝宝还紧抓着母亲不放。出乎众人意料之外,她并没有伤害这只小狒狒,反而躺下来用身体把小狒狒围起来加以『保护』,故选 (A)。文中并未提及拉赫迪玛后来是否继续『抚养』小狒狒,故 (C) 不可选。
4. 在第一段和最后一段的文章里提到这个节目值得一看是因为 _____。
(A) 这对制片家结婚了
(B) 直到现在我们才确认花豹的存在
(C) 非洲是个不好取景的地方
(D) 了解花豹的机会实在不多
题解: 根据第一段和最后一段,在在显示花豹的行踪飘忽,我们很少有机会了解牠们的生活,所以该节目很值得一看,故选 (D)。
标准答案: 1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (D)
内容来自 听力课堂网:用手机学英语,请加听力课堂微信公众号:tingclass123


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