用英语写一篇奋斗的乔伊 豆瓣观后感

《超级奶爸》使我不可避免的想起施瓦大叔的《幼儿园特警》,说实在的,这种桥段用一次叫创意,再用就只能是踏着前人的脚步前进了。这种片子不用看也完全也想象的出来风格和典型桥段,加入的孩子,小的肯定要趣稚,中等年纪的要有心理迷惘期,更大的则完全是叛逆期,作为夹在中间的主角,不但要来武的,也要来文的,再加一些温情和幽默,就是这么一块三明治式的影片了 。迪塞尔在影片里表现得比较努力,背着小...
I loved this movie and although it may have been slightly cliché, the dialog was quite smart and it was quite a funny movie. I think that if you expect the movie to be Oscar worthy, it will obviously fall short. But as it only attempts to be a sweet story about a misfit 15 year old turned princess, it completely lives up to it's potential. I think that Julie Andrews completely made the movie and that Anne Hathaway also did an excellent job. The movie is great for people of all ages because it has a simplistic plot yet has great one liners and great repartee between the characters of the Queen and Princess Mia. I also think that the minor characters are great also because they provide even more comic relief.
扫描下载二维码急 用英语写一篇50字左右的介绍电影作文 要求:初中水平 2.可以写观后感或介绍!!!!!
急 用英语写一篇50字左右的介绍电影作文 要求:初中水平 2.可以写观后感或介绍!!!!! 10
Titanic T film brought a love story between Rose and Jack. They met on Titanic and
fell in love with each other.Four days after the Titanic set out, a very big accident happened.The ship was holed by an iceberg.Many people cannot be saved includeRose and Jack&&.In other to
save Rose,Jack lay down his life.&In this movie,when teh ship suffered the
unexpected,some people would rather help other people than save themselvesThey moved me the most.This movie made me
thought a lot in some fields,such as relationship of the people around you.F&As a whole,this movie not only has a wonderful plot but
also provide food for thought.(发人深思)
&& 泰坦尼克号
这部电影带来了罗斯和杰克之间的爱情故事。 他们在泰坦尼克号相遇并相爱了4天后泰坦尼克号起航,一个非常大的的意外发生了.船被冰山撞出一个洞。许多人无法获救,包括罗斯和和杰克。为了救罗斯,杰克放弃了自己的生命。在这部影片中,当船遭遇意外,有的人宁可帮助其他人也不先逃命。他们很是让我感动。这部电影让我想到了很多,如你和你周围的人的关系。总之这部电影,不仅拥有一个美妙的情节,而且发人深思
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& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号


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