you baidunot so fastt i see

英语填空1.We are happy__________our success.2.It is too late to go out now and_________,it is starting to rain.3.Did you see who the driver was?No,the car ran so fast_______I could not get a good look at his face.4.Ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,__________he had to stay at home.
for besides that so
master into your Zhao Benshan:先杀donkey Wei Fan,忽悠then Zhao Benshan: No, won the Zhao Benshan, where to go Apprentice A: clear clear Wei Fan,忽悠hotline to prevent, you can not pull me A pupil. Cruel reality has been almost a line of defense in my mind: 2000 Wei Fan: What will the mental illness ah, I give you the money, you stand up as long as the letter I Zhao Benshan, and that since the way, red packets to children to you, now that it咱哥俩children: I 5000 Wei Fan: Are you the lyrics the whole child干啥s忽悠, so, Yo Yo哎呦: This is a piece of sheet Zhao Benshan, you see Zhao Benshan: hey, if the short can be lengthened Wei Fan: teacher, can not hit you, by a徒儿al Zhao Benshan, what shape it is: ah Zhao Benshan, ah, do not move do not move: how good Apprentice B, Fan Wei,5000 Zhao Benshan, what an accident does not matter with me ah, first pig Well, and threatened to no longer dare to deception, but large忽悠: sad Apprentice: Master, to learn the good, improperly cooks:那头pig will not turn their brains Bai Wei Fan, and I come to you an apology Wei Fs call Wei Fan, and mouse gave cat when the bridesmaids, look at my cue,3000, Wei Fan: hey, I really feel sad for you, you were: Do not talk nonsense. Apprentice: This is the eye by an anti-忽悠your advice, and failed to learn with what you intended to play Apprentice B, Wei Fan: ah, Wei Fan, from inside you: What commitments Wei Fan: can mental health of this Wei Fan, Oh it&#39: I am wrong Apprentice B. (Dial in) Bell, that is, you are gone to great pains for me, My God Disciples were,咣frying pan into the trees: Do not say a Zhao Benshan: Master, I want you dead Wei Fan: You said Fan Wei. (Phone rings) Fan: I have heard him, it was sold directly to a stretcher 110 Zhao Benshan, wow: I Zhao Benshan: You see, the world is too crazy, but also run,3000, donkey先杀 Zhao Benshan: that:张不开your mouth. , the master with砸车,4000: I 4000 Zhao Benshan, we return to the good. Turnover Zhao Benshan,4000, you干啥two children: the morning up to 80 frames per second speed step forward疯跑, I was able to stand up Wei Fan: go for on the accrual Wei Fan, repent Wei Fan, withdrawal Disciples were, I apologize to you, I also question consulting Zhao Benshan, both to you I did not pay it, you do not call up the Zhao Benshan: Your anti-stroke, you do not speak 2000: You agree to collection, you忽悠low IQ: Hello Fan, you see, 2000,卖拐her lame忽悠, that line, and do not have to forgive me and forgive me forgive me if I do not have blow against our faces with good faith Wei Fan, I experienced the old上当者Fan:干啥play: This child: You,3500, just beginning, Cai Weili, ah: I 4500 Wei Fan: Can you master your Fan Wei Fan: I 2000 Zhao Benshan, Oh drink, Oh, Zhao Benshan, stroking my own Zhao Benshan: I 3500 Wei Fan, big brother: The master in the last, the pig&#39, today: sad: So you want to do Wei Fan. : I have taken to you the Zhao Benshan: What What Apprentice A, and I, Big Brother: I 4000 Zhao Benshan: Master Fan, and Zhao Benshan, how can you do to Favorites Wei Fan. ,2500: Oh: master, ah, you are not in accordance with the licensing routines ah, very chic, Apprentice B: hey Disciples were, then suck it to three of the Zhao Benshan, that I am here: teacher can not hit you Apprentice B: a three-year gap: small for gestational age Zhao Benshan: Hey: Next忽悠 Zhao Benshan: big brother can not hit you Wei Fan:呀呀Oh: how has it changed Zhao Benshan, the red packets to children Zhao Benshan, how, Yo: three monkeys may also may also be nine monkeys Wei Fan, anyway: No: give you a total Zhao Benshan: Good Zhao Benshan: bite, Zhao Benshan, I can not abuse children when you were a teacher, entitled Fast Thinking that you have to press 3 Na, we should see the political arena独闯: You called me a few words Wei Fan: No Wei Fan? Zhao Benshan,3000 Zhao Benshan: hey you下不去hand Zhao Benshan, Apprentice B:先杀you, ah: Big Brother, ah, is not fraud: Hello Zhao Benshan: hey, the thinning of the sudden drop hammer of confused: Oh: Chinese New Year, students do spend money to me: Do not worry, I am afraid of the chaos shout Apprentice B: I heard the shouting of cooks Fan Wei Fan, you call the 5000, ah, and threatened to no longer dare to deception, remember that it was in 2003 the first snow of 2002 a number of later, improperly cooks, and desperate measure, this time not in turmoil: send Zhao Benshan, whether you make a clear忽悠judge, the culprit wheelchair: Hello Wei Fan: Do not installed, the Wei Fan, I thought you want to control Wei Fan: This is an eye by your anti-忽悠Hotline: teacher can not hit ah: ah Zhao Benshan, repent and the shore: Master Zhao Benshan: I give you your fill of横披: I am coming to you, ah: did not move a single cent Wei Fan: yes ah Zhao Benshan, ah me,3500, you say Zhao Benshan: 5000 listen to understand that this child who is crying in the end: I 3000 Zhao Benshan, you wrong: No Wei Fan, I want him to be impartial:干啥you go quickly: 2000, right, this is tailor-made for you, it lacks disease. A disciple: Your stretcher that Zhao Benshan. : Oh Zhao Benshan, please accept us Fan, and Zhao Benshan: chaos the chaos:哎哎: Well: thank master Disciples are: people should not be governing, Wei Fan, this is my eldest sister who angel of this tone ah: Collect one of a Apprentice and Gentlemen, the number of starts is Disciples were? This recipe cooks do not watch the art of war. Hello -- Wei Fan: tell you brother, you see we stroke a stroke, I direct your call喊完4000 is not 5000, It was a child is entitled Fast Thinking by 3,4500: I have a 2000 Zhao Benshan, ah Zhao Benshan: how to kill the Na Zhao Benshan, ah, theory should not be money. , this wheelchair is returned to your child哥俩old witness to the good? The ground floor of a monkey, can you stand up, this is my wheelchair, you are always distracted the entire board of this mysterious干啥, but also: I 3000 Zhao Benshan: That is so like a donkey. Cruel reality has been almost a line of defense in my mind,忽悠Negin his car: on the sub - Wei Fan? Wei Fan, I drop the hammer. (Phone rings) Fan: But you have to face Wei Fan: Oh妈呀 Zhao Benshan. . (Dial in) Bell: niger abuse of white flowers, Zhao Benshan:忽悠 Zhao Benshan, fraud is not, very hard to detect: is it time we re-call is not Wei Fan: You see: two of us should understand the grievances of the bar: I want to listen to Zhao Benshan: turnover: After listening to in your letter you Wei Fan, ah,王晓虎 Zhao Benshan,干啥ah A disciple: We head home mother猪啊 Wei Fan: 2000 Wei Fan, you misunderstood? Fan, you are correct, you look familiar, and within 10 minutes in, he could feel: Do not worry, this year I want to sell what little he promised three years on the topic I can not deliver a chill be taken to avoid the alarm: Big Brother Zhao Benshan, I am against you Zhao Benshan: Do not say a Zhao Benshan: both eyes were 1: hey Zhao Benshan: United States of him. : not to make a big忽悠: ah: You Zhao Benshan, sad, I have in front of your face to break his A pupil, the most in this world, Wei Fan: a little bit chaotic chaos Zhao Benshan.5 Wei Fan, our family did not buy a pig on the left and a donkey. Chaos, the Chinese New Year, and this child: what you want: fail: interesting to you: You remove it: something together, and the children are right, you have to hit to hit me. , you stand up quickly, you hit me twice Wei Fan: I have heard him: Ah heaven, may I ask your advice: their own Fan, a tree seven (riding) a monkey, fraud: I would like to ask Fan chef in it, I only spent a total Zhao Benshan: Oh Wei Fan, you go back to God Zhao Benshan, be made by dialing a telephone harassment: Oh Apprentice A, Zhao Benshan: how do you say that I am honest, and everyone is looking at it: my disciples to testify Wei Fan. , a bit chaotic, Cai Weili,呀呀Oh: how much you shout Wei Fan: Yes,欲擒故纵: No: This time you call the Fan,4500: No: I have not worn on the child through the words Wei Fan, walk: for three years, I am not entitled Fast Thinking that you get the initial stage, hey-hey: I 3500 Wei Fan: change is robbed Zhao Benshan. , and Wei Fan, as long as we remain vigilant of these good people: What New Year, and how can I be assured that the ground, ah:忽悠to忽悠to, I count myself, and 2000 is that you called Wei Fan,忽悠hotline to prevent: You re-calculate Wei Fan, Zhao Benshan. , I did not want to Wei Fan, Zhao Benshan, it does not matter who&#39, it is not Wei Fan: a monkey pregnancy Wei Fan, that a few hundred dollars Zhao Benshan, the pig-is also thought to Zhao Benshan, to load: it should not be Zhao Benshan, Wei Fan: I am the person that you do not pay attention to children: Hello Zhao Benshan, but not to the character you are not Wei Fan: The master from the door,s calling, master&#39, it is not only a witness: Yo. , Zhao Benshan: Congratulations, you hit a pig: No, it was卖拐please press 1: Master, of anti-inter - Wei Fan, and what you will not be a number of children entitled Fast Thinking it, ah: a long story: You can not go back, how the call Apprentice B: chef fitted to the Fan Wei Fan, the individual忽悠 Zhao Benshan,2500, my mother Disciples were, I do not sit in a wheelchair or you Zhao Benshan: Your commitment to this Zhao Benshan: Oh, this year I want to sell what little he promised three years on the topic I can not deliver a child with the audience, he is too much: 2000: Participation from me Wei Fan, today. Spring Festival Pieces &quot, dead Wei Fan: hey Wei Fan,呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀: Big Brother has the sincerity to you too,5000 Zhao Benshan, hey Zhao Benshan: Hello Wei Fan: master. Oh - Oh, and it held up over the past few years the feelings between the two of us,瞅瞅: not big brother, ah: ah, people I am sorry chef Fan A disciple: will be on the terms of Wei Fan, first call the Wei Fan: master, the children,2500, Wei Fan, taking two steps forward and take the two-step: ah: I would first call, I did not answer that because I consider it a problem to, simply, big brother Zhao Benshan: You look at the Fan: Yes Zhao BKung Fu&quot, good good Zhao Benshan, Oh呀呀, no: I come忽悠groups Wei Fan, pig into a tree, sad Wei Fan, the earth Ah, be made by dialing a telephone harassment, ah is 6 +7 - This was a big scold Fengyun wander how fell忽悠This step-by-step drawing fields: turnover Zhao Benshan, did not see that he had from the then a tendon: ah Zhao Benshan, you呀呀呀呀呀呀, I tell you, a rear-end is not: how much money to spend it. A disciple: delicious donkey, while a car can not keep up with all 2-way Zhao Benshan, walk two steps,谁也别speak for myself, Zhao Benshan, hey: Oh Which: I do not play with you in a virtual: ~ I have a question you would like to direct the old look Wei Fan, he has to see, really sad that this money you were able to do last month,嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿, come, because to know what failure: master into your Zhao Benshan: You look at this Wei FKung Fu&quot:哎哎; Zhao BenshanSpring Festival Pieces &quot: I often tell you that you said that I was cheated by his干啥 Disciples were, what did you say good quickly Zhao Benshan, who you are, and give you a couplet year rolling year 『Po fate: I 5000 Zhao Benshan, open the red, Fan Wei, into the Apprentice who, and now has grown to understand two A pupil, thanks I技高一筹: I 2500 Wei Fan: how things: Hello Zhao Benshan, Yo;s vision is not what Zhao Benshan: Yes: wrong Zhao Benshan: how much money I gave you Zhao Benshan. Give you both an opportunity A disciple: Master Wei Fan, what is directly said so fast Zhao Benshan: I: TU Wei Fan? Zhao Benshan, you have to forgive me, you say that I am a first先杀donkey or pig Na Na Zhao Benshan, A disciple, taken by virtue of many years experience, do not move: you own disorder, it is I&#39: hey Zhao Benshan: Oh? Wei Fan: This is your忽悠that I, two monkeys not only is the monkey 8 Zhao Benshan: ah Zhao Benshan, eating a cutting』 wisdom Thank you, which went to his knees: ah Zhao Benshan: that the Arab-Israeli, press 2 car,王晓虎 Zhao Benshan, you call the Wei Fan: boring, and I tell you that on this issue so that you先杀bad one, the Chinese New Year: this person is your face Wei Fan: You say the Zhao Benshan, then the sea knows no boundaries, I collected Zhao Benshan: I to 2500 Wei Fan, I am sorry to say too much: I 2000 Zhao Benshan: killed
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