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皇冠热卖!汽车遮阳板纸巾盒套+遮阳板CD夹 两用CD包 车用CD套
促销价格 : <span style="color:#FF 元
掌柜 : car312
<span style="color:#天累计售出 : <span style="color:# 件
宝贝与描述相符 : <span style="color:#.6低于2.08%
卖家的服务态度 : <span style="color:#.7低于1.24%
卖家发货的速度 : <span style="color:#.7低于1.28%
名称:遮阳版式纸巾盒CD夹,可放6张CD规格:长33*宽13cm左右颜色:多色可选产品本身简洁、大方,同时融合了车内用品的舒适贴心。既是广大爱车族的最爱,也是追求简洁大方的现代都市年轻人的新宠。采用多种图案及款式,PU材质,手感舒适,尽显其温馨浪漫气质。产品特点:<span style="color:#、独特设计理念,多种功能集于一身。2、作为CD夹又可以放一包纸巾哦。3、良好的触感,不会让人有不舒服或者坚硬的感觉。 安装方法:直接安装在遮阳板位置即可。 使用事项:<span style="color:#、请勿接近火源,以免损坏或变形;<span style="color:#、脏后直接用湿毛巾擦净即可。
商品及实物照片:<span style="color:#、所有照片皆是本店100%实物拍摄,保证您所见即所得。因为拍摄光线和显示原因,图片颜色可能有细微偏差,一切商品以实物为准,色差问题将不能作为中差评、投诉、退换货的依据。2、如有任何疑问,请在拍前先与我们沟通,以免产生不必要的误会。 3、拍下宝贝后我们会在24小时内与您确认交易事宜,也希望你能主动与我联系。4、确认交易后,我们会在24小时内发货 付款交易方式:付款可以通过支付宝或银行直接汇款。建议使用支付宝,方便安全。 快递须知:快递费因地区而异,具体在拍下产品之前请联系本店:020-,如果给您带来不便,敬请谅解!! 快递签收说明:收件时请务必当快递的面拆开检查无误后在签收,如有数量不对,损坏请拒绝签收!如请他人代签,事先也要做好沟通工作,一经签收就表示认可,再发现问题找快递公司索赔他们可是不认账的哦!为了保障买卖双方的权益,请多多配合! 关于快递服务:每个地区的邮政系统或快递公司服务质量参差不齐,若对此有任何不满,请向邮政系统或快递公司起诉,可以在投诉前与我们联系,我们将配合您的投诉,如将此责任归咎在我们身上给予中评,差评,一律投诉. 欢迎通过淘宝旺旺及其他方式与我们联系,如果不在线,请给我们留言,我们将在第一时间回复。 Q Q:电话:020-网站:
关键字:微软 遮阳板 快递 产品 实物 相关的主题文章:
15.0 我们将用更加专
5折康妮雅专柜正品 女海洋之花圆领中袖睡衣
促销价格 : <span style="color:#FF 元
掌柜 : 桂林网
<span style="color:#天累计售出 : <span style="color:# 件
宝贝与描述相符 : <span style="color:#.8高于60.82%
卖家的服务态度 : <span style="color:#.9高于59.72%
卖家发货的速度 : <span style="color:#.9高于62.88%
女海洋之花圆领中袖套装234.00元/套货号:468.00元/套质地:50%莫代尔+50%棉产品说明:特别提示:1、购物须知:您在购买本店商品前,请仔细阅读 《购物须知》,这是对大家的权益的保障 ,可避免很多的不必要的不开心的事情的发生。让我们大家快乐购物、快乐交易。2、特价商品:本店所售特价产品均为康妮雅专柜正品,产品无任何质量问题。3、谢绝还价:我们把可能的实惠全部让给淘宝买家,我们没有给自己留讲价的余地,所以如果您还想讲价,我们只能无语了。物流须知:1、关于超重:多件产品只收一次运费,超重费用另计。2、到货时间:我们只能保证及时发货,无法保证到货时间。3、合作伙伴:我们目前从桂林总仓发货默认的快递公司是——EMS,EMS是目前桂林最值得信任的快递公司,从中山总仓发货默认的快递公司是——申通快递。买家可以指定您信任的快递公司,但运费需要提付。4、发货时间:当日14点前拍下并付款,我们确认付款已经成功的的订单,是从桂林总仓发货的,当天可以发货;如是从中山总仓发货的,次日可以发货。中山总仓周六、周日不发货,发货时间顺延至下周星期一。康妮雅集团中山康妮雅广州康妮雅康妮雅服饰康妮雅家居服康妮雅内衣康妮雅睡衣conlia 相关商品
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关键字:正品 专柜 黑体 套装 家居服 相关的主题文章:
促销价 373.99
专柜正品孚日洁玉 四色纯棉 加长 舒适 吸湿透气型五彩运动巾
促销价格 : <span style="color:#FF 元
掌柜 : 炫本色
<span style="color:#天累计售出 : <span style="color:# 件
宝贝与描述相符 :
卖家的服务态度 : <span style="color:#.7低于1.22%
卖家发货的速度 : <span style="color:#.7低于0.52%
品牌/品名 孚日-洁玉/五彩运动巾货号 P-01重量150克规格38cm&110cm成份100%纯棉(缎档及装饰部分除外)等级一等品颜色 以颜色分类选择为准市场价<span style="color:#ff/条执行标准GB/T GB B类超值价<span style="color:#ff/条特点描述产品介绍:产品手感柔软、舒适,吸湿透气轻盈,明亮的色彩处处体现着创意与时尚!毛圈平整和色彩的明亮度,深受运动爱好者的喜爱,更是礼品的首选。
超实惠的运动巾 三色入 运动必备毛巾 仅售11.99元
☆建议初次使用前清水清洗。☆深色棉织品初次洗涤有轻微掉色现象。☆毛巾洗后宜自然晾干,不宜长期处于潮湿状态,不宜长时间暴晒。1、棉织物清洗时,应先把洗衣粉等洗涤剂(勿使用含漂白剂成份的洗涤剂)放入水中,待完全溶解后,再放入棉织物。2、一般浸泡时间不要超过半小时,清洗时水温一般不可超过摄氏40度。3、清洗时,浅色产品要与深色产品分开洗涤,避免染色。4、真丝面料、丝棉面料、大豆纤维面料:常温水洗涤不能使用含生物酶的洗涤剂,可干洗和手洗,水洗时不能甩干,不能用力拧干,不能在日光下暴晒,低温熨烫,建议用丝毛洗涤剂,洗时加少许醋可 增加面料光泽。5、含羊毛、羊绒纤维的面料:常温洗涤,中温熨烫,此类面料建议干洗,水洗时尽量少用含生物酶的洗涤剂长时间浸泡,建议用丝毛洗涤剂。6、灯芯绒,可干洗、水洗:常温洗涤,中温熨烫,熨烫时应熨烫织物背面,最好在将干时熨烫,晒干时可用衣刷梳理正面绒毛,长久保持绒毛手感。7、化纤面料,常温洗涤,不能用高温水浸泡,机洗、水洗即可,绒类面料不能熨烫绒的表面。8、天丝面料、竹纤维面料,可机洗、干洗,常温洗涤,不能高温浸泡,机洗时不能甩干,清洗后在通风避光处晾干即可,不能暴晒,应低温熨烫。9、如用烘干机,请选用低温烘干,温度不要超过摄氏35度,以防过度缩水。有花边、坠子等可取下的装饰物一定要先取下再洗。10、亚麻产品洗涤时不能用力搓、揉,以免起毛,影响外观和寿命。
☆您所看到的图片都是实物拍摄,品质与实力的保证,让亲们的选择更放心更安心!但因为拍摄光线及相机和电脑显示器都有可能造成色差的问题,摄影师已经在拍照时尽量注意了,但是这一点也难以避 免,请介意的朋友谨慎购买!☆当您收货前,请您认真核查商品包装及货品,如有因运输导致的破损和污渍,请您不要签收,请和我们联系,谢谢。☆快递派送期间请务必保持电话畅通,快件签收务必本人签收,代签视为本人已经签收快件无问题并已安全送达本人手中,建议本人不能签收时请交待好代签人签收时注意的问题。
孚日集团股份有限公司是以家用纺织品为主兼营农药化工、热电、光伏等多元化产业的大型企业集团,是中国规模最大、出口金额最多的专业从事中高档巾被系列产品、床上用品、装饰布系列产品生产和销售的 现代化家用纺织品生产厂商。公司股票于2006年11月在深交所上市。公司现拥有全球一流水平的染色、织造、印花及整理包装等各类生产设备,已形成棉纺加工、家用纺织产品制造、国内外销售一体化的完备产业链,产品通过质量 、环境、安全健康等系列国际认证,主要销往日本、美国、欧洲等十几个国家和地区,自1999年以来,公司出口数量和出口金额一直名列全国同行业第一位。公司曾先后荣获 “全国出口商品质量稳定企业”、“全国守合同重信用企 业”、“山东省质量管理奖”、“山东省先进民营企业”、“山东省高新技术企业”等荣誉。是北京2008年奥运会家纺类产品的特许生产和零 售商。“孚日”商标为中国驰名商标;“孚日”牌毛巾系列、装饰布艺系列产品荣获“中 国名牌”,并双双获得“国家质量免检”称号;“孚日”牌毛巾系列产品被商务部评为“重点培育和发展的中国出口名牌”。
拥有从日本、意大利、瑞士等国家引进的世界先进的精梳机、并条机等设备,同时装备了具有国内先进水平的环锭、气流、自络、倍捻等其它生产设备,这些自动化纺机在生产过程中均采用智能化微电脑控制, 生产效率高,产品质量在国内棉纺织行业处于领先水平。目前,企业已形成22万锭棉纱生产能力,以生产本色纯棉产品为主,包括9—120支精梳纯棉纱线和纯棉无捻纱线等,产品畅销全国各地。
作为国内最大的家纺企业,公司的生产规模尤其毛巾产品的生产能力已跃居世界第一位。拥有从瑞士、德国、比利时等国家进口的世界一流的喷气、剑杆织机等织造设备,多条特宽幅后处理长车生产线以及整经、浆纱 、织造设备,具有人机对话、故障自查、自动化程度高、功能多、速度快、质量稳定等多种优点,可以满足各类中、高档织物和不同工艺的生产需要。“孚日牌”毛巾荣获“中国名牌产品”、“国家免检产品”、“中国驰名商标”、“ 中国出口名牌”等荣誉称号。公司被北京奥组委定为我国唯一一家毛巾系列产品特许经销商,生产的各种福娃方巾、套巾、运动巾、“2008”提缎割绒套巾、“会徽”无捻套巾等奥运特许毛巾系列产品,深受广大消费者青睐。
拥有从瑞士、德国、比利时等国家进口的世界一流的喷气、剑杆织机等织造设备,多条特宽幅染整处理生产线、奥地利齐玛圆网印花设备,整体技术装备水平在国际同行业中处于领先水平,可满足国内外客户各类高档 产品的技术和质量要求,年产各种中、高档面料及装饰布系列4000万米及成品200万套,孚日牌床品、装饰布艺荣获“中国名牌产品”、“国家免检产品”荣誉称号。以纯棉、涤棉、粘棉或丝光棉等为主要原料交织加工而成,集现代、时尚、典雅、奢华于一身,体现简约华贵的全新床品概念,通过国家环境标志产品认证和OEKO-TEXSTANDARD100生态纺织品认证,为广大消费者提供了 最舒适、最洁净、最符合人体健康标准的床品,满足了消费者渴望精致生活的诉求,充分迎合了现代人的生活追求。尤其是由色织大提花高支高密纯棉面料加工而成的床品,以更富人性化的创新设计理念和专利技术体现到每一个细节, 全面融合床品的实用性、舒适性和现代感,为消费者创造全新的家居体验。
始终以国际布艺时尚潮流为向导,结合现代化制造工艺,每年有上千种花形、图案创新问世,以满足不同客户的需求。先进的制造设备,完善的现代化管理制度以及专业高素质的员工为公司追求高品质奠定了坚实的基 础。产品主要由涤棉或纯棉交织加工而成,规格以55-95英寸的提花装饰布、窗帘制品(各种窗帘、浴帘等)、厨房用纺织品(桌布、围兜、清洁巾等)和手帕、流苏、饰边、信插、衣物袋、储藏袋、布艺沙发、各类靠垫等 。所产的装饰面料风格独特、种类繁多,花色齐全适合不同区域的风格,产品销售网络遍及全国各大城市并出口美国、欧洲等国家和地区。
孚日集团股份有限公司旗下有孚日和洁玉两个品牌。孚日品牌主要面向的是国际市场和国内大中城市的孚日旗舰店,洁玉品牌主要面向的是超市专柜。孚日和洁玉两个品牌都是中国驰名商标,中国名牌,国家免检产品 ,质量完全一样,都是同一条生产线下的产品,只是两者的销售渠道不同。本店主要销售的是洁玉品牌,常见的水洗标一般是电视台有林志玲代言的洁玉广告
关键字:宝贝 模板 面料 纯棉 产品 相关的主题文章:
真正无痕内裤 女士抗菌平角内裤 女士防走光内裤 打底裤夏季热销
促销价格 : <span style="color:#FF 元
掌柜 : biobio
<span style="color:#天累计售出 : <span style="color:# 件
宝贝与描述相符 : <span style="color:#.8高于32.08%
卖家的服务态度 : <span style="color:#.8高于28.62%
卖家发货的速度 : <span style="color:#.8高于31.30%
2011最新款外贸平角塑身裤收腹柔软贴身无痕防走光塑身裤平角一口价 78.00元真正无痕内裤 女士抗菌平角内裤 女士防走光内裤 夏季热销一口价 21.00元江浙沪包邮热卖3色入收腹收腰提臀合胯超柔软贴身超薄三角塑裤灰一口价 58.00元2011秋冬新款产后日单连体塑身衣收腹收腰托胸无骨塑身竹炭 肤一口价 198.00元江浙沪包邮新款日单加强紧致收腹合跨提臀裤提臀裤收腹臀3色可选一口价 78.00元江浙沪包邮新款华歌尔高腰塑身裤收腹收腰高腰裤束身裤三色可选一口价 98.00元我也要免费出现到这里!
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内裤 平角 价格 21.0
促销价格 : <span style="color:#FF 元
掌柜 : 欧美女王
<span style="color:#天累计售出 : <span style="color:# 件
宝贝与描述相符 : <span style="color:#.7高于14.87%
卖家的服务态度 : <span style="color:#.8高于30.26%
卖家发货的速度 : <span style="color:#.8高于40.88%
为了方便给位MM对比,每件YY七公主有试穿的喔^^效果如下:3317 穿S 合身~ 胸部侧边有点紧客服艳子尺寸:身高165cm 体重48kg 腰围66cm 胸围82cm
臀围86cm 面料: 仿真丝色丁因不同测量方法,尺寸会细微差异,此种情况并非质量问题。
关键字:黑体 腰围 胸围 测量 平铺 相关的主题文章:
113.0 黑体 腰围 胸围
蜜朵品琦 磁疗保健正品 性感内衣调整型 聚拢文胸
促销价格 : <span style="color:#FF 元
掌柜 : 蜜朵品琦旗舰店
<span style="color:#天累计售出 : <span style="color:#8 件
宝贝与描述相符 : <span style="color:#.7
卖家的服务态度 : <span style="color:#.7
卖家发货的速度 : <span style="color:#.6
买了包邮商品再买不包邮的商品可以全部包邮啦!!!包邮仅限申通快递可到,新疆、西藏、青海、广西、云南、贵州、甘肃、宁夏、海南 需补5元运费,如需发EMS补8元运费。发货时间(活动期间由于发货量大,所有邮件会在7天内发货,谢谢)同时全店全民疯抢2-6折优惠活动,仅此一天!!请在关注的MM们尽快下手,过后请勿再追问是否还可以按现秒杀价给,我们现是亏本促销,所以活动结束按原价格销售,请MM们多谅解与关注! 尺寸:34AB=75AB/36AB=80AB/38AB=85AB 产品货号:6007#(单件文胸)适合小胸和普通胸型MM
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98.0 文胸 邮商 运费
2011秋季 Staccato/思加图 正品
促销价格 : <span style="color:#FF 元
掌柜 : lianhua58
<span style="color:#天累计售出 : <span style="color:# 件
宝贝与描述相符 : <span style="color:#.7高于17.68%
卖家的服务态度 : <span style="color:#.8高于19.37%
卖家发货的速度 : <span style="color:#.8高于15.97%
2011新款 百丽正品 凉鞋 花朵舒适羊皮 坡跟 中跟鱼嘴鞋子G9L1 2011秋季 Staccato/思加图 正品 舒适坡跟时尚百搭单鞋ER301
限量:38件 限量:38件
2011秋季女鞋 Tata/他她 正品 深品舒适高跟真皮单鞋 FIR23D 2011新款秋季 Tata/他她正品 牛皮中跟单鞋深口舒适女鞋 FIR30
限量:38件 限量:38件
关键字:正品 舒适 秋季 原价 女鞋 相关的主题文章:
正品 舒适 秋季 148.0
【强烈推荐】Mother Home 娘家干湿两用粉饼精美铁盘1#自然亮肤
促销价格 : <span style="color:#FF 元
掌柜 : 猪猪化妆柜
<span style="color:#天累计售出 : <span style="color:# 件
宝贝与描述相符 : <span style="color:#.5低于6.30%
卖家的服务态度 : <span style="color:#.6低于4.06%
卖家发货的速度 : <span style="color:#.7低于1.76%
品牌:Mother Home 中文名:娘家品名:干湿两用粉饼容量:0.48OZ色号:1#(自然亮肤色)产地:USA中国总代理:澳门佳利发展有限公司老规矩咯~~~这个牌子的DD包装都是蛮简单的,因为无盒子包装,所以批号也都是印在外面大箱子上的,粉饼保质都是5年的~~所以保质是到2012年哦,mother home家的DD好不好用,想在偶店里买过它家眼影和腮红的亲都很清楚,绝对是物美价廉的好DD^_^宝贝说明:有塑料盒,无密封,无中文说明,无日期(彩妆产品的特殊性)日期只有大箱子上才有,日期都是近期的,而且彩妆的日期都比较长.JMS可以放心入货.另:喜欢中国特色三证的MM请去拍其它彩妆产品.谢谢啦^^Mother Home 娘家干粉饼 粉质细腻 内带粉扑 0.48OZ 超大容量 超级划算。媲美铁盘的粉饼
铁盘有的MM在用得时候会反应太厚太干容易堵塞毛孔,而美国本土产品 Mother Home 娘家干粉饼决不会有这样的现象,粉质非常细腻.而且是干湿两用的,秋冬季节如果有的MM怕干可以考虑用点橄榄油推这个粉粉,简直超赞。自己在试验后发现真得很好用,所以现在就推荐给大家咯.千万不要错过哦,性价比非常的高,比铁盘要便宜很多。亲们千万不要错过哦。
关键字:粉饼 娘家 干湿 日期 毛孔 相关的主题文章:
粉饼 娘家 干湿 9.0
景德镇陶瓷餐具 百家姓五色情侣碗 陶瓷碗套装日本和风 拆售
促销价格 : <span style="color:#FF 元
掌柜 : 亲瓷小镇
<span style="color:#天累计售出 : <span style="color:# 件
宝贝与描述相符 : <span style="color:#.8高于15.78%
卖家的服务态度 : <span style="color:#.8高于12.15%
卖家发货的速度 : <span style="color:#.8高于28.62%
关键字:景德镇 百家姓 日本 和风 套装 相关的主题文章:
景德镇 百家姓
厂家直销/烫钻图案 烫图 烫画/成品特价批发/t恤针织衫牛仔裤雨伞
促销价格 : <span style="color:#FF 元
掌柜 : strollgirl
<span style="color:#天累计售出 : <span style="color:# 件
宝贝与描述相符 :
卖家的服务态度 : <span style="color:#.8高于33.68%
卖家发货的速度 : <span style="color:#.7高于11.86%
厂家直销/烫钻图特价/批发/T恤/针织衫毛衣烫图 3.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图特价/批发/T恤/针织衫毛衣项链 3.00元 厂家直销/烫图式 特价/批发/T恤/针织衫毛衣/白玫瑰 3.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图 特价/批发/T恤/针织衫毛衣/项链 3.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图 秒杀/大熊猫 0.01元 厂家直销/烫钻图 KT猫 4.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图/漂亮女孩 15.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图/漂亮女郎 15.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图美女和狗 5.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图小红米老鼠 9.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图 大号/小狐狸 12.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图案 老鼠跑 8.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图案大号唐老鸭 12.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图案 可爱小狗 5.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图案彩色老鼠 8.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图案 长尾老鼠 9.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图案 爱情老鼠 8.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图 黄金骷髅头 15.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图 钻石骷髅头 15.00元 厂家直销/烫钻图/蝴蝶飞飞 6.00元 烫图展示区[img=http://20.][img=http://e7.][img=http://e6.][img=http://46.][img=http://13.][img=http://dd.][img=http://60.][img=http://2c.][img=http://c8.]
烫钻烫图方法1、把烫钻图案下面的一层带纹路的白色衬底揭去,再把粘着钻图的粘纸摆放到衣服上您认为合适的位置,用手压平,[有粘性的一面向下呀] 假如钻比较大,或者有好几种不同大小类型的钻或片,就应该把衣服反过来,从布的一面烫。2、电熨斗调到“棉”的一档[相当于120-150度],蒸汽熨斗不要开蒸汽不要放水,干熨就行。(蒸汽熨斗要增加移动的次数因为有眼所以会受热不均匀)把衣服放到一个较平的操作面,有时为了熨的更结实,可以在操作面上再垫上一层或两层毛巾。用力把熨斗压在烫图上,熨十五秒左右,如果烫图较大,电熨斗不能一次覆盖,就反复在烫图上移动熨斗,使整个烫图均匀受热。同时熨烫时间也相应延长一些。3、熨烫完,等烫图冷却以后再把表面那层粘纸揭下,一幅精美的你自己DIY的烫钻图就完成了。准备工作:烫图、电熨斗、必要时需要薄毛巾等原理:烫钻底部有专用胶,在遇高温时,底部的胶就会熔化,从而粘到物体上,一般用服装上,但有些面料原因,使熔化的胶体不能渗透到布料里面,会影响烫钻的粘度(如绸缎布料)。[img=http://e7.]注意事项: 烫贴图案可耐水洗,可用一般的洗衣粉、洗涤剂。洗涤时应将带钻图的一面翻向里,不要用力搓洗烫钻表面。在不耐高潮的布料上压烫时请在布料及图案上加熨衣服用的保护布。熨斗下压时,用力要均匀,不要推动熨斗。注意不要用熨斗直接烫背胶。有些材质不可以用熨斗加热,在个别用途上要用胶水。Q扣:5906961,手机
关键字:楷体 厂家 熨斗 图案 布料 相关的主题文章:
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Includes 42 Steam Achievements
Title: Democracy 3
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 14 Oct, 2013
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Packages that include this game
Buy Democracy 3 Collector's Edition
Includes 4 items:
Democracy 3, Democracy 3: Clones and Drones, Democracy 3: Extremism, Democracy 3: Social Engineering
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Recent updates
Hi, thanks to some great help from community members we have finally tracked down and (we strongly suspect) fixed a seemingly random crash in the electioneering DLC.
We have patched the windows version 1.285 which includes this fix, and OSX and the Africa version will get their fixes tomorrow. Sorry for all the hassle!
We had some bugs reported with electioneering on OSX (and other DLC) when certain scripts were run, such as firing a minister. This has (As far as we can tell) been tracked down and fixed now with this latest tiny update. Sorry about that, and hopefully its fixed now! (this was OSX only)
“Apparently somewhere between the genuine bona fide electrified six-car monorail, the prostitutes and the land mines, I lost the support of the electorate.”
“I returned to Democracy 3 in an attempt to put right the wrongs of my previous administration. On my first visit, I broke Britain, crushing its culture and creating a country reminiscent of Clockwork Orange, filled with gangs and ultraviolence.”
“Positech has made, I believe, one of the fullest real-world governance simulation games ever conceived. It’s engaging, it’s self-aware, and, at times, it’s funnier than anyone might have expected”
About This Game
Have you ever wanted to be president? or prime-minister? Convinced you could do a better job of running the country? Let's face it, you could hardly do a worse job than our current political leaders.
Crime, Unemployment, National Debt, Terrorism, Climate Change...Have you got the answers to the problems that face western industrialized nations? Here is your chance to find out...
Democracy 3 simulates the motivations, loyalties and desires of everyone in the country. A custom-designed neural network is used to model individual voters, each which varying memberships of voting groups, political parties and pressure groups. Each voters income is modeled, along with their levels of complacency and cynicism. This is the most sophisticated political strategy game ever created.
Despite being vastly detailed under-the-hood, Democracy 3 has a unique user interface that makes visualizing the connections between laws, policies, voters and situations easy. A simple iconic-based view of your countries issues allows you to 'drill-down' through all the relationships between policies and voters to quickly analyze the impacts of your decisions. Your trade policy may affect GDP, which will affect unemployment, which will effect poverty, and thus crime, leading to a change in tourism, which affects GDP...
Each individual voter is a mixture of a subset of the 21 different voter groups represented within the game. They might be a young, wealthy, liberal socialist commuter, or a retired conservative religious capitalist, for example. Not only this, but the extent to which they identify each of those groups is both variable, and can be affected by your policies in the long term. Convert your country to religion, or atheism, to capitalism, or socialism by careful and nuanced adjustment of your policies and laws over time. A 'focus group' feature lets you look at individual voters and see exactly how they came to a decision to vote for you (or not!).
... and lots more...
Democracy 3 is very configurable and trivial to mod. It also has steam workshop support, for easy installation and browsing of modded content. Want to mod the game yourself? no problem, you need zero coding experience, just a spreadsheet program or a text editor, and we have a full comprehensive modding guide available here:
Modders can easily edit the policies, add new ones, change the way objects affect others, create entirely new countries, situations and even re-write the entire economic and political model. Everything is editable and accessible.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP
Processor: 2 gig
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 256 MB
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: any
OS: Windows XP
Processor: 2 gig
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 256 MB
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: any
Processor: 2 gig
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 256 MB
Storage: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: any
Processor: 2 gig
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 256 MB
Storage: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: any
Processor: 2 gig
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 256 MB
Storage: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: any
Processor: 2 gig
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 256 MB
Storage: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: any
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Mostly Positive
(115 reviews)
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(4,315 reviews)
Pretty unrealistic in a number of ways. The only policy I implemented was the deport a group of individuals who were being smuggled into our country illegally, and the black power group managed to assassinate me. If real life were like this game, our society would be in anarchy 24/7, because groups who didn't like a policy would just assassinate their leaders (because that's such an easy thing to do). The mods for this game might make it better.
4/10 do not recommend mundane, dull, and boring. Missing features on top of broken mods does not fair well in my opinion. save your 25$ for something else.
no russia0/10
Love the game Hope there is democracy 4 eventually
(Based on an old post/non-recent gameplay):I don't think I can take this game seriously anymore. I thought I was getting a lot smarter with this game, pleasing many people groups, staying out of debt, keeping people from wanting to assassinate me, and what I would consider to be doing a good job at being a president. Well, every time I've done these things, by the time I get to my first election, I have 0 activists and practically nobody votes for me, resulting in a game over.So I read a comment on here, where someone asking about activists (because I too didn't understand them). The dev himself responded and said that people tend to be activists for extremists, people who go against the usual, or middle-ground. So I thought, I'll pick one people group and try to please them as much as I can, to a completely unrealistic point that I'd never even consider in real life.I chose to give the people a Conservatives' paradise, going FULL TILT on everything they liked.Death Penalty: 100% (&For most crimes&)Gated Communities: 100% encouragedNarcotics: 100% outlawedPolice Force: 100% MAXIMUMPrisons: 100% Extensive RehabilitationRace Discrimination Act: Medium (at 0% influence for conservatives)Welfare Fraud Department: 100% undercover investigatorsAbortion Laws: 0% aka TOTAL BANPrivate Prisons: 100% MAXIMUMThen I won the election. I'm just confused how this is what got me past my first election. This killed it for me.
To expensive, but good.
Actual politicians don't like doing this, why would I?
G you can take your country in a thousand different directions per game.
Ok first attempt was quite a failure for me so lets just ignore that...Second Attempt:-plays as france-starts immediately to decrease crime and increase education (it works)-everyone loves me except for capitalists (I dont know why, I just made them equal to everyone else...)-two failed assassination attempts from capitalists, I proceed to laugh in their faces-I have finally fixed unemployment and poverty and health is starting to increase-I get voted in again (surprisingly more than half of the capitalists vote for me eventhough they hate me)-health is high and everything is good except for GPD (I dont understand it)-I attempt to increase it only to realise I am now in extreme debt-two more failed assassination attempts from the capitalists I now start to understand why they hate me-I get voted in again for my third term overwhelmingly from everyone and 73% of capitalists vote for me (why?)-GPD is the lowest it can be-capitalists finally kill my and celebrate10/10 would totally be put through that trauma again
& Does amazing at developing a country. & Gets assassinated before first election. 10/10
This is a fun game for causal play, though severe balancing issues make it incredibly frustrating to play at any higher level than that, at least as far as difficulty is concerned. Also the developers very clearly don't understand the diffrence between American politics and European politics, and if you don't understand the diffrence and you're American you're going to have a frustrating time playing your home country. The credit rating adjustments are increadibly unrealistic and disproportionatley effect the economy.That's just one of the more obvious things, there are tons of little quirks and inconsistineces in the game's balancing that sometimes are inconcequential and just serve to pull you out of the expereince and other times they activley make the game a chore to play. I won't go into them because I would have to type several pages out, I will say however that the DLC packs and certian mods will help, but they won't correct the issues entirely. Hell, sometimes they just make them even worse if you're not careful.The real problem is assassinations and re-election. If you're playing on the base difficulty setting, fine, you should not have a problem getting re-elected whatsoever if you're paying attention. You probably have a 30% chance of getting shot down, but as bad as that sounds even that's managable. Turn up the difficulty slider and you're going to have a bad time unless you turn them off entirley. The concept makes sense, but it's the execution is increadibly poor.Except for your own, of course, if you try to play on a higher difficulty you will die repeatedly to ???????t.If you want to just mess around to make policy changes, this game is fine. Just turn on monarchy and turn off assassinations and have fun. If you want a serious and well balanced political simulator then make your own, you won't find it here. I personally wouldn't recomend buying this game unless you see it on sale with the DLC's included.Also, if you do get the game and decide to play America, have a tip. The thing you absoultley must do on the first turn is institue the anti-descrimination policy, because apparently the developers think we're all racist ????? and don't seem to realize we have dozens of laws and several amendments that do just that. Otherwise you're going to be shot by minorities who did absoutley nothing wrong.dr Get it if you want a casual game, turn off assassination if you want to actually play the game, buy it on sale if you must.
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Way boring. I like strategy games, but this one is way too simplified and complicated at the same time.
It's like skiing, easy to go through the game and finish it, however, very difficult to master and takes a lot of reading and experimenting to become truly an expert at this game. I would pay $5 tops for this game. It's such a simple program. You increase or decrease a stat, and it has an effect on your presidency one way or another. Simple if then statements. Do not buy unless less than $5.
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Democracy 3 is a good, addicting game.. for the first two hours.You will get assassinated. A lot. It's ridiculous in its implementation that upping stem cell research and reducing creationism (while having an EXTREMELY low crime rate) somehow translates to a religious extremist using a high-caliber sniper rifle to assassinate the head of state? Thank god you can turn assassinations off!But the main problem with Democracy 3 is one of irony, because nothing that happens in the game feels particualrly democratic aside from the end of term voting.Let me explain.For most of the game you're issuing and adjustiing policies to appease your voter base and grow your nation. At no single point in this process are you taking these issues through actual party politics. There's no system of a house of commons or a senate, there's literally nothing here that actually models the internal workings of actual government, which I think is really unfortunate because the developers are definitely on to something here.Overall Democracy 3 is a fun game, but I think Democracy 4 if done right would look nothing like it.
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11/10 Accidentally eradicated poverty.
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never can satisfy capitalist , even publicity problem is solved and vote is kill , you will suddenly killed by assassian
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Awesome game.... but make sure you pick it up on sale price.
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Neat concept, but gets boring fast due to the goals always feeling the same. Even when the percentages for the different groups you are trying to sway start different from another game, they always seem to migrate toward the same end results. As such, it seems like policies will generally feel like they're going to have the same effect.This is countered by the fact that so much just seems completely random that you can't really make educated choices. Ministers or activist groups will say they want you to support Thing X, and when you start doing things to support them, they get madder. My best strategy so far seems to be to completely ignore all of that, and then I start to feel like nothing I'm told matters.Maybe the whole thing is just a joke about politics, and how nothing we do matters, because people are fickle... but that's not a very fun game.
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Ok first attempt was quite a failure for me so lets just ignore that...Second Attempt:-plays as france-starts immediately to decrease crime and increase education (it works)-everyone loves me except for capitalists (I dont know why, I just made them equal to everyone else...)-two failed assassination attempts from capitalists, I proceed to laugh in their faces-I have finally fixed unemployment and poverty and health is starting to increase-I get voted in again (surprisingly more than half of the capitalists vote for me eventhough they hate me)-health is high and everything is good except for GPD (I dont understand it)-I attempt to increase it only to realise I am now in extreme debt-two more failed assassination attempts from the capitalists I now start to understand why they hate me-I get voted in again for my third term overwhelmingly from everyone and 73% of capitalists vote for me (why?)-GPD is the lowest it can be-capitalists finally kill my and celebrate10/10 would totally be put through that trauma again
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Well what am i supposed to say ...Played Greek and abolished every form of tax for a year ...Still had tax evasion ...10 out of 10,would realism again.
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&buy game&start up game &play as the US cause MURICA ???? YEAH&lets make America great again&have a presidency a million times more conservative than Reagan&get assassinated by conservatives10/10 would get shot by people with similar political views again
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