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;whether…or..and.is.用复数谓语A money为不可数名词A either,主语还是he..适用就近原则A there be句型适用就近原则B togetherwith his parents是在对主语进行修饰; not only…but also适用就近原则,第一句主语为number;norB not only.but also适用就近原则D.,teacher修饰number,(原句可变为He is going to visit Shanghai in July together with his parents)用is.,不属于主语.;by myself固定搭配B ; either … neither…nor.,第二句为teachers.,用a number of来修饰there be+句型.; or ;not…but.both
A 4、B 2、A 5、B 7、D 3、A 61
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私信内容:9:00-18:00周一至周五2015年高考浙江省英语真题(带解析)适用年级:高三试卷类型:高考真题适用省份:浙江试卷年份:2015年题数:28浏览数:14281解析人:易题库一、选择题报错1..A.Yes.I do agree.B.Yes.That would be nice.C.No.Are you sure?D.No.What’s up?难度系数:0.85-0.71浏览:1066次评分:报错2.children’s book for many years, but one thing or another always got in &&&&&&&&&&way.A.a;不填B.theC.不填;theD.a; the难度系数:0.55-0.41浏览:1217次评分:报错3.&animals both on land and sea?A.aboutB.toC.withD.over难度系数:0.40-0.26浏览:946次评分:报错4.hear ourselves speak.A.couldn&#39;tB.shouldn&#39;tC.mustn’tD.needn’t难度系数:0.85-0.71浏览:866次评分:报错5.&sound differently.A.produceB.pronounceC.processD.download难度系数:1.00-0.86浏览:850次评分:报错6.&is below the water surface..A.whatB.whoC.thatD.whoever难度系数:0.55-0.41浏览:1136次评分:报错7.&a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.A.take awayB.throw awayC.put awayD.give away难度系数:0.55-0.41浏览:976次评分:报错8..&a famous scientist whose theories would change the world.A.has beenB.had beenC.was going to beD.was难度系数:1.00-0.86浏览:1160次评分:报错9..A.Just asB.Even thoughC.UntilD.Unless难度系数:0.40-0.26浏览:903次评分:报错10...A.As a resultB.In additionC.By contrastD.In conclusion难度系数:0.40-0.26浏览:1227次评分:报错11.&our emotions than for straight facts.A.block offB.appeal toC.subscribe toD.come across难度系数:0.85-0.71浏览:1037次评分:报错12.&if you were watching your favorite TV program and someong came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?A.themB.oneC.thoseD.it难度系数:0.85-0.71浏览:906次评分:报错13.&alive.A.steadilyB.instantlyC.formerlyD.permanently难度系数:0.70-0.56浏览:1065次评分:报错14..A.considerateB.sensitiveC.reliableD.passive难度系数:0.55-0.41浏览:1059次评分:报错15.&is to talk about feeling with someong you trust.A.productionB.stressC.energyD.power难度系数:1.00-0.86浏览:940次评分:报错16.A.floatB.drownC.shrinkD.split难度系数:0.85-0.71浏览:988次评分:报错17.&specific questions often asked by local newsmen.A.in memory ofB.in response toC.in touch withD.in possession of难度系数:0.70-0.56浏览:1029次评分:报错18.&live is quite another.A.performB.performingC.to performD.being performed难度系数:0.70-0.56浏览:1319次评分:报错19..A.asB.whoseC.in whichD.at which难度系数:0.70-0.56浏览:1260次评分:报错20.一一.A.I wouldn’t mind thatB.Then we’ll get there quicklyC.Let’s call it a dayD.It’s not a requirement难度系数:0.70-0.56浏览:1058次评分:二、完形填空报错21.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项和中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。  .高级管理人员&on their way to impressive careers., they seem to have it made..&drink at their cheap but friendly local bar, shook hands with longtime roommates, and&&24&&out of small apartments into high buildings.&a college year&#39;s monthly rent..&that despite their success, they aren’t happy.&of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eight-hour workweeks devoted to tasks they&&&28&&..&to which they have so quickly become&&31&.  &the end the idea of leaving their jobs to work for something they&&&33&&&or finding a position that would give them more time with their families almost always leads them to it’ s&&&34&&&.(抵押贷款), retirement to save for.&in their lives , but it’s&&&37&&&to step off the track.  &everything in terms of dollars and cents, we learn form a young age to consider the costs of our&&&39&&&in financial terms.&in pursuing money over meaning? These are exactly the kinds of costs many of us tend to ignore — and the very ones we need to consider most.....................................................................................................难度系数:0.70-0.56浏览:2280次评分:三、阅读理解报错22.阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(、、和)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。   ....   .....   ...   .....   ... ..   .   .   .   . ..   .   .   .   . ..   .   .   .   . .   ..   ..   ..   .. ..   .   .   .  .难度系数:0.40-0.26浏览:2038次评分:报错23.    ... Graphs can seem frightening, but reading a graph& is a lot like reading a story .a main idea ,and supporting details .. Most graphs have a few basic parts: a caption or introduction paragraph, a titlea legend or key, and labeled axes......is a guide to the symbols and colors used in the graph.... A bar graph has two axes and uses bars to show amounts.we see that the x-axis shows grades that students earned, and the y-axis shows bow many students earned each grade...
Graph 1. Student Performance on Social Studies Quizbut instead of Bars, it plots points and connects them with a line... . The unit of measurement for the x-axis is days..on the first day, the pipit flew 20 kilometers.which means that the bird flew farther on Day 2.it would mean that the bird flew fewer kilometers than the day before.. ... ..
.,.   .   .   .   . .   ..   ..   ..   .. ..   .   .   .   . .   ..   .   .   ..难度系数:0.55-0.41浏览:2888次评分:报错24.  ,,夜间活动的.,...   .,...   霾..   .磁铁...   ..   .. ..   .   .   .   . .   ..   .   .   . ..   .   .   .   . ..   .   .   .   . .   ..   ..  ..  ..难度系数:0.70-0.56浏览:5649次评分:报错25.      when my daughter Becky was tenshe and my husbandJoe, were united in their desire for a dog .I shared none of their canine lust.   they pleaded.“’.”’.“’”.“’.”..   ’...“.”   心灵融合.’—.附肢, snoring on my home-office couch as I worked, cradling against my feet as I read, and splaying across my stomach as I watched television.   ..’不心甘情愿地做.“”’.   ——’白血病.....   ..   ,...   ..   ...she reminded me that life goes on.   ,. 一.. never once ended in victory, she reminds me, too, that no matter how harsh the present or unpredictable the future, there&#39;s almost always some measure of joy to be extracted from the moment. . .. .dog. ..  &.. ..(Paragraph 3)? .. .The medium-sized woman is the hostess. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. ........ .. .. .. ..难度系数:1.00-0.86浏览:2018次评分:四、信息匹配报错26.下面文章中有个段落需要添加首句第题。请从以下选项和中选出适合各段落的首句,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。............  .....  62....  .....  ....  .....难度系数:0.85-0.71浏览:1982次评分:五、短文改错报错27.下面短文中有处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(﹨)划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;    .只允许修改处,多者(从第处起)不计分。   ...........难度系数:1.00-0.86浏览:1792次评分:六、书面表达报错28.  在班级活动中,当你的想法与大多数同学不一致时,你是坚持自己的观点并说服别人,还是尊重大多数同学的意见?请你以为题,用英文写一篇~个词的短文。要求如下:   .从以上两种做法中选择一种;   .以具体事例阐述你选择的理由。  注意:短文中,不得以任何形式透露地区、学校、同学姓名等真实信息。否则,按考试作弊行为认定。 难度系数:0.55-0.41浏览:2539次评分:试题版权声明:该试题由用户上传,如涉及版权问题请发邮件到,我们核实确认后会予以删除。 -->记住密码合作方快速登录请您选择错误类型
阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。请将答案写在短文后相应题号的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。We entered the school on the same day. We cheered, &&
【小题1】, worked hard. And now there are only about one and a half &【小题2】&for us to be together. Here are some words that we want to say to our best friends: 1. Time is flying away, and years are passing by. Only our friendship is always in my heart. Farewell(再见), my friend! Take care, my friend!2. Oh, my friend, do you like stars? If you feel &【小题3】far away from home, look up at the stars in the sky,&【小题4】there is a star for luck that I’ve send you.3. Don’t be disappointed on the journey of life. There are friends in the world. Catch &&【小题5】chance and value your opportunities. May our friendship be everlasting.4. Time does not water down the wine of &&【小题6】; distance does not separate our hands of longing. Wishing you happiness forever!5. I have three wishes: May our friendship warm our hearts! May joy be always &【小题7】you and me! May we often meet each other!6.&【小题8】of each other is just like a line connecting both you on the &【小题9】end and me on the other end.7. Life is a wonderful book. Others’ notes cannot replace your own understanding.&【小题10】you find and create something new in it.
阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。请将答案写在短文后相应题号的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。need& remember& never&
like& water& do& another& mistake& often&
friendship& good& richGraduation is coming! Many students are leaving school. What are they taking with them? A lot of things for sure, but the most important thing is ___
【小题1】___. We asked some teachers to give us the last lesson. The lesson is proverbs about friends. Older people _&【小题2】____ teach proverbs to younger people. Every culture has proverbs. They are short and easy to ___【小题3】 __. There is a German proverb which says, “Friendship is a plant we must __【小题4】___.” It means that we need to take care of friends ___【小题5】___ taking care of a garden. “Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.” is _&【小题6】___ proverb from Japan. It means that only __【小题7】___ friends tell you when you are making a __【小题8】_____. My grandfather told me, “Nobody is so _&【小题9】____ that he can throw away a friend.” Everyone __【小题10】____ friends. Be good to them. Goodbye, friends! Don’t forget us!
surprise& he& other& no& what& easy& hard&prepare&
toy& do&&&& allowThere are two twin brothers in a family .One was an optimist and the &【小题1】&was a pessimist. The parents were worried about &【小题2】&behavior and attitude, and finally took the boys to see a psychologist( 心理学家).The psychologist looked over them for a while ,and then he said, “They can &&&&【小题3】&&be helped.”& He told the parents to prepare a room filled with all the &&【小题4】&&&that a boy could want .They should put the pessimist boy in that room and &&【小题5】&&&him to enjoy life. They also needed to &&&【小题6】&another room and fill it with horse manure(马粪). They should put the optimist boy in that room. They &&&&&【小题7】&this, and then watched both boys through one-way mirrors. The pessimist continued to be a pessimist. He said that he had &&&【小题8】&one to play with.They went to look at the optimist, and were &【小题9】&&to see him digging through the manure.The psychologist ran into the room and asked &&【小题10】&the boy was doing. He looked up through the manure and said, “I am sure there must be a horse in the room somewhere.”


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