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音标:[ mæn ]&&发音:&&过去式: manned&&&过去分词: manned&&&名词复数: men&&&现在分词: manning&&&
中文翻译n.(pl. men )1.〔无冠词、单数〕人,人类;【生物学】人科。2.男人;大人,成年男子;男子汉,大丈夫;要人,名人;〔冠词用 your 等〕人,对手。3.〔古语〕家臣,从者,部下,仆人,〔主pl.〕 雇员,工人;〔pl.〕水兵,士兵 (opp. officers)。4.丈夫;〔方言〕情人。5.(大学的)学生;(某某大学)出身的人。6.〔亲爱、轻蔑、焦急意义的称呼〕你,喂。7.(象棋)棋子。8.〔用作不定代词〕人,谁。短语和例子M- is mortal. 人都是会死的。 a man of all work 多面手,万能先生。 What a piece of work is a man! 人啊真是一个杰作! You don't give a man a chance. 你不给人家一个机会呀。 Be a man! 拿出大丈夫气概来。 Let any man come, I am his man. 谁来都好,我来对付。 I know my man. 我知道对手(是怎样一个人)。 Come, man, we've no time to lose. 喂,来呀,时间不早啦。 officers and men 官兵。 Hurry up, man (alive)! 赶快,喂! Nonsense, man! 胡说!★ 美国商业中对顾客称 gentleman 和 lady, 对自己店员称 man 和 woman. a man about town 出入于娱乐、社交等场所的男子;花天酒地中鬼混的人;〔英国〕(伦敦的)高等游民。 a man among men 男子汉中的男子汉,特出的人物。 a man and a brother 同胞兄弟,亲兄弟。 a man of ... (某处)生长的人 (a man of Shanghai 上海人)。 a man of the people 人民的儿子。 as a man 一致地;作为一个男子;就人的观点而论。 as men go 就一般人而论。 as one [a] man 异口同声,团结一致地。 be one's own man 独立自主,有自己的自由;精力充沛。 best man 男傧相 be the whole man at 专心…。 between man and man 像男子汉对男子汉;两人中私下讲。like a man 男子汉似的,有丈夫气。 little man 〔谑、爱〕小鬼,小家伙。 make (sb.) a man = make a man of (sb.) 使成大人,使能处事成人(His father's death has made a man of him. 他父亲死后,他就变得像个大人了)。 M- alive! 什么!是怎么回事!〔表示惊讶、抗议〕。 man and boy 从儿童时代以来,从小到大。 man and wife 夫妇。 man for man 以一个人比一个人。 man Friday 忠仆。 man hour 工时。 man in the moon 月中人;空想人物,虚构人物。 man in the oak 鬼,妖怪。 man of God 牧师,教士;预言者。 man of his hands 手巧的人,有手艺的人;武艺家。 man of his word 守约的人,可靠的人。 man of honour 有信义的人,君子。 man of letters 作家,学者,编辑,文人。 man of men 特出[优秀]人物。 man of parts 才子。 man of resources 足智多谋的人。 M- of Sorrows 耶稣基督。 man of straw 稻草人;假想的敌人;场面人物;虚构人物;没钱的人。 man of the world 通世故的人;上层社交界人物;俗人。 man on horseback (权势高出政府之上的)军阀,军事领袖;军事独裁者。 man on the firing line 【美棒球】投手。 man to man = manfor man . mistake one's man 看错对方(是怎样一个人)。 My man !喂!〔对下面人的称呼〕。 new man (新加入某一社会集团的)新人。 old man 1. 老前辈,老朋友。 2. 船长;工头。 3. 父亲,丈夫。 play the man 显示男子汉气概。 the dead man 冗员。 the forgotten man 被遗忘的人。 the inner man 精神,灵魂;〔戏谑语〕胃,肚子。 the man in [on] the street 〔口语〕普通人,一般人 (opp. expert)。 (all) to a man 到最后一人;全部;满场一致 。vt.(manned manning)1.给…配置兵员,配置船员(在船上)。2.使人就(职位等);操纵;养乖(鹰等)。3.使拿出丈夫气概,使鼓起勇气 (oneself)。短语和例子man the ship 配置船员;使人上船。 man the side =man the yards 举行上船礼。 man the guns 就位,准备开炮。 man it out 硬着骨头干到底,有男子汉气魄。 man up (给矿业、农业等)补充人力。adj.-less 没有人[男人]的;〔古语〕卑鄙的,残忍的。adj.-like 像人的;像男人的,有大丈夫气概的;男人似的,(女人)胜过男人的。adv.-wise 以男人的本分;像男子汉那样地。&&&& comb. f. (pl. -men) 1.〔职业〕…人:postman, dustman, clergymen. 2.〔籍贯〕…国人,…居民: ...&&&&一个男人&&&&一致地, 如同一人地, 就他个人的品德而言&&&&拿出点勇气来&&&&成为爱人; 做个男子汉&&&&人的放射性白内障&&&&man(u)- 前缀 表示“手的,手工的”。 &&&&1.=nobody. 2.〔常作no-man〕〔口语〕不肯妥协的人,顽梗的人。 &&&&那样的人; 这样的一个人&&&&n. (pl. -men) 〔口语〕美国财政部特派员。 &&&&那个男人; 那人&&&&厉害的人; 神勇智探; 是个“醋缸子”; 硬汉教育; 这个人; 智勇神探&&&&白衣人&&&&全体,一致,没有一个人例外; 全体无例外地; 无一例外地&&&&绞首刑执行人&&&&不管那一套&&&&杰出人物, 男人中的男人, 受其他男人赞赏或欢迎的人&&&&从人到人; 人对人; 人与人; 野人传奇; 一对一的, 人盯人的, 坦率的; 直爽地;坦率地&&&&adj. 1.坦率的。 2.(球赛中)人钉人的。 &&&&大丈夫&&&&火箭人,火箭人&&&&生当做人杰; 死亦为鬼雄&&&&两人间私下地&&&&紧逼人钉人防守&&&&城域网&&&&马姆齐巴库拉穆察
例句与用法The man in the street is opposed to this idea .老百姓反对这种想法。There is a new spirit rising in men .现在人们当中兴起了一种新思潮。That was a very large and whiskered man .那人身材魁伟,蓄着小胡子。But the other men were afraid to meddle .可是大家都不敢管这份闲事。The man felt that his position was bad enough .他感到自己倒霉透顶。He behaved honestly, and like a man .他的行为光明正大,象一个君子。Such is one sample of the earliest true men .这是最早的真人的标本。A man of moral integrity never resorts to deception .明人不做暗事。Jerry : man , you are really aggressive !杰端:老兄,你真有侵略性!A man whose like we shall not see again我们再也不想看到的那种男人。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage同义词:, , , all of the living human inha "all the world loves a lover"; "she always used `humankind'' because `mankind'' seemed to slight the women"同义词:, , , , , , , game equipment consisting of an object used in playing "he taught me to set up the men on the chess board"; "he sacrificed a piece to get a strategic advantage"同义词:, an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman); "there were two women and six men on the bus"同义词:, a male person who plays a significant role (husband or lover or boyfriend) in the life o "she takes good care of her man"an adult male person who has a manly character (virile and courageous competent); "the army will make a man of you"the generic use of the word to refe "it was every man for himself" "the chief stationed two men outside the building"; "he awaited word from his man in Havana"someone who serves a member "two men stood sentry duty"同义词:, , , a manservant who acts as a personal atten "Jeeves was Bertie Wooster''s man"同义词:, , , ,
"We cannot man all the desks"; "Students were manning the booths"take cha occupy
"Mr. Smith manned the reception desk in the morning"
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man-day英 ['maen'de?] 美 ['maen'de?] 第三人称复数:man-day 基本解释man-day的意思名词人工作日,人日(即一个人一天完成的工作量)man-day 双语例句1. Man-day rates should be based on working 8 hours per day, 6 days per week.&&&&人日费率应根据工作8小时每天,每星期6天。2. 2. For ISO/TS, the man-day rate is $1000/man/day.&&&&ISO/TS1审核收费是一千美金每人天。3. 3. It will normally take about 1 to 4 man-day for each processing premises.&&&&工厂审查时间根据所申请认证产品的单元数量和工厂的生产规模确定,一般每个加工场所为1至4 个人日。4. The cost is about HK$10/㎡ and the production rate is about 500–5000 ㎡ per man-day.&&&&费用大约是港币10元/㎡和生产速度约500-5000 ㎡每满一天。5. Such overtime rate will be 1.5 times the Man-day rates.&&&&这种加班率将1.5倍人日费率。6. Man-day rates shall also include tools, equipment, materials required for performing such Services.&&&&不是最好的,你再看看有没有其他的答案)人日利率也应包括工具,设备,材料所需的表演这种服务。7. This additional work will be charged extra at a rate of [10KRMB] per man-day, to be paid in advance.&&&&额外的工作收费将会额外的收取,需按每人日1万元人民币提前支付。8. Each man-day value increased 43.53 yuan, input and output ration reached 1:3.37.&&&&纯收入增加75.82%,每工值增加43.53元,投入产出比1∶3.37。9. In construction periods, proposing assumption and methods of transforming man-day into direct job opportunities considering different conditions. Then combining with designing information of highway construction、input-output table、yearbooks and other related data, indirect job opportunities can be estimated.&&&&在建设期,提出了考虑不同工况下将劳动工日转化成直接就业机会的设想和方法,然后结合高速公路建设时相关设计文件、投入产出产出表以及统计年鉴等资料,计算间接就业机会。10. In construction periods, proposing assumption and methods of transforming man-day into direct job opportunities considering different conditions. Then combining with designing information of highway construction 、 input-output table 、 yearbooks and other related data, indirect job opportunities can be estimated.&&&&在建设期,提出了考虑不同工况下将劳动工日转化成直接就业机会的设想和方法,然后结合高速公路建设时相关设计文件、投入产出产出表以及统计年鉴等资料,计算间接就业机会。man-day是什么意思,man-day在线翻译,man-day什么意思,man-day的意思,man-day的翻译,man-day的解释,man-day的发音,man-day的同义词,man-day的反义词,man-day的例句,man-day的相关词组,man-day意思是什么,man-day怎么翻译,单词man-day是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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in to life man(翻译成中文是什么意思)
in to life man 翻译:人的生活时


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