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耐克应该不允许出NBA官方的球衣吧 因为没有版权
引用6楼 @ 发表的:
耐克应该不允许出NBA官方的球衣吧 因为没有版权
现在是没版权,03-04 &赛季不能出么?
引用6楼 @ 发表的:
耐克应该不允许出NBA官方的球衣吧 因为没有版权
03~04是RBK的赞助 后来RBK被adi收购了
引用9楼 @ 发表的:
03~04是RBK的赞助 后来RBK被adi收购了
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一个名为Home的新项目:VR太空漫步(VR Spacewalk)是BBC和英国VR内容专家Rewind合作的产物。新VRX(Rewind这样称呼)是一个充分互动、实时的太空行走效果模拟,专为SteamVR HTC Vive耳机打造。
  BBC已经报道了一款HTC Vive新式、实时的VR效果体验,旨在让人们体验到太空之旅和空间漫步。
  一个名为Home的新项目:VR太空漫步(VR Spacewalk)是BBC和英国VR内容专家Rewind合作的产物。新VRX(Rewind这样称呼)是一个充分互动、实时的太空行走效果模拟,专为SteamVR HTC Vive耳机打造。
  Home是一个影片式的以叙事为主导的装置,Rewind说是受美国宇航局欧空局的培训计划启发制作而成,该计划能让观众&真实感受到成为一名宇航员坐在悬浮在地球250英里上空的飞船中体验壮丽与辽阔景色的感受。&Rewind非常看好该项目的技术成果,自称Home包含&一些目前VR中最先进的视觉效果,拥有创建具有影响力内容的空间音频,& Rewind的首席执行官和创始人索尔&罗杰斯如是说。
  Home已经在6月10日的Sheffield Doc Festival节上首映,同时还包括其生物识别输入,其能让那些体验太空之旅的人们监测自己的心率。
  Rewind最近还涉足了另一个实时VR项目,为音乐家比约克合制作了一种体验性VR片断音乐,即为比约克的第八张录音专辑&Vulnicura&中的单曲&Notget&制作了VR音乐体验。这件作品被称为&比约克数字&,在悉尼的艺术和科技节&生动悉尼&中成了Carriage作品中一种新的展览形式。这是为HTC Vive的再次制作,该作品使用物理性能数据,在VR中文体可视化,并且带来了房间式VR体验。
<div class="new_ds" id="No_
Chelsea may be frustrating, but not boring切尔西是让对手绝望,而不是让球迷绝望Chelsea have always been a team that professional observers and rival fans have loved to slap a derogatory label upon.切尔西是一个永远有很多无脑黑球队,包括了专业的评论员和对手的球迷。Rewind 30 years and Chelsea were synonymous with hooliganism as far as the press were concerned. Upon Roman Abramovich's purchase of the club, the ensuing torrent of silverware snobbish Franglais put-downs such as "nouveau riche" and "arrivistes" became the fashionable way with which to disparage the club's success. Of course, there is an element of truth in all those remarks. Chelsea were plagued by a noxious violent minority within their support during the 1970s and 1980s, and not even the most blue-eyed fan will deny that Abramovich's cash injection played a pivotal role in Chelsea's rise to the top of the European game.过去三十年,切尔西都是粗野的标签。自从阿布入主了球队,“暴发户”就成了贬损那些成功的富有的俱乐部的方式。当然,这些标签在一定程度上也是对的。切尔西在1970和80年代被极端球迷组织所困扰,即使是最极端的球迷也不会否认阿布的资金对于切尔西成为欧洲顶级球队的帮助。The latest dismissive retort, however, is more difficult to accept: that Chelsea are boring. This blogger has heard this comment from various pundits, supposedly knowledgeable friends and, of course, the crowd at the Emirates Stadium, most of whom were clearly oblivious to the fact that the chant they were belting out just before Christmas had its origins in opposition fans deriding George Graham's turgid Gunners team of the late '80s and early '90s.而最近的一种无脑黑的论调是切尔西的足球很乏味。笔者听过很多专家都持这种论调。尤其是那些来自于酋长球场的球迷,显然忘了在上世纪80、90年代的时候,格拉汉姆带领的那支阿森纳才是乏味足球的来源。Insults in the form of "banter" is a traditional staple of the football experience and if you are prepared to dish it out, you must be prepared to withstand some coming from the other direction. The problem arises, though, when these supposed opinions are not based in fact, but in a lazy stereotype that hap one which has been built purely upon the perceived ethos of Jose Mourinho. The return of the Special One has prompted everyone to start banging on about a pragmatic, powerful but uninspiring philosophy irrespective of the actual football being played by his team.这种无脑黑显然是因为某种传统的错误经验,如果你想要反驳他们,你就要经受到考验了。即使这些观点并没有事实根据,但是人们总是留下了错误的印象,而何塞&#x2022;穆里尼奥就是其中之一。他的回归使切尔西的足球更加实际、有效但是刻板乏味。Perhaps I am a little biased, but I was utterly captivated during Chelsea's 2-1 win over title favourites Manchester City, a game in which both teams displayed positivity and skill. I was also enthralled by the recent victory over Liverpool just as I was as Chelsea over-ran Tottenham during the second half of the clash at White Hart Lane earlier in the season. If one went along with the wisdom of the crowd and the assumption that Mourinho's team are unambitious, then one would have expected Chelsea to have adopted a cagey approach in those games, though that could not have been further from the truth.也许我只是个伪球迷,2:1战胜曼城,深深的刻在我的脑海里,我的心里,我的梦里。同样的,赢下利物浦和对热刺的下半场,这绝不是乏味的足球。如果一个人只是随大流的想穆里尼奥是保守的,那么他们可能认为这些战术是小心谨慎的大巴,然而这绝不是事实。Of course, there have been some contests that will drift from the memory in years to come, notably the home match against Steaua Bucharest, the West London derby with Fulham and the recent draw at the Emirates, though no team can exhilarate every week, not even media darlings Arsenal.当然,还有也有一些比赛的表现并不尽如人意。比如对星队、富勒姆还有对阿森纳,即使没有任何球队能每周都活力四射,即使媒体的宠儿阿森纳也不行。What seems to have happened is that people appear to be confusing disappointing results with being boring. The 3-2 reverse to Stoke City last month was agonizing, given that Chelsea should have put the game to bed within the first half an hour yet somehow contrived to lose the match. The game had some excellent attacking football, some poor defending and kept everyone watching on the edge of their seat. The defeat at Everton was another in which the Blues peppered their opponents' goal but found themselves wanting. It was hardly dull. Wasteful? Yes. Frustrating? Absolutely. But dull? Not even slightly.人们可能会被某些场次的结果误导。比如2:3输给斯托克城的比赛就很糟糕,尽管上半场看来切尔西已经稳操胜局了。这场比赛的进攻刚刚的,但是防守渣渣的,每个人都恨不得站在凳子尖上看比赛。被埃弗顿击败的比赛也是另一场由于糟糕防守导致丢球的比赛。悲剧?是的。绝望?是的,但是绝不无聊。The main issue has been Chelsea's fabled inability to kill teams off and thus give the winning margin the gloss that so many hanker for. It also means that a slender lead has to be protected in the latter stages of matches, thus infusing the team and its supporters with nervousness. Had chances been taken more regularly, then Chelsea's results might have mirrored the eye-popping scorelines that Manchester City have enjoyed this campaign and perhaps any notions of boredom would have been dispelled as a consequence.切尔西本赛季的问题是抓不住机会,导致球队不能杀死比赛。这就是这也意味着领先的球队必须要在随后的比赛时间中守住这个结果,因此让球迷们紧张。如果能更好的把握机会,那么切尔西的比赛也可以像曼城一样打出大比分。(这段真难)As it happens, even when Chelsea do find the back of the net on multiple occasions, they still come in for criticism, as they did when winning 4-3 at Sunderland. Rather than revel in a thrilling game of football, most observers chose the negative slant and focused on the Blues' defensive shortcomings. When Chelsea waltzed past West Ham at Upton Park there was a little more praise, though most of the attention was trained on Sam Allardyce's decision not to field a recognised striker.当切尔西进了很多球的时候,一样也受到很多责难,比如4:3战胜桑德兰。更多的评论家都集中批评了切尔西的防守,虽然我们一共进了4个球。而在切尔西战胜西汉姆的比赛中,这种情况稍好,但是大家也都是在关注阿勒代丝奇葩的换人而不是球员。On the occasions when a victory is attained with not every cylinder firing quite as it should, the situation is largely exploited by the naysayers as proof that Chelsea are fatally flawed. Never mind the fact that when Arsenal only beat Cardiff City narrowly after a dreadful display they were feted as potential champions for having the ability to win ugly (against a team the Blues dispatched 4-1 by the way). If Chelsea scrap for a win, it is looked upon scornfully.由于切尔西的球赢的并不是那么顺利,总是磕磕绊绊,所以反对者认为切尔西有着致命缺陷的。而大家也都忽略了阿森纳赢卡迪夫城也赢的丑陋。如果切尔西这样赢球,那么又有好多轻蔑的声音。Arsenal should indeed be applauded for their victory and it would be crazy for anyone to suddenly write them off or cast them as uninventive due to the nature of that performance. But this equally applies to Chelsea as well. It has always been fashionable to venerate Arsene Wenger's free-form football and decry Mourinho's win-at-all-costs attitude, though it would be nice if, just for once, pre-conceptions and prejudice could be put aside in favour of the real picture.阿森纳当然值得表扬,但是切尔西也同样如此。但是现在大家对阿森纳的开放式的足球赞扬而贬低切尔西这种为了胜利不择手段的足球。如果大家抛开成见,那么我们也会发现这种足球的美丽。Che they are not clinical and they might not win any silverware this season, but with the likes of David Luiz, Frank Lampard, Oscar, Willian, Ramires and Eden Hazard at their disposal, they are also certainly far from being boring.切尔西并不是完美的,他们并不是现象级的,这赛季也可能不会赢得任何冠军。但是像大卫路易斯、兰帕德、奥斯卡、威廉、拉米雷斯和阿扎尔,这些球员的表现当然并不是乏味的。
——来自 爱贴吧 Windows Phone 客户端
就是车子无论什么打法` 无论场面如何
都必须坚定不移的支持!因为你爱的是球队` 而不是某种打法
破车    ------いつも、ニコニコ、あなたの隣に这い寄る混沌、ニャルラトホテプ、です!
@幽助   --why be a king when you can be a god
不错不错┏ (^ω^)=&#x261E;
i I don't care .but i know black black who who score.
n. 重绕vt. 重绕
comp /'ri:?wa?nd/
vt /ri:'wa?nd/
搭配:[+ tape, cassette, video]
She rewound the tape and played the message again.
搭配:[+ string, thread]
I helped him rewind the kite string.
搭配:[+ watch, clock]
I figured I had forgotten to wind my watch last night, so I rewound it.
vi /ri:'wa?nd/
搭配:[tape, cassette, video +]
He switched on the answering machine and waited for the tape to rewind.
Can we just rewind to what I said at the beginning about safety being paramount?
1.Please rewind the tape at the end of the film.
2.Many drug users wish they could rewind their lives and start over again.
3.I helped him rewind the kite string.
4.If the tape has been rewound unevenly, rewind it again to pack the tape properly.
5.Don't forget to rewind that videotape before you return it.
1.& rewind button
2.& to rewind to sth


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