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MOOD - Calvin and Hobbes - The Full Story
MOOD - Calvin and Hobbes - Full Story
This strip appeared over the span of several weeks, between May 20, 1992 and June 6, 1992.
Calvin goes time-travelling instead of writing a story for his paper.
Full transcript, by .
05/20/92: This is the worst assignment ever! I'm supposed to think up a story, write it, and illustrate it by tomorrow! Do I look like a novelist?! This is impossible! I can't tell stories! What about your explanation of the noodle incident? THAT WASN'T A STORY! THAT WAS THE UNVARNISHED TRUTH! Oh, don't be so modest. You deserved a Pulitzer.
05/21/92: Do you have an idea for your story yet? No, I'm waiting for inspiration. You can't just turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood. What mood is that? Last-minute panic.
05/22/92: If you ask ME, these assignments don't teach you how to write. They teach you how to HATE to write. Deadlines, rules how to do it, grades... how can you be creating when someone's breathing down your neck? I guess you should try not to think about the end result too much and just have fun with the process of creating. Every time I do that, I end up in the school psychologist's office. Well, maybe not THAT much fun.
05/23/92: Say, I'VE got an idea! For your story? No, I thought of a way I won't have to write one! Oh no. Hop in the time machine, Hobbes! We're going a few hours into the future! I'll have finished my story by then, so we'll just pick it up and bring it back to the present! That way I won't have to write it! Something doesn't make sense here, and I think it's me sitting in this box. Relax! We'll be back as soon as we go.
05/24/92: Thank you. Thank YOU. Yep. There's nothing like a big bed for dancing. I hope your parents don't mind bad springs.
05/25/92: Vortex goggles on? Here we go! We'll jump ahead to my bedtime and pick up my completed homework from my own future! Then we'll return to the present and we can goof off the rest of the evening! Here we are! You must be the 8:30 Calvin. Did you have a good trip? No. Pst! Why do you always go on these things?
05/26/92: Greetings, 8:30 Calvin and Hobbes! I'm 6:30 Calvin and this is 6:30 Hobbes! Charmed. Well, since we're YOU from the past, I suppose you know why we're here. Did you do the homework? Me?? No. NO?! Why not?? Because two hours ago, I went to the future to get it. Yeah, and here I am! Where is it?! That's what I said two hours ago! I knew this would never work. Right as always, Hobbes.
05/27/92: Do you mean to say it's time for bed and you still haven't written our story for school?! I figured the story was already done! How could it be done if YOU didn't write it?! Obviously it had to be done before now, because it's 8:30 and I'm supposed to be in bed! Wait a minute! If the story had been written in YOUR past, that would mean I should've written it! Well, why didn't you?! Because I came to the future to pick it up when it was DONE! If you hadn't screwed up my past, your future wouldn't be like this.
05/28/92: Hold it. Let's figure this out. I'M you at 6:30 and YOU'RE me at 8:30. Neither of us did the homework. Right. That means the homework SHOULD'VE been done between my time and your time. Right. We needed to do it at 7:30. But the 7:30 Calvin clearly didn't do it, or you'd have it by now at 8:30. Yeah! This is HIS fault! That lazy little punk! He'll get us BOTH in trouble! Let's go get him!
05/29/92: Hobbeses, the 8:30 Calvin and I are going to go back to 7:30 and make THAT Calvin do the homework. We'll wait here. All this time travel makes us queasy. We'll be right back. Off we go! This HAS to be the least efficient way to write a paper. All this modern technology makes people try to do everything at once.
05/30/92: Ah ha! Here we are, right at 7:30! Yikes! My past and my future! Put down that comic book and do our homework! Yeah! Get to work, you loafer! Hey! Why should I do all the work? Either of you could do it too! But I didn't at 6:30 and now it's 7:30. And at 8:30 it will be too late. You're the last chance. Now are you gonna start writing or do we have to pound you? Go ahead and hit me! My FUTURE self will be the one who hurts! HEY!
05/31/92: I don't think so. Definitely not. Mm... nahh... That's a little better. Eww. Yeah, perfect! What now, Calvin? No, absolutely not. Put those back. Mom says no way. Grown-ups have no taste.
06/01/92: You know, Hobbes, if the 7:30 Calvin is at all like the 6:30 and 8:30 Calvins, I'll bet he isn't going to write that story. You're right, Hobbes. Why don't WE write a story while we're waiting for them? Yeah! Calvin could use it for his class then. I'll write it down and you can illustrate it! OK, now what should our story be about? Calvin's not here. Let's write about HIM! Hee hee hee! Hoo hoo! Drawing Calvin is easy! You just make a big mouth and add some hair!
06/02/92: Look, guys, you can't gang up on ME! Oh yeah? Why not? Because we're all the same Calvin! In one hour, the 6:30 Calvin will be ME, and in another hour, we'll BOTH be the 8:30 Calvin. That means you guys will suffer whatever you do to me. Oh yeah. Oops. Whose dumb idea was this anyway? His? His!
06/03/92: We're back, but we didn't get the homework. Now it's 8:30 again and we're doomed. Here you go! Hobbes and I wrote a story for you while you were gone! You DID?? Ha ha! We're all done! We can go back to 6:30 now! Thanks, Hobbeses! You guys are life savers! Calvin? It's Mom! Hurry! Hobbes, get in! We'll be you in a couple hours! So long! Aren't you in bed yet? Don't come in! I'm... uh... changing into my PJs!
06/04/92: Did you write your story for class tomorrow? Sort of. What do you mean, "sort of"? Well, Hobbes helped and I had to do a lot of time traveling. Is your story written or not? Oh, it's written. I just haven't read it.
06/05/92: All right, Calvin, go ahead. What's YOUR story about? I don't know yet, but I'm sure it's good! My story is entitled, "How Hobbes, the handsome tiger, saved the day... thanks to Calvin, the time-traveling chowderhead." WHAT?! Is there a problem? There WILL be for a certain stripey furball when I get home.
06/06/92: OK, YOU! Me?? This story you wrote is about ME trying to get OUT of writing the STORY! You made my time traveling sound like LUNACY! And the illustration You drew the THREE of me fighting! I was the laughing-stock of the whole class! What grade did it get? Um... A+. She wrote, "Very creative. The 'tiger' narration was a clever touch. I'm glad you're finally applying yourself." ... BUT EVEN SO...!! A+? Maybe I should send this to the New Yorker.Posted in:
There’s a lot of advice on this blog about how to interview: , , . But here’s only one most important thing to remember: when it comes to discussing your potential salary, never give the number first.
The right answer to the question, “What’s your salary range?” is almost always some version of “I’m not telling you.”
The person who gives the first number sets the starting point. But if that’s you, you lose. If you request a salary higher than the range for the job, the interviewer will tell you you’re high, and you’ve just lost money. If you request a salary lower than the range, the interviewer will say nothing, and you’ve just lost money.
So you can only hurt yourself by giving the first number. You want the interviewer to tell you the range for the position, because then you can focus on getting to the high end of that range. But you can’t work to the high point if you don’t know it.
So if there are two
in the room, it will be a game to see who has to give the first number. Fortunately, the company cannot make you an offer without also offering a salary, so the cards are stacked in your favor, as long as you hold your ground.
So here’s a list of responses for all the ways the interviewer will ask you how much money you expect to make. The more times you can fend off the question, the less likely you will have to be the one to give the first number. This works, even
and you really need the job.
What salary range are you looking for?
“Let’s talk about the job requirements and expectations first, so I can get a sense of what you need.” That’s a soft answer to a soft way to ask the question.
What did you make at your last job?
“This position is not exactly the same as my last job. So let’s discuss what my responsibilities would be here and then determine a fair salary for this job.” It’s hard to argue with words like “fair” and “responsibilities”—you’re earning respect with this one.
What are you expecting to make in terms of salary?
“I am interested in finding a job that is a good fit for me. I’m sure whatever salary you’re paying is consistent with the rest of the market.” In other words, I respect myself and I want to think I can respect this company.
I need to know what salary you want in order to make you an offer. Can you tell me a range?
“I’d appreciate it if you could make me an offer based on whatever you have budgeted for this position and we can go from there.” This is a pretty direct response, so using words like “appreciate” focuses on drawing out the interviewer’s better qualities instead of her tougher side.
Why don’t you want to give your salary requirements?
“I think you have a good idea of what this position is worth to your company, and that’s important information for me to know.” Enough dancing–this is one last attempt to force you to give the number first. Hold your line here and you win.
You can see the pattern, right? If you think you sound obnoxious or obstinate by not answering the question, think of how he feels asking the question more than once. The interviewer is just trying to get a leg up on you in negotiations. If you give in, you look like a poor negotiator, and the interviewer is probably not looking for someone like that.
So stand your ground, and understand that the interviewer is being as insistent as you are. And it might encourage you to know that research shows that if you mirror the behavior of the interviewer, you are more likely to get the job. Sure, this usually applies to tone of voice, level of enthusiasm, and body language, but who’s to say it doesn’t apply to negotiation tactics, too? Try it. You could come away lots richer.
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你可能喜欢1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B& &这是一篇记叙文。作者冋忆的是和父母一起在加拿大 度过的那个难忘的万圣节,奇异的装扮、没完没了地挨家讨 要糖块,这些对作者来说都是从未有过的体验。详析1. A 细节理解题。由首句 “ Last autumn my parents werestudying in Canada. wf知,我的父母去年去加拿大是学习的。2. B推理判断题。由第四段介绍“On the day beforeHalloween,Mum bought me witches’ clothes. ”可知,妈 妈在节日前给我买了这件衣服,联系下一段“ Lots of children were dressed in different clothes. ”可判断,妈妈 给我买的这件衣服就是为了迎接万圣节的3. D细节理解题。第五段句首The next day指的就是万圣节,由6:30 pm可知,接下来的这些活动都发生在万圣 节晚上。4. C细节理解题。在第五段中,我讨得了很多糖块后深有感受,即“There's nothing hard about this”,由此可知,C 项中“It was not easy for me."与原文这一细节不一致。故C项是错误的。5. B主旨大意题综合理解全文可知,本文主要回忆了我和爸爸妈妈一起在加拿大度过的那一个有意义的万圣 节。故本文标题应该是“An Unforgettable Halloween”dress v.打扮 door to door挨家挨户 decide v.决定 fill v.装满障碍句分析Sweets are like good words for the dead.糖果对于逝者来 说就像是好听的话。like是介词,be like意思是“像”。“定冠词the +形容 词”结构表示的是一类人,the dead意为“死者”。
题目来源: &
& & &These days more and more people read books on iPhones. Do you want to enjoy 1 in the smallest library?& If you walk on the streets&of New York City,you can see the 2 library in the world. It has 3 for just one reader at a time. There are only 40 books in the library. In fact it is not a house 4
a plastic structure. Two architects Marcelo Ertorteguy and Sara Valente 5 such a structure. It looks like an umbrella so that all the books can't be 6 on rainy days. There are also some 7 outside of the structure. The readers can look in 8 they go into the library.&Since the library was made,a lot of 9 have visited it. The Little Free Library idea came into being three years ago. Now all over the United States,some cities of Europe,Africa and Asia 10 some libraries like this.The library aims to help people take a rest from the pace of life in the city by relaxing with a good story.1. A. songs&&&B. movies&&&C. books&&&D. cartoons2. A. nicest&&&B. smallest&&&C. biggest&&&D. dearest3. A. room&&&B. time&&&C. news&&&D. information4. A. for&&&B. from&&&C. but&&&D. as5. A. found&&&B. designed&&&C. saw&&&D. bought6. A. wet&&&B. dry&&&C. hot&&&D. cold7. A. seats&&&B. boxes&&&C. holes&&&D. tickets8. A. when&&&B. before&&&C. after&&&D. until9. A. readers&&&B. dancers&&&C. policemen&&&D. cooks10. A. sell&&&B. take&&&C. borrow&&&D. have
Welcome to the official website for First News&& & First News is a weekly newspaper for young people (aged 7-14) ,which comes out in a traditional,lively,full color newspaper style. First News,with over 1 million readers each week,opens children's minds to the issues (问题) of today,taking them to the world around them.& & Nowhere else can you find all the important stories in a child-friendly way—in the way the children reader will grow up to be the country's great communicators (交流者) .& &Try First News today and get:& & First News mailed each week direct to your door. Free post. Easy articles in a child-friendly design. A great teaching resource (资源). Games,competitions and much more!. £34. 99 for six months and only £58. 99 for a year. 1. How often does First News come out?&&&A. Every day. & &B. Every week.&&&C. Every month. & &D. Every year.2. Who like reading First News'?&&&A. The parents. & B. The grown-ups.&&&C. The teachers. & D. The young people.3. Mr Smith ordered 6-month First News for his son and one-year First News for his daughter. How much did he pay?&&&A. £34. 99.&&&B. £58. 99.&&&&C. £93. 98.&&&D. £117. 98.&4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?&&&A. It is helpful for children's study.&&&B. There are many interesting games in First News.&&&C. First News ever won two awards.&&&D. You need to go to the post office to get your First News.5. Where can we probably read the passage?&&&A. In a magazine. & & & &B. In the newspaper.&&&C. On an advertisement. & &D. On the Internet.
& & From an early age,Parker always said that he would be an astronaut. But no matter how much he studied,worked,and took tests,he never passed.& &Year by year,he couldn’t take the successful test. And he was never able to achieve his dream.& &However,Parker went on working hard,and never gave up his dream. He continued training and studying everyday,just like he was studying for the next month's astronaut test.& &He kept on doing it as he got older,and when he was a very old man,he heard that doctors in Space Agency were doing some very important medical (医学 的) experiments (实验) . For those experiments,they needed a very old astronaut. Parker was the only old man in the whole world who was trained to fly in a rocket. He got the chance to fly this time.& &The experiments were very successful. The knowledge from the experiments helped doctors to cure one of the worst sicknesses for old people.& &People all over the world saw the photos of an astronaut with a walking stick and no teeth. They called him a hero. But Parker didn't care about it ,“I am just a real astronaut now. That's enough. ” Parker said to the reporter.1. What did Parker want to be when he was a child?&&&A. A doctor. B. A train driver.&&&C. An astronaut. D. An engineer.2. Why did Space Agency choose Parker?&&&A. Because he was old but strong.&&&B. Because he had a dream of flying.&&&C. Because he was old but was trained to fly.&&&D. Because he studied,worked,and took many tests.3. The underlined word “cure” has the same meaning“ ” as.&&&A. find new food to eat&&&B. find a good way to do with&&&C. find a nice place to live in&&&D. find a new kind of sickness4. People called him a hero because.&&&A. his dream came true&&&B. he was the oldest astronaut&&&C. he kept on studying and training&&&D. he helped do the important medical experiments5. What does the passage tell us?&&&A. We are never too old to learn.&&&B. We should keep on with the dream.&&&C. We must do sports even if we are old.&&&D. We must stop doing something useless.
& &A lady got on a bus. Without saying a word,she just gestured (做手势) to the bus driver by putting her thumb on her nose and showing her fingers at the driver. And the driver turned to her and used both hands in the same type of gesture and showed all his fingers at her. The woman held her right arm out at the driver and hit it a few times with her left hand. Then the driver made his left hand skate up (滑) his right arm quickly. And the woman got off the bus.& & There was another woman sitting in the front row of the bus who saw the whole exchange (交换) . She spoke up “ That is the most surprising thing I have ever seen on a bus!What were you doing?”& &“Listen,lady!” said the bus driver ,“The lady that got on the bus just now was a deaf one. She was one of my passengers before. In the bus just now,she asked me if the bus went to 5 th Street. I said no and I told her that we would go along the 10th Street. She asked if we made many stops on the way. I told her that I couldn’t stop the bus halfway. So she got off. ”根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1.Why did the woman say nothing on the bus?2. Did the driver know the woman before?3. What did the woman ask when she showed her fingers at the driver?4. Why did the driver make his left hand skate up his right arm?&5. How did another woman feel when she saw their “talk”?
& & World Book Day usually falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by UNESCO in 1955 to encourage people,especially teenagers,to find the pleasure of reading. It also helps raise money for Book Aid International for the libraries in Africa. Many schools hold non-uniform days asking pupils to dress up as their favorite book characters and give away £ 1. & & People often hold a book sale or sell goodies to help raise money for the charity.On that day in the UK,millions of students can buy books of special prices,much lower than usual in any bookstore. This activity started in 1998.& & Lutterworth High School in England celebrated World Book Day with a number of activities,one of these was for students to dress up as book characters and other students had to guess who they were. There were some easy guessing games but there were also some difficult ones. Sometimes the students have to spend about 5 minutes guessing who a character is.World Book Day falls on Thursday March 6th,this year. 2014 is the 17th year of this event.1. What's the main aim of the World Book Day?&&&A. To encourage teenagers to study harder.&&&B. To sell more books.&&&C. To raise more money for the poor.&&&D. To encourage more people to read books.2. On non-uniform days,the pupils in Africa .&&&A. dress up as their favourite book characters to raise money&&&B. students can buy their favourite clothes&&&C. students mustn't wear the school uniforms&&&D. can go on the streets to hang out3. On World Book Day,a lot of students in the UK can .&&&A. buy some pictures on sale&&&B. buy some second-hand books&&&C. buy some cheap books&&&D. get some famous books for free4. One of the interesting activities in Lutterworth High School in England is .&&&A. guessing game&&&B. selling books&&&C. selling goodies&&&D. making paper clothes5. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?&&&A. March 6th,2014 is the seventh World Book Day.&&&B. You can take many activities in Lutterworth High School on World Book Day.&&&C. On World Book Day people only sell books to help raise money for the charity.&&&D. The students don't think some activities are interesting in Lutterworth High School.
& & There was a very self-sufficient (自负的) blind man,who did a lot of traveling alone. He was making his first trip to Texas and happened to be seated next to a Texan on the flight. The Texan spent a lot of time telling him how everything is bigger and better in Texas. By the time the blind man had reached his destination (目的地) ,a large hotel,he was very excited about being in Texas.& & The long trip had worn him out a little so he decided to stop at the bar for a small drink and a light snack before going up to his room to change his clothes. When the waitress set down his drink,it was in a huge cup. ‘‘Wow,I had heard everything in Texas is bigger,” he told her.& & “That's right”,she answered. The blind man ate his snack and finished his drink. After drinking so much,it was only natural his next stop was going to the restroom. He asked the waitress where it was. She told him to turn left at the register (登 i己处) and it would be the second door on the right.& &He reached the first door and continued down the hall. A few steps later he stumbled (缂脚) and missed the second door altogether and ended up going through the third door instead. Not knowing he had entered the swimming area he walked forward and fell into the swimming pool.& & Remembering everything he had heard about things being bigger in Texas,as soon as he had his head above water he started shouting, “Don’t flush (7中 洗) !& &Don’t flush!”1. What was the first thing the blind man did in the hotel?&&&A. He talked with a Texan.&&&B. He had a small drink and a light snack.&&&C. He went up to his room to change his clothes.&&&D. He wanted to go to the restroom.2. What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “waitress” ?&&&A. 店主&&&B. 男服务员&&&C. 女服务员&&&D. 客人3. What did the blind man know about Texas before he got there?&&&A. He went there for the first time and knew nothing about it.&&&B. He knew that the Texan were very friendly.&&&C. He knew Texas very well from others.&&&D. He knew everything was bigger and better in Texas.4. Where did the blind man really go at last?&&&A. He went into the restroom.&&&B. He went into a bar.&&&C. He went into the swimming area.&&&D. He went up into his room.5. Where did the blind man think he went?&&&A. He thought he went into the restroom.&&&B. He thought he went into a bar.&&&C. He thought he went into the swimming area.&&&D. He thought he went up into his room.
() 3. [2016 • 预测]一&How is Lida now?& & & &-I hear the company
her a good job,how wonderful!&&&A. provided&&&B. offered&&&C. passed
() 4. [2016 • 预测]After college,I in a city where I can enjoy myself on the beach.&&&A. will live&&&B. am living&&&C. have lived


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