And the folks in the middle are morpositive negativee than positive, with the edge to Trump on negativity.

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你可能喜欢Is the moon an optical illusion?
The current concept of the moon states that it is a solid spherical object which
every 29.5 days at
of 385,000km and
anti-clockwise (viewed from the northern hemisphere) at 16.7 km/hr or once every 27.32 days.
The Earth/moon distance at the correct proportions according to the current model.
It has to be this distance and speed to match the observable facts of the moon which is that we see certain illuminated portions of the same side every night (and occasionally day).
The moon in the heliocentric model.
The different phases of the moon over a month.
This alone is an incredible co-incidence. Of course, we already know that , so how would the above diagram work with the standard geocentric model? With great difficulty. I’m not sure if it is possible even if the sizes, distances and speeds of the Sun/moon and their movements are absolutely optimized to try and match the observable facts. This is all moot anyway as no bodies can rotate around a completely 100% stationary Earth because it contradicts the .
But let’s look at other strange observable pieces of evidence which stand alone from these theories.
This is hearsay evidence which is the weakest. Believing a person on a forum on the internet is like believing the “man in the pub”. However, it is worth noting as there are so many of these reports.
There is this comment from an observer
(don’t laugh) on 8th Jan 2012, “I could see it all day yesterday . Not a cloud in the sky”, and “I am , and have seen it. No clouds either”, and “Yep, I have been seeing it during the day”. The problem is according , at Houston on 7th Jan 2012, the moon rose at 17:22, set at 06:37 and was only one day away from a full moon!
The moon seemed to be out all day and night in Texas on this date, “I live in
and I have been pointing this very thing out to people lately… For at least the last week or so, the moon is out ALL the day and still in the sky when I go to bed”
Maybe they are all lying or mistaken. Possibly.
Then there is the
problem, “I was outside bout 8pm looked at the moon, then I had a cigarette and looked back and the f****** moon was GONE!!!”
The , “…in late October, 1995, when I saw something I will never forget.
Around 10:00 a.m. I happened to look straight up in the sky and saw the moon.
It appeared very large and was about 3/4 full (sorry, I don’t know the proper term).
After staring at it for a couple of minutes, it occurred to me that it was in the wrong part of the sky.
That’s when I looked southward, towards the horizon and saw it again.
I did a double-, triple-, quadruple-take!
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
I did a comparison and the moons were identical.”
The , “Later in the morning at about 0930, I stepped out again and lo and behold, there was the moon again – practically in the same position as it was at 0630 – BUT THREE HOURS LATER.”
The , “The Moon we saw this morning was towards the West, in the location of 10 o’clock. Which means that in twelve hours the Moon just moved around 90 degrees????”
Sure, these could all be mirages. Are there any harder pieces of evidence? Yes, there are.
. Difficult one to explain away. The brightness of the moon overpowers the lighter-colored clouds maybe?
again. The video camera makes the moon look brighter than it is. Is it really shining through the pale clouds?
. Your guess is as good as mine.
again. It could be a cloud, but the lines are far too angular.
. Mirage? Reflection? Kundalini force as the author claims?
. I’ve no idea. Plasma?
As you have seen at the start of this post, this isn’t supposed to happen period.
Clouds? Possibly.
It is hard to blame clouds here.
. Clouds? Really?
The moon is supposed to be on average 385,000km distance from us, but the clarity of its picture is sometimes remarkable even to the naked eye. It’s also alleged to be a grey solid rock but its picture does not resemble pictures of other rocks such as mountains. In fact, there is no detail visible on photographs of distant mountains merely 10s of kilometers away.
The moon is more akin to something like microscopic pictures of polished aluminum than it is to a distant stony surface.
A close-up of the moon from the .
A microscopic image of polished aluminum.
The lack of detail of these distant mountains below is nothing like the crisp detail we can see on the moon even with the naked eye:
A full moon showing astounding crisp, clear and detailed features.
A distant mountain with no details visible.
The lack of clarity is astonishing.
These mountains on the horizon can be barely seen at all, let alone any detail.
Despite the snow white contrast, little is seen on the furthest ranges.
Even this clarity isn’t a patch on the moon some nights.
Big thanks to Simon Shack, the founder of
for pointing this out.
Possibly the biggest anomaly with the moon is the w or rather the way it doesn’t. When a point of light shines on a solid sphere, the light reflecting off the sphere slowly decreases away from the area directly facing the light source.
A typical half-moon not reflecting light as a sphere.
How a sphere reflects light.
The fact that the Sun is not a spotlight doesn’t matter as it is a point of light in the blackness of space and too far away for its light to shine on to the moon’s back surface, at least according to the model du jour.
This means that it is not only the moon that cannot be a sphere, but also the “planets” as well, as they also reflect light in the same way.
The planet Mars observed through the Hale telescope not reflecting light as a sphere should.
The planet Uranus observed through the Hale telescope not shining like a solid sphere.
This would agree with the heliocentrists’ point that there can be no retrograde planetary motion in a geocentric universe. This is because planets are NOT solid spheres moving around anything. In fact, because the moon is likely to be an optical illusion of some kind and that the “planets” are also seen with the same light reflection as the moon, it follows by characteristic association that the “planets” are also probably optical illusions.
They could be disks or maybe bowls? I don’t know what shape they are, but it is further evidence that they are not real, but some kind of projection instead. A projection of what? No idea.
There is evidence of something even stranger in the sky. More on that in the next post.
Bookmark theArgentine president claims the US wants her removed: &if something happens to me, look North&
Argentine president Cristina Fernandez defiantly claimed on Tuesday that financial, industrial and local political groups together with outside support want to remove her from office, and warned that &if something happens to me, don't look to the Mid East, look North& in clear reference to the United States.
&If something happens to me, look north. Not east& warned the President who also blasted the ruling by US Federal ('municipal' and 'senile') judge Griesa (Pic Telam)
We have soybean farmers who have lost fortunes for being silly and not selling the beans on time as they were recommended, and now want a devaluation.
Cristina Fernandez also addressed the hundreds of changing supporters calling for unity and defense of Argentina&s dignity and sovereignty
&In a national address from a Government House packed with officials and chanting supporters, Cristina Fernandez referred to threats on her life by the Islamic State (IS), currently fighting against US air strikes in Iraq and Syria. However, this time she suggested that the Islamic radicals were not a threat to her or her administration.
&If something happens to me, look north. Not east& the President warned in a speech that was primarily focused on Monday's adverse ruling by US Federal ('municipal' and 'senile') judge Thomas Griesa.
“They are firing missiles on the Mid East, only God knows what is really happening there, but they won't fire missiles on Argentina, they are sending
financial and speculative attacks on Argentina, they seek to bring down our successful restructuring process and the benefits achieved by Argentine workers. Beware, they want force us to pay billions of dollars”, blasted the Argentine leader, who spoke for well over two hours.
&If they need to destroy international norms for that, they will,& Cristina Fernandez
added, in reference to the holdouts that rejected entering the two debt swaps which took place on 2005 and 2010, and have a favorable ruling to be paid the full face value, plus interests on their bonds. .
&This is not a problem of one party or one government. It&s a problem of all the Argentine people,& insisted the president.
According to Cristina Fernandez her administration &is fulfilling the rules established by the recently approved Sovereign Payment Law, which includes 100% of bondholders. Those who entered [into the debt swap] and those who did not&. But the law skirts Judge Griesa's decision on the holdouts.
Government House was packed with cabinet minister, governors, lawmakers, human rights activists and officials, plus hundreds of militants that cheered and chanted in support of the president from the several patios of the building.
But the president not only blasted the United States, Judge Griesa, the interim ambassador in Buenos Aires, plus the 'vulture funds', she also targeted local bankers, financial institutions, farmers and industrialists, for allegedly conspiring to change economic policies and force a strong devaluation of the Argentine currency.
“We have local financers among us who conspire with the vulture funds, we have the soybean farmers who have lost fortunes for being silly and not selling the beans on time as they were recommended. They preferred to speculate with prices by sitting on a third of the soybean crop, while prices dropped from almost 600 dollars to 360 dollars. Now one of their leaders admits they were wrong”.
The Argentine president argued there is a two-prong movement in Argentina made up of those exporters who lost money because of their stupidity and incompetence, and the car manufacturers who hide the vehicles and tell consumers they have none in stock...“but they are after a devaluation to make up losses and skim the people and consumers”.
And they also want a devaluation ”to water down the salary agreements reached by the Argentine workers unions (30% annual increase)“, claimed the president, who then went on to give the names of a list of banks, stock brokers and financier families that have been involved ”in promoting a run on the US dollar to force a devaluation“.
”We're going to impose stricter controls, we're going to demand the central bank and regulators apply the
there are 80.000 filed complaints in the Central bank, since the eighties referred to illegal currency transactions which have never been addressed“, revealed Cristina Fernandez.
”It's clear they want an end to our debt restructuring, an end to the labor contracts, they want a return to the past, when Argentina was on its knees begging for money at exorbitant interest rates. In the nineties Argentina supposedly was the best of the class for the multilateral organizations, but it was all a castle of cards and when it all collapsed, instead of helping out they came running to recover their money“.
&Finally addressing the hundreds of chanting militants, Cristina Fernandez called on them to defend Argentine sovereignty and dignity. ”Forget about me, nobody is going to touch me, the only person who could touch me is no longer with us, we, you have to be united and prevent Argentina from falling into the hands of those who want a return to conditions of the past: the vulture funds and even worse their conspiring allies among us, who want to see Argentina indebted, helplessly at the mercy of speculators”.
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Folks are really mad Bethenny Frankel fits in her 4yo’s clothes
posted: July 14,
has caused a ruckus by giving into her daughter Bryn’s wishes. Posting an image of herself in preschooler-sized Hello Kitty garb to Instagram on Sunday, the 43 year old wrote, “This is my daughter’s nightgown and PJ shorts. Think we’re ready to start sharing clothes yet?”
Responding to one Twitter user who thought the outfit was funny, the Skinnygirl drink mogul , “When ur 4 year old peanut says ‘mommy please put my dress on’ & giggles uncontrollably, u do what ur told.”
That type of reply is few and far between, however. HuffPost Entertainment
to their article about Bethenny Frankel in her daughters clothes, and the comments poured in. A sampling of the many, many negative ones:
What the hell? Thanks Bethany for continuing this sick image society has on how small a woman should be. Go eat a sandwich!!
The clothes fit? Mind of a four old as well. Totally stupid.
This disgusts me and we wonder why women have poor body images. Its women like this. I try to never say this but her poor daughter will grow up struggling with her body image because of her mother’s actions. Its a shame!
She’s an idiot. How awful of her for even trying the PJ’s on and then to post the picture for the world to see. These narcissistic women (Kim K and others) make me sick. Please stop giving her media time. She needs help and I worry about that poor young child.
Sarcastically addressing the growing hoopla, Bethenny shared this tweet Monday morning:
BREAKING NEWS! World Scandal: Former reality star, failed talk show host & cocktail maven jokes by wearing her kids’ pjs!
— Bethenny Frankel (@Bethenny)
Is it a little odd to see a grown woman in a preschooler’s nightgown? Yes, but I can’t say I find it as angering as so many others seem to.
is her business, and I don’t think this was in any way meant to be a statement about thinness and societal pressures.
If we’re opening our minds to the idea of
— as in no fat-shaming — we really ought to work on also embracing the other end of the spectrum.
Bethenny Frankel has written about her diet advice many times, including ;s ‘Naturally Thin: Unleash Your SkinnyGirl and Free Yourself from a Lifetime of Dieting.’ She has also opened up about . Take a look at what she previously shared here, in our gallery of celebrities talking family diets:
Sara McGinnis is the author of , and is busily raising two boys with...
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