
遗传学call-rate是什么意思_百度知道呼叫中心基本KPI指标The Essential Call Center KPIs(译) (二)
The Five Most Important Call Center Metrics
The average customer service call center tracks more than 25 metrics. A list of the most common metrics is shown below (Figure 3). This is a classic example of quantity over quality, where call centers falsely assume that they are doing something productive and good by tracking all of these metrics. The vast majority of these metrics, however, are only marginally relevant -- at best. The five that really matter are as follows: 一般服务型呼叫中心需要关注的指标有25个之多。下图3列出了最为普遍的指标。许多呼叫中心错误地认为跟踪所有这些指标是有益处的并能提高效率。这就是一个&数量胜于质量&的典型的反面教材。其实所有这些指标中的大部分,最好情况下,也才能能体现出边际相关。这些指标中真正起作用的是也就是下面这五个重要的KPI指标:
Cost per Call 每通电话成本
Customer Satisfaction 客户满意度
First Contact Resolution Rate 一次解决率
Agent Utilization 人工利用率
Aggregate Call Center Performance呼叫中心综合业绩指标
These five metrics represent the 80/20 rule when it comes to call center performance: 80% of the value you receive from performance measurement and management in your call center can be derived from these five simple metrics. 五个重要指标在呼叫中心的业绩管理中代表着20/80法则:呼叫中心绩效管理中获得的80%的价值都是从这5个简单的指标中的得到的。(译者注:记不住了,胡说一下,20/80原则,大概是这个意思:经济学家帕累托,帕累托法则,比如在资本主义市场中,20%的富人掌握80%国民收入,80%穷人却只占有20%的国民收入;在一个企业中20%的管理者,80%的普通员工,这20%的领导创造了80%的企业收入,等等。译者注:古代企业家认为三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮;近代外国企业家认为:一个诸葛亮等于三个臭皮匠;现代及未来企业家认为诸葛亮的成败与否与他老子的职位高低密切相关,遗传基因学可以为其提供科学证据&&)
How do we know these are the most important metrics? Is it a hunch? Suspicion? An academic exercise? No, it's none of the above. We know that these are the five metrics that matter most because the empirical evidence from more than a thousand call center benchmarks supports this conclusion. But let us explain why these metrics are so critically important.我们怎么知道这5个指标是最重要的呢,这是我们的直觉?学院里的学术理论 ?全都不是。 经过确凿的经验证据所论证支持而总结出来的五个KPI指标。下面让我们来解释一下为什么这五个指标如此重要。先看一下呼叫中心常用的这些KPI指标:
One goal of every business is to achieve the highest possible quality at the lowest possible cost. It stands to reason, therefore, that cost and quality should be measured on an ongoing basis. In fact, many would argue that cost and quality are the only two things that really matter. In a call center, the most effective cost metric is cost per contact, and the best indicator of quality is customer satisfaction. With this premise in mind, it's relatively easy to come up with the next two metrics on our list: First Contact Resolution (FCR), and Agent Utilization. 每个企业的目标都是要用最低的成本换取最高的质量。这个观点是有理可依的,因此成本和质量是一个要加以衡量的基本指标。事实上,许多人都在争议,成本和质量是两个相互关联的指标。在呼叫中心中,最有效的成本控制指标是每通电话成本而最好的质量管理指标是客户满意度。有了这两个指标作为前提,我们很自然地就能想到下面的两个相关指标:一次解决率和坐席利用率。
Earlier in this article, we talked about the importance of using metrics as a diagnostic tool to improve performance. So we have to ask ourselves, if customer satisfaction is one of the &foundation metrics& in the call center, how can we affect it? How can we improve it? Put another way, if customer satisfaction is suffering, what is the diagnosis? 在这篇文章的开头,我们谈到了用KPI指标来分析和提高业绩的重要性。所以,我们就此产生疑问,如果客户满意度是呼叫中心的一个基准指标,那我们如何来改变、提高它呢?换句话说,如果客户满意度不高,你能从中分析出什么来呢?
Well, it turns out that customer satisfaction is affected by a whole range of other performance variables, including Average Speed of Answer (ASA), Call Quality, and Handle Time, to name just a few. But the single biggest driver of customer satisfaction, by far, is FCR. The strong correlation between these two metrics was illustrated earlier in Figure 1. Nine times out of ten when customer satisfaction needs to improve, this can be achieved by increasing the FCR. This is why excellent call centers pay so much attention to this metric. They engage in a variety of tactics to continuously improve FCR, including agent training, investments in knowledge bases, and agent incentives tied to improvements in FCR. 好的,结果就是客户满意度被其他一系列指标所影响,包括平均应答速度,通话话质量,处理时长,等等。但是目前为止,对客户满意度最具影响的还是一次解决率(FCR)。这就是为什么优秀的呼叫中心对这个指标倍加关注的原因。他们采用各种办法来提高一次解决率,包括对坐席的培训,对知识库的投入,把对坐席的奖励与提高FCR指标相关联。
But what about Cost per Call, the other foundation metric in the call center? It is common knowledge that labor, i.e. personnel, is the single biggest expense in the call center. In fact, for the average call center, 67% of all costs are labor related: salaries, benefits, incentive pay, and contractors. By definition, then, labor costs are the greatest lever we have to reduce the cost per call. 那么另一个重要的指标&每通电话成本&在呼叫中心是如何起作用的呢?大家都知道,在呼叫中心人力资源也就是雇员是最大的开销。实际上,每个呼叫中心67%的成本是与人力成本有关的。工资,福利,激励用奖金,合同。人力成本消耗是我们必须要加以调节,借此来减少每通电话成本的重要因素。
The best measure of labor efficiency is agent utilization. Because labor costs represent the overwhelming majority of call center expenses, if agent utilization is high, the cost per call will inevitably be low. Conversely, when agent utilization is low, labor costs, and hence cost per call, will be high. This is illustrated in Figure 4 below. 衡量人力成本是否高效的指标是坐席利用率(人工利用率)。因为劳动力成本代表了呼叫中心大部分的成本开销,如果人工利用率很高,每通电话的成本自然就会很低。相反,当人工利用率低的时候,劳动力成本,每通电话成本也就会很高。下图图4说明了这一点。
图4& 译者注:网页上的图片没显示,晕。不过大概意思也很好理解,所以不给图了,估计作者也是这么想的,呵呵。
Just as world-class call centers are obsessive about maintaining a high FCR, they are equally committed to keeping their agent utilization rates high. This, in turn, has the effect of minimizing cost per call as illustrated above. That said, high utilization rates taken to the extreme, can actually increase your costs by driving agent turnover rates higher. Whenever utilization numbers approach 80% - 90%, that call center will see relatively high agent turnover rates because they are pushing the agents too hard. 世界一流的呼叫中心都痴迷于维持较高的一次解决率(FCR)和人工利用率。这样做的结果是如上所述&&明显地减少了每通电话的成本。但是同时,如果人工利用率推向了极限,也会不可避免地推动坐席的离职率。当人工利用率达到80%-90%,这个呼叫中心的离职率也会很高,因为坐席太累了。
Extremely high utilization leads to burnout, and that, in turn, leads to turnover. Turnover is one of the most costly things that a call center can experience. In order to proactively manage agent turnover, best-in-class contact centers focus on &career pathing,& training, and time off phones to work on projects. The more time spent off the phones, the more training agents receive, and the more career coaching they have, the lower the turnover will be. This has to be leavened, of course, with the need to keep agents productive on the phones.过高的人工利用率会导致坐席负担过重,结果就是人员流失率升高。人员流失是一个呼叫中心所经历的最消耗成本的事情。为了具有前瞻性地管理控制坐席的流失率,一流的呼叫中心集中精力来拓展坐席的职业道路,让他们参加培训,下线来参与一些项目。给坐席下线的时间越长,培训和职业教导得越多,人员流失率越低,同时,当然也要保持坐席的工作效率。这种办法要适度以使人员利用率和人员流失率达到平衡。
The formula for determining agent utilization is somewhat complicated. It factors in the length of the work day, break times, vacation and sick time, training time and a number of other factors. But there is an easy way to approximate agent utilization without going to all this trouble:人工利用率的公式有点复杂。公式中的元素要涉及到一天的工作时长,休息时长,节假日和病假时间,培训时长和其他一些因素。但这儿也有一种大概地简单计算人工利用率的方法:
Let's say, for example that the agents in a particular call center handle an average of 1,250 calls per month at an average handle time of 5 minutes. Additionally, these agents work an average of 21 days per month, and their work day is 7.5 hours after subtracting lunch and break times. The simplified utilization formula above would work out to the following:
比如,一个呼叫中心的坐席平均 每个月接1250个电话,平均处理时间是5分钟,每个月工作21天,每天工作7.5小时(8小时-1.5小时的就餐和休息时间)。把这些数字代入上面的公式,结果如下:
Once again, this is not a perfect measure of agent utilization, but it is quick and easy, and gets you within 5% of the true agent utilization figure. 人无完人,金无足赤,虽然这种简单的办法并不是完美的计算人工利用率的办法,但是它却是最快和最简单的办法,误差率基本在5%以内。
We have now discussed four of the five metrics that are most important for managing a call center. What about the fifth metric? What is aggregate call center performance, and how do we measure it? Can a single measure really tell us the overall performance of our call center? The answer is yes, but as the name suggests, it involves aggregating a number of measures to come up with a combined score for call center performance.我们已经讨论了五个重要指标的其中四个。第五个综合指标是什么呢?什么是综合指标?我们如何测量它?仅仅一个综合指标就能告送我们整个呼叫中心的业绩吗?答案是十分确定的,就像它的名字一样,它是包括了整个呼叫中心各项KPI指标的一个综合分数的KPI指标。
MetricNet's research shows that establishing a single, overall score for your call center is critical. We call this measure the Balanced Score because it truly does communicate a balanced picture of call center performance. This is a mechanism that utilizes the key measures tracked in a call center, including such things as cost per call, ASA and call abandonment rate, and rolls them into a single, aggregate measure of call center performance. MetricNet的研究显示:创建一个唯一的、综合性的、覆盖整个呼叫中心的KPI指标是十分关键的。我们管这种方法叫做平衡计分(著名的管理学方法&&平衡记分法,有点复杂,个人简单理解为是在各项业绩指标中找到一个平衡点,在本文中的应用当然不会这么复杂,简约而不简单-利郎男装-呵呵)因为它全面地展现了呼叫中心业绩。它利用各种关键的指标来跟踪了呼叫中心表现趋势,这些关键指标,例如,包括:每通电话成本,平均应答速度(ASA),放弃率等,把他们综合成一个汇总的方法来测评中心的业绩。
& The value of this metric, when tracked over time, is that it enables call centers to determine whether overall performance is improving or declining. Oftentimes, when a call center attempts to communicate its performance to other stakeholders in the business, particularly to lay people who do not understand call center operations, they quickly become overwhelmed by the minutia of such measures as speed-of-answer and abandonment rate, and they are confused as to how to interpret the results. They are likely to focus in on one, easily-understood measure like abandonment rate or first-call resolution rate, and draw conclusions about overall call center performance from these two (relatively unimportant) measures. This is a classic case of &missing the forest for the trees.& 指标的作用在于它能使呼叫中心判断出自身的业绩是上升还是下降。很多时候,当一个呼叫中心想要与其他相关部门进行业绩交流,或者,例如,想要解雇那些不善于管理中心运营的人的时候,管理层常常困惑于如何来判定各种业绩指标。他们可能集中关注一两个易于理解的KPI指标,像放弃率或一次解决率,并通过这两个指标中对整个中心的业绩做出结论。这是一个典型的&只见树木而不见森林&的做法。
It is therefore absolutely critical to communicate the overall performance of the call center, and the Balanced Score does that for you. It allows the aggregation of a whole series of measures, the normalization of those measures, and the creation a single all-encompassing indicator of call center performance on a monthly basis. In this way, the call center can track its overall performance, and, in any given month, may see costs go up or customer satisfaction go down or speed of answer increase, but these individual measures take on a secondary level of importance because the Balanced Score provides a more complete and accurate portrait of call center performance. 因此,把整个中心的业绩指标加以融会贯通十分关键的,&平衡计分&恰恰做到了这一点。它以月为基础,标准化各种指标方法并创建一个包含所有重要指标的单一KPI指标。使用这种办法,呼叫中心可以跟踪任何一个月的所有业绩指标,比如成本,客户满意度,应答速度的升降。这种测量办法不会把每一个单独指标放置于次要层面或者更低的层次来衡量,因为该综合指标汇总了所有单独指标从而全面来描述呼叫中心的总体业绩。
Figure 5 below illustrates how the Balanced Score is determined.
下图 图5说明了平衡计分指标是如何产生的:
Figure 6 below illustrates the Balanced Score for one call center over a twelve month period. Notice how you can see at a glance which months had improving performance (the balanced score goes up), and which months had declining performance (the balanced score goes down). The good news for this call center is that the overall trend is in a positive direction.
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