the woman is( )let is go to the zooheadmaster

  Part III    Listening Comprehension   (35 minutes)
  Section A
  11. [A] The woman is the man’s boss.
  [B] The man is the woman’s husband.
  [C] The woman is the headmaster of a school.
  [D] The woman wants to know something about a student.
  12. [A] She suggests the man to go to a farther place to trim his hair.
  [B] She offers to cut the man’s hair herself at the price of 10.
  [C] She tells the man a cheaper but busier place to have his hair cut.
  [D] She used to trim her hair in a luxurious saloon.
  13. [A] Encourage them.
  [B] Stop them immediately.
  [C] Give some explanation.
  [D] Leave them alone.
  14. [A] The man was the only survivor of an air crash.
  [B] People on board were frightened and tried to escape.
  [C] The man has always been very lucky in accidents.
  [D] A few passengers came back home safe and sound.
  15. [A] He was taking pictures of the campus.
  [B] His photographs were on the evening news.
  [C] He went to see a film on campus.
  [D] His television appearance was unintentional.
  16. [A] He didn’t know the woman was late for work.
  [B] He asked why the woman wasn’t there on time.
  [C] He doesn’t have a habit of being on time, either.
  [D] He wants the woman to keep a habit of being punctual.
  17. [A] They both graduated from art schools.
  [B] They majored in different areas of art.
  [C] They are equally competent for the job.
  [D] They are both willing to draw the posters.
  18. [A] Public buses are fast and cheap.
  [B] Parking is becoming a big problem.
  [C] Buses and taxis are easy to find parking.
  [D] People can find nowhere to park their cars.
  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. [A] Putting up posters for her works.
  [B] Attending an art class.
  [C] Decorating her dorm room.
  [D] Organizing a global tour.
  20. [A] Two-dimensional.
  [B] Three-dimensional.
  [C] Colorful.
  [D] Detailed.
  21. [A] She earned a lot of money.
  [B] She learned many things.
  [C] She was acquainted with many people.
  [D] She became an art major.
  22. [A] Hold an exhibition on campus.
  [B] Go to New York City.
  [C] Register for the tour to Boston.
  [D] Meet the European painters.
  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  23. [A] She does some teaching work.
  [B] She does her homework.
  [C] She works as a babysitter.
  [D] She attends weekend lessons to improve her English.
  24. [A] One of her teachers recommended her to do it.
  [B] One of her friends introduced it to her.
  [C] She got it through a notice near the bus stop.
  [D] She happened to meet a person who offered the job.
  25. [A] To put up notices on community bulletin boards.
  [B] To post notices on wire poles.
  [C] To ask his teachers for help.
  [D] To register in job center of the university.
  Section B
  Passage One
  Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  26. [A] Parents share more interests with their children.
  [B] Parents put more trust in their children’s abilities.
  [C] Parents and children talk more about sex and drugs.
  [D] Parents help their children develop interests in more activities.
  27. [A] More confusion among parents.
  [B] Less respect for parents from children.
  [C] New equality between parents and children.
  [D] More strictness and authority on the part of parents.
  28. [A] Today’s parents can set a limit to the change.
  [B] Today’s parents follow the trend of the change.
  [C] Today’s parents fail to take the change seriously.
  [D] Today’s parents have little difficulty adjusting to change.
  29. [A] To describe the difficulties today’s parents have met with.
  [B] To discuss the development of the parent-child relationship.
  [C] To suggest the ways to handle the parent-child relationship.
  [D] To compare today’s parent-child relationship with that in the past.
  Passage Two
  Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  30. [A] To compete with online bill paying.
  [B] To reduce the cost of printing 2- or 3-cent stamps.
  [C] To respond to the complaints about rising postal rates.
  [D] To help save the consumers’ cost on first-class mailing.
  31. [A] America will be the first country to issue “forever stamps”.
  [B] 2- or 3-cent stamps will no longer be printed in the future.
  [C] The design of the “forever stamps” remains to be revealed.
  [D] The investment in “forever stamps” will bring adequate reward.
  32. [A] New interest will be aroused in collecting “forever stamps”.
  [B] Postal workers will benefit most from the sales of “forever stamps”.
  [C] The inflation has become a threat to the sales of first-class stamps.
  [D] With “forever stamps”, there will be no need to worry about rate changes.
  Passage Three
  Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  33. [A] His heart didn’t work well.
  [B] He expected a full recovery.
  [C] His life was drawing to a close.
  [D] The first one wasn’t well-performed.
  34. [A] Jim died at a young age.
  [B] Jim died on the operating table.
  [C] Both Jim and his father died of the same disease.
  [D] Jim’s death is closely connected with his father’s.
  35. [A] Jim’s father cared little about his study.
  [B] Smoller agreed that Jim did kill his father.
  [C] Jim thought he would be punished some day.
  [D] Smoller believed Jim wouldn’t live to the age of 48.
  Section C
  During the traditional wedding ceremony, the bridal couple promise each other lifelong devotion. Yet, about one out of four American marriages ends in (36) ______. Since 1940, the divorce rate has more than (37) ______, and experts predict that, of all marriages that occurred in the 1970s, about 50% will end in divorce. The USA has one of the highest divorce rates in the world, perhaps (38) ______ the highest.
  The fact that divorce is so common in the United States does not mean that Americans consider marriage an unimportant, (39) ______ relationship. Americans expect a great deal from marriage. They seek physical, emotional, and (40) ______ compatibility. They want to be deeply loved and understood. They (41) ______ no marriage at all to a marriage without love and (42) ______. With typical American (43) ______, they end one marriage in hope that the next will be happier.
  With no-fault divorce laws in many states, it is easier than ever to get a divorce. (44) __________________________________________________________________________. But most American women believe that, if necessary, they can make it alone without a husband. All things considered, Americans have little reason to continue an unhappy marriage. (45) __________________________________________________________________________. In most cases, the children live with the mother. However, (46) __________________________________________________________________________.
  Part III Listening Comprehension
  Section A
11. M: Miss Hanson, thank you for sending me this note. I’m sorry to hear Mario is being a problem.
W: I’m not sure what’s happening to Mario. He’s usually an excellent student. He completes all his work and he’s quiet in class. Then, last month, he just changed.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
【听前预测】选项中的The woman wants表明,女士的话为听音重点。
析】选[D]。对话中女士首先提到她不确定what’s happening to Mario(Mario发生什么事情了),接着提到Mario通常是 an excellent student,但上个月变了,由此可知,她想知道学生Mario的一些情况,答案为[D],其中的something about与女士提到的what’s happening to对应。
12. M: Can you believe I just had to pay 20 pounds for a hair cut in Steward?
W: You should try the salon where I go. It’s only 10. But it takes a while to get an appointment.
Q: What do we know about the woman?
【听前预测】选项中的trim his hair,have his hair cut,She suggests/tells the man 等表明,对话可能与女士给男士理发的建议有关,女士的话为听音重点。
析】选[C]。对话中女士提到…only 10. But it takes a while to get an appointment,[C]中的cheaper but busier为女士的话的同义转述,故答案为[C]。trim one’s hair、cut one’s hair、have one’s hair cut均表示“理发”。
13. W: Dr. Weinstein, should parents let their children watch television or read about the war?
M: If parents are going to let their kids read or watch television coverage of the war, it’s important for them to read along and help their kids interpret what they’re reading or seeing.
Q: What should parents do if their children watch television or read about the war?
析】选[C]。对话中男士提到If parents…let their kids read or watch television coverage of the war, it’s important for them to…help their kids interpret…,[C] Give some explanation 与男士提到的help their kids interpret 对应,故答案为[C]。[D]为强干扰项,其中的alone是对along的近音干扰。
14. W: Thank heavens! You’re back safe and sound. Everyone was worried on hearing about the air crash. And I had so many sleepless nights!
M: Yes, I know your feeling, dear! Even I myself don’t know how I escaped it. I was the only lucky guy.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
【听前预测】选项中的survivor,air crash,escape,accidents等表明,对话可能与一起飞机事故和幸存者有关。
析】选[A]。对话中女士说听到the air crash后,每个人都很担心,男士回答时提到I was the only lucky guy,[A]是对男士的话的同义转述,故答案[A]。
15. W: What’s this? I hear about your appearing on the six o’clock news.
M: Oh that. Some people were filming something on campus and I just happened to pass in front of the camera.
Q: What does the man mean?
【听前预测】选项中的His photographs…on the evening news,His television appearance等表明,对话可能与男士在电视上出现有关。
析】选[D]。对话中男士提到I just happened to pass in front of the camera。[D]中的unintentional(无意的) 与男士提到的happened对应,故答案为[D]。
16. W: I tried to catch the bus but still couldn’t make it. Did the boss say anything about my not being here at nine?
M: Well, he looked angry. He said if he were you, he’d make a habit of being on time.
Q: What does the man say about the boss?
【听前预测】选项中的He didn’t know/asked why,the woman was late等表明,本题可能考查He对女士迟到的反应。
析】选[D]。对话中男士提到He said if he were you, he’d make a habit of being on time,[D]中的keep a habit of being punctual是对make a habit of being on time的同义转述,故答案为[D]。If he were you, he’d…是一种虚拟的说法,老板通过这种虚拟语气间接对女士提出准时上班的要求。
17. M: I don’t know whether to ask Joe or Cora to draw the posters.
W: What difference does it make? They’re both excellent artists.
Q: What does the woman imply about Joe and Cora?
【听前预测】选项中的They both,equally competent for,art,job等表明,对话可能与They都能胜任某项艺术工作有关。
析】选[C]。对话中女士提到They’re both excellent artists,[C]中的equally competent对应both excellent,故答案为[C]。
18. W: Many people prefer taking public buses or even taxis, because parking is getting to be a real headache in some parts of the city.
M: That doesn’t surprise me.
Q: What do we learn from this conversation?
【听前预测】选项中的buses,fast and cheap, nowhere,park,cars等表明,本题可能考查人们坐公交不开私车的原因。
析】选[B]。对话中女士提到parking is getting to be a real headache,[B]中提到的problem与headache对应,故答案为[B]。  Now you will hear the two long conversations.
  Conversation One
  【听前预测】选项中的Decorating,dorm room,Three-dimensional,art等表明,对话与装饰宿舍和某种艺术有关。
M: I see you and your friends have been decorating the dormitory.
we decided to cover them with prints and posters.
M: I like this one. Did you buy it on campus?
W: No, I bought it at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The Art History Department recently sponsored a special museum tour there.
M: Is this a reproduction of something in the museum’s collection?
W: Yes, it’s a print of a painting by Georgia O’keffe called Lake George Window.
M: It looks more like a photograph. The details are so accurate and realistic.
W: I thought the same thing when I first saw the painting hanging in the museum. But the art history teacher pointed out how the painting is in fact very stylized.
M: What do you mean?
W: First, by choosing a front view of the window, O’keffe was able to present a symmetrical image and eliminate any hint of three-dimensionality.
M: It does look almost flat. The open shutters seem to have no depth at all.
W: To emphasize that two-dimensional look, O’keffe also eliminated details of texture. The shutters, for example.
M: Yes, their surface looks as flat as the glass of the window pane.
W: So even though she created a realistic painting of a window, O’keffe stylized and simplified the shapes to resemble an abstract design.
M: It sounds as though you learned a lot on that trip. Is the Art History Department planning another museum tour?
W: Yes, the next one is to a special exhibit of European painters at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston next week.
M: I think I will sign up for that one.
Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
19. What has the woman been doing?
【点睛】[C] Decorating her dorm room与对话中提到的decorating the dormitory对应。
20. What is the characteristic of Georgia O’keffe’s work?
【解析】选[A]。对话中女士说,为了加强画的平面性,Georgia O’keffe还去除了结构的细节,由此可知,Georgia O’keffe的作品是二维的、平面的,故答案为[A]。
【点睛】To emphasize that two-dimensional look是听音的关键。
21. How did the woman benefit from the museum tour?
【解析】选[B]。由对话中男士提到的It sounds as though you learned a lot on that trip(听上去你在这次旅程中学到了很多)可知,答案为[B]。
【点睛】[B]中的learned many things对应男士提到的learned a lot。
22. What might the man do next week?
【解析】选[C]。对话中男士询问女士是否有下一次博物馆之行,女士进行了肯定回答并详细说明了下次的目的地:a special exhibit of European painters at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston next week,男士表示希望能参加,故答案为[C]。
【点睛】问题中的next week是听音的关键。  Conversation Two
  【听前预测】选项中的teaching work,job,teachers recommended,friends introduced,job center of the university等表明,对话可能与学生找兼职有关,涉及找兼职的方式等。
M: Where are you going, Catherine? Today is Saturday.
W: Saturday isn’t a holiday for me anymore. I have to tutor for three hours every Saturday afternoon.
M: That’s great. I wish I could find a part-time job to make a little pocket money. How did you find this job?
W: I saw a “Tutor Wanted” notice stuck on a light pole near the bus stop. I phoned the number and I got the job. It’s not too hard to find a part-time job these days. But Richard, studying should always come first. Do you think that you have enough time to handle a part-time job?
M: It’s hard to say. If I can get a job, I will try very hard to make good use of my time.
W: We do spend too much time hanging around and doing nothing. Richard, your English is perfect. Why don’t you find a job teaching English?
M: But I don’t have any teaching experience. Speaking and teaching are two different things.
W: I don’t have any experience either. We’re just students. People know this. But we are young and energetic, and the most important thing is that we don’t ask for as much pay as professional teachers do.
M: OK! Where should I start?
W: You can post some notices on the community bulletin board and some other places. But remember: don’t post them on the wire poles because you’ll probably be fined for it.
M: Thank you for your advice, Catherine.
W: My pleasure. Good luck.
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
23. What does the woman do on Saturday afternoons?
【解析】选[A]。选项中的She does/works等表明,本题考查She的情况。对话中女士提到I have to tutor for three hours every Saturday afternoon,[A]中的does some teaching work与tutor for three hours对应,故答案为[A]。
【点睛】问题中的Saturday afternoons是听音的关键。
24. How did the woman find the part-time job?
【解析】选[C]。选项中的her teachers recommended,got it through a notice,job等表明,本题可能考查女士获得工作的途径。由对话中女士提到的I saw a “Tutor Wanted” notice stuck on a light pole near the bus stop可知,女士通过在公交车站附近电线杆上贴的招聘通知找到兼职的,故答案为[C]。
25. What does the woman suggest the man do when starting to find a job?
【解析】选[A]。选项中的put up notices, register in job center of the university等表明,本题可能考查找兼职的途径。由对话末尾女士提到的You can post some notices on the community bulletin board可知,答案为[A]。
【点睛】[A]中的put up对应女士提到的post,听到community bulletin board便不难选出答案。  Section B
  Passage One
  【听前预测】选项中的Parents,children,share more interests,put more trust,Today’s parents, parent-child relationship等表明,短文可能与父母和孩子之间关系的变化有关。
Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends. Is this a good thing? Sometimes, when Mr. Ballmer and his 16?year?old daughter, Elizabeth, listen to rock music together and talk about interests both enjoy, such as pop culture, he remembers his more distant relationship with his parents when he was a teenager.
“I would never have said to my mom, ‘Hey, the new Weezer album is really great. How do you like it?’” says Ballmer. “There was just a complete gap in taste.”
Music was not the only gulf. From clothing and hairstyles to activities and expectations, earlier generations of parents and children often appeared to move in separate orbits.
Today, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow in many families. Conversations on subjects such as sex and drugs would not have taken place a generation ago. Now they are comfortable and common. And parent-child activities from shopping to sports, involve a feeling of trust and friendship that can continue into adulthood.
No wonder greeting cards today carry the message: “To my mother, my best friend.”
But family experts warn that the new equality can also result in less respect for parents.
“There’s still a lot of strictness and authority on the part of parents out there, but there is a change happening,” says Kerrie, a psychology professor at Lebanon Valley College. “In the middle of that change, there is a lot of confusion among parents.”
Family researchers offer a variety of reasons for these evolving roles and attitudes. They see the 1960s as a turning point. Great cultural changes led to more open communication and a more democratic process that encourages everyone to have a say.
“My parents were on the ‘before’ side of that change, but today’s parents, the 40-year-olds, were on the ‘after’ side,” explains Mr. Ballmer. “It’s not something easily accomplished by parents these days, because life is more difficult to understand or deal with, but sharing interests does make it more fun to be a parent now.”
Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.
26. Which shows that the generation gap is disappearing?
【解析】选[A]。选项中Parents,children,share more interests,talk more等表明,本题可能考查父母与孩子关系的变化。由短文开头提到的Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and are friends可知,如今的父母和孩子共同的兴趣爱好越来越多,故答案为[A]。
【点睛】通过举例进行推断总结是解题的关键。[A]中的more interests体现在dress alike, listen to the same music。
27. What is the change in today’s parent-child relationship?
【解析】选[C]。短文中提到the new equality,也就是说父母孩子之间变得平等了,故答案为[C]。
【点睛】[A]和[B]是这种变化所带来的结果;短文中说still a lot of strictness and authority,但并没有说more,故[D]表述不正确。
28. What does the speaker mean by saying “today’s parents, the 40-year-olds, were on the ‘after-side’”?
【解析】选[B]。问题中的today’s parents, the 40?year?olds指的是六十年代生的父母。短文中提到,六十年代是个转折点,文化的巨变带来的是更开放的沟通和更多民主,结合前面提到的现在的父母与孩子有更多交流、更平等可知,‘after’ side是说现在的父母跟随潮流而改变,故答案为[B]。
29. What is the purpose of the passage?
【解析】选[B]。选项均以To+原形动词开头以及选项的概括性很强表明,本题考查短文的目的。由短文内容可知,特别是由the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow等关键信息可知,短文主要讨论父母与孩子之间的关系的发展过程,故答案为[B]。
【点睛】短文目的要根据短文中出现的关键信息词进行判断。  Passage Two
  【听前预测】选项中重复出现的2- or 3-cent stamps,forever stamps和America表明,短文可能与美国的邮票有关。
Mail carriers will be delivering some good news and some bad news this week.
The bad news: Stamp prices are expected to rise 2 cents in May to 41 cents, the Postal Regulatory Com-mission announced yesterday. The good news: With the introduction of a “forever stamp,” it may be the last time Americans have to use annoying 2- or 3-cent stamps to make up postage differences.
Beginning in May, people would be able to purchase the stamps in booklets of 20 at the regular rate of a first-class stamp.
As the name implies, “forever stamps” will keep their first-class mailing value forever, even when the postage rate goes up.
The new “forever stamp” is the United States Postal Service’s (USPS) answer to the complaints about frequent rate increases. The May increases will be the fifth in a decade. Postal rates have risen because of inflation, competition from online bill paying, and the rising costs of employee benefits, including health care, says Mark Saunders, a spokesman for USPS.
The USPS expects some financial gain from sales of the “forever stamp” and the savings from not printing as many 2- or 3-cent stamps. “It’s not your grandfather’s stamp,” says Mr. Saunders. “It could be your great grandchildren’s stamp.”
Other countries, including Canada, England, and Finland use similar stamps.
Don Schilling, who has collected stamps for 50 years, says he’s interested in the public’s reaction. “This is an entirely new class of stamps.” Mr. Schilling says. He adds that he’ll buy the stamps because he will be able to use them for a long period of time, not because they could make him rich — the volume printed will be too large for collectors. “We won’t be able to send our kids to college on these,” he says, laughing.
The USPS board of governors has yet to accept the Postal Regulatory Commission’s decision, but tends to follow its recommendations. No plans have been announced yet for the design of the stamps.
Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
30. What is the main purpose of introducing a “forever stamp”?
【解析】选[C]。选项均以To + do开头表明,本题考查行为目的。短文中提到,The new “forever stamp” is the United States Postal Service’s (USPS) answer to the complaints about frequent rate increases,即出台“永久邮票”是为了回应人们对邮费频繁增长的抱怨,故答案为[C]。
【点睛】问题中的introducing a “forever stamp”是听音关键。[C] To respond to the complaints about rising postal rates是对短文中提到的answer to the complaints about frequent rate increases的同义转述。
31. Which is true according to the passage?
【解析】选[C]。短文中提到,加拿大、英国和芬兰已经在使用类似的邮票,故排除[A];短文中提到the savings from not printing as many 2- or 3-cent stamps,这表明2- or 3-cent stamp的邮票并不是停印,而是印量减少,故排除[B];短文中通过引用有50年集邮史的Don Schilling的话说明收集“永久邮票”并不会给人们带来丰厚的回报,故排除[D]。短文最后提到,目前还没有公布“永久邮票”的设计情况,故答案为[C]。
32. What can be concluded from the passage?
【解析】选[D]。根据上题针对选项[D]的分析可排除[A];根据30题的分析可知,“永久邮票”出台的目的就是为了回应人们对邮费频繁增长的抱怨,故答案为[D]。  Passage Three
  【听前预测】选项中的Jim,his father,died等表明,短文可能与Jim和他父亲的死亡有关。
Jim suffered heart problems. In conversation he expressed little joy and it seemed that his life was drawing to a close.
When his heart problems led to operation, Jim went through it successfully, and a full recovery was expected. Within days, however, his heart was not beating properly. Jim was rushed back to the operation, but nothing was found to explain the cause of his illness. He died on the operating table on the day before his 48th birthday.
Dr. Bruce Smoller, a psychologist, had had many conversations with him, and the more he learned, the stranger he realized Jim’s case was. When Jim was a child, his father, a teacher, suffered a heart attack and stayed home to recover. One morning Jim asked his father to look over his homework, promising to come home from school at noon to pick it up. His father agreed, but when Jim returned his father had died. Jim’s father was 48.
“I think all his life Jim believed he killed his father,” Dr. Smoller says. “He felt that if he had not asked him to look at his homework, his father would have lived. Jim had been troubled by the idea. The operation was the trial he had expected for forty years.” Smoller believes that Jim willed himself not to live to the age of 48.
Jim’s case shows the powerful role that attitude plays in physical health, and that childhood experiences produce far-reaching effect on the health of grown-ups. Although most cases are less direct than Jim’s, studies show that childhood events, besides genes, may well cause such midlife diseases as cancer, heart disease and mental illness.
Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
33. Why was Jim sent back to operation?
【点睛】问题中的back to operation是听音关键。however转折处为常考点。[A] His heart didn’t work well是对his heart was not beating properly的同义转述。
34. What made Dr. Smoller feel strange about Jim’s case?
35. What can we infer from Smoller’s words?
【点睛】解答本题的关键是理解Smoller医生的话。[C] Jim thought he would be punished some day是根据Jim believed he killed his father进行的合理推断。  Section C
  36.【解析】divorce。空前的ends in表明,本空应填一名词。Life-long devotion和Yet提示,所填词意思与life-long devotion相反。
  37.【解析】doubled。空前的has more than表明,本空应填一动词的过去分词表示某种变化。
  38.【解析】even。前一个分句提到美国是世界上离婚率最高的国家之一,句子结构完整。空前的perhaps和空后的the highest表明,本空应填一副词。
  40.【解析】intellectual。空前的形容词physical和emotional及并列连词and表明,本空应填一语义与physical和 emotional并列的形容词。
  42.【解析】understanding。空前的名词love及并列连词and表明,本空应填一与love并列且语义相近的名词。understanding意为“相互理解”。空前的句子They want to be deeply loved and understood也提示本空填understanding。
  43.【解析】optimism。空前的With typical American表明,本空应填一名词。
  44.【答案】Some American women stay in unhappy marriages because they don’t have the education or job experience to support themselves and their children
  【Main Points】Some American women stay in unhappy marriages since they have no education or job experience to support themselves and their children
  45.【答案】If a divorcing couple has children, the court must determine which parent the children will live with and who will provide for their support
  【Main Points】If a divorcing couple has children, the court must decide who the children will live with and who support them
  46.【答案】it is not uncommon for a farther to be the guardian of his children when this arrangement seems to be in the children’s best interest
  【Main Points】it is common for a farther to be the guardian of his children when this arrangement seems to be best for children
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