
导语:人需要,人也需要成长,这是人类繁衍生息的自然规律。烦恼使我变得善于思考,在烦恼中我一天天长大,我知道烦恼便是成长的催化剂。下面是gkstk作文网小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。成长的烦恼英语作文(1)Time like water flowing in a hurry, unconsciously, I spent fourteen spring, summer, autumn and winter, has grown gradually, also grew up. Growth let I lost the joy of childhood, childhood innocence, I always confused about many things, brought me a lot of trouble.After entering junior high school, school subjects from primary school had soared to seven families, workbook from elementary school a few this suddenly mountain, let me hard to parry. In elementary school, always feel the study result is very good, is second to none in the class, but after entering junior high school, although I very hard, early greed to learn later, performance estimation, makes me fallen off. To this, I was troubled.Now I grow up, once I much a few minutes mature naive, I gradually have independent thought, have to the life of his own ideas. Gradually, I can't like little sheep lying in parents' arms play the woman, be subordinate to them, but to produce the gap between my parents. I become what things suppress in the heart, don't want to communicate with parents, I was very upset.Gradually, we all have their own opinions about many things. Between students is no longer the childhood naive and lively in play, Between teachers and students are no longer in front of the teacher in pettish like childhood. It seems like there's a wall between us, separates us from a distance, make it impossible for us to contact, it makes me very trouble.时光如流水般匆匆而过,不知不觉中,我度过了十四个春夏秋冬,渐渐长高了,也长大了。成长让我失去了童年的快乐、童年的天真,使我时常对许多事情产生疑惑,给我带来了许多烦恼。进入初中后,学校的考试科目由小学的三科猛增到七科,练习册也由小学时的寥寥几本一下子变得堆积如山,让我难以招架。在小学,总是觉得自己的学习成绩很不错,在班里算得上是名列前茅,可进入初中后,尽管我很努力,起早贪晚地学习,成绩却一落千丈,使我名落孙山。对此,我十分烦恼。现在我长大了,曾经幼稚的我多了几分成熟,我逐渐有了独立的思想,有了自己对人生的见解。渐渐的,我不能再像小绵羊一样躺在父母的怀里撒娇,对他们百依百顺,而是与父母之间产生了隔阂。我变得什么事情都憋在心里,不想与父母沟通,我感到十分烦恼文章出自,转载请保留此链接!。渐渐的,我们对许多事情都有了自己的见解。之间不再像童年时天真活泼的在一起玩耍、嬉戏;师生之间也不再像童年时在老师的面前撒娇。我们之间就像有一堵墙,把我们远远地隔开,使我们无法交往,这使我十分烦恼。成长的烦恼英语作文(2)Trees do not experience wind and rain, how can grow into towering trees? Life does not have hard, how can contain suantiankula? , the same growth to have no trouble, how can really grow?Trouble, a frown even infants to the word, is indispensable in our growth, in our growth is to worry for don't worry, feel life from trouble, grow up gradually.When I was a child, your trouble is the stones on the road, you can onl When young, your trouble is the potholes on the road, you can only in When I grow up, your trouble is huge mounds, you can only climb over, or remove it like yu gong.We worry now is the potholes on the road: the past is the best choice, we worry more than one, fill to fill in what time? As long as the foot step across, in the past.Therefore, sometimes troubles don't too persistent, in another more simple way to resolve worries.Happiness and worry is.The rocky road of growth, but it is not a barrier bumpy.小树不经历风雨,怎能长成参天大树?人生不拥有艰辛,怎能饱含酸甜苦辣?同样的,成长中没有过烦恼,怎能真正地成长?烦恼,一个连婴儿听了都皱眉的词,却是我们成长中必不可少的东西,在我们的成长中,就是要化烦恼为不烦恼,从烦恼中感悟人生,渐渐成长小时候,你的烦恼是路上的石子,你只能踢开它或者绕路走;青年时,你的烦恼是路上的坑洼,你只能越过去或者填平它;长大后,你的烦恼是一座座大山,你只能攀越过去,或者像愚公一样移开它。我们现在的烦恼就是路上的坑洼:越过去是最好的选择,我们的烦恼不止一个,填要填到什么时候?只要脚大步一跨,就过去了。因此有的时候,面对烦恼不要太执着了,要以另一个更为简单的方法去化解烦恼。快乐与烦恼是并存的。成长的路途坎坷,但坎坷却不是天堑。 最近更新:免责声明:本文仅代表作者个人观点,与本网无关。看完本文,记得打分哦:很好下载Doc格式文档马上分享给朋友:?知道苹果代表什么吗实用文章,深受网友追捧比较有用,值得网友借鉴没有价值,写作仍需努力相关作文:
《As Long As We Got Each Other》 自从我们拥有彼此 Show me that smile again 再次绽放你那微笑吧 * Oh, show me that smile Don't waste another minute on your crying 别要把时光浪费在哭泣上 We're nowhere near the end 我们距离结局还很遥远 * We're nowhere near The best is ready to begin 最美好的事情才刚刚开始 * All in a cloudy daze 一切都是忧郁而茫然的时候 * I look into your eyes and see them shining out 我注视你的双眼并从中看到了光芒 Holding you close this way 让你也靠近它 * Holding you this way Is like having summer everyday 就如同每天都是夏日一般 Ooh, ooh As long as we got each other 自从我们拥有彼此 We got the world spinning right in our hands 我们让世界也在我们手中旋转 Baby, you and me 亲爱的,你和我 We gotta be 我们将会是 The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreaming 最幸运的梦想者,而且从不停止梦想 As long as we keep on giving 只要我们继续投入其中 We can take anything that comes our way 我们可以让一切都按照我们的意愿行事 * Baby, rain or shine 亲爱的,无论阴雨还是阳光 All the time 所有的时刻 We got each other 我们拥有彼此 Sharing the laughter and love 一起分享欢笑和爱 * Promise me here and now 此时此地答应我 * Nothing but jokes Will never come between us 除了玩笑一切都不能阻碍在我们之间 You can depend on me 你可以依赖我 Cause I need you like the air I breathe 因为我需要你就如同我所呼吸的空气一般 Oh, oh As long as we got each other 自从我们拥有彼此 We got the world spinning right in our hands 我们让世界也在我们手中旋转 Baby, you and me 亲爱的,你和我 We gotta be 我们将会是 The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreaming 最幸运的梦想者,而且从不停止梦想 As long as we keep on giving 只要我们继续投入其中 We can take anything that comes our way 我们可以让一切都按照我们的意愿行事 * Baby, rain or shine 亲爱的,无论阴雨还是阳光 All the time 所有的时刻 We got each other 我们拥有彼此 Sharing the laughter and love 一起分享欢笑和爱 As long as we got each other 自从我们拥有彼此 We got the world spinning right in our hands 我们让世界也在我们手中旋转 Baby, you and me 亲爱的,你和我 We gotta be 我们将会是 The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreaming 最幸运的梦想者,而且从不停止梦想 As long as we keep on giving 只要我们继续投入其中 We can take anything that comes our way 我们可以让一切都按照我们的意愿行事 * Baby, rain or shine 亲爱的,无论阴雨还是阳光 All the time 所有的时刻 We got each other 我们拥有彼此 Sharing the laughter and love 一起分享欢笑和爱


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