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& z y h z d w z h w m W F S Z B Z C L Z J W B H Z A S B R!有谁知道这些字母的。
z y h z d w z h w m W F S Z B Z C L Z J W B H Z A S B R!有谁知道这些字母的。
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W F S Z B Z C L Z J W B H Z A S B R!有谁知道这些字母的。A CAO
k1 Y* t2 M$ `. \ C.hiefAdministrativeOfficer 6 q2 _5 a0 @& n$ n# j3 Q 首席行政官 3 c2 C P) ^1 O0 w% j3 ? ChiefArtOfficer
A; {( ~, ^6 u$ v( H: 首席艺术官 2 l- s* i( z# R" g+ Z( r 释义:顾名思义,首席行政官是在一个中负责日常事务的最高行政官员,也是企业里的行政部门长官。首席艺术官多数出现在文化娱乐企业中。 - {1 s, _4 [* p* _; B+ U2 T ~ : z& a* e+ u1 ^* I R1 E8 G B CBO 7 W$ d/ c9 V8 H% U6 A H: Y: t ChiefBrandOfficer ( q$ n( r8 U; M& e+ h% T& S 首席品牌官 # a# H8 {4 X 释义:它是现代组织(包括企业、政府或其他组织)中设置的专门负责品牌战略管理与运营的高级官员,代表CEO就企业形象、品牌以及文化进行内。Y N S D M Y J H W D J Z X L Z Y W X H N什么意思啊 Y N S D M Y J H W D J Z X L Z Y W X H N 我 喜 欢 你
是你们之间的一句话 我想并不是单词 要靠你自己捉摸了。W Z D B X H T L,W H X X H S L T,G K S Z S J D T H H B L,B 。因为这种原因,我也不会跟他说,我在看你和他做朋友,只有这样我们关系才会好,我不喜欢他弟不是我的错,等着你跟他再见,十几天不回话便忘了,我也不希望叹息很多,现在只有我自己开心就好,问题就不知道了,我不会装坏人还有怪人,只有别人不和我结婚,我也想看到,不如自己只是想,要让自己开心。
简单的回答下:~~~~~~~~~~`,我不回头不是我的错,独自难过躺在家,~~~~~~要让自己开心就好。具体还需要翻译 吗?
W Z D B X H T L,W H X X H S L T,G K S Z S J D T H H B L,B Z Z D J X X H T D,W B X G R H R S W X H T。。1.x x n d w c. 2x x n p z w s b.w d x q c h z m f s. 3w z x s z z 。1.谢谢你的温存 2.谢谢你陪在我身边,我的心情才会这么放松 3.我在想是这种感觉吗? 4.好像有点道理吧 5.这不是我 6.手机信号是太糟 7.等等还要早点休息丢人么,我又生病住院了 8.按摩不理我的眼睛。想要整理心情 9.谢谢你的晚餐 10.一句行吗 11.现在高考也一看到就不知道很难。。h z w h j s w a n。a n s g a z j。.y z m c n w d n 中间那句是、、、、、、爱你胜过爱自己。w y x h n d s w m b n z y q w j y x c s z h d x z.是英文写的,不是。我也想和你 但是我们不能在一起 忘记也许才是最好的选择
xsdscsd。N Z D M ? W Y Z H A N N ! W M Y J Y L S G Y M Y L X L G X 。你知道吗,我一直好爱你呢!我们已经有了三个月没有联系了,怪想你的,最近我们联系少了,如你所愿。呵呵,对不起。我已经有男朋友了,对不起 累啊!!
楼上真是个人才。破解意思,Z N D S H Z N S W Y Y D N G Z T Z在你的生活中,那是我永远的那个ZTZ. 有些事你不会明白,你也不会懂,你的心情一直是我想接近的地方,可是你却不知道。 好像多年以后会明白我现在所做的一切,如果能帮助解决也许真的很生气我,知道吗我有多么的爱你。现在,只能一再嘱咐 算了吧,但总觉得奇怪,不要你为我担心 这些为你难过怎么听的到,知道吗唯一的爱你前一时期内 总会想起,你不会了解但希望你的一句话却没有,没有ZTZ,就在不管在哪里我的心依然守护着你ZTZ,我爱你HMM守护你一辈子大概就这意思ZTZ,HMM是你们俩的名字的缩写吧很难得,多些分吧
应该是用五笔 你用五笔打打看。…W Z D B Z D Z M S… z d h w y b z d w l s h、b z d s sm zc 。我在大便知道真没屎。真的毫无一便 真的我拉屎哈、不知道是什么造成我的现在、怎么办 怎么办。真的是不拉了 一 一、~、
1。W Z N H M R X F Y Y B Y H H Y J D W Z G P Y W M Z Y Q D 。 w、z、x、r、n、h、h、w
我找你好吗人幸福永远不要后悔已经对我这个朋友我们这一切都没有秘密一看 QQ拼音输出结果。
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z y h z d w z h w m相关
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ACS600 MultiDrive Hardware Manual
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你可能喜欢Alt-codes for characters
Codes&&&&&&& Ultimate
Cool Characters
Here you will find a wealth of uselessly interesting
characters not found on your keyboard. Ever wanted to know how to make an
&i& with those two
little dots above it? How about a multiplication sign? A
euro sign? A smiley face? A bunch of different letters with squiggly things
under them?
Ỹổů’ṽẻ č?m̉ę ŧỡ ţĥ? ŕıġħť p̀łắĉễ.
Unlike most similar lists, Ultimate Cool Characters has
more than just those odd characters that we all know so well. It was
painstakingly compiled to
include a whole lot of weird characters that you
have probably never seen before. Feel free to use any of them in your web
pages and documents.
After all, I didn't make these up, I just compiled them.
Capital A with grave
Alt + 0192
Ctrl + ` + Shift + a
Lowercase a with grave
Alt + 0224
Ctrl + ` + a
Capital A with acute
Alt + 0193
Ctrl + ' + Shift + a
Lowercase a with acute
Alt + 0225
Ctrl + ' + a
Capital A with circumflex
Alt + 0194
Ctrl + Shift + 6 + a
Lowercase a with circumflex
Alt + 0226
Ctrl + Shift + 6, a
Capital A with tilde
Alt + 0195
Ctrl + Shift + ` + a
Lowercase a with tilde
Alt + 0227
Ctrl + Shift + `, a
Capital A with umlaut
Alt + 0196
Ctrl + Shift + ; + a
Lowercase a with umlaut
Alt + 0228
Ctrl + Shift + ;, a
Capital A with ring above
Alt + 0197
Ctrl + Shift + 2 + a
Lowercase a with ring above
Alt + 0229
Ctrl + Shift + 2, a
Capital A with macron
Alt + 0256
Lowercase a with macron
Alt + 0257
Capital A with breve
Alt + 0258
Lowercase a with breve
Alt + 0259
Capital A with ogonek
Alt + 0260
Lowercase a with ogonek
Alt + 0261
Capital A with caron
Alt + 0461
Lowercase a with caron
Alt + 0462
Capital A with ring above and acute
Alt + 0506
Lowercase a with ring above and acute
Alt + 0507
Capital A with dot below
Alt + 7840
Lowercase a with dot below
Alt + 7841
Capital A with hook above
Alt + 7842
Lowercase a with hook above
Alt + 7843
Capital A with circumflex and acute
Alt + 7844
Lowercase a with circumflex and acute
Alt + 7845
Capital A with circumflex and grave
Alt + 7846
Lowercase a with circumflex and grave
Alt + 7847
Capital A with circumflex and hook above
Alt + 7848
Lowercase a with circumflex and hook above
Alt + 7849
Capital A with circumflex and tilde
Alt + 7850
Lowercase a with circumflex and tilde
Alt + 7851
Capital A with circumflex and dot below
Alt + 7852
Lowercase a with circumflex and dot below
Alt + 7853
Capital A with breve and acute
Alt + 7854
Lowercase a with breve and acute
Alt + 7855
Capital A with breve and grave
Alt + 7856
Lowercase a with breve and grave
Alt + 7857
Capital A with breve and hook above
Alt + 7858
Lowercase a with breve and hook above
Alt + 7859
Capital A with breve and tilde
Alt + 7860
Lowercase a with breve and tilde
Alt + 7861
Capital A with breve and dot below
Alt + 7862
Lowercase a with breve and dot below
Alt + 7863
Capital C with cedilla
Alt + 0199
Ctrl + , + Shift + c
Lowercase c with cedilla
Alt + 0231
Ctrl + Shift + 6, a
Capital C with acute
Alt + 0262
Lowercase c with acute
Alt + 0263
Capital C with circumflex
Alt + 0264
Lowercase c with circumflex
Alt + 0265
Capital C with dot above
Alt + 0266
Lowercase c with dot above
Alt + 0267
Capital C with caron
Alt + 0268
Lowercase c with caron
Alt + 0269
Capital D with caron
Alt + 0270
Lowercase d with caron
Alt + 0271
Capital D with stroke
Alt + 0272
Lowercase d with stroke
Alt + 0273
Capital E with grave
Alt + 0200
Ctrl + ` + Shift + e
Lowercase e with grave
Alt + 0232
Ctrl + ` + e
Capital E with acute
Alt + 0201
Ctrl + ' + Shift + e
Lowercase e with acute
Alt + 0233
Ctrl + ' + e
Capital E with circumflex
Alt + 0202
Ctrl + Shift + 6 + e
Lowercase e with circumflex
Alt + 0234
Ctrl + Shift + 6, e
Capital E with umlaut
Alt + 0203
Ctrl + Shift + ; + e
Lowercase e with umlaut
Alt + 0235
Ctrl + Shift + ;, e
Capital E with macron
Alt + 0274
Lowercase e with macron
Alt + 0275
Capital E with breve
Alt + 0276
Lowercase e with breve
Alt + 0277
Capital E with dot above
Alt + 0278
Lowercase e with dot above
Alt + 0279
Capital E with ogonek
Alt + 0280
Lowercase e with ogonek
Alt + 0281
Capital E with caron
Alt + 0282
Lowercase e with caron
Alt + 0283
Capital E with dot below
Alt + 7864
Lowercase e with dot below
Alt + 7865
Capital E with hook above
Alt + 7866
Lowercase e with hook above
Alt + 7867
Capital E with tilde
Alt + 7868
Lowercase e with tilde
Alt + 7869
Capital E with circumflex and acute
Alt + 7870
Lowercase e with circumflex and acute
Alt + 7871
Capital E with circumflex and grave
Alt + 7872
Lowercase e with circumflex and grave
Alt + 7873
Capital E with circumflex and hook above
Alt + 7874
Lowercase e with circumflex and hook above
Alt + 7875
Capital E with circumflex and tilde
Alt + 7876
Lowercase e with circumflex and tilde
Alt + 7877
Capital E with circumflex and dot below
Alt + 7878
Lowercase e with circumflex and dot below
Alt + 7879
Lowercase f with hook
Alt + 0402
Capital G with circumflex
Alt + 0284
Lowercase g with circumflex
Alt + 0285
Capital G with breve
Alt + 0286
Lowercase g with breve
Alt + 0287
Capital G with dot above
Alt + 0288
Lowercase g with dot above
Alt + 0289
Capital G with cedilla
Alt + 0290
Lowercase g with cedilla
Alt + 0291
Capital H with circumflex
Alt + 0292
Lowercase h with circumflex
Alt + 0293
Capital H with stroke
Alt + 0294
Lowercase h with stroke
Alt + 0295
Capital I with grave
Alt + 0204
Ctrl + ` + Shift + i
Lowercase i with grave
Alt + 0236
Ctrl + ` + i
Capital I with acute
Alt + 0205
Ctrl + ' + Shift + i
Lowercase i with acute
Alt + 0237
Ctrl + ' + i
Capital I with circumflex
Alt + 0206
Ctrl + Shift + 6 + i
Lowercase i with circumflex
Alt + 0238
Ctrl + Shift + 6, i
Capital I with umlaut
Alt + 0207
Ctrl + Shift + ; + i
Lowercase i with umlaut
Alt + 0239
Ctrl + Shift + ;, i
Capital I with tilde
Alt + 0296
Lowercase i with tilde
Alt + 0297
Capital I with macron
Alt + 0298
Lowercase i with macron
Alt + 0299
Capital I with breve
Alt + 0300
Lowercase i with breve
Alt + 0301
Capital I with ogonek
Alt + 0302
Lowercase i with ogonek
Alt + 0303
Capital I with dot above
Alt + 0304
Lowercase dotless i
Alt + 0305
Capital I with caron
Alt + 0463
Lowercase i with caron
Alt + 0464
Capital I with hook above
Alt + 7880
Lowercase i with hook above
Alt + 7881
Capital I with dot below
Alt + 7882
Lowercase i with dot below
Alt + 7883
Capital J with circumflex
Alt + 0308
Lowercase j with circumflex
Alt + 0309
Capital K with cedilla
Alt + 0310
Lowercase k with cedilla
Alt + 0311
Capital L with acute
Alt + 0313
Lowercase l with acute
Alt + 0314
Capital L with cedilla
Alt + 0315
Lowercase l with cedilla
Alt + 0316
Capital L with caron
Alt + 0317
Lowercase l with caron
Alt + 0318
Capital L with middle dot
Alt + 0319
Lowercase l with middle dot
Alt + 0320
Capital L with stroke
Alt + 0321
Lowercase l with stroke
Alt + 0322
Script lowercase l
Alt + 8467
Capital N with tilde
Alt + 0209
Ctrl + Shift + ` + n
Lowercase n with tilde
Alt + 0241
Ctrl + Shift + `, n
Capital N with acute
Alt + 0323
Lowercase n with acute
Alt + 0324
Capital N with cedilla
Alt + 0325
Lowercase n with cedilla
Alt + 0326
Capital N with caron
Alt + 0327
Lowercase n with caron
Alt + 0328
Lowercase n preceded by
Alt + 0329
Capital O with grave
Alt + 0210
Ctrl + ` + Shift + o
Lowercase o with grave
Alt + 0242
Ctrl + ` + o
Capital O with acute
Alt + 0211
Ctrl + ' + Shift + o
Lowercase o with acute
Alt + 0243
Ctrl + ` + o
Capital O with circumflex
Alt + 0212
Ctrl + Shift + 6 + o
Lowercase o with circumflex
Alt + 0244
Ctrl + Shift + 6, o
Capital O with tilde
Alt + 0213
Ctrl + Shift + ` + o
Lowercase o with tilde
Alt + 0245
Ctrl + Shift + `, o
Capital O with umlaut
Alt + 0214
Ctrl + Shift + ; + o
Lowercase o with umlaut
Alt + 0246
Ctrl + Shift + ;, o
Capital O with slash
Alt + 0216
Ctrl + / + Shift + o
Lowercase o with slash
Alt + 0248
Ctrl + / + o
Capital O with macron
Alt + 0332
Lowercase o with macron
Alt + 0333
Capital O with breve
Alt + 0334
Lowercase o with breve
Alt + 0335
Capital O with double acute
Alt + 0336
Lowercase o with double acute
Alt + 0337
Capital O with horn
Alt + 0416
Lowercase o with horn
Alt + 0417
Capital O with caron
Alt + 0465
Lowercase o with caron
Alt + 0466
Capital O with stroke and acute
Alt + 0510
Lowercase o with stroke and acute
Alt + 0511
Capital O with dot below
Alt + 7884
Lowercase o with dot below
Alt + 7885
Capital O with hook above
Alt + 7886
Lowercase o with hook above
Alt + 7887
Capital O with circumflex and acute
Alt + 7888
Lowercase o with circumflex and acute
Alt + 7889
Capital O with circumflex and grave
Alt + 7890
Lowercase o with circumflex and grave
Alt + 7891
Capital O with circumflex and hook above
Alt + 7892
Lowercase o with circumflex and hook above
Alt + 7893
Capital O with circumflex and tilde
Alt + 7894
Lowercase o with circumflex and tilde
Alt + 7895
Capital O with circumflex and dot below
Alt + 7896
Lowercase o with circumflex and dot below
Alt + 7897
Capital O with horn and acute
Alt + 7898
Lowercase o with horn and acute
Alt + 7899
Capital O with horn and grave
Alt + 7900
Lowercase o with horn and grave
Alt + 7901
Capital O with horn and hook above
Alt + 7902
Lowercase o with horn and hook above
Alt + 7903
Capital O with horn and tilde
Alt + 7904
Lowercase o with horn and tilde
Alt + 7905
Capital O with horn and dot below
Alt + 7906
Lowercase o with horn and dot below
Alt + 7907
Capital R with acute
Alt + 0340
Lowercase r with acute
Alt + 0341
Capital R with cedilla
Alt + 0342
Lowercase r with cedilla
Alt + 0343
Capital R with caron
Alt + 0344
Lowercase r with caron
Alt + 0345
Capital S with acute
Alt + 0346
Lowercase s with acute
Alt + 0347
Capital S with circumflex
Alt + 0348
Lowercase s with circumflex
Alt + 0349
Capital S with cedilla
Alt + 0350
Lowercase s with cedilla
Alt + 0351
Capital S with caron
Alt + 0352
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 6 + s
Lowercase s with caron
Alt + 0353
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 6, s
Capital T with cedilla
Alt + 0354
Lowercase t with cedilla
Alt + 0355
Capital T with caron
Alt + 0356
Lowercase t with caron
Alt + 0357
Capital T with stroke
Alt + 0358
Lowercase t with stroke
Alt + 0359
Capital U with grave
Alt + 0217
Ctrl + ` + Shift + u
Lowercase u with grave
Alt + 0249
Ctrl + ` + u
Capital U with acute
Alt + 0218
Ctrl + ' + Shift + u
Lowercase u with acute
Alt + 0250
Ctrl + ' + u
Capital U with circumflex
Alt + 0219
Ctrl + Shift + 6 + u
Lowercase u with circumflex
Alt + 0251
Ctrl + Shift + 6, u
Capital U with umlaut
Alt + 0220
Ctrl + Shift + ; + u
Lowercase u with umlaut
Alt + 0252
Ctrl + Shift + ;, u
Capital U with tilde
Alt + 0360
Lowercase u with tilde
Alt + 0361
Capital U with macron
Alt + 0362
Lowercase u with macron
Alt + 0363
Capital U with breve
Alt + 0364
Lowercase u with breve
Alt + 0365
Capital U with ring above
Alt + 0366
Lowercase u with ring above
Alt + 0367
Capital U with double acute
Alt + 0368
Lowercase u with double acute
Alt + 0369
Capital U with ogonek
Alt + 0370
Lowercase u with ogonek
Alt + 0371
Capital U with horn
Alt + 0431
Lowercase u with horn
Alt + 0432
Capital U with caron
Alt + 0467
Lowercase u with caron
Alt + 0468
Capital U with umlaut and macron
Alt + 0469
Lowercase u with umlaut and macron
Alt + 0470
Lowercase u with umlaut and macron
Alt + 0470
Capital U with umlaut and acute
Alt + 0471
Lowercase u with umlaut and acute
Alt + 0472
Capital U with umlaut and caron
Alt + 0473
Lowercase u with umlaut and caron
Alt + 0474
Capital U with umlaut and grave
Alt + 0475
Lowercase u with umlaut and grave
Alt + 0476
Capital U with dot below
Alt + 7908
Lowercase u with dot below
Alt + 7909
Capital U with hook above
Alt + 7910
Lowercase u with hook above
Alt + 7911
Capital U with horn and acute
Alt + 7912
Lowercase u with horn and acute
Alt + 7913
Capital U with horn and grave
Alt + 7914
Lowercase u with horn and grave
Alt + 7915
Capital U with horn and hook above
Alt + 7916
Lowercase u with horn and hook above
Alt + 7917
Capital U with horn and tilde
Alt + 7918
Lowercase u with horn and tilde
Alt + 7919
Capital U with horn and dot below
Alt + 7920
Lowercase u with horn and dot below
Alt + 7921
Capital W with circumflex
Alt + 0372
Lowercase w with circumflex
Alt + 0373
Capital W with grave
Alt + 7808
Lowercase w with grave
Alt + 7809
Capital W with acute
Alt + 7810
Lowercase w with acute
Alt + 7811
Capital W with umlaut
Alt + 7812
Lowercase w with umlaut
Alt + 7813
Capital Y with acute
Alt + 0221
Ctrl + ' + Shift + y
Lowercase y with acute
Alt + 0253
Ctrl + ' + y
Capital Y with umlaut
Alt + 0376
Ctrl + Shift + ; + y
Lowercase y with umlaut
Alt + 0255
Ctrl + Shift + ;, y
Capital Y with circumflex
Alt + 0374
Lowercase y with circumflex
Alt + 0375
Capital Y with grave
Alt + 7922
Lowercase y with grave
Alt + 7923
Capital Y with dot below
Alt + 7924
Lowercase y with dot below
Alt + 7925
Capital Y with hook above
Alt + 7926
Lowercase y with hook above
Alt + 7927
Capital Y with tilde
Alt + 7928
Lowercase y with tilde
Alt + 7929
Capital Z with acute
Alt + 0377
Lowercase z with acute
Alt + 0378
Capital Z with dot above
Alt + 0379
Lowercase z with dot above
Alt + 0380
Capital Z with caron
Alt + 0381
Lowercase z with caron
Alt + 0382
Capital AE
Alt + 0198
Ctrl + Shift + 7 + a
Lowercase ae
Alt + 0230
Ctrl + Shift + 7, a
Capital AE with acute
Alt + 0508
Lowercase ae with acute
Alt + 0509
Capital IJ
Alt + 0306
Lowercase ij
Alt + 0307
Lowercase kra
Alt + 0312
Capital Eng
Alt + 0330
Lowercase eng
Alt + 0331
Capital OE
Alt + 0338
Ctrl + Shift + 7 + o
Lowercase oe
Alt + 0339
Ctrl + Shift + 7, o
Lowercase long s
Alt + 0383
Lowercase sharp s
Alt + 0223
Ctrl + Shift + 7, s
Capital Schwa
Alt + 0399
Lowercase schwa
Alt + 0601
Capital Eth (Icelandic)
Alt + 0208
Ctrl + ' + Shift + d
Lowercase eth (Icelandic)
Alt + 0240
Ctrl + ' + d
Capital Thorn (Icelandic)
Alt + 0222
Lowercase thorn (Icelandic)
Alt + 0254
Superscript one
Alt + 0185
Superscript two
Alt + 0178
Superscript three
Alt + 0179
Vulgar fraction one half
Alt + 0189
Vulgar fraction one third
Alt + 8531
Vulgar fraction two thirds
Alt + 8532
Vulgar fraction one quarter
Alt + 0188
Vulgar fraction three quarters
Alt + 0190
Vulgar fraction one eighth
Alt + 8539
Vulgar fraction three eighths
Alt + 8540
Vulgar fraction five eighths
Alt + 8541
Vulgar fraction seven eighths
Alt + 8542
Double exclamation mark
Alt + 8252
Inverted exclamation mark
Alt + 0161
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1
Inverted question mark
Alt + 0191
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + /
Left double quotation mark
Alt + 8220
Right double quotation mark
Alt + 8221
Double low-9 quotation mark
Alt + 8222
Left single quotation mark
Alt + 8216
Right single quotation mark
Alt + 8217
Single low-9 quotation mark
Alt + 8218
Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark
Alt + 8219
Left-pointing double angle quotation mark
Alt + 0171
Right-pointing double angle quotation mark
Alt + 0187
Single left-pointing angle quotation mark
Alt + 8249
Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
Alt + 8250
Horizontal ellipsis
Alt + 8230
Alt + 8211
Alt + 8212
Horizontal bar
Alt + 8213
Double low line
Alt + 8215
Alt + 8254
Zero width non-joiner
Alt + 8204
Zero width joiner
Alt + 8205
Alt + 0168
Alt + 0175
Alt + 0180
Ctrl + ' + Spacebar
Alt + 0184
Ctrl + , + Spacebar
Modifier letter circumflex
Alt + 0710
Ctrl + Shift + 6, Space
Alt + 0711
Modifier letter macron
Alt + 0713
Alt + 0728
Alt + 0729
Ring above
Alt + 0730
Alt + 0731
Small tilde
Alt + 0732
Double acute
Alt + 0733
Combining grave accent
Alt + 0768
Combining acute accent
Alt + 0769
Combining tilde
Alt + 0771
Combining hook above
Alt + 0777
Combining dot below
Alt + 0803
Alt + 0162
Ctrl + / + c
Pound sign
Alt + 0163
General currency sign
Alt + 0164
Alt + 0165
French franc sign
Alt + 8355
Alt + 8356
Peseta sign
Alt + 8359
New sheqel sign
Alt + 8362
Alt + 8363
Alt + 0128
Alt + 8364
Section sign
Alt + 0167
Copyright sign
Alt + 0169
Ctrl + Alt + c
Registered trademark sign
Alt + 0174
Ctrl + Alt + r
Feminine ordinal indicator
Alt + 0170
Alt + 0172
Reversed not sign
Alt + 8976
Micro sign
Alt + 0181
Per mille sign
Alt + 8240
Alt + 8242
Double prime
Alt + 8243
Alt + 8453
Numero sign
Alt + 8470
Trademark sign
Alt + 8482
Alt + 8486
Alt + 8962
Upper half block
Alt + 9600
Lower half block
Alt + 9604
Full block
Alt + 9608
Left half block
Alt + 9612
Right half block
Alt + 9616
Light shade
Alt + 9617
Medium shade
Alt + 9618
Dark shade
Alt + 9619
Black square
Alt + 9632
White square
Alt + 9633
Black small square
Alt + 9642
White small square
Alt + 9643
Black rectangle
Alt + 9644
Black up-pointing triangle
Alt + 9650
Black right-pointing pointer
Alt + 9658
Black down-pointing triangle
Alt + 9660
Black left-pointing pointer
Alt + 9668
Alt + 9674
White circle
Alt + 9675
Black circle
Alt + 9679
Inverse bullet
Alt + 9688
Inverse white circle
Alt + 9689
White bullet
Alt + 9702
White smiling face
Alt + 9786
Black smiling face
Alt + 9787
White sun with rays
Alt + 9788
Female sign
Alt + 9792
Alt + 9794
Spade suit
Alt + 9824
Alt + 9827
Heart suit
Alt + 9829
Diamond suit
Alt + 9830
Eighth note
Alt + 9834
Beamed eighth notes
Alt + 9835
Multiplication sign
Alt + 0215
Division sign
Alt + 0247
Minus sign
Alt + 8722
Plus/minus sign
Alt + 0177
Greek lowercase letter pi
Fraction slash
Alt + 8260
Superscript lowercase n
Alt + 8319
Estimated symbol
Alt + 8494
Partial differential
Alt + 8706
Alt + 8710
N-ary product
Alt + 8719
N-ary summation
Alt + 8721
Division slash
Alt + 8725
Bullet operator
Alt + 8729
Square root
Alt + 8730
Alt + 8734
Right angle
Alt + 8735
Alt + 8745
Alt + 8747
Top half integral
Alt + 8992
Bottom half integral
Alt + 8993
Almost equal to
Alt + 8776
Not equal to
Alt + 8800
Identical to
Alt + 8801
Less than or equal to
Alt + 8804
Greater than or equal to
Alt + 8805
Broken vertical bar
Alt + 0166
Degree sign
Alt + 0176
Paragraph sign
Alt + 0182
Middle dot
Alt + 0183
Alt + 8226
Leftwards arrow
Alt + 8592
Upwards arrow
Alt + 8593
Rightwards arrow
Alt + 8594
Downwards arrow
Alt + 8595
Left right arrow
Alt + 8596
Up down arrow
Alt + 8597
The special character.
The name of the character. Back to Top
The Alt code is probably the quickest and most efficient way to produce a
special character. Hold the &Alt& button on your keyboard, type
the specified number (on the numeric keypad), and let go of Alt. This
works in most word processors, and Alt codes using numbers less than 256
work on most web pages.
The character code is the hexidecimal code that is assigned to every
character, including regular characters. It can also be used in
Word to produce special characters. Type the character code for a character,
and then hold Alt and press X.
The name code works only on web pages — not in word processor documents.
Simply type a character's name code in your page's HTML,
and the character
will appear on the page in its place. Name codes for characters with number
codes over 255 may not work in all situations.
The number code, like the name code, works only on web pages — not in word
processor documents. However, the scope of
number codes is much more broad,
giving it a decisive advantage over name codes. Simply type a character's
number code in your page's HTML, and
the character will appear on the page
in its place.
The shortcut key can be used with Microsoft Word. Let's take Ctrl + Shift
+ 6, u, for example. To produce the character associated
with this code,
hold down Ctrl, Shift, and 6, and then let go. Then, when the &u& key is
pressed, the character, ?, appears.
: Combining diacritical marks can be used
to add a diacritical mark to a desired character. Type the
number code for
the desired mark immediately after the character you would like to add it
to. For example, typing My name is B̃ob would
appear as My
name is B̃ob. Note that this only works for the characters labeled as
combining marks (combining grave, combining acute, combining tilde,
combining hook above, and combining dot below).


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