she thanked ourline friends什么意思 profusely的意思

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I am so VERY excited to announce that come Feb 2015 I will be heading on tour to Europe! My 5 song EP -S.O.L.A.S-Safety of Life At Sea will be in stores come January 2015, and that means I need to get on the road and show people this music!! I have lived in California my whole entire life almost, with a few stints living in other zones. But as ever , I have been playing shows, promoting, booking, managing and all that jazz trying to make it in the music industry over here. Ive decided its time for a change of pace for me, and to try and make it or break it in Europe. I will be living in Amsterdam for 3 months, and playing shows ALL over Europe and the UK
I have a few dates already, but more details will be released as dates are confirmed. I leave Feb 5th and come back May 5th :)Please stay tuned as I venture upon another journey across seas to try and follow my dreams as a musician! My ultimate goal is to play music and travel while spreading hope , joy and love! That is exactly what I get to do and I am SO stoked! I appreciate you keeping me in your prayers and thoughts, and keep my songs in your musical devices :) Special thanks tofor the photo used on the flyer below, as well as al the photos I have used as R.A.L! She is truly an amazing and gifted artist :)Until next time!!! R.A.LRhiana Alana Lewis
Hey there everyone!Thank you to all the people that read , and liked my first blog! I can't tell you how cool it is to see that people from all over the world are reading about my music :) YAH! So a bunch of stuff is going on in my musical world, and of course I want to keep you in the loop! R.A.L ON THE RADIO This Sunday I am going to be on Radio Tomares 92.0 FM a radio sation in SPAIN! I am so super stoked for this opportunity to just talk a
little bit about my project, and to share song of my songs with you! I have given Radio Tomares a few exclusive tracks that are YET TO BE RELEASED. This will be the only time that you can hear them before I release them of course. It will be at 10am Spain time and 2am our time, I dont expect that many of you will be awake at that time but no matter! You can listen to it later online :) Ill be interviewed by friend and old roomie Maria from aboard the cruise ship that I was living on. We had some GREAT times whilst we lived aboard the ship, before I moved back to California and her Spain.Im
Bubbling with excitement to be interviewed by her!LILLYPALOOZA- A BENEFIT SHOW FOR LILLY HERNANDEZ Next, Im am pleased to announce my first performance!! That is right, Ill be playing at a fund raiser that is being called "Lillypalooza" on November 16th with many other acts! Now what is "Lillypalooza"? It is a fund raiser for a dear friend of mine Lilly Hernandez who is need of a Kidney :(
Lilly is the sweetest, most kind hearted person I have probably ever met. Even through her pain and struggling she has kept a smile on her face, and continues to fight diligently. She needs your help to survives! All the proceeds from this benefit will be gong to directly to Lilly's living expenses as it is hard for her to work in her condition. THE WKND RELEASED ONLINE!Thats right the single "The WKND" is now available on iTunes, amazon, Spotify, iheartradio, and many more places! One of the coolest things that I found is that now "The WKND" is on Shazam! When you "Shazam" a song (which is basically recording the track on your phone for a second) it tells you who the artist is, and where you can find there music etc. Perfect for people that hear a song on the radio and want to know who it is, bam shazam. Im pretty sure most people know what this is, but just incase you didn't there is my high school education description of it. (ok some college) The rest of the album "SOLAS-SAfety of life at Sea" has a tentative release date of 12/13/14 as well as a HUGE EP release party, you are definitly going to want to stay tuned for that! I also wanted to tell you guys about the awesome experience I had a few weeks ago performing for The Abilities Club at Los Angeles Valley College! The club hosted an open mic night and thankfully I as able to get on the bill and play a few acoustic songs. I played the song "Before you Know it" off of my upcoming album "Solas" but the acoustic version. The event hosted by Frazer Smith of KLOS was a hodge podge of talent from poetry and comedy to acoustic acts and full bands. I received such a warm round of applause and support by all in attendance, that it brought goose bumps to my skin and joy to my heart. I look forward to performing again at the next open mic night, or any event that they have! Check out their Facebook group and support the cause!
The Abilites Club (of Los Angeles Valley College)
R.A.L rocking out acoustic styleAlright folks that is all the news that I have for you today! But I would like to direct you to my many social media outlets , follow me on twitter, instagram , youtube and Facebook by scrolling up to the home page and clicking on the icon! Make sure to come out on Nov 16th to see me preform my single 'The WKND' as well as more super secret track,and come support my girl Lilly !!
Yo Yo yo!! What up my name is Rhiana Alana Lewis, aka R.A.L I was born and raised in a pretty ghetto style life in Sylmar/San Fernando area. Raised with 6 other siblings growing up (a total of 11 siblings to date) was pretty difficult in the financial regions, so toys, and extra stuff really wasn't in our agenda. (nor was a second bathroom) However playing outside and using our imaginations was, and this is how I became a singer/musician.
I can recall to this day forcing my family to watch whatever song it was that I had made up , whilst dancing with a mop ha!Ever singing, and loving music I didn't really realize that I was a musician until i picked up my first guitar. My step father was gifted a guitar for his birthday, and whilst he was away at work, I began picking it up and playing it. Curious how even then after never playing guitar, it felt so natural to me. He eventually gave me that guitar (Carlos) and I made that thing my husband. After learning how to shred on guitar, and basically kick ass and take names, I wanted to learn how to play other instruments. So I did, self taught too baby! Practice makes perfect! Literally hole yourself up in a room for a few months and practice music, then watch what happens. With pure love, passion and the grace of God I can play multiple instruments proficiently. So I continued in the musical world, starting playing my first shows as an acoustic act at local coffee shop Buffalo Bruces in Sylmar, Ca. From then I was in all kinds of projects, here are my main babes
(bae ) from the years.KUNUNDRUM TREMELLOW GOT A played in so many different genres, so many different shows all over California and parts of Oregon, Florida /Bahamas.
But I realized at a certain point that it was really hard for me to always be working with others, because I had so much music inside me, and I could play ALL the instruments. SO I decided to invest in my own equipment and start recording my own stuff. Making electronic music was a big dream of mine, although I was always playing in bands and rock music, I LOVE electronic music and was really itching to play in that genre. I met producer David Alexander and that was where my path into the electronic world really got started. David had heard me play and had a plethora of techno tracks in mind for me to sing on. We met and and from there started writing techno and house tracks. Our writing was really fun, we would spend 8 hours a day or more writing beats , loops, melodies etc, but we never really finished anything to release. This went on for a year, and then I went to work for a cruise line on a ship for three months in the Bahamas /Florida and things changed vastly for the better. While I was away, both David and I continued to write music. While I was away I felt a series of emotions that was like one of the craziest roller coasters that I have EVER ridden. From utter happiness to fear and sadness in a days time, it led to me writing A LOT of poetry as well as music. Since you work 10 hours a day 7 days a week on the ship, I was left to sing instead of play instruments and ended up write many a cappella songs.When I got home from the ship, I purchased what I needed to record and began to write furiously recording every part, vocals, beats, live instruments and then sent the music to David. He was inspired by the music right away and fixed it up for me, added sounds beats, effects, and when he sent it back to me I about fell off of my chair. I LOVED it. Thus SOLAS-safety of life at sea (a story of life at sea ) was born. I decided it would be the first album I would release as a solo artist, and I would feature David Alexander on every single one.
The first song that I decided to release was the track -The WKND , and I decided what better way to release it then with an awesome video! The Lyrics and melody for "The WKND" were written a cappella while I was living aboard the cruise ship. When I got home, David presented me with an instrumental that he had written. When I listened to it, it went perfect with the lyrics/melody that I had written! We knew this song was a hit and decided that it would be the first single that we would release. R.A.LTHE WKND The rest of SOLAS will be released later this year. Some day also we will be releasing some techno -house tracks I promise !!! RIGHT DAVID?? lol SO Who is R.A.L? RAL is me! Just some regular ass chick that has been gifted with the talents to play music. I truly believe that we all have some gift or something that we are good at and meant to do while we are alive!!Using your talents IS giving back to world, and its what we were meant to do to live harmoniously! If we were all doing what we were good at, and meant to do The World would be a happier place. But following your dreams is hard these days, and I See that it is hard to believe in your self and take that leap. But I truly believe that because this is what I WAS MEANT for , that I WILL make it.So follow me as I fight my ass off for what I believe in and what I love. I do my own songwriting, booking, managing, promoting, you name it!! If you want to help me too, and do any of the above things let me know! " To know your purpose, is to have one. " ,
"Life is not worth living, without something to die for. " -R.A.L
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中文翻译不吝惜地丰富地&&&&大量出血... &&&&&&繁滋... &&&&&&满身流汗... &&&&&&称赞不迭; 颂扬备至... &&&&&&大加装饰... &&&&&&黄汗直淌... &&&&&&说得太多... &&&&&&泣涕涟涟; 汪然出涕... &&&&&&纷纷扬扬... &&&&&&浪费无度... &&&&&&侈谈和平... &&&&&&议论风生... &&&&&&痰涎雍盛... &&&&&&非常丰富的... &&&&&&腋汗淋漓... &&&&&&n. 1.大量,充沛,丰富。 2.豪爽,慷慨,大方。 3.浪费,挥霍,奢侈。
a profusion of 很多的,大量的。 in profus ...... &&&&&&大汗; 大量出汗... &&&&&&丰富... &&&&&&大汗出; 身热烦躁; 四肢温... &&&&&&大阴影密集度; 小阴影密集度... &&&&&&痰盛... &&
例句与用法I elaborated people's motives all too profusely .我总是把人们的动机引申得如此淋漓尽致。The wound bleeds profusely .伤口大量出血。 "i think you're enchanting just as you are," replied isabel, who often praised profusely .“我只觉得你们非常迷人,”伊莎贝尔回答,她称赞起来往往过头。The morning of june 27th was dear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full- the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green .六月二十七日上午,天气晴朗,阳光明媚,鲜花盛开,绿草如茵,大地充满了盛夏之日清新的温暖。All the moisture makes your sweat profusely溅起的水分令你挥汗如雨。 Is there any side effect if i sweat profusely汗流太多是否有副作用? I ' m sweating profusely我在狂冒汗At first they sweat profusely , lose large quantities of salt in their sweat and feel miserable最初,他们汗流浃背,从汗水流失大量盐分,苦不堪言。 " i think you ' re enchanting just as you are , " replied isabel , who often praised profusely“我只觉得你们非常迷人, ”伊莎贝尔回答,她称赞起来往往过头。 Abstract : our primary school english teaching like grow profusely and quickly a sort development to get up摘要:我国小学英语教学如同雨后春笋般发展起来。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
英文解释i "they were abundantly supplied with food"; "he thanked her profusely"同义词:, , , , , , i "they were abundantly supplied with food"; "he thanked her profusely"同义词:, , , , , ,
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All rights reservedLast night a dear friend in another city (Chattanooga) sent me a text message to tell me that a new Mac Air with Apple Care and a Super Drive would be ready for me to pick up at the local Apple Store. Wow, now that’s not the kind of gift that you get everyday.
First thing this morning I had an email from Apple saying my products were ready for me to pick up (this is going to be a good day). I arrived at the store, gave a very courteous associate my claim number and he soon came back with the Super Drive, but said somehow the Mac Air had been shipped to my friend’s house. OK, I can handle a little mess up. I called my friend to alert him to what was taking place.
In a few minutes my friend called back and said for me to go back to Apple. He ordered another computer for store pickup, wanting to make this happen today. In just moments I got both a text and email from Apple saying my order was now ready to pick up (see, I told you this was going to be a good day). I arrived at the store, gave the same associate the claim number and waited in anticipation. He returned to say somehow the pickup had been processed for the Apple store in Knoxville. I could tell by the look on his face that this was going to be more complicated than a simple phone call.
The young associate got me on the phone with Apple (somewhere) to talk about how to resolve this somewhat awkward situation. After listening to him tell me all the things I needed to do to work this out, I suggested that this was really not my problem, or my friends, and I thought it would be a good idea if Apple figured this one out. He agreed, told me to sit tight, and he would send a cancellation order to Knoxville and see what we could do to get this right so I could pick up my new gift right here in Nashville. I waited an hour before finally leaving the store, without said new computer.
Several hours later I did indeed receive the cancellation email and informed my friend. He said go back to the store (third trip) get the Mac Air, and he would simply pay for it by using his credit card over the phone. Sounds like a plan. I went back and found a very helpful associate who had tried to help during trip number two. I told him what we wanted to do and he replied, “we are not allowed to take a credit card order over the phone in the store”. I thanked him for his assistance and headed home.
While driving I called my friend, thanked him profusely for such a wonderful gesture in spite of the results and laughed about the whole situation. By the way, who’s on first?
My friend just sent me a final text for the evening saying that Apple had sent him confirmation that the original Mac Air would arrive at his home on Monday. It was being shipped from Nashville. You can’t make this stuff up.Come on Apple, you’re better than this (I think).
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