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英文翻译he nodded silently and then left&&&& afterwards&&&&turn- face ...&&&& leave&&&&look at him then turn away&&&&then turn around and leave again&&&&she left me standing alonemy baby&&&& reverse pivot&&&&and you can turn and say you're leaving me for good&&&&and you can turn and say you're leaving me for good&&&&though i try hide it it's clear&&&&walk away&&&&reverse dribble&&&& turn around&&&& when you're gone&&&&though i try hide it it's clear&&&&fishhook&&&&i turn away from the wall&&&&why'd you turn away&&&&turn away from the one i love&&&&and you can turn and walk away so easily&&&&turnaround play&&&&turn- face about
转身便走 turn (oneself) about [around] and ...&&&& leave
他八点钟告辞离去。 he took his leave at eight&&&& afterwards
我们先研究一下, 然后再作决定。 we'll look into the matter ...&&&&palintrope
例句与用法Thrusting a tiny bouquet of lily of the valley into my hand , she made a sort of choking sound turned and ran她哽咽着把一小束铃兰塞到我的手里,然后转身离去。 For a moment i thought he was going to place his arms around me and hug me , but instead he reached out , shook my hand , muttered another farewell , and turned on his heel and left有那么一瞬间,我以为他会伸出双臂,紧紧地拥抱住我,但是,没有,他只是伸出了手,和我握了握手,又加了一句再见的话,然后转身离去。 &&
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