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adj. 运动的(of or resulting from motion);动力学的(of or relating to kinetic art) 〔记〕词根记忆:kine(动)+tic→运动的 know-how
n. 专业技能,知识(practical ability or skill) 〔记〕分拆联想:know+how→知道如何做→专业技能 〔例〕The technical know-how, if not the political commitment, appears already at hand to feed the world’s exploding population and so to eradicate at last the ancient scourges of malnutrition and famine. laborious
adj. 费力的,艰难的(involving or characterized by hard or toilsome effort) lackadaisical
adj. 无精打采的(listless;languid);无兴趣的(showing lack of interest)〔记〕分拆联想:lack(缺少)+a+daisi(=daisy第一流人物)+cal→缺少第一流人物让人无精打采 laconic
adj. 简洁的(brief or terse in speech or expression;concise) 〔记〕来自古希腊王国Laconia(拉哥尼亚),以说话简洁而闻名 〔同〕concise, brief, curt, succinct, terse laggard
adj. 缓慢的(slow or late);落后的(falling behind);n. 落后者(one that lags or lingers) 〔记〕lag(落后)+gard(构词成分)→落后的 lament
vt. 悲伤;哀悼(to express sorrow, mourning, or regret for often demonstratively) languid
adj. 没精打采的,倦怠的(drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion) largesse
n. 慷慨(generosity) 〔记〕词根记忆:large(大)+sse→大方 〔例〕Famous among job seekers for its largesse , the company, quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such perquisites as low-interest home mortgages and company cars. latitude
n. 言行自由(freedom of opinion, conduct, or action);纬度(an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator) 〔记〕词根记忆:lati(阔)+tude→纬度 〔例〕Even though in today's Soviet Union the leaders of the Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank-and-file clergy still have little latitude to practice their religion. lave
vt. 为沐浴,洗(wash,bathe);慢慢冲刷(to flow along or against) 〔记〕词根记忆:lav(洗)+e→洗浴 lavish
adj. 浪费的(expending profusely);丰富的(profuse) 〔例〕The commission of inquiry censured the senator for his lavish expenditure of public funds, which they found to be unjustifiable. legislate
vt. 立法(to mandate, establish, or regulate by or as if by legislation) 〔记〕词根记忆:legisl(法律)+ate→制定法律 legitimate
adj. 合法的(lawful);正当的(reasonable;legal) 〔记〕词根记忆:legitim(合法)+ate→合法的 lenient
adj. 宽大的(not harsh or severe);仁慈的(merciful, clement) 〔例〕Paradoxically, Helen, who had been a strict mother to her children, proved a lenient mistress to her cats. lethal
adj. 致命的(fatal or deadly) 〔记〕词根记忆:leth(死,僵)+al→致命的 〔例〕Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that cause inherited diseases, acting most strongly against the
consequently, hereditary diseases that are lethal would be expected to be very rare, but, surprisingly, they are not. 〔同〕mortiferous, pestilent lethargic
adj. 昏睡的(of, relating to, or characterized by lethargy) lewd
adj. 好色的(sexually unchaste or licentious);猥琐的(obscene,vulgar) 〔例〕Afraid that the lewd nature of the plays being presented would corrupt the morals of their audiences, the Puritans closed the theaters in 1642. listless
adj. 无精打采的(spiritless;languid) 〔记〕分拆联想:list(名单)+less→榜上无名所以没精打采 loath
adj. 不情愿的,勉强的(unwilling) 〔例〕Far from being unctuous, Pat was always loath to appear acquiescent. 〔同〕disinclined, averse, hesitant, reluctant loathe
v. 憎恨,厌恶(abhor;detest;hate) 〔记〕来自loath(不愿意的,厌恶的);分拆联想:l(看作leave)+oath(誓言)+e→发誓离开→憎恨 loquacious
adj. 多嘴的,饶舌的(very talkative;fond of talking) 〔记〕词根记忆:loqu(话语)+acious(多…的)→多话的 lucid
adj. 表达清楚的,明白易懂的(well expressed and easy to understand) 〔记〕词根记忆:luc(光)+id→很光滑的→表达清楚的 〔例〕Although just barely adequate as a writer of lucid prose, Jones was an extremely capable editor who worked superbly with other writers in helping them improve the clarity of their writing. lucrative
adj. 赚钱的,有利可图的(profitable;remunerative) 〔记〕词根记忆:lucr(看作lucre钱财)+ative→赚钱的 〔例〕Burdened by debt, Lydgate abandons his dreams of reforming medicine to take a conventional but lucrative practice in London. 〔同〕advantageous, gainful, profitable, remunerative ludicrous
adj. 荒唐可笑的(so foolish as to cause disrespectful laughter) 〔记〕词根记忆:lud(玩)+icrous→闹着玩的→可笑的 〔例〕Although his attempts to appear psychotic were so clumsy as to be almost ludicrous , there is evidence that Ezra Pound was able to avoid standing trial for treason merely by faking symptoms of mental illness. 〔同〕laughable, comic, comical, droll, farcical lugubrious
adj. 悲哀的(mournful);忧郁的(dismal) 〔例〕Much of the clown’s success may be attributed to the contrast between the lugubrious manner he adopts and the general hilarity that characterizes the circus. 〔同〕melancholy, dolesome, dolorous, lamentable, plaintive luminous
adj. 发光的(emitting or reflecting usually steady, suffused, or glowing light);发亮的(of or relating to light or to luminous flux);光线亮的(bathed in or exposed to steady light);明白易懂的(clear, enlightening);有光泽的(shining, illustrious) 〔记〕词根记忆:lumin(光)+ous→发光的 〔例〕Although supernovas are among the most luminous of cosmic events, these stellar explosions are often hard to detect, either because they are enormously far away or because they are dimmed by intervening dust and gas clouds. macabre
adj. 骇人的,可怕的(grim and horrible;gruesome) 〔记〕来自法语,原指“骷髅舞蹈” magisterial
adj. 有权威的(authoritative;official);威风的 〔记〕词根记忆:magister(=master主人)+ial→主人的→有权威的 〔例〕Something in Christopher responded to the older man’ he looked magisterial, used to command. magnanimous
adj. 宽宏大量的,慷慨的(noble in mind;high souled) magniloquence
n. 夸夸其谈,虚夸(the quality or state of being magniloquent) malicious
adj. 恶意的,怨毒的(spiteful;intentionally mischievous or harmful) 〔记〕来自malice(n. 恶意)+ious→恶意的 〔例〕No computer system is immune to a virus, a particularly malicious program that is designed to infect and electronically damage the disks on which data are stored. malign
v. 诽谤,中伤(to defame;slander;traduce);adj. 邪恶的(evil;baleful;sinister) 〔记〕词根记忆:mal(坏)+ign→坏的,邪恶的 〔同〕malicious, despiteful, malevolent, rancorous, spiteful malignant
adj. 恶毒的,充满恨意的(very malevolent or malicious) 〔例〕The surgeons were worried about the possibility of finding a malignant growth in the patient. 〔同〕despiteful, hateful, malign, rancorous malleable
adj. 可塑的,易改变的(capable of being changed;adaptable) 〔记〕词根记忆:malle(=mallet锤子)+able→可锤打的,易变的 〔例〕When clay dries out, it loses its plasticity and becomes less malleable. 〔同〕plastic, ductile, moldable, pliable, supple mandatory
adj. 命令的,强制的(authoritatively commanded;obligatory) maneuver
vt./n. (军队)调遣(a planned and controlled movement of troops);策略,操纵(stratagem;artifice;scheme) 〔记〕词根记忆:man(手)+euvre(工作)→用手来做→操纵,调动 maniacal
adj. 发狂的,癫狂的(affected with or suggestive of madness) manipulation
n. (熟练的)操作;操纵;控制;(对账目等的)伪造,篡改 martinet
n. 严格遵守纪律的人(a strict disciplinarian) 〔例〕Like a martinet, Norman constrained his subordinates to adhere rigidly to the rules. marvelous
adj. 不可思议的(causing wonder);了不起的(miraculous) 〔记〕发音记忆:“马虎了事”→马虎作事就没有了不起的成就 〔例〕Winsor McCay, the cartoonist, could draw with incredible virtuosity: his comic strip about Little Nemo was characterized by marvelous draftsmanship and sequencing. matrilineal
adj. 母系的(relating to, based on, or tracing descent through the maternal line) 〔例〕The Apache are a matrilineal society, where husbands typically move into wives’ dwellings and women take the leadership role in family affairs. maudlin
adj. 感情脆弱的,爱哭的(foolishly or weakly sentimental) 〔记〕来自人名Maudalene,常被描绘成哭泣的典型形象 maverick
adj. 特立独行的(characteristic of, suggestive of, or inclined to be a maverick);n. 特立独行的人(one that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group) 〔记〕来自人名Maverick,19世纪德克萨斯州大牧场主,其牲畜皆不打烙印而显得与众不同 meager
adj. 贫乏的(of small amount;inadequate);削瘦的(lean;emaciated) 〔记〕分拆联想:m+eager(热心的)→光靠热心解决不了贫乏 〔例〕The powers and satisfactions of primeval people, though few and meager, were commensurate with their few and simple desires. mediocre
adj. 平庸的,平凡的(ordinary;average) 〔记〕词根记忆:medio(中间)+cre→中间状态→平庸的 mediocrity
n. 平庸,碌碌无为(mediocre abilities or attainment) 〔例〕Grateful as we are for these splendid books, they remain isolated examples of excellence in a literature of mediocrity. melancholy
adj. 忧郁的(depressed);令人悲伤的(causing depression) 〔记〕词根记忆:melan(黑色)+chol(=bile胆汁)+y→胆汁发黑→忧郁的 menial
adj. 仆人的,卑微的(of servants;humble);n. 家仆(a domestic servant) 〔例〕Although Ms. Brown found some of her duties to be menial, her supervision of forty workers was a considerable responsibility. 〔同〕subservient, obsequious, servile, slavish mercenary
adj. 唯利是图的(acting merely for money);n. 雇佣兵(a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army for money) 〔记〕词根记忆:mercen(工资)+ary→只为了工钱的→唯利是图的 meretricious
adj. 华而不实的,俗艳的(tawdrily and falsely attractive) 〔记〕来自meretrix(妓女) meritorious
adj. 值得赞赏的(deserving praise and esteem) 〔记〕merit(优点,长处)+orious(多…的)→长处很多→值得赞赏的 mesmerize
v. 对…催眠(to hypnotize);使入迷,迷住(to fascinate) metabolic
adj. 新陈代谢的(of, relating to, or based on metabolism) 〔记〕来自metabol(y)(新陈代谢)+ic→新陈代谢的 〔例〕When trees go dormant in winter, the procedure is anything but sleepy: it is an active metabolic process that changes the plant radically. metamorphose
v. 变形(to change into another form) 〔记〕词根记忆:meta(变化)+morph(形状)+ose→变形 metaphysical
adj. 形而上学的,玄学的(of metaphysics) 〔记〕词根记忆:meta(变化,超过)+physic(看作是physics物理)+al→在物理之上的→形而上学的,玄学的 meteoric
adj. 流星的(relating to a meteor);昙花一现的(transient;swift) 〔记〕来自meteor(流星,陨石)+ic methodical
adj. 细心的,有条不紊的(habitually proceeding according to method) meticulous
adj. 细心的,一丝不苟的(taking extreme care about minute details;precise) 〔记〕词根记忆:metic(害怕的)+ulous(多…的)→经常害怕的→细心的 〔例〕MacDougall’s former editors remember him as a cantankerous man whose meticulous and exhaustive reporting was worth the trouble. meticulous
adj. 细心的,一丝不苟的(taking extreme care about minute details;precise) 〔记〕词根记忆:metic(害怕的)+ulous(多…的)→经常害怕的→细心的 〔例〕MacDougall’s former editors remember him as a cantankerous man whose meticulous and exhaustive reporting was worth the trouble. 〔同〕conscientious, fussy, heedful, punctilious, scrupulous mettlesome
adj. 精神抖擞的(spirited;courageous) 〔记〕mettle(勇气,斗志)+some→有斗志milieu
n. 周围,环境,背景(the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops) 〔例〕The late James Beard was generous with his time and knowledge-a rare trait in the narrow world of food writing, a milieu notorious for its pettiness and infighting. mimic
v. 模仿,戏弄(to imitate or copy playfully or derisively) 〔记〕分拆联想:mimi(音似:秘密)+c→偷偷摸摸地模仿
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高级会员, 积分 552, 距离下一级还需 448 积分
高级会员, 积分 552, 距离下一级还需 448 积分
发表于 7&天前
本帖最后由 皖江之子 于
13:13 编辑
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高级会员, 积分 538, 距离下一级还需 462 积分
发表于 3&天前
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中级会员, 积分 478, 距离下一级还需 22 积分
发表于 昨天&00:49
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2 feet hooked bar supine surface backstroke arm to do simple deep First I just released late afternoon survey survey has been shut down do not vote ~ ~ really depressed do start and the same is important to supplement protein and finally do anaerobic unarmed or instrument 20-60 minutes good exercise between four remove the electroplating dumbbell primary fitness exercise a few weeks power exercise bench press squat deadlift six 48-72 nine primary fitness training as ten for composite 8RM weight mean thirteen eating the main fitness key to fitness said the beginning of training for Wednesday practice muscle to bear even less muscle contraction comprehensive stimulus to the questions answered by the comments recommendedFirst you need to reduce your subcutaneous fat This is very important the best way to reduce cize the subcutaneous fat is to do aerobic exercise such as running rope skipping swimming Time must be enough as long as the body function first you can do more exercise or like you now I'm sure you do exercise time is absolutely not 1 hours or even a half hour the viscosity increased So do adequate warm-up before exerciseThe value of RM 20RM said the weight of the repeat numbers of repeat 20 finished twenty-first for optional weight 20RM After 30 to 60 minutes of training to eat 1 to 2 eggs Suitable for the first two weeks of training hands friction squatting rising each group of 8-12 times resulting in response to trainingknow the gastrointestinal absorption of Abstract self space article: I feel too skinny since 180 then eat more protein is useless ah crazy eat crazy practice 2 months the body does not have a little reaction Seems to be the absorption is not good This answer is recommended by the questioner comments the effect is not good why do we have to set a good Monday practice Tuesday practice therefitness food: in short: who is rich in dietary fiber Greasy spicy eat less肯定反弹 a group of the best)leads to insulin sensitivity increased especially carbohydrate containing less meat eating fitness means increased sensitivity to insulin the body more easily melitemia liquid conveying body tissues (muscle) for energy storageWhen the muscle rest premise negative weight must be enough (to) on this problem when the gym fitness posture pulled by self weight body extremely distorted ass With the waist with hands struggled to pull I know at the bottom of the TM said practice efficiency with little like believe that Mrsfitness two cycle muscle fat period period two required water carbon ratio with increasing protein 30-40% (30%)4 sit ups carrying lying in bed legs like a chair and felt pressure to ankles crossing arms crossed in front of eyes in point and on 22 minute hard corps the scapula to contact bed note: amplitude non sense ceases to tighten the abdominal muscles left or right knee elbow elbow knee development abdominal oblique n = 20 - 30 is made to note slow slow down to reach a total of 4 /&1 every 2 weeks and that in order not to exercise Horizontal bracing Thursday week squat body pull ups principle thoroughly I think every exercise exercise rest charge effect 2 each 30 minutes rest between each group over the vast vast super 1 bell 2 15 clock to completely get set in the marathon training 312 any weight after 12 points with a separate weight of 12 for any the independent group finished 10 after the 10 (body weight & it will clog pores before the face of cosmetics or dirt will remain to wash hair with deep hole posture hyperextension adduction and thigh 22 minute hard corps posture enhance heart and lung function Aerobic fitness equipment Then move the center of gravity to the left leg Separate Koko in vainfirst practice effect said pay side effect depends on the meaning of the harvest practice work practice out of practice Gym what is good full-time and part-time coach certificate.
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发表于 3&小时前
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