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rfid系统实时高效aloha防... 6页 1下载券 基于aloha的rfid系统防碰... 15页...最后 , 针对 自适应调整方法的防冲突算法及其 实现方案进行 了进一步仿真分析 。.........
rfid标签p-aloha防冲突 算法的模型及应用 韩祺
在简单介绍 了 rfid 系统结构和工作流程的基础上对其中的关键技术之一--标签防碰撞算法进行重点讨 论,概述了防冲突方案,在已有的 aloha 算法的基础上提出了一种.........
rfid系统实时高效aloha防... 6页 1下载券 基于时隙...基于aloha的rfid系统防碰撞算法研究 姓名:鄂艳辉 ...(读卡器及标签)的整个工作过程建立了matlab软件仿真.........
基于aloha改进的rfid标签防冲突算法研究_互联网_it计算机_专业资料 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载基于aloha改进的rfid标签防冲突算法研究_互联网_it计算机_专业资料。.........
rfid系统实时高效aloha防... 6页 1下载券 rfid系统...ri fd系统, 研究和验证前面提出的快速抗冲突算法。...然后针对各个模块进行设计输入和行为 级的仿真, 在.........
rfid系统中一种改良的防... 2页 免费 rfid系统实时高效aloha防... 6页 1下载...rifd系统 阅读 器防冲突算法研究 与分析 刘磊安 赖 声礼 刘畅 赖 晓铮 (.........
rfid系统实时高效aloha防冲... 6页 1财富值 rfid标签阅读器系统防冲突... ..图2 算法流程 满足 目标 sri 的迭 代次数 图5 识别距离变化情况 4 仿真 与.........
南京邮电大学 rfid标签防冲突算法研究与改进 小组成员: 陈硕易然 宫译淳 指导...完成情况 已成功利用omnet++仿真平台模拟aloha 算法,并用c语言进行aloha算法的.........
目前标签防冲突算法主要集中在时分复用(tdma)方面,分为基于aloha 和基于树两大...器防冲突算法进行分类研究,比较其 仿真或者实验数据,为rfid系统的防冲突算法研究.........
用方法aloha算法和二进制树算法做了详细的研究,比较...高效的防冲突算法,以提高rfid 系统的防碰撞能力同时...进行了仿真实验.设计仿 ‘真环境为:根据深度优先.........
本文在分析研究以往两类 rfid 防冲突算法的基础上,结合两者的优点提出了一种 ...通过仿真与其它防冲突算法相比在识别数量稳定的情况下, 本文提出 的算法具有更好.........
本文围绕rfid系统防冲突算法展开研究。首先对rfid的发展历程、分类、特点、国内外...进一步对aloha算法及其发展的算法进 行仿真分析,在已有的随机算法的基础上提出了.........
基于改进aloha算法的rfid抗冲突问题_专业资料。由标签...分组的aloha算法,分析和仿真均证明该算法在标签数量...rfid系统实时高效aloha防... 31人阅读 5页 ........
详细的研究,并给出了标签防冲突算法 进一步研究的...提出了一些扩展的方法来改善aloha算法在 rfid系统中...理论分析 和仿真结果表明sibt算法的性能优于其他基于.........
理 论分析和仿真结果表明 sibt 算法的性能优于其他...广东电子工业研究院 东莞 523808
institute of ...现有的 rfid 防冲突算法可划分为基于 aloha 和基于.........
■ 24小时热门信息
rfid系统中一种改良的防... 2页 免费 rfid系统实时高效aloha防... 6页 1下载...rifd系统 阅读 器防冲突算法研究 与分析 刘磊安 赖 声礼 刘畅 赖 晓铮 (.........
rfid系统实时高效aloha防冲... 6页 1财富值 rfid标签阅读器系统防冲突... ..图2 算法流程 满足 目标 sri 的迭 代次数 图5 识别距离变化情况 4 仿真 与.........
目前标签防冲突算法主要集中在时分复用(tdma)方面,分为基于aloha 和基于树两大...器防冲突算法进行分类研究,比较其 仿真或者实验数据,为rfid系统的防冲突算法研究.........
■ 相关热门内容
■ 热门推荐多方法仿真软件
Elisa Elena,
Mariana Dorigatti,
市场上最灵活的仿真建模工具- 1) 当需要定制模型时,可通过Java平台访问Java编程进行2)混合不同的建模方法。带有预设对象和建模块的函数库(本身具有极大的灵活性),在新版本中进行了持续改进和增强,以及支持顾客导向的功能,使得整个图形几乎完整的呈现在我眼前!
Stefan Bengtsson,
Dmitry Katalevsky, 经济学博士,工商管理硕士课程讲师,高级经理 ,
Deloitte &Touche
Alexey Pashkevitch,
ITS Consulting
Silviu Trebuian, Managing Director,
Neil McEvoy,
Ali Asgary,
Disaster & Emergency Management Program, York University
Roger Baugher,
TrAnalytics 有限责任公司
Principal Informatics Scientist,
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
Ching-synn Teo,
AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)
Gerard Nelson,
RedHot Innovation
We were looking at the behavior of our shippers in the oil & gas industry, and we needed to model this without using hundreds of pages of code. AnyLogic was the optimal method, we could create agents, and especially dynamically create multiple agents, plus we used multimethod since there were other processes where we needed to use discrete event and system dynamics.
Dumitru Cernelev,
Stream Systems Ltd.
AnyLogic is both a user-friendly graphical environment and a multi-functional set of libraries for building simulation models. An ability to customize models with Java grants professional modelers with unlimited capabilities for problem-solving in any practical area.
Ruslan Sukhih,
Solver Robotics LLC
Many specialists take part in plant planning process today, with everybody having their own vision, which has to be considered. AnyLogic is the best tool both for getting the operational data about the future system and an opportunity to visualize the work of it. This allows all the project participants to concretize and detalise their perceptions of how future plant has to be designed, and as a result, avoid mistakes while implementing the project. When huge long-term investments are involved, avoiding bottlenecks allows to save a lot of money during the years of plant operation, and AnyLogic is the way to help us in it.
Nikita Shchedrov, Project Engineer,
Begarat LLC
AnyLogic has a nice object-oriented feature that allows you to create a component and reuse it, which is very useful to us, plus, the user interface has many built in charts. The most valuable feature of AnyLogic to me is to export a model, and let anyone run it on their computer without a software license.
Victor Chang, Software Engineer,
TSG Consulting has been a long time user of Arena simulation software, and a couple of years back we decided that we needed a more scalable and powerful simulation tool so we surveyed the market and spent around 6 months extensively testing a large number of simulation software packages.
AnyLogic was the tool that stood clear of the rest.
Our consultants have adopted AnyLogic with enthusiasm and we are seeing gains in their productivity and the quality of the models they produce.
To say we are pleased with AnyLogic is understating our enthusiasm for the product and as a company we look forward to a great future working with AnyLogic.
Peter Bodon, Technical Director,
TSG Consulting
AnyLogic is a tool where a modeler can implement any of his ideas. Easily, fast and with enjoyment. A special thanks to the AnyLogic documentation and Support Team! Their perfect work makes your induction into AL world smooth and happy!
Yuriy Pidvalny, ML-IS,
Kuehne + Nagel
We chose AnyLogic because we found that traditional techniques did not do just to what we were trying to model. When we saw AnyLogic, it was a great ah-ha moment to say this is the tool I need to solve the problems I am trying to solve.
The benefits of a multi-method modeling approach are that you can solve the problem more naturally. If you do not have the ability to do multi-method modeling, you end up creating all types of anomalies in your model, fitting the methodology rather than fitting the problem. Multimethod modeling is a great effective tool.
Bipin Chadha, Ph.D., Data Scientist,
AnyLogic is extremely powerful, state of the art simulation software.
The multimethod modeling capabilities and the ability to customize with Java are just two of the many reasons this software is so functional.
Mike Prince, Senior Operations Research Specialist,
BNSF Railway
We chose AnyLogic to tackle our large complex problem because of the multimethod models you can use, the mix of agent based, discrete event and system dynamics is a very useful combination. My favorite part of AnyLogic is all the dashboard features, the great charts and business intelligence you can get from the agents that are working in the model.
Kyle Johnson, Global Business Services, Advanced Analytics and Optimization,
AnyLogic was the clear choice after comprehensive evaluation of multiple systems and further prototyping in those that were shortlisted.
Furthermore, it continues to impress the deeper we get. There's no doubt the right simulation and modelling tool was selected for the majority of our current and future needs.
Jay Ta'ala, Senior Modeller, Supply Chain Analytics,
BHP Billiton Iron Ore
Although I am still a new user of AnyLogic, I have been very impressed with its flexibility, ease of use, and the multimethod capabilities. AnyLogic’s versatility and standard libraries allow us to address a large number of different business process automation questions very quickly and with one software tool. I also believe the ability to customize ours models with Java code is invaluable when modeling the complex interactions in today’s real-world systems and operations.
Dr. Gregory Kott, Principal Research Scientist,
PARC, A Xerox Company
We’ve been using AnyLogic probably for four years now. Most of my work time I was working with another academically based agent based modeling system. We were aware that AnyLogic existed, but only after a while did we think that maybe we should look at it instead of looking at the system we were using, and we found that it was easier for us to learn and to implement.
Neil McEvoy, Director,
Centre for Research in Healthcare Engineering
Multimethod modeling is the most important feature of AnyLogic. The biggest advantage for me was the capability for advanced healthcare modelling and simulation.
Geoff McDonnell, Director,
Adaptive Care Systems and Synergia
We have found AnyLogic to be powerful, robust, and suitable for a wide variety of modeling projects. The ability to model using any of the major paradigms (or a combination) allows us to tailor our models appropriately. The user interface is easy to understand for people of all levels of education and experience. AnyLogic's superb technical support has helped us to model very complex systems that we would not have been able to do otherwise.
Mark Kazmierczak,
Gryphon Scientific
I go back with AnyLogic to the very beginning: over ten years now. Ten years ago, AnyLogic was what I call the only industrial strength product that had a hope of doing both system dynamics, agent based, and discrete event in one package. As best as I can tell, it’s still the only package that has that capability. As we do more especially in the realm of agent based models, there are some open-source tools, but none of them has anything close to the functionality that AnyLogic does.
Dr. Mark Paich, Director,
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
One of the most important AnyLogic features is the ability to build our own libraries. We only have to build them once, but can use them multiple times in different models.
Gunnar Feldmann, Assistant Operations Research Specialist,
Norfolk Southern Corporation
We chose AnyLogic for three reasons, technology, support and people. I think AnyLogic has the best technology in the simulation software industry, it has the agent based, process based and system dynamics, plus it is written in Java, which means many available resources and ease of finding people who can model in AnyLogic since many know Java code. AnyLogic can be deployed on the internet, you can develop an AnyLogic model and easily share with colleagues, partners, etc.
Clark Chang,
Norfolk Southern Railway
We use simulation tools, including AnyLogic, to analyze alternative capital investment solutions in order to help decide on the best investment decision. AnyLogic has helped with that decision process by providing our company with a tool that is flexible/adaptable to build models in different groups within our company using the team license server.
We can easily use and combine multiple simulation methods to create the best modeling approach for each problem.
The built-in functionality allows for new users to get up and running quickly and the use of Java means advanced users are able to build and customize more complex models.
Jeremiah Dirnberger,
The benefit of agent based modeling in AnyLogic is to truly model our supply chain. Each of the agents we use in our simulation can correspond to vessels, distribution centers, ports of loading, ports of discharge, our retailers, etc. with their own behaviors. AnyLogic makes it easy for me to give our many agents their own customizable behaviors and let them interact together in a fully integrated software.
Beth Tyrie,
Fruit of the Loom, Inc
I have been using Anylogic for quite some time now and have been falling in love with it.
I have never seen such a powefull tool easily combing several modeling methods in a true and seemlessly integrated multimethod approach. Besides the functionality provided by the application I find the 'Get support' function very valuable. I have had a few cases where the response on my questions included a good
advice or explanation and in one case the reply included the model with the suggested changes already applied. All within a few days. Excellent service helping me to quickly
Erwin Spekschoor, Project Manager and Consultant,
Lean Six Sigma Company
AnyLogic helps predict risks and trade offs to support decision making. It allows the users to visualize and validate plant design to gain buy in and ensure future production capacity, and forecast future workforce needs and risks.
AnyLogic is very flexible, you can integrate it with many things. The software seems to evolve, and the developers listen to comments.
Wenchun Annie Wang, Industrial Engineer – Simulation,
We chose AnyLogic because of its flexibility. We have many customers in many industries that have very different requirements because their supply chains are different, and we’ve been very easily able to change our models quickly to interact with the customers. The agent based tool is very powerful for us, our automated robots are highly intelligent, so we want to represent those behaviors using the agent based approach inside the AnyLogic tool, and we have very large fleets, up to 500 robots in a system, and AnyLogic is able to handle the complexity of the interactions amongst those 500 robots and able to do computations efficiently.
Dr. Larry M. Sweet, CTO,
Symbotic LLC
AnyLogic is an easy to learn platform that is able to incorporate various modeling techniques to allow us to create powerful solutions for our clients.
Eric Rosenbaum, Experienced Associate,
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
I’ve been using AnyLogic for about three or four years now, and I found that it’s probably one of the better solutions out there for really being able to implement models if you don’t necessarily have a very extensive coding background to start with.
Joseph Simkins,
Battelle Memorial Institute
AnyLogic is a simulation package that provides value to users at all levels.
The visual UI allows entry level users to quickly develop insightful simulation models.
The ability to customize models with Java provides the flexibility and freedom for advanced users to develop highly detailed and complex models efficiently.
The integration of AnyLogic with such a widely known language such as Java makes it accessible to a very broad talent pool, and eases the learning curve for good programmers to become advanced AnyLogic users.
Paul Corry, Lead Simulation Analyst,
Aurecon Australia
AnyLogic offers wide analysis and business process optimization capabilities in comparison to the traditional analytical methods. Support of multiple methods allows the analyst to choose solutions relevant to the goals of simulation and the available statistics. Other important advantages of the system are the optimization module and GIS map integration.
Nikolay Begunov, PhD, Project Manager,
Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development
I see modeling and simulation capabilities, especially agent-based modeling techniques, as critical to helping identify breakthroughs with complex phenomena associated with health care delivery. Integrating diverse types of data with multi-method simulation can advance our understanding of biological phenomena in order to deliver higher quality health care.
AnyLogic’s leadership in agent-based modeling, combined with its unique approach in a Java-based architecture, enables Health Services Consulting to navigate new territory and pursue cutting-edge projects now and in the future. I’m excited about the possibilities.
Roger A. Edwards, ScD, Vice-President,
Health Services Consulting Corporation
AnyLogic allows to describe processes and explain them to decision makers. Its advantages are the great flexibility in reproduction of problems and the possibility to use system dynamics, agent based and discrete event simulation in one model.
Romeo Placido, Director Hospital Radiology,
Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale di Messina
AnyLogic has been perfect for us because of its flexibility and multimethod approach. We are able to look at a lot of different types of interactions, that you couldn’t typically do with, for example, a discrete modeling software. We are able to address many different problems with just one tool, which is fantastic for us.
Allan Chegus, President,
Stream Systems Ltd.
I have seen a lot of simulation products and this is the only one that can combine all three methodologies. Plus, the ability to show all the graphic components has a great impact on who I present the models to. This allows AnyLogic to be THE choice for simulation modeling.
Kelvin Blyden, Supply Chain Analyst,
I would recommend AnyLogic software because it is a mature platform that allows a combination of multimethod modeling paradigms, in a very user friendly and open manner. Plus it takes advantage of Java which is also a technically mature and secure way of building models. The advantages of agent-based modeling with AnyLogic is that you can combine it with other methods and combine existing knowledge with agent based approach. Also, it’s fairly user friendly, the facilities in the graphical user interface and development are very good.
Artem Parakhine,
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
AnyLogic is flexible: I don't feel hemmed in with any approach, and version 7 is a huge leap forward in the multimethod capability. We usually make changes with our eyes wide open thanks to AnyLogic!
Keith Stockman, Manager of Projects and Operations Research, General Medicine Program,
Monash Health
We use AnyLogic to understand better, improve and demonstrate how complex systems work. My personal favorite aspect of AnyLogic is the fact that it compiles the simulation models into a general purpose, fully object-oriented program language, like Java. Which allows us to embed optimization algorithms into simulations without writing unnecessary code.
Onur Dulgeroglu, Senior Analytics Engineer,
GE Global Research
AnyLogic has demonstrated the capability of going from an academic environment to helping develop realistic tools in the areas of resource optimization. The simulation framework provides the ability to use both agent-based and event-based methods to describe the stochastic behavior of machine-controlled and human-controlled objects. Furthermore, the flexibility of creating customized code and outputting multiple aspects of the simulation permits for developers to test aspects of the tools being developed. Finally, the support of AnyLogic (both in the purchasing and development phases) was tremendous.
Moises Sudit, Ph.D., Director, Information Fusion Group,
The competition is constantly getting tougher, and today you have to compete for a one-hundredth of a percent of a market share in many industries. That’s why AnyLogic is unique. It allows you to optimize business processes and rise your resource utilization rate up to the level unachievable for most of the competitors.
Alexey Mashanov, CTO,
Magnat Group
Gao Xiang,
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