ola06anüstü 是中文什么意思

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Sep 29, :14 AM
For some time I thought I did not have a Blog, turns out, I did. Below is the URL for my Blog, which came into existence without any need or drive to do so. I thought I was simply reviewing websites, they thought I was blogging. Check it out.
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Gruba bekliyoruz
Hello.I apologize beforehand for my hesitating English, I am French.I use your photography to illustrate an article of my blog(). However, in spite of the link present as you can see it, I wish to have your agreement. In case you will refuse, I am anxious to apologize and I shall delete your property.Thank you beforehand.
no problem.
Thank you for your positive answer.You have a real potential.Good continuation!
Back in New York?
No, but I will be visiting it in a week's time from LA, my new habitat. How and where are you?
Ah, I was just looking at your Devious info there. I'm in London, doin okay.
galerin ne güzel
sagolman dilegiyle.
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