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throw throw的意思 throw是什么意思 throw什么意思 throw的解释
throw词典释义throw 及物动词 vt. 1. 投,掷,抛,扔[O1][(+at/to)]She threw me a towel. 她丢给我一条毛巾。 The boy threw a stone at the dog. 那男孩对狗丢石头。 He quickly threw the ball to another player. 他迅速把球传给了另一名球员。 2. 使突然陷入;把...投进[Q][(+into)]The news threw the family into a panic. 这个消息使那一家人顿时陷入惊恐不安。 3. 匆匆穿上(或脱下)[Q]She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她把披巾随手往肩上一披。 4. 转动(机器开关)5. 发射;投射;喷射The trees threw long shadows in the moonlight. 在月光下,树木投出了长长的影子。 6. 伸(四肢);挺(胸);仰(首);挥(拳)猛击7. 掷(骰子);掷出(骰子点数)8. 摔倒;摔下He threw the guy to the ground. 他把那个家伙摔倒在地。 9. 【口】举行(宴会等)He threw a party for us. 他为我们举行舞会。 10. 【口】使困惑;难住Her last question threw me for a moment. 她最后一个问题我一时回答不出。 11. 使(嗓音)让人听起来似来自他处12. 【口】故意输掉(比赛等)13. 大发(脾气),使发作I can't fiqure out why she threw such tantrums. 我弄不懂她为什么发如此大脾气。 14. 施加(影响等)不及物动词 vi. 1. 投,掷,抛,扔The young athlete throws well. 那个年轻运动员投掷得很好。 名词 n. [C]1. 投掷2. 投距,射程My nephew lives only a stone's throw from my house. 我侄子住得离我家很近。 3. 投掷的结果;(骰子)掷出的点数4. 围巾,披巾;(沙发等的)罩单5. 【口】冒险That will be her last throw. 那将是她最后的孤注一掷。英英解释名词throw:1. the act of throwing (propelling something through the air with a rapid movement of the arm and wrist)2. a single chance or instance3. the maximum movement available to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cam同义词:stroke, cam stroke4. bedclothes consisting of a lightweight cloth covering (an afghan or bedspread) that is casually thrown over something5. casting an object in order to determine an outcome randomly动词throw:1. project through the air2. move violently, energetically, or carelessly3. get rid of同义词:shed, cast, cast off, shake off, throw off, throw away, drop4. place or put with great energy同义词:thrust5. c of a smile, a look, a physical gesture同义词:give6. cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation同义词:flip, switch7. put or send forth同义词:project, cast, contrive8. to put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly9. cause to be confused emotionally同义词:bewilder, bemuse, discombobulate10. utter vehemently同义词:hurl11. organize or be responsible for同义词:hold, have, make, give12. make on a potter's wheel13. cause to fall off14. throw (a die) out onto a flat surface15. be confus cause to be unable to think clearly同义词:confuse, fox, befuddle, fuddle, bedevil, confound, discombobulate习惯用语a stone's throw 投石可及的距离, 附近; 一箭之地a stone's cast 投石可及的距离, 附近; 一箭之地free throw 【体】(篮球)罚球throw about (=throwaround)乱丢, 乱扔 (around)[俗]乱花钱 挥动(手臂等) 【航海】转变航向throw away 扔掉, 抛弃 浪费(金钱、时间等) 错过(机会等) 有意轻轻带过(台词等) (牌戏中)垫(牌)throw back 丢回; 掷回; 回溯 拒绝, 反驳, 反讥 妨碍; 耽误; 阻止; 击退 回复到祖先的原型或性质, 呈返祖现象(指动植物) 反射(光线等)throw by 把...扔在一边; 扔掉, 抛弃throw down 扔下; 推倒; 倾复; 摧毁 (=throw oneself down)突然卧倒; 躺下 [俚]拒绝throw in 额外奉送, 外加 偶然插入(话语), 穿插 [口]入伙, 参加合伙经营 (在足球等比赛中)掷(界外球) 把(排好的铅字等)拆开归还原处throw off 脱去; 摆脱; 抛弃, 扔掉 [口]即席作成(诗、画等) 使困窘; 使慌乱 散发出, 放射出 说...坏话, 诽谤(on) 开始出猎throw oneself at 猛然扑向 拼命讨好...; 勾引..., 向...献媚, 向...表示有意throw oneself into 开始热心做(某事), 积极投身于(某事业)throw oneself on 依靠, 依赖; 听命于 攻击, 突袭throw oneself upon 依靠, 依赖; 听命于 攻击, 突袭throw out 抛出, 扔掉 解雇; 开除 增建(侧房); 建造(伸展或突出的建筑物) 提出(意见, 暗示); 轻描淡写地说出 否决(议案); 拒绝(提议等) 使分心, 打扰; 使不知所措 散发出 (棒球运动用语)封杀出局throw over 放弃, 抛弃; 背弃throw overboard 丢在船外, 扔到水中 抛弃, 遗弃; 背弃throw together 匆匆拼凑成; 匆匆建成 使偶然相遇; 使偶然聚合在一起throw up 呕吐 辞(职); 放弃; 洗手不干 (责备地)反复地说; 反复提起(不愉快之事) 产生; 出(人才) 把...衬托出来, 使...显眼 匆匆建成
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