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interview coding language: Java vs Python + 求用python的同学分享经验
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背景:大概一年前准备面试 刷了几章CTCI和1/3的leetcode,用的是java,然后在学校14spring上的datastructure用的也是java.
& && && &但是上一次用java做刷法题都是好几个月前的事情了,现在感觉生疏了很多。
& && && &14spring 开始接触python,javascript这一类的dynamic programming language(以下简称dpl),一开始学python真的绝觉得很爽
& && && &记得之前看过一个漫画里面有一句说用python就像在flying一样,当时真的有这个感觉
& && && &用python写了一个web2py的web app 鏉ユ簮涓浜.涓夊垎鍦拌鍧.
& && && &暑假实习的时候用了ruby做ror,也用了swift (虽然swift不是dpl,但是语法还是很简洁)
& && && &简单来说,现在是喜欢dpl,感觉对java c++这种有点情绪上的抵触。(没有接触dpl的时候还是喜欢java的 也写了一些android的东西,但是接触dpl之后 对java这一类就有点抵触了)
. From 1point 3acres bbs
纠结:python v.s. java.鏈枃鍘熷垱鑷1point3acres璁哄潧
& && && &基本在这两个之间纠结
& && & (纠结python 而忽略ruby的原因是之前面g家的时候hr给我的email里面写到
& && && & “Please note that we use C++, C, Python, Java and Javascript as our primary coding interview languages. ”).1point3acres缃
& && && &java-pros: 1)java implement的数据结构什么的都要熟悉很多,虽然现在生疏了,但是热身估计也用不了很久. /bbs
& && && && && && && && &2)java 网络上过于面试题目的资源似乎比较多,自己也比较熟悉(我自己以前常去的geekforgeek之类的也是java). From 1point 3acres bbs
& && && &java-cons: 1)最大的问题是情绪确实不motivated
& && && && && && && && & 2)同样的解法java 实现起来可能要code多很多
& && && && && && && && &
& && && &python-pros: 1)情绪上很motivated
& && && && && && && && && & 2)同样的解法python需要code的会少一点 能帮助我花更多的时间在解决问题上面
& && && && && && && && && & 3)给面试官感觉我和其他学生不一样? 毕竟java是人人都会的
& && & python-cons:&&*1)背后的数据结构是怎么implement的,算法的实际复杂度这些我都不知道
& && && && && && && && && &*2)面试解法和数据结构这方面的资源比不上java
& && && && && && && && && &3)有的题目用python不合适 有的题目考的是毕竟low level的 只能用java /C一类的去解才能被考到
& && && && && && && && && &4)某种程度上可能增加面试难度?因为有的题目java/C一类的要implement起来毕竟复杂,但是python可能两三行就搞定了,所以面试官可能会出更难的题目(这个也可能是pro...). 涓浜-涓夊垎-鍦帮紝鐙鍙戝竷
& && && && && && && && && & *5)缺乏经验,虽然用过python写app,但是感觉写app和完全是两回事。。。。
. from: /bbs
时间:一个月 - 一个半月. 鍥磋鎴戜滑@1point 3 acres
. From 1point 3acres bbs
目标:15 summer 实习。&&因为对现在parttime的startup也比较满意也学到很多,估计也能当保底,所以这次刷题针对的是业内名气比较大的公司。. /bbs
无言感激在心中 :)
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我觉得没多大区别 一切以熟练优先 常用的数据结构的各种接口要能利索的写好(Java的arraylist hashset什么的 Python的list dict什么的)
非要比较的话 个人感觉Python写起来细节简单 可以把注意力更集中在算法上 适合算法类题目 Java比较organized(前提是自己coding习惯好) 写出来的代码比较规范 适合设计类题目
在线时间 小时
我觉得没多大区别 一切以熟练优先 常用的数据结构的各种接口要能利索的写好(Java的arraylist hashset什么的 ...
在线时间 小时
在线时间 小时
其实Python现在还是蛮火的, 虽然没有java火吧但是它的地位也是蛮高的。 你细数下现在做web development 后端的语言, 主流的就是pytho java, ruby on rail, 也有用go的就属于少数了 。 java不说, ruby就是除了rail你还听说过别的什么时候用ruby的么? C系列的语言基本都是做后端底层为了要求速度才用的, web development没听说用C系列做后端的。 Python除了web development很多时候大家写个script做一些小事情基本都用的是python, 因为开发起来很快, 而且易读, 维护也方便。 所以主要还是看LZ你将来想做什么, web development的话就是python或者java都行,不会有人觉得python偏门的。
在线时间 小时
喜欢有type hint的语言,例如java,而且python慢吧
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the North Boston Azure cloud group, where the topic was Azure SQL Database – not just a cloud version of SQL Server. So much of the talk was interactive &#8212; a really high-energy discussion &#8212; big thanks to
for hosting me and to the group for a great conversation.
Here&#8217;s the deck I used:
And here is some of the CLI 2.0 action, including the last line to clean up a resource group:
az account set --subscription MySubscriptionName
./ nbazure
z group delete -n nbazure --no-wait
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Today the amazing Boston technology community put on their 27th Boston Code Camp. As usual, there were tons of .
I presented twice. Materials are below.
Talk #1: 2FA, MFA, 2SA, OTP, RFP, OMG, WTF? How MFA works.
Talk #2: 18 Specific Azure Security Tips.
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Spoke earlier today at SecureWorld Boston on .
Deck is below:
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Thanks Zoran for having me back again this year as a guest lecturer to help ensure your students don&#8217;t think AWS is the only cloud in the sky!
Here is the deck I went (partially) through:
At the end I attempted to show how I could use the CLI from my macbook to clean up all my demo resources at once by deleting the containing resource group. It failed because I got the syntax wrong. I was typing something like azure resource delete Zoran, but &#8216;resource&#8217; should have been &#8216;group&#8217; and I failed to realize that at the time. I ran the correct command when I got home and it worked better. Here is my evidence&#8230; ?
In case folks were wondering, the PowerShell command equivalent to azure group delete is:
The patterns I dug into are discussed in
in chapters 2 (horizontal scaling) and 3 (queue pattern):
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Boston Azure is 7 years old!
At , we celebrated turning 7 years old, and had two talks. I presented one talk related to the Dyn DDoS outage from Friday Oct 21, which illustrated the dark side of IoT since it was used to power a huge DDoS attack on Dyn, taking down Netflix, Github, Spotify, and lots of other sites as collateral damage. In my talk I explained some of the background and how we addressed it with Azure DNS.
Here&#8217;s the deck for the &#8220;IoT has a dark side&#8221; talk:
Jim O&#8217;Neil provides some resource relating to his talk. There are listed AS A COMMENT on the
(scroll below the meeting description page to comments &#8211;
does not allow changing a meeting description after the meeting begins, so amendments tend to be as comments).
And here&#8217;s
of the evening &#8211; taken by , showing (L-&R) , I&#8217;m in the middle (), and
&#8211; all who have helped
thrive through the years. And not to forget about some others who were not present &#8211; like , , , and
&#8211; who have all deserve credit for the success of the group through the years.
And finally, here&#8217;s , the event&#8217;s featured speaker and the photographer and tweeter of the above photo. I think this photo was taken by .
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Earlier today I presented at the
event at 1cc. My talk was &#8220;Azure SQL Database: Not just a cloud version of SQL Server&#8221; to an inquisitive Cambridge audience.
My deck is here:
The PowerShell script I demo&#8217;d is included in the gist referenced below.
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I spoke tonight at the
to a large audience of feisty SQL experts. Thanks for all the tough questions. And thanks to George for backing me up on questions I couldn&#8217;t answer.
The Microsoft Azure cloud platform offers a service called Azure SQL Database. How does this compare to SQL Server, the venerable boxed product so many DBAs have come to know and love? In this talk from long-time Azure MVP Bill Wilder, we will look at similarities and differences. We will also briefly talk about complementary data storage sources that may also interest DBAs. At the end of the talk, you will understand the big picture of database options in the cloud, how Azure SQL Database is positioned and stacks up relative to SQL, and leave with an appreciation of key scenarios where it might make sense to use one over the other.
One thing I didn&#8217;t get to work was the PowerShell cleanup at the end. I ran it later and here is the code (the last line is the one I botched during the demo):
Add-AzureRmAccount # then log in interactively, including with 2FA ?
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName MyAzureSubsriptionNameHere
Get-AzureRmSubscription # optional
Find-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupNameContains sqltest # optional
Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name sqltest -Force
For those interested, here is the deck:
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Bill WilderBill Wilder - experienced developer and architect focused on helping individuals and companies succeed in the cloud using the Azure cloud platform.
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Bill wrote a bookThe book explains concepts and patterns helpful in understanding how to architect applications to be cloud-native
Bill is a Windows Azure MVPOne of around 110 such MVPs in the world, as awarded by Microsoft due to deep expertise and willingness to share with the community
Bill works for DevPartnersDevelopment Partners Software Corporation (DevPartners for short) is a boutique, cloud-focused consulting & training company where Bill is Principal Consultant
Bill founded Boston AzureBill is the founder and one of the current leaders of the Boston Azure User Group, the oldest such community group in the world (since Oct 2009)
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Programming Myths About Coding
Over on LinkedIn, I wrote a post about
and received a variety of comments from interested individuals.
With an entire list of languages (which I'll get into later) at your fingertips, there's no better time to get into programming.
But some beginners are skeptical about coding. Don't I need a special skill? What classes should I take to learn programming? What courses are available?
There are a lot of myths flying around on the Inter-webs and I thought we'd address a few of them today.
While some individuals see coding as waving a magic wand, some people downplay the amount of work it takes to write a truly effective, maintenance-free system.
&It's not Rocket Science&
Before we start into the myths, I want to explain that while some people have the aptitude for programming, some do not.
Early in my career when I was young and naive, I was talking to a Senior Analyst about the details of an application we were writing.
The details of the application seemed simple and should've taken only a week to finish.
I said, &This should be really simple. I mean, hey, it's not rocket science... &&
He quickly replied back, & No, it's computer science. &
The &simple& details took over 3 weeks to write and put in place.
As I've said before,nothing is ever easy.&
The morale of this story is when it comes to writing code, you can write something extremely fast, but in the end, it's a balance between science and art. Sometimes you need to see the forest through the trees.
So let's get into the myths, shall we?
Do I need to have a math degree for a programming career?
This is the most common question I'm asked from developers who are just starting out and it's the biggest myth around.
If you are looking into developing games, I understand there are a number of coding engines out there (like the
which is free), but understanding mathematics like Algebra and Calculus is required when working with PoV (Point of View) angles and collision detection along with X-Y-Z axis.
It all depends on the type of programming you want to focus on in your career.
Gaming, AutoCad, and Financial Analyst (Think Excel) are just a couple that come to mind.
For writing business applications, utilities, web sites, or databases, a basic math degree is enough to move you forward in your programming career, but it doesn't have to be your major.
The characteristics of a developer include logical reasoning, problem-solving, creativity, and a lot of patience along with a mastery of your primary language with a general knowledge of design patterns.
As a woman, should I get into programming?
I've worked with a number of women in my career and each one of them has shown a higher level of development along with a strong understanding of programming architecture.
Truly amazing women (I'm talking about you, Josie, Carey, Shivani, and Amanda, you F# wizard, you!) and I respect each one of them and consider them an equal (or better) when I have a programming issue.
For the women debating whether coding is right for them or not, try to find the language that best fits your career choice and start using it in your free time.
It takes time to truly understand a programming language and it's idiosyncrasies. If you don't like it, drop it and move on to the next language.
I absolutely believe this is the best time for women to learn how to program.
As a matter of fact, the
reports 25% of professional computing occupations in the 2015 U.S. workforce were held by women...and it's growing!
The amount of programming jobs continues to grow every year as the demand increases for even more people to become code-savvy.
So definitely dive into programming. It's not going anywhere anytime soon.
Should I Use &If& Statements If They Add Complexity To An Application?
During the same time period regarding that &Rocket Science& comment, one of my friends and co-worker said his brother made the comment
If you were to create a truly object-oriented application, it would have no if..thens in the code.
At the time, I called bullshit. Again, I was naive.
Now, as I look back to 1994, I realized he may be right.
There is a term called
and Wikipedia defines it as a software metric that defines how complex a program is by the number of branches in the code (i.e. if..thens and switch statements).
For example, if we use a customer object to determine if the control is enabled or not,
if (customer == null)
enabled =
enabled =
We've all seen this type of code. Each section of code in the true and false block will increment the Cyclomatic Complexity since there are two branches.
It would be better to write this code.
var enabled = customer !=
The less if..then or switch statements you use, the more developers &may& understand the system better.
Maybe this is why I haveissues withSwitch statements&shrug&.
Learning A Language Takes A Lot Of Time
Once a developer finds their &comfortable& language, they feel like they can write anything thrown at them. They can conquer the world.
Until that time, you need to experiment and try out some new languages once in a while.
It also depends on your career.
Web Development? - C#, Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Fat Executables? - WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), C#, Java, C++, C, Assembly
Database Administrator - SQL, Oracle, Firebird, mySQL&
...and on and on and on.
Since there are so many career paths and choices, someweb technologies are the obvious choice for this connected world, but there are a
you can strive for as well.
Once you have a career path, it's time to focus on the languages that interest you the most.
If you look at the
(also refer to
), you'll notice the top 5 are Java, C, C++, C#, and Python in that order with JavaScript closing the gap at #6.
Since JavaScript is the lowest common denominator, it would seem the most logical to learn if you wanted to get into web development. Learn JavaScript first so you can appreciate the underpinnings of every single MV* frameworks out there written in JavaScript.
The bottom line is that you don't need to learn every single language out there to become a programmer .
Understand the concepts of one language.
Experiment with ones that intrigue you.
Stick with the ones that accomplish what you need.
Become comfortable with your &go-to& language when one doesn't provide enough to reach the finish line.
Once you grasp the concept of a for..loop, it is essentially the same concept across every other language you encounter in your career. As I've said numerous times,
It WILL get easier to learn new languages...once you understand one or two.
I'm Too Old So I Can't Program Anymore
My grandfather always said that age was up in your head.
I know..I know so long as the body is willing, you can do whatever you put your mind to.
In my mind, there is no such thing as &too old.&
I guess my point to older developers out there is to always be learning and continue to be passionate about your craft.
Programming is more that just throwing code at a &digital canvas& and seeing what sticks. It's more than that.
It's your personal experiences and wisdom you've learned over the years through the school of hard knocks, the design patterns and practices, database considerations, scalability, usability, JS frameworks, performance issues, web services, SOA and web APIs.
ALL of that!
I understand there is a lot of competition out there, but over those years of work, you have tenure in your career. Valuable years of experience.
You also have contacts.
As you moved through your career, you made contacts (using LinkedIn, riiight?). These contacts, whether they be recruiters or co-workers, know how you work and understand your potential, what you've focused on in the past, and what you want in your future (you could tell them, they know you!) ;-)
I always have a list of top recruiters in my LinkedIn account who I keep in touch with and vice-versa. If they treat me good, their &stock price& on the Danylko stock exchange goes up. If they don't assist when needed, they slide down my&list.
But don't always rely on recruiters (although the good ones do help in a pinch).
Always keep your skills up-to-date and your contacts active on LinkedIn and you should always have something in your field.
I hope this post has brought some light to some of these programming myths.
At 46, I've been programming for over 25 years professionally...
...and I have no intention of slowing down or stopping anytime soon.
If you have confidence in what you do, passion for your craft, and enjoy accomplishments through code, &it's not considered a myth.
It's a gift.
I hope my fellow coders out there feel the same way as I do.
Do you know of a programming myth that needs debunked? Post your comments below.
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