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Perhaps, no other economy in the world offers such opportunities for the future as India‘s. And, few partnerships are as filled with promise as ours.
During President Xi‘s visit last September, we set for ourselves a new level of ambition for our cooperation.
Partnership in modernizing Indian railways, two Chinese industrial parks in India, commitments of 20 billion dollars in investments into India over the next five years partnership in our Make in India Mission: This is the shape of our future.
Tomorrow in Shanghai, we will see the agreements on first of those partnerships between our industries.
But, to maintain this partnership over the long run, we must also improve the access of Indian industry to the Chinese market. I am encouraged by President Xi‘s and Premier Li‘s commitment to resolve this problem.
As much as our bilateral cooperation, our international partnership will be important for each other‘s success.
Our changing world has created new opportunities and challenges.
We both face instability in our shared neighbourhood that can threaten our security and slow down our economies.
The spreading tide of extremism and terrorism is a for both, its source is in the same region.
We must also deal with the changing character of terrorism that has made it less predictable and more diffuse.
We source a large part of our energy from the same region that faces instability and uncertain future.
India and China conduct their international commerce on the same sea lanes. The security of sea lanes is vital f and, our cooperation is essential to achieve it.
Equally, we both seek to connect a fragmented Asia. There are projects we will pursue individually. There are few such as the Bangladesh, China India Myanmar Corridor that we are doing jointly.
But, geography and history tell us that the dream of an interconnected Asia will be successful, when India and China work together.
We are two countries that have gained a lot from an open, rule-based global trading system. Equally, we have most to lose if it breaks down.
We both have enormous stakes in t
he international negotiations on climate change. Our cooperation in these forums will be crucial to shape their outcomes.
Today, we speak of Asia‘s resurgence. It is the result of the rise of many powers in the region at the same time.
It is an Asia of great promise, but also many uncertainties.
Asia‘s re- emergence is leading to a multi-polar world that we both welcome.
But, it is also an unpredictable and complex environment of shifting equations.
We can be more certain of a peaceful and stable future for Asia if India and China cooperate closely.
A resurgent Asia is seeking a bigger voice in global affairs. India and China seek a greater role in the world. It may be reforms in the United Nations Security Council or the new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
But, Asia‘s voice will be stronger and our nation‘s role more influential, if India and China speak in one voice – for all of us and for each other.
Simply put, the prospects of the 21st century becoming the Asian century will depend in large measure on what India and China achieve individually and what we do together.
The rising fortunes of 2.5 billion pairs of joined hands will be of the greatest consequence for our region and the humanity.
This is the vision that I share with President Xi and Premier Li.
This is the impulse that is driving our relationship.
In recent years, we have deepened our political engagement. We have kept our borders peaceful. We have managed our differences and not allowed them to impede closer cooperation. We have enhanced our cooperation across the full spectrum of our relationship.
Yet, if we have to realise the extraordinary potential of our partnership, we must also address the issues that lead to hesitation and doubts, even distrust, in our relationship.
First, we must try to settle the boundary question quickly.
We both recognise that this is history‘s legacy. Resolving it is our shared responsibility to the future. We must move ahead with new purpose and determination.
The solution we choose should do more than settle the boundary question.
It should do so in a manner that transforms our relationship and not cause new disruptions.
We have been remarkably successful in maintaining peace and tranquility along the border.
We must continue to do that on the principle of mutual and equal security.
Our agreements, protocols and border mechanisms have been helpful.
But, a shadow of uncertainty always hangs over the sensitive areas of the border region.
It is because neither side knows where the Line of Actual Control is, in these areas.
That is why I have proposed resuming the process of clarifying it. We can do this without prejudice to our position on the boundary question.
推荐:    《彼得·潘》(MP3+PDF文本)
  伦敦肯辛顿公园的彼得潘《彼得潘:不会长大的男孩》(Peter Pan: The Boy Who Wouldn&t Grow Up)(1904)是苏格兰小说家及剧作家詹姆斯&马修&巴利(James Matthew Barrie,1860年&&1937年)最为著名的剧作,而彼得潘与温迪(Peter Pan and Wendy)是他1911年将其小说化的小说题目。另有电影《彼得潘》。&&&&&
英语交流QQ群The great and good do not die, even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which one still listens. Hence we ever remain under the influence of the great men of old. The imperial intellects of the world are as much alive now as they were ages ago.
1.此处的―as well as‖相当于连词&and&、连接两个介词短语。
2.虚拟语气在由―whether‖引导的让步状语从句中,从句谓语用动词原形,表示―不论是……还是……‖同时,&whether&一词可以省去,而将―be‖动词放在主语前.此从句可以变为―be it of books or of men‖.
3.&the same as&和&the same that&都指―和…相同‖的含义,但前者强调的是类型的相同,而后者强调的是事物本身的相同。此处指的是好书本身,故而用的是&the same that&.
4.句中的两个介词―by&均表示方式,表―通过‖之意。省略&that‖的定语从句从句&they have for a book‖用于修饰―love&。连词―as‖表示―正如……一样‖,后接从句,用于比较。关系代词―which‖引导的定语从句―which both entertain for a third‖用于修饰―admiration&。
5.&Love me, love my dog.‖常被译为―爱屋及乌‖英语中有关―dog‖的谚语很多,比如:a lucky dog(幸运儿);Every dog has his day.(人人皆有得意日。);It rains cats and dogs.(下倾盆大雨。);a cat-and-dog life(争争吵吵的日子)等等。
哈兹利特(William Hazlitt,),英国散文家、评论家、画家.
7.这是由关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词treasuries,从句中的过去分词结构―remembered and cherished(铭记于心并多加珍视)‖用作状语,表示条件.
8.菲利普·锡德尼爵士(Sir Philip Sidney,


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