英语作文educational studiesresponsibilities

Educational responsibilities and resources of obstetrics and gynecology departments in 1975. - Abstract - Europe PMC
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Spellacy WN
[01 Apr ):225-228]
Journal Article
A survey of 108 departments of obstetrics and gynecology in United States medical schools was completed for 1975, and a statistical evaluation of their resources was made. The mean data showed that the student core clerkship had a duration of 6.9 weeks and an enrollment of 17.8 students. The departments had 11.3 full-time faculty members, 69.5 obstetric beds and 56.9 gynecologic beds. There were 3,891 deliveries, 1,846 minor gynecologic operations and 1,418 major gynecologic operations performed. These results should provide a data base upon which to compare the changes in departments in the future.
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CitePeer Related Articles英语作文大全:博主应不应该承担他们的责任?Should the Bloggers Shoulder Their Responsibilities?
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  The Internet has created a new space for human activities including writing. A growing number of people tend to record their thoughts and feelings in the blogs. However, some people would submit abusive posters and spread rumors on their blogs, which has caused a series of negative consequences. So far as I am concerned, the bloggers should shoulder their responsibilities when writing blogs.  互联网给人类活动,包括写作创造了新的空间。越来越多的人开始后在博客上记录他们的想法和感受。然而,有些人会在他们的博客滥贴海报和散布谣言,造成了一系列消极后果。在我看来,博主在写作时应该承担自己的责任。  The awareness of responsibility is quit essential in the blog writing. On the one hand, the blog online has provided for us a good way to express our opinions. We are enjoying so much freedom and convenience. In the meantime, we can make friends and communicate with other people. Our vision will probably be broadened and our life will be greatly enriched. On the other hand, the bloggers should be responsible for what they've said in the blogs since the inappropriate remarks may hurt other people's feelings or even produce other serious results. Therefore, it's necessary for us to think twice before writing. Only in this way can our life be better and the Internet will be clean and healthy.  责任意识在博客写作中十分必要。一方面,网上博客给我们提供了一个表达想法的好途径。我们享受这么多自由和方便。同时,我们可以交朋友以及与别人沟通。我们的视野很可能得到拓展,我们的生活会大大丰富。另一方面,博主应该为他们在博客上面所说的负责,因为不适当的评论可能会伤害别人的感情或者甚至是产生其他严重的后果。因此,我们有必要在写作前三思。只有这样,我们的生活才会更好,互联网才会纯洁和健康。  In conclusion, the bloggers should take their responsibilities while enjoying the freedom of writing in the blogs.  总之,博主在享受在博客上自由写作的时候应该承担相应责任。1&&&
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Copyright & 2004- 网 All Rights Reserved 中国科学院研究生院权威支持(北京) 电 话:010- 传 真:010-英语作文翻译100字:责任Responsibility
【网络综合 - 英语资源英语作文】★无忧考网英语资源频道为大家整理的英语作文翻译100字:责任Responsibility,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站频道。Anyone can't avoid taking responsibilities when he is alive. By taking responsibilities, we can be more and more capable. Without responsibilities, we can't live a qualified life.只要活着,没有人都能避免承担责任。通过承担责任,我们会越来越有能力。没有责任心,我们将无法过高质量的生活。As far as I'm concerned, responsibilities include three aspects in our life: First, we must work hard. If we're not diligent, we can neither support ourselves nor achieve our goals. Second, we must take care of our parents, since they have brought us up. We must pay back the love to them. If we don't treat our parents well, maybe we'll be abandoned by our children when we're old. Third, we must keep on learning, because our life is an infinite book. We're always reading at the first page of this book. If we don't go on learning, we can't keep pace with the times.我认为在我们的生活中责任包括三方面:第一,我们必须努力工作。如果我们不努力,我们既不能养活自己也无法达到我们的目标。第二,我们必须孝顺父母,因为是他们把我们抚养大的。我们必须用爱来回报他们。如果我们不好好对待我们的父母,也许等我们年老的时候我们会被我们的孩子抛弃。第三,我们必须不断学习,因为我们的生命是一本无穷无尽的书。我们总是阅读书的第一页。如果我们不去学习,我们就不能跟上时代的步伐。These are my opinions that I will act as I say. I believe my life will be more colorful if I do my best to fulfill my responsibilities.这些是我的想法,而我也会按我说的去做。我相信如果我尽力履行我的职责,我的生活会更加丰富多彩的。声明:论坛所有帖子仅代表作者本人意见,不代表本网立场。转载文章/图片请注明作者及出自 弘毅考研论坛 www.hykaoyan.org,如用于商业用途请联系原作者。
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