UPDATE 登记表 SET 登记表.天数 = day(Date())-day([借出归还登记表期]) 请教,如果借出归还登记表期跨月或者跨年的应该怎么写

RRDtool tutorial, graphs and examples @ Calomel.org
January 03, 2014
tutorial and graph examples
A brief history of RRDtool
RRDtool is a graphing utility made by Tobi Oetiker and released
under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). It is simply a program
that takes data sets you collect and graphs them. RRDtool (acronym for
round-robin database tool) correlates time-series data like network bandwidth,
temperatures, CPU load or any other data type. Data is stored in a round-robin
database (circular buffer) which allows the system storage footprint to remain
constant over time. The database will always have the same amount of data
points throughout its lifetime. When new data comes in the oldest data set is
removed (FIFO).
The back end of many popular graphing programs like Cacti, SmokePing, MRTG,
Nagios, Zenoss, collectd, Astaro, Nmon and others are based on RRDtool. If you
would prefer to make your own solution learning RRDtool is the way to go.
The Methodology of RRDtool
There are three(3) basic steps to setting up RRDtool and graphing your data
sets. All of our examples use the same three steps.
initialize the database. Create the rrd database and prepare it to
accept data. You will need to decide how much data you want to keep, how often
the data is going to be updated (step) and what type of data you expect to be
collect the data sets over time. A cron job will run to collect data
using a script you will write to enter that data periodically into the
database. This is the step that will probably take the most time to get working
correctly. In our examples we have done all the work already.
create the graph. The last step is to take the data from the rrd
database, do any calculationis you want to do on the data and create that actual
graph. You will probably also want to run this step using a cron job and
perhaps move the graph over to a web server directory for easy viewing.
Please make note that the syntax of rrdtool changes with the package
version. We highly suggest using RRDtool v1.2.x which require very few
dependancies compared to v1.4.x. To install rrdtool on OpenBSD, use "pkg_add -i
rrdtool". For FreeBSD 9.x and 10.x use "portmaster databases/rrdtool12" or "pkg
install rrdtool-1.2.30_2".
NOTE: RRDtool v1.2.x is used for all of the following examples.
A Simple Example: Ping an IP and graph it ()
The "Ping an IP and graph it" tutorial is going to be our detailed
introductory example. At each step we will explain what RRDtool is doing and
what our script for that stage is trying to do. Since every machine has the
ping binary you should be able to get this example working with minimal effort
and, when you are ready, progress to the more involved examples further down on
Explaining the graph. The graph shows both the round trip time (rtt)
and packet loss (pl). The rtt is graphed in blue. The packet loss is the
background area color of the graph over the time frame the loss was
experienced. If there is _no_ packet loss then the background is white like the
example. If there is packet loss then the background will shade from yellow to
red depending on the severity of loss. We are graphing 24 hours of data at a 1
minute granularity and the times are on the x-axis on the bottom.
The y-axis
is automatically scaled depending on the data collected and shows the latency
in milliseconds (ms); the y-axis legend is printed on the left and the right
sides. The title is in black at the top and at the bottom in a watermark (light
gray) is the date and time the graph was created. When reading the graph
remember that new data is on the right and the oldest data is on the left.
Working directory. We will being putting all of the files into a
working directory we made up called, "/tools/rrdtool/latency/". This is where
the three(3) scripts, the database and the graph will reside. Once the graph is
made it can be copied to a web directory like, "/var/www/htdocs/" for easy
viewing through our web server.
Step 1 of 3. Initialize the rrd database
To use RRDtool you must first initialize the database. This script will make
a rrd database called "latency_db.rrd". This is the file that will be updated
and hold all of your data. This step is only done once.
The following scrollable window contains the command we used to make the rrd
file. Cut and paste the script into a file called,
"initialize_database.sh" and make it executable with "chmod 755
update_rrd_database.sh". The rrdtool lines in the file are one command, but we
have put line breaks ( \ is a line break ) in to create multiple lines so it is
easier to read and explain.
user@machine# cat initialize_database.sh
### change to the script directory
cd /tools/rrdtool/latency/
rrdtool create latency_db.rrd \
--step 60 \
DS:pl:GAUGE:120:0:100 \
DS:rtt:GAUGE:120:0: \
RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1500 \
Detailed explanation of the RRDtool directives
rrdtool create latency_db.rrd -- here we are calling the rrdtool
binary and telling it to "create" the rdd database we have named
"latency_db.rrd". This file is created in the current working directory.
--step 60 -- is the amount of time in seconds we expect data to be
updated into the database. You will see later that our update script is going to
update the database with the results of the ping command every 60 seconds using
a cron job.
DS:pl:GAUGE:120:0:100 -- This is our first variable and each option
is a colon separated value. Lets take a look at each option.
DS says that this is a data set.
pl is the variable name we have chosen to stand for "packet loss".
GAUGE is a RRDtool directive to mean the data entered is absolute
and should be entered as is without any manipulation or calculations done to
120 is the heartbeat timeout in seconds. If data is not entered in at least
120 seconds then zeros are put into this DS record. Since we created a rrd
database with a step of 60 seconds (--step 60) we would need to miss 2 full
"steps" before RRDtool put in zeros. This time out is important to signify if
the system was unable to collect data due to a reboot or system downtime.
Missed data will show up on your graph as a blank area with no data
0 is the minimum value that will be accepted into the data base. Since the
variable is for packet loss we expect the value to be between 0% and 100%.
100 is the maximum value that is accepted into this field. This variable is
packet loss (pl) and we expect to see a value between 0% and 100%.
DS:rtt:GAUGE:120:0: -- This is our second variable and each option
is a colon separated value.
DS says that this is a data set.
rtt is the variable name we have chosen to stand for "round trip time".
GAUGE is a RRDtool directive to mean the data entered is absolute
and should be entered as is without any manipulation or calculations done to
120 is the heartbeat timeout in seconds. If data is not entered in at least
120 seconds then zeros are put into this DS record. Since we created a rrd
database with a step of 60 seconds (--step 60) we would need to miss 2 full
"steps" before RRDtool put in zeros.
0 is the minimum value that will be accepted into the data base for this
field. The rrt variable stands for "round trip time" and can not be negative
since that would not make any sense.
is the maximum value that is accepted into this field. This is just
a large enough value so that any oversize rtt value will be accepted.
RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1500 -- this is the round robin archive directive. Each
option is a colon separated value.
RRA directive defines how many values the the RRD database will archive and
for how long.
MAX normally means to only accept the maximum value if multiple values are
available over multiple "steps". We are using MAX simply to say that we have one
variable which will contain one number and it should not be changed or averaged
in any way.
0.5 is an internal resolution value and should _not_ be changed.
1 specifies how many steps should be averaged before storing the final
value. We specify "1" because we want the value updated in the database to be
one step equals one database value.
1500 is how many "steps" we will store in the db. Since we specified a step
of 60 seconds (--step 60) we will store 1500 samples times 60 seconds which
equals 90,000 seconds. This also equals 25 hours. So, we will have 25 hours of
1 minute resolution data that we can graph. This is a nice granularity and will
allow us to make a very good looking, and more importantly, visually accurate
Step 2 of 3: Update the rrd database with data
Now that we have made the database we need to fill it with data. you can
write any type of script you want for this purpose. This is a simple shell
script which will ping a host, collect the data from the ping output and enter
the pl and rtt into our database called latency_db.rrd. Cut and paste the
example into a file called, "update_rrd_database.sh" and make it executable
with "chmod 755 update_rrd_database.sh".
The "update_rrd_database.sh" script will change to the working directory,
"/tools/rrdtool/latency/". Then, the get_data method will run and ping the ip
defined in the gawk is used to separate out the data and
collect it using regular expressions. The last line to run will update the
latency_db.rrd database with the pl and rtt values in order and separated by a
NOTE: before using this script make sure you set the proper paths of the
variables at the top of the script. These paths are for OpenBSD and Linux is
slightly different. Update the paths for bash, ping, gwak and rrdtool. The
reason we use full paths is because CRON may not be setup with the full path
environment. Also, if you do not have gawk it can be easily installed using the
package manager (apt-get, yum, pkg_add) of your choice in most *nix os's.
Finally, the variable "hosttoping" should contain the ip address or hostname of
the machine we want to ping. For this example will be a machine we
consider to be our default gateway on our network.
user@machine# cat update_rrd_database.sh
### set the paths
command="/sbin/ping -q -n -c 3"
### data collection routine
get_data() {
local output=$($command $1 2&&1)
local method=$(echo "$output" | $gawk '
BEGIN {pl=100; rtt=0.1}
/packets transmitted/ {
match($0, /([0-9]+)% packet loss/, datapl)
/min\/avg\/max/ {
match($4, /(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)/, datartt)
END {print pl ":" rtt}
### change to the script directory
cd /tools/rrdtool/latency/
### collect the data
get_data $hosttoping
### update the database
$rrdtool update latency_db.rrd --template pl:rtt N:$RETURN_DATA
Create a CRON job to collect the data
The best way to collect the data is to run a cron job every minute. We set
the step to 60 in the initialization of the database and we will update the
database every 60 seconds using a cron job.
user@machine# crontab -e
#minute (0-59)
hour (0-23)
day of the month (1-31)
month of the year (1-12)
day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sun)
#### rrdtool ping statistics
Step 3 of 3: Graph the results
After you have the cron job running for ten minutes or so you should have
enough data to see on the graph.
Copy and paste the following script we call "create_graph.sh" and make it
executable with "chmod 755 create_graph.sh".
user@machine# cat create_graph.sh
## change directory to the rrdtool script dir
cd /tools/rrdtool/latency/
## Graph for last 24 hours
/usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph latency_graph.png \
-w 785 -h 120 -a PNG \
--slope-mode \
--start -86400 --end now \
--font DEFAULT:7: \
--title "ping default gateway" \
--watermark "`date`" \
--vertical-label "latency(ms)" \
--right-axis-label "latency(ms)" \
--lower-limit 0 \
--right-axis 1:0 \
--x-grid MINUTE:10:HOUR:1:MINUTE:120:0:%R \
--alt-y-grid --rigid \
DEF:roundtrip=latency_db.rrd:rtt:MAX \
DEF:packetloss=latency_db.rrd:pl:MAX \
CDEF:PLNone=packetloss,0,0,LIMIT,UN,UNKN,INF,IF \
CDEF:PL10=packetloss,1,10,LIMIT,UN,UNKN,INF,IF \
CDEF:PL25=packetloss,10,25,LIMIT,UN,UNKN,INF,IF \
CDEF:PL50=packetloss,25,50,LIMIT,UN,UNKN,INF,IF \
CDEF:PL100=packetloss,50,100,LIMIT,UN,UNKN,INF,IF \
LINE1:roundtrip#0000FF:"latency(ms)" \
GPRINT:roundtrip:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:roundtrip:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:roundtrip:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:roundtrip:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\t\t\t" \
COMMENT:"pkt loss\:" \
AREA:PL10#FFFF00:"1-10%":STACK \
AREA:PL25#FFCC00:"10-25%":STACK \
## copy to the web directory
cp latency_graph.png /var/www/htdocs/
Detailed explanation of the RRDtool directives
rrdtool graph latency_graph.png -- This tells rrdtool to create a
graph called "latency_graph.png". This file is created in the current working
-w 785 -h 120 -a PNG -- this creates a graph 785 pixels wide and 120
pixels high with the PNG extension format. Portable Network Graphics (PNG) is a
bitmapped image format that employs lossless data compression. PNG files nearly
always use file extension "PNG" or "png" and are assigned MIME media type
"image/png". Note the width and height define the graph size and not the size of
the entire picture.
--slope-mode -- says rrdtool should smooth the graph and create a
more organic looking lines. This option uses anti-aliasing and gives the
graphs a smooth hand drawn look. Using slope also creates the faded sharp lines
in the peaks of the graph.
--start -86400 --end now -- specifies the time in the past in seconds
up to now to graph. 86400 seconds is 24 hours. So, we are graphing data from 24
hours ago up to when the graph was created. Since we have 25 hours of data in
our database this should work fine.
--font DEFAULT:7: -- is the default font for all the text on the
graph. The default is 8 point on most systems. We thought 7 point looks a little
cleaner and less crowded.
--title "ping default gateway" -- the title in black seen at the top
center of the picture.
--watermark "`date`" -- the light gray date seen at the bottom center
of the picture. We decided the creation date was a useful.
--vertical-label "latency(ms)" and --right-axis-label
"latency(ms)" -- sets the vertical text on the left and right side of the
graph. Though this graph does not need the text on the right it makes the
picture more symmetrical and lines up with dual graphed y-axis seen later on
this page. For example, the pfstat graphs all line up vertically and this graph
is the same width. When all of your pictures use the same width and scale you
are easily able to see patturns by looking at one vertical plane through all
the graphs.
--lower-limit 0 -- sets the y-axis numbers so they are clean a more
readable. The lower limit is forced to be 0 as none of our data (rtt) should
ever be negative.
--right-axis 1:0 -- is the ratio between the value on the left axis
(parent) and the right axis (child). We are using the same scale on the left
and right so we set the ratio to 1, which stands for 1:1. The last 0 is used to
add a value to the right axis.
--x-grid MINUTE:10:HOUR:1:MINUTE:120:0:%R -- rescales the x-axis in
the graph and places the time labels below the graph.
MINUTE:10 is to set the distance between the vertical gray lines on the
graph. We are setting each gray line to 10 minute interval.
HOUR:1 is to set the distance between the vertical red lines on the graph.
We are setting each red line to 1 hour interval.
MINUTE:120 sets the black label text of the time below the graph to line up
with the vertical red lines. We liked the look of the hour being printed every
other red line or once every 120 minutes.
0:%R is the default spacing.
--alt-y-grid --rigid -- sets the y-axis numbers so they are clean a
more readable.
DEF:roundtrip=latency_db.rrd:rtt:MAX -- DEF stands for definition. We
will use this line to define a variable from the database to a variable we will
use to graph. Though this is not really useful in this example, it is very
useful if you have multiple databases. Lets say you have two databases, one for
external and the other for internal traffic, and both have a variable called
"ping". You could define the "ping" from database one to be "ping_external" and
the other to be "ping_internal". Both DEF directives are very similar so we will
cover the first for this example. Lets take a look at each option.
DEF stands for definition. To define a variable.
roundtrip=latency_db.rrd:rtt assigns the "rtt" variable in the
"latency_db.rrd" database to the local variable "roundtrip".
MAX is the variable type we defined to the variable "rtt" when we
initialized the database.
CDEF:PLNone=packetloss,0,0,LIMIT,UN,UNKN,INF,IF -- This CDEF line
will look for a packetloss value equal to 0% and up to 0% and set the value
from 0 to infinite (i.e. the top of the graph). This method is useful to see the
background efficiently. Both CDEF directives are very similar so we will cover
the first for this example. Lets take a look at each option.
CDEF stands for definition calculation. CDEF are used to manipulate the
data before graphing it. This is useful if you need to scale the data so that
the end result graphs better.
PLNone=packetloss,0,0,LIMIT,UN,UNKN,INF,IF assigns the "packetloss"
variable to the range 0 to infinity if "packetloss" is between the values of 0%
and 0% (basically just 0).
LINE1:roundtrip#0000FF:"latency(ms)" -- this is the first line to
create a legend value and draw a line.
LINE1 says that this is simply a line.
roundtrip#0000FF takes the values store in the "roundtrip" variable and
colors it blue using the hex code 0000FF.
"latency(ms)" is the label in the legend printed at the bottom of the
picture. To the left of the label is a small square filled with the color of
the data being graphed. In this case the box is colored blue (0000FF)
GPRINT:roundtrip:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" -- GPRINT is used to print to
the legend. It will do a calculation using only the data that is in the current
graph. This is very useful if you want to see the minimum and maximum values
for a certain time frame and not all the values in the database. The GPRINT
values used here print out the current, average, maximum and minimum round trip
(rtt) times according to the current graphed data set.
GPRINT may stand for graphics print. Not very descriptive really.
roundtrip are the values we are using.
LAST is the last value seen when the graph was made. In effect, this is
current value in the database when the "rrdtool graph" command was called.
"Cur\: %5.2lf" is the label in the legend. This is the "Cur"rent value and
the print format is floating 5 values on the left and 2 on he right of the
COMMENT:"pkt loss\:" -- comments can be added to the legend using this directive.
AREA:PLNone#FFFFFF:"0%":STACK -- This is very similar to the LINE1
directive above. The AREA directive colors between a range of values.
AREA means color between two points.
PLNone#FFFFFF means the variable PLNone will be colored white (FFFFFF).
"0%" is the legend label.
STACK says that this AREA color should stack on top of the previous LINE1
directive. Think of the the blue line made from the LINE1 statement above is
the base. This white colored AREA goes from that blue line to the top of the
graph (infinity).
/t and /n -- are tabs and new line characters. We use these in the
create_graph.sh script to properly format the legend at the bottom of the
picture. In the very newest versions of RRDTool they have included the "/u"
command. This means go back up one line. Most RRDtool installs are old so we
have used tabs and new lines to be backwards compatable.
Add to the cron job to collect the data and create the graph
Adding the create_graph.sh script as the second line to the cron job will
now collect the data and create a graph. This example will continue to collect
data every minute. The create_graph.sh script will run on the 1st and 31st
minute of the hour between the hours of 10am and 10pm (22:00).
user@machine# crontab -e
#minute (0-59)
hour (0-23)
day of the month (1-31)
month of the year (1-12)
day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sun)
#### rrdtool latency check
1,31 10-22 *
/tools/rrdtool/latency/create_graph.sh && /dev/null 2&&1
The following examples are composed of a graph and the scripts necessary to
make the graph. If you have questions about the directives look at the simple
example Ping graph above. We are using the same directives and uniform formats.
OpenBSD Pfstat replacement ()
This our example of using RRDtool to replace the package Pfstat.
Once you learn to make your own graphs you can customize them to your
Explaining the graphs. The example picture shows 3 graphs in total,
but they are used together to see patterns in Pf. The top graph shows the
bandwidth in bytes per second on the left side and total states per second on
the right. The second graph displays the packet rate. We have packets passed in
and out per second on the left and packets which are blocked in and out on the
right.The third graph is for pf states. Inserts and removal per second are
graphed on the left and searches of the state table per second on the right. The
title is in black at the top and at the bottom in a watermark (light gray) is
the date and time the graph was created. When reading the graph remember that
new data is on the right and the oldest data is on the left. The "calomel.org"
watermark is not part of rrdtool and just used to identify our site.
All three graphs are used together to see the relationship between bandwidth
and packet rate as it relates to state searches for example.
Working directory. We will being putting all of the files into a
working directory we made up called, "/tools/rrdtool/pf_stats/". This is where
the three(3) scripts, the database and the three(3) graphs will reside. Once
the graph is made it can be copied to a web directory like,
Step 1 of 3. Initialize the rrd database
The following scrollable window contains the command we used to make the rrd
file. Cut and paste the script into a file called,
"initialize_database.sh" and make it executable with "chmod 755
update_rrd_database.sh". The rrdtool lines in the file are one command, but we
have put line breaks ( \ is a line break ) in to create multiple lines so it is
easier to read and explain.
user@machine# cat initialize_database.sh
## change directory to the rrdtool script dir
cd /tools/rrdtool/pf_stats/
rrdtool create pf_stats_db.rrd \
--step 60 \
DS:BytesIn:COUNTER:120:0:00 \
DS:BytesOut:COUNTER:120:0:00 \
DS:PktsInPass:COUNTER:120:0:00 \
DS:PktsInBlock:COUNTER:120:0:00 \
DS:PktsOutPass:COUNTER:120:0:00 \
DS:PktsOutBlock:COUNTER:120:0:00 \
DS:States:GAUGE:120:0:00 \
DS:StateSearchs:COUNTER:120:0:00 \
DS:StateInserts:COUNTER:120:0:00 \
DS:StateRemovals:COUNTER:120:0:00 \
Step 2 of 3: Update the rrd database with data
This is a shell script to collect the data from the "pfctl -si" command.
Before using this script make sure the paths at the top of the script match the
paths on your system. These paths are for the latest release of OpenBSD.
user@machine# cat update_rrd_database.sh
pfctl_info() {
local output=$($pfctl -si 2&&1)
local temp=$(echo "$output" | $gawk '
BEGIN {BytesIn=0; BytesOut=0; PktsInPass=0; PktsInBlock=0; \
PktsOutPass=0; PktsOutBlock=0; States=0; StateSearchs=0; \
StateInserts=0; StateRemovals=0}
/Bytes In/ { BytesIn = $3 }
/Bytes Out/ { BytesOut = $3 }
/Packets In/ {PktsInPass = $2 }
/Passed/ {PktsInBlock = $2 }
/Packets Out/ {PktsOutPass = $2 }
/Passed/ {PktsOutBlock = $2 }
/current entries/ { States = $3 }
/searches/ { StateSearchs = $2 }
/inserts/ { StateInserts = $2 }
/removals/ { StateRemovals = $2 }
END {print BytesIn ":" BytesOut ":" PktsInPass ":" \
PktsInBlock ":" PktsOutPass ":" PktsOutBlock ":" \
States ":" StateSearchs ":" StateInserts ":" StateRemovals}
### change to the script directory
cd /tools/rrdtool/pf_stats/
### collect the data
### update the database
$rrdtool update pf_stats_db.rrd --template BytesIn:BytesOut:PktsInPass:PktsInBlock:PktsOutPass:PktsOutBlock:States:StateSearchs:StateInserts:StateRemovals N:$RETURN_VALUE
Step 3 of 3: Graph the results
After you have the cron job running for ten minutes or so you should have
enough data to see on the graphs. A cron job example is at the bottom of this
example. Copy and paste the following script we call "create_graph.sh" and
make it executable with "chmod 755 create_graph.sh".
user@machine# cat create_graph.sh
### change to the script directory
cd /tools/rrdtool/pf_stats/
######## pf bandwidth and states graph
/usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph pf_stats_bytes_states.png \
-w 785 -h 151 -a PNG \
--slope-mode \
--start end-86400 --end now \
--font DEFAULT:7: \
--title "pf bandwidth and states" \
--watermark "`date`" \
--vertical-label "bytes/sec" \
--right-axis-label "states" \
--right-axis 0.001:0 \
--x-grid MINUTE:10:HOUR:1:MINUTE:120:0:%R \
--alt-y-grid --rigid \
DEF:BytesIn=pf_stats_db.rrd:BytesIn:MAX \
DEF:BytesOut=pf_stats_db.rrd:BytesOut:MAX \
DEF:States=pf_stats_db.rrd:States:MAX \
CDEF:scaled_States=States,1000,* \
AREA:BytesIn#33CC33:"bytes in " \
GPRINT:BytesIn:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:BytesIn:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:BytesIn:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\t\t" \
LINE1:scaled_States#FF0000:"states" \
GPRINT:States:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:States:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:States:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:States:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\n" \
LINE1:BytesOut#0000CC:"bytes out" \
GPRINT:BytesOut:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:BytesOut:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:BytesOut:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:BytesOut:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf"
######## pf packet rate graph
/usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph pf_stats_packets.png \
-w 785 -h 151 -a PNG \
--slope-mode \
--start -86400 --end now \
--font DEFAULT:7: \
--title "pf packet rate" \
--watermark "`date`" \
--vertical-label "pass packets/sec" \
--right-axis-label "block packets/sec" \
--right-axis 0.01:0 \
--right-axis-format %1.1lf \
--x-grid MINUTE:10:HOUR:1:MINUTE:120:0:%R \
--alt-y-grid --rigid \
DEF:PktsInPass=pf_stats_db.rrd:PktsInPass:MAX \
DEF:PktsOutPass=pf_stats_db.rrd:PktsOutPass:MAX \
DEF:PktsInBlock=pf_stats_db.rrd:PktsInBlock:MAX \
DEF:PktsOutBlock=pf_stats_db.rrd:PktsOutBlock:MAX \
CDEF:scaled_PktsInBlock=PktsInBlock,100,* \
CDEF:scaled_PktsOutBlock=PktsOutBlock,100,* \
AREA:PktsInPass#33CC33:"pass in " \
GPRINT:PktsInPass:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PktsInPass:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PktsInPass:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PktsInPass:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\t\t" \
LINE1:scaled_PktsInBlock#FF0000:"block in " \
GPRINT:PktsInBlock:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PktsInBlock:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PktsInBlock:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PktsInBlock:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\n" \
LINE1:PktsOutPass#0000CC:"pass out" \
GPRINT:PktsOutPass:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PktsOutPass:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PktsOutPass:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\t\t" \
LINE1:scaled_PktsOutBlock#FF8000:"block out" \
GPRINT:PktsOutBlock:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PktsOutBlock:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PktsOutBlock:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PktsOutBlock:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\t\t"
######## pf state rate graph
/usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph pf_stats_states.png \
-w 785 -h 151 -a PNG \
--slope-mode \
--start -86400 --end now \
--font DEFAULT:7: \
--title "pf state rate" \
--watermark "`date`" \
--vertical-label "states/sec" \
--right-axis-label "searches/sec" \
--right-axis 100:0 \
--x-grid MINUTE:10:HOUR:1:MINUTE:120:0:%R \
--alt-y-grid --rigid \
DEF:StateInserts=pf_stats_db.rrd:StateInserts:MAX \
DEF:StateRemovals=pf_stats_db.rrd:StateRemovals:MAX \
DEF:StateSearchs=pf_stats_db.rrd:StateSearchs:MAX \
CDEF:scaled_StateSearchs=StateSearchs,0.01,* \
AREA:StateInserts#33CC33:"inserts" \
GPRINT:StateInserts:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:StateInserts:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:StateInserts:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:StateInserts:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\t\t" \
LINE1:scaled_StateSearchs#FF0000:"searches" \
GPRINT:StateSearchs:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:StateSearchs:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:StateSearchs:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:StateSearchs:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\n" \
LINE1:StateRemovals#0000CC:"removal" \
GPRINT:StateRemovals:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:StateRemovals:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:StateRemovals:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:StateRemovals:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf"
####### copy to the web directory
cp pf_stats_*.png /var/www/htdocs/
Add to the cron job to collect the data and create the graph
This example will continue to collect data every minute in accordance the
step 60 we specified in the database. The create_graph.sh script will run on
the 1st and 31st minute of the hour between the hours of 10am and 10pm (22:00).
user@machine# crontab -e
#minute (0-59)
hour (0-23)
day of the month (1-31)
month of the year (1-12)
day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sun)
#### rrdtool pf firewall statistics
1,31 10-22 *
/tools/rrdtool/pf_stat/create_graph.sh && /dev/null 2&&1
OpenBSD System Health ()
Explaining the graph. Here are are graphing the general system health
of an OpenBSD machine. The bottom lower left of the picture shows the legend
for the data scaled on the left hand side of the graph. The left side vertical
legend specifies this data is hw.sensors. The right hand side of the graph
shows the cpu, psu and fan speeds scaled to fit on the same graph. There is a
lot of data on the graph, but what we are looking for is patterns deviating
from normal. If we see any of the colored horizontal lines spike then we know to
take a look at what happened and why. For example, notice at 14:00 on the graph
a spike in cpu speed (light green), cpu frequency (red) and system load (blue).
This was due to a job that was running to compile statistics from the logs.
The title is in black at the top and at the bottom in a watermark (light
gray) is the date and time the graph was created. When reading the graph
remember that new data is on the right and the oldest data is on the left. The
"calomel.org" watermark is not part of rrdtool and just used to identify our
Working directory. Put all of the files into a working directory
called, "/tools/rrdtool/health/". This is where the three(3) scripts, the
database and the graph will reside. Once the graph is made it can be copied to
a web directory like, "/var/www/htdocs/".
Step 1 of 3. Initialize the rrd database
The following scrollable window contains the command we used to make the rrd
file. Cut and paste the script into a file called,
"initialize_database.sh" and make it executable with "chmod 755
update_rrd_database.sh". The rrdtool lines in the file are one command, but we
have put line breaks ( \ is a line break ) in to create multiple lines so it is
easier to read and explain.
user@machine# cat initialize_database.sh
### change to the script directory
cd /tools/rrdtool/health/
rrdtool create health_db.rrd \
--step 60 \
DS:MbTemp:GAUGE:120:0:00 \
DS:CpuTemp:GAUGE:120:0:00 \
DS:CpuFan:GAUGE:120:0:00 \
DS:PSFan:GAUGE:120:0:00 \
DS:VCore:GAUGE:120:0:00 \
DS:Plus12V:GAUGE:120:0:00 \
DS:Plus3V:GAUGE:120:0:00 \
DS:Plus5V:GAUGE:120:0:00 \
DS:Neg12V:GAUGE:120:0:00 \
DS:CpuSpeed:GAUGE:120:0:00 \
DS:LoadAvg:GAUGE:120:0:00 \
Step 2 of 3: Update the rrd database with data
This is a shell script to collect the data from the "sysctl" command.
Before using this script make sure the paths at the top of the script match the
paths on your system. These paths are for the latest release of OpenBSD.
user@machine# cat update_rrd_database.sh
health_info() {
local output=$($sysctl 2&&1)
local temp=$(echo "$output" | $gawk '
BEGIN {MbTemp=0; CpuTemp=0; CpuFan=0; PSFan=0; \
VCore=0; Plus12V=0; Plus3V=0; Plus5V=0; \
Neg12V=0; CpuSpeed=0}
{FS = "[= ]"}
/hw.sensors.lm1.temp0/ {MbTemp = $2 }
/hw.sensors.lm1.temp1/ { CpuTemp = $2 }
/hw.sensors.lm1.fan1/ { CpuFan = $2 }
/hw.sensors.lm1.fan2/ { PSFan = $2 }
/hw.sensors.lm1.volt0/ { VCore = $2 }
/hw.sensors.lm1.volt1/ { Plus12V = $2 }
/hw.sensors.lm1.volt2/ { Plus3V = $2 }
/hw.sensors.lm1.volt3/ { Plus5V = $2 }
/hw.sensors.lm1.volt4/ { Neg12V = $2 }
/hw.cpuspeed/ { CpuSpeed = $2 }
/vm.loadavg/ { LoadAvg = $3 }
END {print MbTemp ":" CpuTemp ":" CpuFan ":" PSFan ":" VCore ":" Plus12V ":" Plus3V ":" Plus5V ":" Neg12V ":" CpuSpeed ":" LoadAvg }
### change to the script directory
cd /tools/rrdtool/health/
### collect the data
### update the database
$rrdtool update health_db.rrd --template MbTemp:CpuTemp:CpuFan:PSFan:VCore:Plus12V:Plus3V:Plus5V:Neg12V:CpuSpeed:LoadAvg N:$RETURN_VALUE
Step 3 of 3: Graph the results
After you have the cron job running for ten minutes or so you should have
enough data to see on the graph. A cron job example is at the bottom of this
example. Copy and paste the following script we call "create_graph.sh" and
make it executable with "chmod 755 create_graph.sh".
user@machine# cat create_graph.sh
### change to the script directory
cd /tools/rrdtool/health/
## Graph for last 24 hours
/usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph health_of_system.png \
-w 785 -h 151 -a PNG \
--slope-mode \
--logarithmic --units=si \
--start end-86400 --end now \
--font DEFAULT:7: \
--title "system health" \
--watermark "`date`" \
--vertical-label "hw.sensors" \
--right-axis-label "speeds" \
--right-axis 100:0 \
--x-grid MINUTE:10:HOUR:1:MINUTE:120:0:%R \
--alt-y-grid --rigid \
DEF:MbTemp=health_db.rrd:MbTemp:MAX \
DEF:CpuTemp=health_db.rrd:CpuTemp:MAX \
DEF:CpuFan=health_db.rrd:CpuFan:MAX \
DEF:PSFan=health_db.rrd:PSFan:MAX \
DEF:VCore=health_db.rrd:VCore:MAX \
DEF:Plus12V=health_db.rrd:Plus12V:MAX \
DEF:Plus3V=health_db.rrd:Plus3V:MAX \
DEF:Plus5V=health_db.rrd:Plus5V:MAX \
DEF:Neg12V=health_db.rrd:Neg12V:MAX \
DEF:CpuSpeed=health_db.rrd:CpuSpeed:MAX \
DEF:LoadAvg=health_db.rrd:LoadAvg:MAX \
CDEF:scaled_CpuFan=CpuFan,0.01,* \
CDEF:scaled_PSFan=PSFan,0.01,* \
CDEF:scaled_CpuSpeed=CpuSpeed,0.01,* \
LINE1:MbTemp#009900:"MB Temp " \
GPRINT:MbTemp:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:MbTemp:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:MbTemp:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:MbTemp:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\t\t" \
LINE1:scaled_CpuFan#FF9900:"CPU Fan " \
GPRINT:CpuFan:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:CpuFan:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:CpuFan:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:CpuFan:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\n" \
LINE1:CpuTemp#00D600:"CPU temp" \
GPRINT:CpuTemp:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:CpuTemp:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:CpuTemp:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:CpuTemp:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\t\t" \
LINE1:scaled_PSFan#FF1A00:"PSU Fan " \
%5.2lf\n" \
LINE1:VCore#D600D6:"CPU 1.1V" \
GPRINT:VCore:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:VCore:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:VCore:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:VCore:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\t\t" \
LINE1:scaled_CpuSpeed#FF0066:"CPU Freq" \
GPRINT:CpuSpeed:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:CpuSpeed:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:CpuSpeed:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:CpuSpeed:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\n" \
GPRINT:Plus12V:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:Plus12V:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:Plus12V:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:Plus12V:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\n" \
GPRINT:Plus3V:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:Plus3V:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:Plus3V:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:Plus3V:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\n" \
GPRINT:Plus5V:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:Plus5V:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:Plus5V:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:Plus5V:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\n" \
GPRINT:Neg12V:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:Neg12V:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:Neg12V:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:Neg12V:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\n" \
LINE1:LoadAvg#0000FF:"Load Avg" \
GPRINT:LoadAvg:LAST:"Cur\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:LoadAvg:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:LoadAvg:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:LoadAvg:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf\n" \
## copy to the web directory
cp health_*.png /var/www/htdocs/
Add to the cron job to collect the data and create the graph
This example will continue to collect data every minute. The create_graph.sh
script will run on the 1st and 31st minute of the hour between the hours of
10am and 10pm (22:00).
user@machine# crontab -e
#minute (0-59)
hour (0-23)
day of the month (1-31)
month of the year (1-12)
day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sun)
#### rrdtool latency check
1,31 10-22 *
/tools/rrdtool/health/create_graph.sh && /dev/null 2&&1
OpenBSD Spamdb and Postfix ()
Explaining the graph. This graph shows SMTP traffic as reported by
both OpenBSD's Spamd and Postfix. The vertical center line of the graph is
positive values are data collected from Spamdb and negative data is
Postfix. Data is collected every hour and this explains why the graph looks more
"step like" compared to our other examples. The blue area fill is the amount of
time spamd has trapped spammers. The other colors are lines and defined clearly
in the legend. The title is in black at the top and at the bottom in a
watermark (light gray) is the date and time the graph was created. When reading
the graph remember that new data is on the right and the oldest data is on the
left. The "calomel.org" watermark is not part of rrdtool and just used to
identify our site.
Working directory. Put all of the files into a working directory
called, "/tools/rrdtool/spamdb/". This is where the three(3) scripts, the
database and the graph will reside. Once the graph is made it can be copied to
a web directory like, "/var/www/htdocs/".
Step 1 of 3. Initialize the rrd database
The following scrollable window contains the command we used to make the rrd
file. Cut and paste the script into a file called,
"initialize_database.sh" and make it executable with "chmod 755
update_rrd_database.sh". The rrdtool lines in the file are one command, but we
have put line breaks ( \ is a line break ) in to create multiple lines so it is
easier to read and explain.
user@machine# cat initialize_database.sh
### change to the script directory
cd /tools/rrdtool/spamdb/
rrdtool create spamdb_db.rrd \
--step 3600 \
DS:SpamdTime:GAUGE:00000 \
DS:SpamdConn:GAUGE:00000 \
DS:SpamdGrey:GAUGE:00000 \
DS:SpamdBlack:GAUGE:00000 \
DS:PostfixConnIn:GAUGE:00000 \
DS:PostfixConnOut:GAUGE:00000 \
DS:PostfixRejected:GAUGE:00000 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:1:1500 \
Step 2 of 3: Update the rrd database with data
This is a shell script to collect the data from the daemon and maillog logs.
Before using this script make sure the paths at the top of the script match the
paths on your system. These paths are for the latest release of OpenBSD.
user@machine# cat update_rrd_database.sh
### collect the data
current_hour=`date "+%b %e %H"`
spamdb_output="`cat /var/log/daemon | grep \"$current_hour\"`"
postfix_output="`cat /var/log/maillog | grep \"$current_hour\"`"
SpamdTime=$(echo "$spamdb_output" | grep disconnected | awk '{s += $9} END {print s/60}')
SpamdConn=$(echo "$spamdb_output" | grep -c disconnected)
SpamdGrey=$(echo "$spamdb_output" | grep disconnected | grep -vc spamd-greytrap)
SpamdBlack=$(echo "$spamdb_output" | grep disconnected | grep -c spamd-greytrap)
PostfixConnIn=$(echo "$postfix_output" | grep -c relay=local)
PostfixConnOut=$(echo "$postfix_output" | grep relay | grep -vc local)
PostfixRejected=$(echo "$postfix_output" | grep -c rejected)
### change to the script directory
cd /tools/rrdtool/spamdb/
### update the database
$rrdtool update spamdb_db.rrd --template SpamdTime:SpamdConn:SpamdGrey:SpamdBlack:PostfixConnIn:PostfixConnOut:PostfixRejected N:$RETURN_VALUE
Step 3 of 3: Graph the results
After you have the cron job running for a few hours you should have enough
data to see on the graph. A cron job example is at the bottom of this example.
Copy and paste the following script we call "create_graph.sh" and make it
executable with "chmod 755 create_graph.sh".
user@machine# cat create_graph.sh
### change to the script directory
cd /tools/rrdtool/spamdb/
## SMTP graph
/usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph spamdb_graph.png \
-w 785 -h 120 -a PNG \
--slope-mode \
--start -604800 --end -3600 \
--font DEFAULT:7: \
--title "smtp traffic (1 hour resolution)" \
--watermark "`date`" \
--vertical-label "&-Postfix/Spamd-&" \
--right-axis-label "&-Postfix/Spamd-&" \
--right-axis 1:0 \
--alt-y-grid --rigid \
DEF:SpamdTime=spamdb_db.rrd:SpamdTime:MAX \
DEF:SpamdConn=spamdb_db.rrd:SpamdConn:MAX \
DEF:SpamdGrey=spamdb_db.rrd:SpamdGrey:MAX \
DEF:SpamdBlack=spamdb_db.rrd:SpamdBlack:MAX \
DEF:PostfixConnIn=spamdb_db.rrd:PostfixConnIn:MAX \
DEF:PostfixConnOut=spamdb_db.rrd:PostfixConnOut:MAX \
DEF:PostfixRejected=spamdb_db.rrd:PostfixRejected:MAX \
CDEF:scaled_SpamdTime=SpamdTime,0.1,* \
CDEF:neg_PostfixConnIn=PostfixConnIn,-1,* \
CDEF:neg_PostfixConnOut=PostfixConnOut,-1,* \
CDEF:neg_PostfixRejected=PostfixRejected,-1,* \
AREA:scaled_SpamdTime#3D8BFF:"trap (minutes)\t" \
GPRINT:SpamdTime:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:SpamdTime:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:SpamdTime:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf\t\t\t\t" \
LINE1:neg_PostfixConnIn#00CC00:"postfix incoming" \
GPRINT:PostfixConnIn:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PostfixConnIn:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PostfixConnIn:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf\n" \
LINE1:SpamdConn#00CC00:"spamd incoming\t" \
GPRINT:SpamdConn:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:SpamdConn:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:SpamdConn:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf\t\t\t\t" \
LINE1:neg_PostfixConnOut#00CCCC:"postfix outgoing" \
GPRINT:PostfixConnOut:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PostfixConnOut:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PostfixConnOut:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf\n" \
LINE1:SpamdGrey#FF8000:"grey listed ips\t" \
GPRINT:SpamdGrey:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:SpamdGrey:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:SpamdGrey:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf\t\t\t\t" \
LINE1:neg_PostfixRejected#FF0000:"postfix rejected" \
GPRINT:PostfixRejected:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PostfixRejected:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:PostfixRejected:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf\n" \
LINE1:SpamdBlack#FF0000:"black listed ips\t" \
GPRINT:SpamdBlack:MIN:"Min\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:SpamdBlack:AVERAGE:"Avg\: %5.2lf" \
GPRINT:SpamdBlack:MAX:"Max\: %5.2lf" \
## copy to the web directory
cp spamdb_graph.png /var/www/htdocs/
Add to the cron job to collect the data and create the graph
This example will continue to collect data every hour on the 59th minute.
The create_graph.sh script will run on the 1st and 31st minute of the hour
between the hours of 10am and 10pm (22:00).
user@machine# crontab -e
#minute (0-59)
hour (0-23)
day of the month (1-31)
month of the year (1-12)
day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sun)
#### rrdtool latency check
1,31 10-22 *
/tools/rrdtool/spamdb/create_graph.sh && /dev/null 2&&1
How long does RRDtool take to make a graph ?All of the
graphs on this page take less than a second each to create. The update of the
database also takes less than a second.


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