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Whats your hobby
Whats your hobby
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What&s your hobby
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推荐出品人From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Hobby: Collecting Seashells
The origin of the word hobby in , a characters' "hobby-horses", or particular obsessions
A hobby is a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's
time. Hobbies can include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements. A
is lengthy and always changing as
change. By continually participating in a particular hobby, one can acquire substantial skill and knowledge in that area. Engagement in hobbies has increased since the late nineteenth century as workers have more leisure time and advancing production and technology have provided more support for leisure activities. As some hobbies have become less popular, like , others have been created following technological advances, like .
Hobbyists are a part of a wider group of people engaged in
pursuits where the boundaries of each group overlap to some extent. The Serious Leisure Perspective groups hobbyists with amateurs and volunteers and identifies three broad groups of leisure activity with hobbies being found mainly in the Serious leisure category.
a. Casual leisure is intrinsically rewarding, short-lived, pleasurable activity requiring little or no preparation
b. Serious leisure is the systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer that is substantial, rewarding and results in a sense of accomplishment.
c. Project-based leisure is a short-term often a one-off project that is rewarding.
Writing articles for Wikipedia is a hobby for some people.
In the 16th century, the term "hobyn " had the meaning of "small horse and pony ". The term "" was documented in a 1557 payment confirmation for a "Hobbyhorse" from Reading, England. The item, originally called a "Tourney Horse", was made of a wooden or basketwork frame with an artificial tail and head. It was designed for a child to mimic riding a real . By 1816 the , "hobby", was introduced into the
of a number of English people. Over the course of subsequent centuries, the term came to be associated with
and . In the 17th century, the term was used in a
sense by suggesting that a hobby was a childish pursuit, however in the 18th century with a more industrial society and more leisure time, hobbies took on greater respectability A hobby is also called a pastime, derived from the use of hobbies to pass the time. A hobby became an activity that is practised regularly and usually with some worthwhile purpose. Hobbies are usually, but not always, practised primarily for interest and enjoyment, rather than financial reward.
The origins pursuits that others thought somewhat childish or trivial. However, as early as 1676 Sir Matthew Hale, in Contemplations Moral and Divine, wrote "Almost every person hath some hobby horse or other wherein he prides himself." He was acknowledging that a "hobby horse" produces a legitimate sense of pride. By the mid 18th century there was a flourishing of hobbies as working people had more regular hours of work and greater leisure time. They spent more time to pursue interests that brought them satisfaction. However, there was concern that these working people might not use their leisure time in worthwhile pursuits. "The hope of weaning people away from bad habits by the provision of counter-attractions came to the fore in the 1830s, and has rarely waned since. Initially the bad habits were perceived to be of a sensual and physical nature, and the counter attractions, or perhaps more accurately alternatives, deliberately cultivated rationality and the intellect." The flourishing book and magazine trade of the day encouraged worthwhile hobbies and pursuits. The burgeoning manufacturing trade made materials used in hobbies cheap and was responsive to the changing interests of hobbyists.
The English have been identified as enthusiastic hobbyists, as George Orwell observed. "[A]nother English characteristic which is so much a part of us that we barely notice it … is the addiction to hobbies and spare-time occupations, the privateness of English life. We are a nation of flower-lovers, but also a nation of stamp-collectors, pigeon-fanciers, amateur carpenters, coupon-snippers, darts-players, crossword-puzzle fans. All the culture that is most truly native centres round things which even when they are communal are not official—the pub, the football match, the back garden, the fireside and the ‘nice cup of tea’."
Deciding what to include in a
provokes debate because it is difficult to decide which pleasurable pass-times can also be described as hobbies. During the 20th century the term hobby usually brought to mind activities such as stamp collecting, embroidery, knitting, painting, woodwork, photography, but not activities like listening to music, watching television or reading. These latter activities bring pleasure but lack the sense of achievement that is usually associated with a hobby. They are usually not structured, organised pursuits, as are most hobbies. The pleasure of a hobby is usually associated with making something of value or achieving something of value. "Such leisure is socially valorised precisely because it produces feelings of satisfaction with something that looks very much like work but that is done of its own sake." "Hobbies are a contradiction: they take work and turn it into leisure, and take leisure and turn it into work."
The terms amateur and hobbyist are often used interchangeably. Stebbins has a framework which distinguishes the terms has a useful categorisation of leisure in which he separates casual leisure from serious Leisure. He describes serious leisure as that undertaken by amateurs, hobbyists and volunteers. Amateurs engage in pursuits that have a professional counterpart, such as playing an instrument or astronomy. Hobbyists engage in five broad types of activity: collecting, making and tinkering (like embroidery and car restoration), activity participation (like fishing and singing), sports and games, and liberal-arts hobbies (like languages, cuisine, literature). Volunteers commit to organisations where they work as guides, counsellors, gardeners and so on. The separation of the amateur from the hobbyist is because the amateur has the ethos of the professional practitioner as a guide to practice. An amateur clarinetist is conscious of the role and procedures of a professional clarinetist.
A large proportion of hobbies are mainly solitary in nature. However, individual pursuit of a hobby often includes club membership, organised sharing of products and regular communication between participants. For many hobbies there is an important role in being in touch with fellow hobbyists. Some hobbies of course are communal in nature, like choral singing and volunteering.
During the 20th century there was extensive research into the important role that
has in human development. While most evident in childhood, play continues throughout life for many adults in the form of games, hobbies, and sport.
The type of hobbies that people engage in changes as the world changes. In the 21st century the
industry is very large hobby involving millions of kids and adults in various forms of 'play'.
has declined along with the decline in the importance of the postal system.
have declined as hobbies as manufactured goods provide cheap alternatives for handmade goods. Through the internet an
has become a hobby for many people, sharing advice, information and support, and in some cases, allowing a traditional hobby, such as , to flourish and support trading in a new environment .
People who engage in hobbies are those who have an interests and time to pursue them. Children have long been an important group of hobbyists because they often having enthusiasms for collecting, making and exploring and they tend to have plenty of leisure time. The growth in hobbies occurred following industrialisation which gave workers set time for leisure. During the Depression there was an increase in participation in hobbies, because unemployed had time and a desire to be purposefully occupied. Hobbies are often pursued with increased interest by retired people because they have time and seek the intellectual and physical stimulation of a hobby. Studies of
support the value of hobbies in healthy ageing.
For a more comprehensive list, see .
Hobbies are a diverse set of activities and it is difficult to categorize them in a logical manner. The following categorization of hobbies was developed by Stebbins.
Main article:
Collecting includes seeking, locating, acquiring, organizing, cataloging, displaying and storing. Collecting is appealing to many people due to their interest in a particular subject and a desire to categorise and make order out of complexity. Some collectors are generalists, accumulating items from countries of the world. Others focus on a subtopic within their area of interest, perhaps 19th century ,
from Sussex, or Mongolian harnesses and tack.
Collecting is an ancient hobby, with the
as an early coin collector. Sometimes collectors have turned their hobby into a business, becoming commercial dealers that trade in the items being collected.
An alternative to collecting physical objects is collecting records of events of a particular kind. Examples include , , , , and any other form of systematic recording a particular phenomenon. The recording form can be written, photographic, online, or any combination of forms.
is making a replica of a real object in a smaller scale goes back to prehistoric times with small clay "dolls" and other children's toys having been found near known populated areas. The , , and
took the form to a greater depth during their years of world domination, using scale replicas of enemy , coastal defense lines, and other geographic fixtures to plan battles.
At the turn of the Industrial Age and on through the 1920s, families could often afford things such as , wind-up toys (typically boats or cars) and the increasingly valuable tin toy soldiers.
refers to building functioning machinery in metal, such as
motors and
models or locomotives. This is a demanding hobby, requiring a multitude of large and expensive tools, such as
and . This hobby originated in the United Kingdom in the late 19th century, later spreading and flourishing in the mid-20th century. Due to the expense and space required, it is becoming rare.
Scale modeling as we know it today became popular shortly after . Before 1946, children as well as adults were content in carving and shaping wooden replicas from block wood kits, often depicting enemy aircraft to help with identification in case of an invasion.
A coffee-table sized
With the advent of modern plastics, the amount of skill required to get the basic shape accurately shown for any given subject was lessened, making it easier for people of all ages to begin assembling replicas in varying scales. Superheroes, aeroplanes, boats, cars, tanks, artillery, and even figures of soldiers became quite popular subjects to build, paint and display. Although almost any subject can be found in almost any scale, there are common scales for such miniatures which remain constant today.
is a relatively new technology and is already a major hobby as the cost of printers has fallen sharply. It is a good example of how hobbyists quickly engage with new technologies, communicate with one another and become producers related to their former hobby.
is the process of making mathematical representations of three dimensional items and is an aspect of 3D printing.
has been a major hobby up until the late 20th century, partly in order to make cheap clothes, but also as a creative design and craft challenge. It has been reduced by the low cost of manufactured clothes.
is for some people an interest, a hobby, a challenge and a source of significant satisfaction. For many other people it is a job, a chore, a necessary duty, like cleaning. In the early 21st century the importance of cooking as a hobby is demonstrated by the high popularity of competitive television cooking programs.
Tinkering is 'dabbling' with the making process, often applied to the major hobby of tinkering with car repairs, and various kinds of restoration: of furniture,
etc. It also applies to household tinkering: repairing a wall, laying a pathway etc.
Main article:
are the group of
which occur . These hobbies include , , , , , , , , , ,
(as ) and engaging in
Depending on an individual's desired level of adrenaline, outdoors experiences are considered one type of hobby. While many enjoy an adrenaline rush or just an escape from reality, outdoor recreational activities can also be an extremely effective medium in education and .[]
As interest increases, so has the desire for commercial outdoor pursuits. Outdoor recreational supply stores have opened in large numbers and are thriving, as have outdoor pursuit
and magazines, both on paper and the Internet.
The increased accessibility of outdoor pursuit resources has been the source of some negative publicity over the years, with complaints of the destruction of . An example is the destruction of
are eroded due to an excessive number of visitors.
Main article:
most often takes place in or about one's own residence, in a space referred to as the . Although a garden typically is located on the land near a residence, it may also be located on a , in an , on a , in a , or on a
Gardening also takes place in non-residential green areas, such as , public or semi-public gardens ( or ),
and , along transportation corridors, and around
and . In these situations, a staff of
maintains the gardens.
A variety of flowers and vegetables in an indoor garden.
Indoor gardening is growing
or building, in a , or in a .
are sometimes incorporated into
Water gardening is growing plants that have adapted to pools and ponds.
gardens are also considered a type of water garden. These all require special conditions and considerations. A simple water garden may consist solely of a tub containing the water and plant(s).
Container gardening is concerned with growing plants in containers that are placed above the ground.
Main article:
magician performing.
Many hobbies involve performances by the hobbyist, such as , , , , , playing a ,
and other .
Some hobbies result in an end product. Examples of this would be woodworking, , , , software projects such as
or , making ,
such as drawing, painting, writing, etc., The design, creation, and wearing a costume based on an already existing creative property - Cosplay, creating models out of card stock or paper – called . Hobbies also include higher-end projects like building or restoring a car, or building a computer from scratch.
For computer savvy do-it-yourself hobbyists, CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining is also popular. A CNC machine can be assembled and programmed to make different parts from wood or metal.
, , , , , or , along with browsing the
is a common hobby, and one that can trace its origins back hundreds of years. A love of , later in life, may be sparked by an interest in reading children's literature as a child.
Main article:
Main article:
Stebbins makes a distinction between an
sports person playing a sport that has a professional equivalent such as football or tennis and a hobbyist playing a less formal sport or game that are rule bound but have no professional equivalent like
and long distance trekking. Amateur sport ranges from very informal play to highly competitive practice.
Evidence suggests that playing sports helps improve physical and mental health.
There have been many instances where hobbyists and amateurs have achieved significant discoveries and developments. These are a small sample.
Amateur astronomers have explored the skies for centuries and there is a long list of
who have made major discoveries.
A substantial amount of early scientific research came from the amateur activities of the wealthy, such as 's contributions to the science of . At that time there were few professional scientists and little formal study in the area. Another example is the experimentation in electricity that
undertook that resulted in his invention of the .
is a development model using the internet to cooperate on projects. It is most notable in the development of software and
has been developed and maintained by large numbers of people programming collectively. Many of these contributors are professional programmers, but a proportion are home-based amateurs, often with high level expertise. Open source contributes to many other projects, including those of the
and notably the
where thousands of hobbyists have built the most used reference source in the world. The
computer operating system began as a student's hobby by
and is now one of the most significant. Linux is Linus plus X representing Unix upon which it was based.
While the general public was not aware of nature observation which was formally conducted as , during the 1930s, practitioners of the hobby went on to become the
that flourished in the UK from 1965 onwards. Eventually, it became a global
within a generation's time span.[]
. The Serious Leisure Perspective (SLP).
Stebbins, Robert (2015). Serious Leisure - A Perspective for Our Time, Transaction Publishers, 2015,. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.
The Phrase Finder (). . The Phrase Finder. Gary Martin 2012.
(). . Online Etymology Dictionary. Douglas Harper 2012.
Gelber S M. ‘’Hobbies: leisure and the Culture of Work in America’’ Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 11.
Gelber S M. ‘’Hobbies: leisure and the Culture of Work in America’’ Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 12.
Sir Matthew Hale (1676). . Printed by William Godbid, for William Shrowbury at the Bible in Duke-Lane, and John Leigh at the Blew Bell Fleet Street near Chancery-lane. p.&#160;201.
Gelber S M. ‘’Hobbies: leisure and the Culture of Work in America’’ Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 3.
Thomson F M L. ‘’The Cambridge Social History of Britain,
Vol 2’’. Cambridge University Press, 1990, p. 327
Orwell, George (28 February 1941). . England Your England.
Gelber S M. ‘’Hobbies: leisure and the Culture of Work in America’’ Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 23.
Gelber S M. ‘’Hobbies: leisure and the Culture of Work in America’’ Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 28.
Carlisle R P Ed, ‘’Encyclopedia of Play in Today’s Society Vol 1’’, SAGE Publications, 2009 page x
Gelber, Steven. "A Job You Can't Lose: Work and Hobbies in the Great Depression". Oxford University Press. &#160;.
. HobbyMilling 2012.
. gov.uk 2015.
. Chemical Heritage Foundation. .
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: Hidden categories:六年级英语What is your hobby教案
作者:佚名 教案来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文 章来源莲山 课件 w w w.5Y k J.C om 六年级英语What is your hobby教案Teaching aims: Master the new phrases.Master the sentence pattern: What’s your hobby? I like … . What’s his / her hobby?& He / She likes …. .Difficult points: Usage of “ like doing sth”Teaching steps:Step 1: Let’s chant& & What do you do on the weekend?&Step 2: Daily questions What do you do on the weekend?Can you …?Do you like…?&& ect. Step 3: Presentation1)&&&& (show a basketball)T: Look! What’s this?S: It’s a basketball.T: Yes, I often play basketball on the weekend. I like playing basketball. My hobby is playing basketball.2)&&&& The same procedure to learn the phrase: playing the violin.3)&&&& ( point and ask) --- what’s your hobby?&&& --- I like … .Step 4: Do chain workStep 5: PresentationT: ( ask a student) What’s your hobby?Then ask the others: What’s his / her hobby?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ---- He / She likes … .T: ( show the pictures) Look, what’s his/her hobby?Learn the new phrases: riding a bike, diving , collecting stamps , making kites.Step 6: Let’s chant Step 7: PracticeGive them some verbs: play , make , ride , read , … Have them make sentences,have them say as more as possible.Step 8: Let’s talk Step 9: Practice&& Give them the information, have them make dialogues.Step 10: Read a passage, ask and answer.Step 11: Interview.文 章来源莲山 课件 w w w.5Y k J.C om
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