QT与WPF对于hidpi的wpf 不支持直接内容哪个更给力

The upcomingQt 5.4release betters the support for HiDPI monitors -- displays like the Retina MacBook Pro and others with high pixel densities -- though Qt5 developers need to make some changes to their code to take advantage of these improvements.For those using HiDPI displays or if you're just a Qt5 developer looking to ensure your application is very portable, with Qt 5.4 there is the concept of device independent pixels with a scaling factor to accomodate devices at non-standard pixel densities.Qt5 applications need to opt into using high DPI pixmap support so their users can take advantage of such features. Those with these high-DPI displays can set the DPI under their system settings and also adjust the pixel ratio with theQT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIOenvironment variable.More details on this work can be found viaDavid Edmundson's blog.
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