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page first uploaded 5 December 1998, last modified 12 July 2004CASUISTRY and EQUIVOCATION
or excessively subtle reasoning intended to rationalize or mislead.
act or an instance of equivocating
/ Logic)&Logic&a
based on the use of the same term in different senses, especially as
the middle term of a syllogism, as&the
badger lives in the bank, and the bank is in the High Street, so the
badger lives in the High Street.
We are all constantly bombarded with information from many
sources,& and behind much of it is a subtle
technique used by Jesuits to program thinking, and increase what is
Casuistry (the use of case studies) is employed
plausible, but they are intended to mislead by subtle reasoning.
Sophists are skilled at public speaking in order to sway opinions.
These are Jesuit techniques, and you need to be aware of them when
you see them used on you.
Sophistry is another term
you should define.&
Using casuistry and equivocation, teachers will deceive by
claiming the seal of Daud is a &hexagram,& and therefore evil.
Where are hexagrams found? Snowflakes, flowers, crystals, and many
other creations of Yahusha are hexagrams.
Below is another example of
The email is about the
“evil spirit of Esau”
Esau Past & Present - Please Read This In Its Entirety
Sunday, August 12,
Esau Past & Present - Please Read This In Its Entirety
Shalom u’vrakhah
The attached is a study on Esau past and present and is excellent.
It will open your eyes (wider) to who is wielding the power behind
Islam, Christianity and Orthodox Judaism, and the end time scenario
that is being played out right in front of us by the (evil) spirit
of Esau. This is fully backed up by Scripture as you will see.&
I believe this document gives us the bigger picture of what is
really happening in these very last days.
Lew’s comments:
is the title and text of an email sent to me with a file attachment
of an essay attacki an essay which Adolf Hitler
would have loved.
The essay is anti-semitic, and feeds on hatred and fear, yet comes
across with a &sweetness& that seems to mask a rotting stench, which
is the real motive behind it. It is intended
to breed xenophobia, the fear of
My response is going to be rejected most likely, but it will
hopefully show the truth enough so those that may be effected by
such doctrines will not be swayed.
What follows is my reply, and it is meant to be
poking fun
at the whole idea:
The evil spirit of Esau?
Look out for Esau, his seed is coming for us!
“Little children, let no one lead you astray.& The one doing
righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous.”
It’s not who their parents and grandparents were that matters.
See the discussion on genealogies at
Here’s what Scripture
actually tells us:
we are not to cast blame on the descendants (genealogies) of
6:11, 12:&
“Put on the complete armour of Alahim, for you to have power to
stand against the
schemes of the devil.
we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against authorities, against the
world-rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual
of wickedness in the heavenlies.”&
(Note:& the schemes are not the seed of Esau, and we don’t
wrestle against flesh and blood).
If we were to hunt-down every person we thought might be tainted by
the “seed” of whatever group we believe to be “evil”, we’d wind up
in the same place Adolf Hitler will be enjoying one day, unless Yahusha decides to pardon his crimes.& Not to be disagreeable,
but if there is somehow some human breed (like the seed of Qayin as
some teach) out there manipulating Islam, Christianity, and the
Orthodox Yahudim, and not actual principalities and powers in the
heavenlies (fallen malakim), we’ll have to agree to disagree on
that.& We are not about hate, but guided by Yahusha’s Spirit.&
Romans 12 describes how we are to behave toward all people, and
taken together with Philippians 4, we are not to terrorize one
another with such slander toward others, but speak of uplifting
things.& There is nothing that can separate us from Yahusha’s
love, and nothing we need fear, because He Who is in us is greater
than he who is in the world.& Fear not, little flock, He is
with us until the end of the age.
love never fails, and is the goal.
or excessively subtle reasoning intended to rationalize or mislead.
act or an instance of equivocating
/ Logic)&Logic&a
based on the use of the same term in different senses, especially as
the middle term of a syllogism, as&the
badger lives in the bank, and the bank is in the High Street, so the
badger lives in the High Street.
“Little children, let no one lead you astray.& The one doing
righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous.”
It’s not who their parents and grandparents were that matters.
See the discussion on genealogies at
Torah Institute
POB 436044, Louisville, KY 40253
CHAPLAIN& civilian
endorser for the
Messianic faith groupLu Zu sign of God 3
Sun Bin fifty victims signed the ancients.
Mirror broken the moon, Sun Mountain P
to well-being, thanksgiving free trade.
Solutions: Warring States Period, Art of War Sun Bin and Pang Juan students, after any of Wei Juan , to avoid the patella, to deceive Bin Wei Bin sentence imposed (truncated knee). After the set back by the messenger of Qi, the king appointed as military adviser, after the big break Wei army in the hills, forcing Pang Juan suicide. obtained the signed who work extremely hard business plan, especially the fear of relatives and friends are easily the most intimate terms, even bankruptcy and stir scourge.
poem reads: Yokoyama international water cloud and fog, thousands of mile
things Jian Ecuador Jun Mo to hate, Yi Men melancholy sun set.
Solutions: wandering outside, the inevitable feelings of folks think, in their almost midnight, lonely boring, especially the aftermath of the matter Jian lag distress, the string will be angered Grief , it is melancholy. In this situation, the need to be very patient, good distraction, but also to do good virtue, since there must be god forever preserve peace.
seeking hope: a new scheme is not suitable.
money: even bankruptcy and trouble.
marriage: without success.
itself: virtue to do good blessing.
family home: beware of the evil tongue.
opened: before they can be difficult to maintain the old level.
moved : far should not be near.
travel: going out with disaster and terrorism.
disease: incidence of a hurry, can seek medical treatment.
Rokko: dystocia, carefully nursed back to health.
pedestrians: a block is not to.
litigation: trust a third party settlement to be a disadvantage.
fifty signed ancients meet
REN GUI Tiger and his son sitting hall, the chicken is too
days as people ask,
increasing the number of anti-smile. An without danger, chrysanthemum days to.
Solutions: Xue Rengui for the sake of fame and fortune, then join the army Congrong, after successive years of war, and finally triumphant, homecoming, and found sub-din radio Yan, REN GUI see tiger and mistakenly shot in the din, the man of God after the rescue. obtained some ballot and she is not irritable, and rather to prevent internal and external pay. Fortunately, there are the gods to help, although insurance and anyway, everything shall be deemed care, good luck to fall before.
poem reads: Heaven of the selfless, conscienc
Tangran all ignorant of it, after the situation more difficult to know.
Solutions: Heaven that of humanity, the enemy relying on their own Reflection for conscience to do things is to listen to God, which is that the causal world, so Heaven is selfless. only to the human response is based on the person's actions may be, Tangran completely devoid of conscience, then the results of future What will it? must remember, bad move by the self, seeking, seeking day as a blessing.
seeking hope: but it could be as late.
money: there is an obstacle, do not go well.
marriage: fear There can not be achieved.
own: Do not act in haste.
family home: home row will be.
opening: after all, non-bank failure.
moved: now lives in Kyrgyzstan, migration fierce.
Travel: near no serious problem.
diseases: from serious illness due to negligence.
Rokko: On production, can be a girl.
pedestrians: are on the way.
litigation: trust a third party settlement is appropriate.
fifty-third drug delivery to sign the ancients
a good peach flowers,UGG boots cheap, wind and
can only be clear and bright fragrant taste, so smooth the transition.
Solutions: disease medicine to the light, When found the body does not immediately seek medical treatment, do not turn into a major illness, found to have loopholes or resistance work, then looking for a solution, often can block the loopholes and eliminate the obstacles, this is a preventive measure. Therefore, there is a cure to the sick and that the metaphor has saved insurance, medicine to rejuvenate. obtain the ballot, then be careful not affect things.
poem reads: one to spring Liu Langsheng, Chueiyang miles t
fast whip crane Yangzhou go to Eritrea to eliminate trouble coming blessing.
solution: tree flower, without the wind and rain, of course, become more plentiful. the operation of such things, there are basic, no special factors such as the occurrence, of course, easy to nirvana themselves freely. If the block in the middle of the event, but elegant support, is still walking among the royal road, just waiting for disaster to eliminate Ecuador, Fukuzawa naturally attendant to.
seeking hope: There are obstacles, can not immediately become .
money: is not a radical, later you can.
Marriage: Now is the time yet.
own: rehabilitated and can have peace.
family home: An all Jide home.
opening: temporarily advised to be so time to.
moved: Although Kyrgyzstan, but then Kyrgyzstan.
travel: on the way will be honored person to help.
disease: seek medical can be cured.
Rokko: birth, but physically weak children.
pedestrians: not that to.
action: on one's own disadvantage.
fifty-fourth to sign the ancients Liu Jingzhou
halfway through, half do not, prompting the fight. & br& to take the sub, govern
auspicious side protection, but also seek to discuss slow.
Solution: Three Kingdoms era, Wei, Shu and Wu have not established the three rival powers. Bei yet foothold, and from the proposal strategist Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei to take Jingzhou, then to the foundation of career. obtained by this sign are required to see why they figure in the case of Liu Bei, then everything down, due to start the base. in the case of those who lent Jingzhou, then This loan no signs of recovery, is not Kyrgyzstan. it is half of the can, not half of the diagram.
poem reads: static is the end for, moving the N
Postscript to its former wolf, then set prostrate .
Solution: Things Jieyou both static and dynamic and static to reflect on the planning, implementation of action. In the present situation is, when unable to obtain static method, dynamic Shiyou easy to give birth to an error, who to this point can be described as panic extremely, because not hinder the smooth progress. it should be to keep a patient on the fortunes of one to be before the implementation of homeopathy.
seeking hope: half into half fails.
money: There are obstacles, we can not do .
marriage: Both sides still not interested, or for a long time together and divorced.
itself: should virtue in order to avoid disaster.
family home: tongue hard to avoid disputes.
opening: When the old-fashioned industry is appropriate. & br& Relocation: no harm, but fails to move will give birth to an accident.
travel: the way blocked.
diseases: chronic illness will be difficult to cure.
Rokko: production is not well, pay attention to post-natal conditioning.
Pedestrian: something blocked in the way.
litigation: trust a third party settlement, the struggle for a long time there are evil.
signed fifth month in the ancient days of Wang Shou-ren hermit
heart in the ship, the name has had, Lee added compensation,
how impatient and soon to get up, but also details as appropriate.
Solutions: Tan Siu Lin Ming Dynasty to the early years for opposing the eunuch Liu Jin, disparaged Yicheng, after the hermit in his hometown in the Yang-Ming Zhu Shi hole, pass away, Mr. Yang said, advocating \the back, careful that no disaster to.
poem reads: Rich to go to the ground, where you
one can bow to this management, disaster to the lucky star to.
solution: the rich and expensive, is that everyone wants, and what you can get rich how to do? The reason is very simple, but is not simple to do. working hard to get rich, spiritual cultivation Degui to. In addition, before they can get rid of greed , treats and gas, caution can help you get rich, they are able to exercise and to adhere to the above items and the plague shall go to Fuxing often.
seek hope: to become, but subject to time.
money: money transfer without difficulty.
marriage: not a time.
own: cultivating self-cultivation can benefit.
family home: security.
opening: pretend business, will be to failure.
moved: to in the better.
travel: on the way unexpectedly or even bankruptcy.
disease: seek medical can be cured.
Rokko: On production, more than a girl.
pedestrians: Although the later will come.
proceedings: not much chance of winning, is precious.
fifty-sixth to sign the ancient Yuan Youxin Maichai
is insignificant Code, hi hi ben, T
only be Xiaorendezhi, Hugh move out the wind, both the economic nature.
Solutions: Yuan Youxin human Zhongzhi, sub-mustard is not greedy. up the hill to the market to sell firewood, fair trade, being praised you after the event. obtain the ballot, should be the heart keep honest, faith-based life skills, law-abiding disciplined, do not lust for things not their own. If the hit is there will eventually be, the hit is not, despite how the fight can not be, so contented, cut Do not lust for temporary interests and self-created his guilt.
poem reads: true colors of their own knowledge, but also against adversity, proud,
read over were contented to keep the greedy old foundation of the whole funeral.
not help all people care about, a life-life arrangements,
life in the end times should have, ask any hard labor mediocre plan.
solution: a person's life how much to eat, to wear the number, determined by fate. there is no shortage, there is no of not more, so to always keep the idea of contentment, then you can to enjoy your life. And in particular, most importantly, not be too proud of more than copies, but how to w it could be kept Xinyi Li Shi, the can good luck.
seeking hope: accessible, but a bit late.
money: can a profit, but not much.
marriage: not yet reached the time.
own : keep honest can turn fierce and brutal.
family home: Everyone Anfen Without Harm.
open: should old-fashioned industry.
moved: emergency is detrimental.
travel: an extension of departure better.
diseases: potential lingering illness.
Rokko: Beware there dystocia.
pedestrians: the past few days in the news.
litigation: is precious, urgent is doomed to failure.
fifty Seven ancient Venus signed to play music BoA
lotus, but also hesitant.
things may not be the first on the floor, then got to break to break, children can be a structure to the gold wooden men.
Solution: Venus heaven cents, to test whether there is good fortune to BoA Once upon registration, especially down to earth from heaven and tested by experience, with the board upon a time after the BoA. obtained by this ballot is also a guitar. but because of grams of gold and wood, so the guitar possession of dangerous were also advised to be patient and humble, to keep the resistance to Kyrgyzstan, not only a refuge, but also may be able to Kyrgyzstan are also in the cause.
poem says: the world only knew fame and wealth, the vast medi
Jun contented as the final blessing, why hundreds bitter complaints.
Solutions: labor hectic world, seeking nothing less than fame and wealth. also the fame and wealth, great changes people's naive character, but ultimately a lot to say but it is futile! If you get fame and fortune is a blessing that the fate of the final will make you get, you
otherwise, even if exhausted every effort, is a wet dream.
seeking hope: accomplished. & br& money: hardly radical into.
marriage: better then waiting for some time.
itself: God will woo Conservative patience.
family home: a war of words is inevitable.
opening: the need to be patient when .
Relocation: There are not barriers to migration.
travel: Be careful not acclimatized.
disease: attention to respiratory disease, to select good doctor.
Rokko: a boy.
pedestrians: even to too late.
action: they have lost, but was reconciliation.
signed fifty-eighth king of the ancient Yongle strike that is scheduled to be flown from
strike, do not have to wipe out,
& br& have old-fashioned rest, force protection could be no missing, Panax can be determined.
solutions: is the Yongle Emperor Yongle reign, the fourth son of the first Ming emperor, after seizing the throne, he lifted Military Governors military power, and repeatedly sent troops to fight against the Mongolian forces, so not disturb flown from the border. obtain the ballot should be a good heart, you almost Morishige, there is little progress will not be aggressive, doing things others can not be ruthless, leaving little room for people, even if not a last resort, should not in haste, not random frivolous, so that nothing can protect the loss. must do when in the twenty-first days.
poem reads: Three War Three North Jun Mo shame, a world hegemony Uncooperative M
if martyrdom by gully section, matchless fame to make the hook shot.
solution: not a lot of things at once when you can succeed, even in advance how your preparation is meticulous care and how to deploy, but also because of special factors A significant difference between chess. but as long as fear difficulties, even three battles North (lost), but as long as you, if successful, everyone will thus impress you.
seeking hope: Maybe do early success.
money: you can get.
Marriage: fear will suddenly change.
self: be careful strain blessing.
family home: home transport and becoming calm.
opening: ongoing efforts to will be successful.
moved: the distance is nothing wrong.
travel: better start early.
disease: will soon recover.
Rokko: very easy delivery.
pedestrians: a receipt of your Notice that to.
action: the will to win hastily.
fifty-ninth sign sits the ancient Sun Quan Wu
to go to, come to the southeast side.
from near By then, refrain from double-Yi Cai.
solution: Order of the Three Kingdoms era of Wu Sun Ce Sun Quan is the foundation, in the southeast dominate the party. the Fu to both the Freeman property, but also the risk of the Yangtze River, Sun Quan under the command of policy makers, many brave general So sits Wu, and Shu, Wei separate categories, one-third of the world. obtain the ballot, fame and fortune may have, though mostly Gong Cheng father and brother who can be expanded by your hands.
poem reads: Tingsheng Name things very, Qi Feng Mo
straight line to all Shui Yee, children and grandchildren are expected to following the Book.
solution: a person born of gold down the key words of his mouth, and its fortunes than the average person's life course better. particularly from the straight before him, each one is the Tanzania Hong Chong Road, which is perhaps the only blessing he was a lot of that this time, regardless of any event, if the cause could Shui Yee, then future generations may also benefit more. if music preference measures, the Fuze is immeasurable.
seeking hope: not much cause to become.
money: money is very loose.
marriage: Both sides will soon reach.
itself: the courage to Else, Fukuzawa unlimited.
family home: home Win Cosmos.
opening: start a new business benefit.
moved to: Select Kyrgyzstan easily available.
travel: should go away.
diseases: chronic illness will have to be careful.
Rokko: birth to a boy, pay attention to postpartum care.
pedestrians: that is up to, and have good news.
action: be calm, victorious.
sixth Ten signed the ancients Wuhou Fawei
bitter sweet, Gan Gan, one son and one afternoon.
do not send to send-hi worry, but also suicides Health.
Solutions: Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei in the main by the White Emperor of Shu Han City Tuogu, in addition to post-secondary fools Shu Han as the main, but the budget between the Wei and Wu annexation, unified the country. As Wei also has quite a lot of strength, so Zhuge Wuhou six Ky Son, still without success also, and seek the ballot, there is progress but also difficult, difficult situation back then, everything as long as the firm aspirations, you can also have Xiaocheng.
poem reads: food and clothing has never been a fixed margin, strong fo
storage tank of the is his family matter, why ask hard labor seeking heart.
solution: how many of one's life food, clothing, have a set number, so no need to seek strong self-seeking, even after some hard work come after, will lost for no reason, because it can not access to your Fluke. Therefore, for all the force of the items should be declined, so as to maintain its existing fortune, nor to the last futile .
seeking hope: Gordon Kennedy to the heart, success is not easy, and painstaking effort, sickness.
money: some money will be loss.
Marriage: twists and turns more optimistic than later.
own : rehabilitated have peace.
family home: home shipped flat.
opening: better stick to their current career.
moved: That place, this place is better than good.
travel: Go away should not be. & br& diseases: disease-ridden, slightly longer time to improve.
Rokko: should be more body checks.
pedestrians: the way hindered.
action: negotiations will be very long, lost both .
level sixty ancient sign of the mails of your books
Hongfei days, the boat
people next month, by its own Happy Encounter.
solution: Dan Pinggui to defend the homeland , Zheng Xi eighteen years, without the home, was written by the geese to cheap rate. After the completion of a crusade back to China to return home may only meet the couple. obtain the ballot, there is obtained by application of the phenomenon of long flexor, Kyrgyzstan is also the first ominous meaning after so bent flat to inhibit the fate of good news and to be received due to a sudden stretch, as the auto-Vessels as no wind.
poem says: Jun asked his life cause odd, the previous generations should Chik F
truck are smug, the way any of you Chi Chong.
Solutions: previous generations cool trees, descendants of former Jifu income, since it is Fook Yum predecessors received, and their descendants more should be dressed as their predecessors, Chik Fuk be charitable to leave future generations to enjoy. Jifu generations, generations can enjoy the so-called in distress, trouble less mean that. fortune prosper, regardless of where and where, are all Hong Chong way, no matter how you ride, it is important to rehabilitated Jifu.
seeking hope: what can be successful.
money: the possible benefits.
marriage: both good.
own : charitable can be developed.
family home: usually shipped home.
opening: no major progress in the beginning.
moved: for either side.
trip: a friend of fellow guitar.
disease: is fast recovery.
Rokko: birth, a boy.
pedestrians: are back.
action: in favor of one's own available.
sixty Trinity
Jiji Ji Wen signed the ancients, Yi Yi Yi, do not have much of a rush,
own article Dongbi. only in the third XI, will be before they will be.
Solutions: Wenchang is the knowledge management industry, one of the gods, divided into text Qu Xing, Wen stars and Kuixing dominate the fame, Paul-bit, for reading people worship. So people say that before a certain order or Wenchang or Venturi Kuixing point into the fighting, which must gain fame and fortune, so Wenchang for the star, third, eleven Wenchang day care, their own prominent articles. obtained by this sign, could get lucky Blessing, although there are obstacles on the way, but will ultimately be no danger.
poem reads: How to get to the ground cents, as long as the effort is not afr
Park Ji-year-old bamboo table bamboo basket, this can be used for fishing rods.
Solution: Slim rehabilitated uphold the conviction of a person can point to do so, can practice as gods, this is the cultivator expect the highest level. But to do this step, efforts must have the attitude, not afraid of difficulties in the spirit of good luck to be able to play out as much as possible. So for people who have a kind of blessing, to be received by this age the conditions of good fruit.
seeking Wang: Easy as.
money: Trustee to, must succeed.
Marriage: Excellent, can run quickly.
itself: peace and development. & br& family home: fortune Cosmos.
opening: There is hope.
moved: no harm.
travel: on the way there and elegant support.
diseases: fast recovery.
Rokko: birth, boy.
pedestrians: that is, until, with his friends to come along with.
action: negotiations, there is no blockade.
sixty-third Baidicheng Tuogu
ancient dragon sign has been flying, tigers have been go, compl
Hing and soon, everything to dust.
Solutions: Lord Liu Bei of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms Bing Fa Wu, Wu general Lu Xun was burned seven camps, can not afford to worry about disease. Zhuge Liang to Bai Di City to see Liu Bei, Liu Bei to his son fools (that Liu Chan) entrusted to the wise, and bright thanks to Xiangfu to Colonial matter. obtained by this sign, everything to defeat the elephant, good transportation was no soaring of the higher Like, the only person cultivating virtue or save the day.
poem reads: Qunxiong Mi Luhe,
virtue from this beginning, I still inevitable evil invasion.
Solution: later than the time when life Jian, everything revolves around things do the plague patients, also due to give birth before the plot this time and therefore under the fruit. In the past good turn deserves another who has to save the victims of course, but if the past is not such a good plant fu people to quite fierce, from today rehabilitated virtue, though, \Trustee of running, you can successfully.
marriage: care left the right care, will eventually fail.
itself: virtue or save the day.
family home: beware of the robbery Eritrea disease. & br& open: the five elements were combined Kyrgyzstan.
moved: Kyrgyzstan before an election can be.
travel: distance is negative.
disease: It is hard to cure.
Rokko: dystocia, careful conditioning.
pedestrian: that to.
action: running a reconciliation can become a trustee.
sixty-fourth sign of Chinese ancient jade road when every abduction
more music students, half way up an
only Look no jump of the diagram, only Huilin clear.
Solutions: Han Yu longer than the wealth of the family, every danger in the unknown world, carrying gold travel, was on his way to make money and cheat. obtained by this ballot, make their own things to be careful to guard against a breathtaking way out of things happen, end up fear and anxiety to make sight. Fortunately, the good man may not affect the total, accounted for the also deliberately Kyrgyzstan integrity, virtue depends entirely on the individual varies.
poem says: relies on the rich due to forgetting, ac
Qixin days without Mary, Shinto Qi private fierce.
Solutions: wealth is the mirror of this month, Stronghold, often a lot of people \poorer, five more \Therefore, when many of these people to maintain their wealth and things to do Qi Xin, rich and poor is only a matter of fact I do not know enough to know, can not Qixin must woo the day, evil will not invade.
seeking hope: a lot of difficulties.
money: fear of financial consumption.
marriage: child care in order to accelerate a third party.
itself: rehabilitated to eliminate robbery.
family home: There are unexpected calamities.
opening: not, anti- an accident.
moved: might.
travel: distance is negative.
disease: caution becomes heavy.
Rokko: Postpartum should pay attention to conditioning.
pedestrians: approaching a companion.
litigation: both sides, and as you can be the best solution.
sixty-fifth element and fan to sign the ancient apricot stars Can
brilliant day, the
Yang from without, but also to two or three savages.
Solution: Ancient Hun border repeat offenders, to avoid the two countries to war, hurt innocent people, so with the policy and pro, king of the Huns sent Xingyuan married, due to end a marriage relationship, from to quell disputes between the two countries. obtained the ballot, although at the danger has possession, as long as everything in modesty-oriented, then no harm will eventually have everything go.
poem reads: long gray dusty heart, gratuitous wealth
spoon with salt plum naturally, I was really sit well glimpse of Bono.
Solution: When people are not concerned about everything to put down, he actually has reached a point where back to nature, all the fame, honor have been a thing apart, never touched their hearts. but a lot more when you do not pursue, chase it the more you are not able to control people, how to choose? will depend on your situation. In short, that is, it seems to have come to an end, but in the end there will be a way out of there like all anyway.
seeking hope: patience waiting for the success.
money: You can obtain the Trustee.
marriage: smooth harmonic.
own: the good German who rehabilitated.
family home: home Win Cosmos.
opening: in cooperation with the Kyrgyz experience.
moved: Kyrgyzstan, everywhere anyway.
Travel: very smooth.
disease: early disease is harmless to fear a long illness died.
Rokko: slightly hampered, will be producing security.
pedestrians: there is something else to be delayed to later. & br& action: Both sides have an agreement of reconciliation.
sixty-sixth hexagram
sign the ancients bloomer sell all gains and losses given day, life is a
know Heaven attitude to life, keep it as fortunate.
Solutions : to believe in destiny, a person chosen by days of gains and losses are determined. that help solve the emperor off business as a late-bloomer in high regard without the King Wen, the encountered of life is also very hard, is relying on people to divine fortune living. obtained the ballot, Wan matters carefully, do not act in hypomania, such as the ability to be when you keep the guitar.
poem reads: Jide origin of the victory fund, Xian Jun generation has Z
residues something sinister end of the line, the snow wind gluttonous end for one child.
Solution: There are savings to be loved by everyone, the rich people fund, a virtuous people are nice that. MPF is a tangible and intangible Jide , but the ancients made, fame and fortune of the persons chosen by Jide all, it is nice that the bad can become a tangible return, as long as Anfen century, always to keep the weight is not lost Mind.
seeking hope: to be cautious when can.
money: yet have a fortune.
marriage: no argument can be as unreasonable.
itself: the abiding Chishen.
family home: home just shipped flat.
opening: Do not force do, there is danger against.
moved: Kyrgyzstan easy anyway.
travel: There are obstacles.
diseases: Yiji seek medical treatment.
Rokko: a boy.
pedestrians: not signs of leaving.
action: interest rates should fight, ten people from the strong to help the speed.
sixty-seventh fight Zhang Fei Zhang co-sign the ancients
a complex one fell down, Lest reckle
If we could get an inch of gold but unfortunately, have to transfer photo.
Solutions: Zhang Fei is a member of the Three Kingdoms Shu brave general, both resourcefulness, the Three Kingdoms of Wei Zhang is a co-Reggie, also wisdom. in Shuwei In case of Zhang Fei Zhang war to war together, the two sides grew in courage, change mounts several times by the strong hostility and even though we are sympathetic. obtained by this sign, as long as others too, and patient, when to stay out of trouble, and gas To Cheung.
poem reads: Gaschromic Cheung, good
to booming, and gas for the meter.
solution: each person's fortune is because the root cause, causal fate from birth ,UGG boots, but also from the day after tomorrow. after days, the kind of others, we will not grow disputes, natural available Zhenxiang. good gas bully, we cross out the trick,UGG shoes, naturally hostility sky, so to make their own prosperity would be must be to and for the best strategy. So be patient and humble, naturally good fortune.
seeking hope: be subject to outside help to start into.
money: not yet profitable.
marriage: unsuccessfully to block a third party.
itself: gas could be Ching Chi Shen.
family home: Family Harmony.
opening: phase and then back at Societe Generale.
moved: to be cautious. & br& Travel: not to the appropriate time.
diseases: lingering in bed.
Rokko: a secure, mostly daughters.
pedestrians: not moving, there is audio to.
Proceedings: Delay Jian Do not hurry, be patient benefit.
sixty-eighth to sign the ancients came to the throne
a godsend Liu Chan Fuk-ping, Lest villains ignore.
anti-dog anti-cow, to
only Sanxun where there are third-hi.
solution: the Han emperor Liu Shan is the Three Kingdoms period, small print fools. two hundred twenty-three to twenty-six 三年 year reign, the beginning of Colonial by the prime minister Zhuge Liang, Leung death, trust eunuch Huang Hao, growing corruption affairs of state. He's a drop in the Western Jin Dynasty, Sima North Korea, called the An Legong. The emperor came to the throne to do after four years of life, this is happiness. obtain the ballot, although the early stage showed good fortune, must carefully everywhere , always beware of, in particular, Shu ugly year, month, day, and seek this sign is Ominous signs.
poem reads: beware of secretly arrows, but also worry a
made straight off the straight, more than brute .
Solution: As the saying goes, believe straight in the straight, beware of heartless people, many non-villain will be together, abdominal sword densely populated many of the recommendations made to you to persuade you to do that, do not easily agree , in particular, are ugly, Shu of the year, month, day period.
seeking hope: fame Jieneng success.
money: The working no problem.
marriage: Both sides agree, can be achieved.
itself: everything can be comfortably care.
family home: the early part of Cosmos.
opening: There is somebody bends supporting the guitar.
moved: near desirable, not far away.
travel: there will be a small profit.
Disease: Treating to a longer period.
Rokko: Do not worry, is the natural delivery.
pedestrians: You have to go.
action: to justify himself, could win.
sixth Members of the ancient Wu nineteenth signed hard to go out at night Zhaoguan
anti-mouth better than anti-Chuan, improp
Mo acute water sailing, but also the evening, Nai Ming was long.
know if the message Fang ready to deal, when two hundred seventy-three on.
Solutions: Ng is a member of the state of Chu during the Spring and Autumn, also known as Wu. king Ping of Chu Wu She was the king killed his father seven years, he fled into the NG was removed help Helv kill Wu Wangliao throne. send troops after the break Chu, died when the king Ping of Chu, Wu members dug their graves, expose their dead, and Bianshi hundred to vent their anger. Wu member to escape across the border when the Zhaoguan, because of worries over night, old age, and thus able to escape undetected. obtained by this sign, everything to be careful and cautious while anti-villain Kyrgyzstan tongue.
poem reads: How can it abounds in Dragon, Tiger Balm w
Hirakawa was shrimp in shallow water show, the occasion will be read when the situation.
Solutions: dragon trapped in Asazawa there, but before the arrival of a moment of fortune, how can they say that its capacity was flat, and thus looked down upon compared to its Canada, to be just one day situation of fortune, will Heaven helps a good man, disaster distress elimination, a bald then wash the wind. to do things with care, beware of the Kyrgyz tongue of villains.
seeking hope: to become, but Qieyi caution. & br& money: the Trustee can become.
marriage: a dilemma.
itself: careful when bliss.
family home: poor fortune.
opening: maintain the status quo will be better. & br& moved: for the business plan and do the guitar.
travel: the distance Kyrgyzstan, near fierce.
disease: a chronic disease.
Rokko: will smooth production.
pedestrians: one or two days around the corner .
action: negotiations end early, they were victories.
Hai seventy-signed in the ancient silk clothing leading Pteris Scholars
Miles, and weary and then hi, once expe
also according to Yu Wenchang, will be a beauty Takako.
Solutions: Guangdong King Shan Hai Ming is the people, poor families, after the Scholars, judges honest, are very much the people support. obtain the ballot, if the honest loyal people, after a day of hard work to run around after a road is expected to have Wun, seeking hope success, promotion and pay rise say the least. truck, without their drawbacks. This is the fate of the ode, is sincerity can affect self- people to help the truth.
poem reads: Miles Pianfan wind, wave squa
unobstructed line of the muddy, far more through Tianjin.
solution: people say that life is good as a good transportation, good or smooth operation No wind, no risk. like a ship sailing in the million Libi Bo, by the wind, slipping Yifan, the wave is not scared of the environment, proceed straight on, is the \spent his entire life in a stable in.
seeking hope: for promotion and pay rise, hope to become.
money: business people can get profits.
marriage: his acquaintance, and soon will be successful.
itself: honest and sincere while others Kyrgyzstan.
family home: home Win Cosmos.
opening: stick to the original professional advantage.
moved: distance is no prejudice.
travel: truck can be.
disease: seek medical treatment that is good.
Rokko: birth,bailey UGG boots, can be a son.
pedestrians: urging it to look.
action: the thing open, finally got the reconciliation.
s Seventy-one die from
Huang Chao signed the ancients were difficult to walk dark fan diameter, the wind off the boat a
Mosi wandering, and go from thinking.
Solutions: Tang Huang Chao rebellion when the thieves, mobilize millions of the Xiang River north, to capture Luoyang, Chang entered the emperor, the country for a large homogeneous, reign title gold system. to payment system five years, the war failed to retreat Valley Mountain Langhu siege, suicide. obtained this ballot, is trapped in a cage like a bird, always inauspicious. if virtue to do good, courageous, you can avoid disaster risk of Eritrea.
poem reads: East profile over the year begging remains of a meal, food and clothing once they lose T
She Tunxiang less people, offering fish Rex justice memorable.
solution: conduct themselves in society a man must be contented, do not covet desire. his own thoughts and behavior among depth Decipher, this would person's character and values totally destroyed. such as the East, Mr. profile of poverty that year without legislation cone, to beg for a living, that is forgotten once they blossom early part of the time its hard to make the yoke of their holding by the desire to go, and finally to self-provision can not be . so they do not give up on themselves, and serve to dry, do not forget our roots, and finally can be successfully.
seeking hope: temporarily not aggressive.
money: Anti-cash flow problems.
Marriage: a marriage strong with , later will be divorced.
own: moral repair disaster-free kernel.
family home: home in a disaster and prevention.
opening: all the new program, suspension is appropriate.
Relocation: no later than the more appropriate.
travel: travel disadvantage.
diseases: acute onset persons should pay attention to.
Rokko: birth, but be careful postpartum.
pedestrians: do not to, have again and again made the letter. & br& action: time-consuming and failure of the negotiations.
seventy signed woodcutter chopped the ancient Han ask
day rain, such as injection, pedestrians have been since the habitat, Wen Road Tianqu T
still do not ning home, why move forward, almost dangerous and is useless?
solution: the occasion of the competition between Chu and Han, HW Liu and Chu Bing Han Xin to help combat phase. Han Chu as the Towers attack, take a detour. unfortunately not clear the road direction , then asked the Woodman Road to dismount, Han Hearing this, the woodcutter beheaded, the Department will ask why? Han said the fear of disclosure of their whereabouts Woodman. obtained the ballot, depending on their identity may be. in the case of Han Xin who , although the risk is but the end will not affect the case of the woodcutter who is very dangerous, Ominous signs.
poem reads: Bridge by Pepsi passed security, wh
proud Hing cloud dragon , one into the sky will be extraordinary.
Solution: Although the risk of the future, but because of dangerous bridge has passed, and the back line to Hong Chong Road, since they do not have to worry about again, and then every difficult. As has been trapped shallow water dragons, once the pride soaring, Xing cloth rain clouds in the sky, showing his extraordinary ability to extraordinary. So long as the act of the early part of that caution, after a block, too, be Zhen Xiang.
seeking hope: the first concerned Sidel, subject to time.
money: Falcon failed to achievement.
Marriage: minors, subject to time.
itself: careful Kozo is safe.
family home: without peace.
Opening: must first Conservative.
moved: not far away.
travel: There are dangerous, but in the end guitar.
disease: still time for some rest.
Rokko: natural labor.
pedestrians: Even before the arrival.
action: Always can not be reconciliation, will be lost.
seventy-third person to sign the ancient benevolent ghosts demon
God does not woo fans, ask
established charity off the ground, good side A
three received the painting, and more demand Xu Cheng.
Solutions: Second man covetous Tang Li, Lee has been the expense of others. well get an insurance private person, and then widely publicized, for the village by contemptible. day for the demon in the wilderness temptations to return home after a loss Hune, day witted, who after his wife was alarmed by Wang Gong deep ...


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