篮球中的brush screenpowder brush什么意思思

screen是什么意思 screen在线翻译 screen什么意思 screen的意思 screen的翻译 screen的解释 screen的发音 screen的同义词 screen的反义词 screen的例句
screen英 [skri:n] 美 [skrin] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:screen 基本解释screen是什么意思名词屏幕; 银幕; 屏风及物动词掩藏; 庇护; 检查; 放映screen 相关例句及物动词1. danci.911cha.com1. The tall grass screened the enemy's movements.&&&&草丛隐蔽了敌人的活动。2. The Secret Service screened hundreds of students to select its agents.&&&&特务机关仔细审查了数百名学生以选择特务人员。不及物动词1. That play screens well.&&&&那部戏适于拍电影。名词1. He hid behind the screen and overheard their conversation.&&&&他躲在帘子后面,偷听到他们的谈话。2. An unidentified flying object appeared on the radar screen.&&&&一个不明飞行物出现在雷达屏幕上。screen 网络解释1. 屏风:主要以桌子为主体,附加桌上屏风(Screen)的系统家具. 诸多因素的影响必使这类产品的成本居高不下,产品普遍运用难度较大,市场份额受到限制. 但办公家具制造商要看到此产品隐藏的商机--随着成本的降低和消费观念的改变,2. 2. 屏蔽:b) 电的接地或共享端是接到同轴电缆线之屏蔽(screen)及所有可接触的电及件(含SELV,LCC,可触及的属件),且符合c) 同轴电缆线屏蔽(screen)要接到建筑物的大地.3. 3. screen: 荧光屏,屏幕screen 双语例句1. It's got a big screen.&&&&它的屏幕很大。2. 2. But I would love to be able to play on a screen that huge.&&&&不过,我很乐意能够在屏幕上播放的巨大的。3. 911查询·英语单词3. A small display screen between the two shows the usual array of warning lights and information.&&&&一个小显示屏显示出两者之间的一般的警告灯和信息。4. This paper generally describes the lab research of choice waterplug of grovel packed well of wrapping wire screen in Chengbei Oil Field, and puts forth several research points for reference in waterplug test of Chengbei Oil Field on the basis of summary of B3 well site waterplug test.&&&&本文概述了埕北油田绕丝筛管砾石充填完成井选择性堵水的室内研究情况,并在总结B_3井现场堵水试验的基础上,提出了埕北油田堵水试验中的几点探讨性认识,供有关人员参考。5. The semi-autonomous submarine has water sealed hull comprising transparent pressure-proof glass video camera capable of rotating in several directions and LCD screen in underwater video camera, operating handle and keybo imaging sonar in the bottom for detectin control computer, gyroscope, cell and driving motor
one pair of stabilizing prow wings and one pair of stern hydroplanes for stabilizing navigation direction and regulating the depth of the
one pair of auxiliary propellers capable of rotating in vertical planes to provide the submarine with vertical lift and auxiliary running function and horizontal
two main propellers and one pair of stern fins f and optical cable for the data transmission between the submarine and the mother ship.&&&&一种半自主式潜水器,首部的透明耐压玻璃罩与主艇体的耐压壳一起构成水密外壳,玻璃罩内装有可多方位旋转的摄像机和液晶显示屏,主艇体上设置载人工况时供潜水员使用的水下摄像机、操纵手柄和键盘,底部装有用于探测海底地形的成像声纳,主艇体内有控制计算机、定位导航的陀螺仪、电池、主推进电机,一对首稳定翼和一对尾水平舵分别用来稳定航向及调整潜水器的上升和下潜,一对可在垂直平面内旋转的辅助推进器可为潜水器提供垂直升降和辅助前进的功能,并且可改善潜水器在水平面内的转向性能,潜水器尾部并排设置两个主推进器,在主推进器的垂直方向上设置一对垂直尾鳍,进一步保证航向稳定,光缆为潜水器与母船之间提供双向数据传输。6. If you set the screen black frame other than white Halo, or choose to cover plate is also set to scan the picture have included does not belong to the quadrochromatic.&&&&如果不兵画面以边的不暗边、暗边或者盖板也拔取到设定扫描边界之边,则画面洋已包罗了不属于该草稿的新闻不步不天。7. How can the font size in Windows 7 feast 0 Views Although the screen font...&&&&怎样才能字体大小在Windows 7盛宴0意见,虽然屏幕字体。。。8. This is a printer font. The screen image may not match printed output.&&&&这是打印机字体,屏幕图像可能与打印输出不一致。9. You'll notice that if you translate even deeper into the screen the size of the font does not shrink like you'd expect it to.&&&&你会注意到如果你已经移动得尽可能的深入屏幕,但是字体的尺寸却没有缩小到你期望的那样。10. Full screen. Different font size for console.&&&&全屏。不同的字体大小的控制台。11. You can also specify a background image for the home screen and change the color of the home screen font that displays the application name.&&&&&&你也可以指定背景图象的上颜色,也可以给应用程序设计的图标命名和给字体着色。12. 12. Is the text in all fields specified in the correct screen font?&&&&&&字段中的文本字体大小是否与屏幕字体一致13. Now for a new command. glRasterPos2f will position the Bitmapped Font on the screen.&&&&&&现在来介绍一条新的命令。glRasterPos2f将把位图字体(原文Bitmap Fonts)定位在屏幕上。14. However, if the LCD's screen is punctured.&&&&&&不过,如果液晶显示器的屏幕是刺破。15. Customer Approaching to the Window: The customer in the rest area goes to the appointed window to handle the business according to information of the display screen and voice announcement.&&&&&&客户到窗口办理:休息区的客户根据显示屏信息和语音提示到指定窗口办理业务。16. Customer Resting and Waiting: The customer holds the number ticket resting and waiting in the rest area, looking out for the information of the display screen or voice announcement.&&&&&&客户休息等待:客户持号票在休息区休息、等待,留意显示屏信息或语音提示。17. 17. And I heard this story the first time a couple of years ago from a very modest family of immigrants from Kosovo in Switzerland. They had set up a big screen in their living room. And every morning they had breakfast with their grandmother.&&&&&&几年前我第一次听到这个故事,一个很普通的家庭,住在瑞士的科索沃移民,他们在客厅装了一个大萤幕,每天早上都和祖母一起吃早餐。18. We understand that the table on the main screen printing ink resin to polyamic for the different in printing ink, mainly chloridizing polypropyrene and nitrogenation of EVA.&&&&&&据我们不懂,边印油不朱的主给树脂以聚酰胺为众,而边印油不朱则不差别,主给是氯化聚丙烯和氮化EVA。19. User interface was discussed in the paper. It includes an interactive symbolic layout graphics editor for input and plotting programs which are used to output on display screen and plotter.&&&&&&本文还对符号编译器的用户接口进行了设计,它包括用于符号输入的交互式符号图形编辑器,用于在CRT和绘图仪上输出CIF格式数据的绘图程序。20. Bulk density— Use a volumeter that has been fitted with a 10-mesh screen.&&&&&&堆积密度—采用带有10目筛的体积计。screen 词典解释1. (电视、电脑的)屏幕;(电影的)银幕&&&&A screen is a flat vertical surface on which pictures or words are shown. Television sets and computers have screens, and films are shown on a screen in cinemas.2. (总称)电影,电视&&&&You can refer to film or television as the screen .&&&&e.g. Many viewers have strong opinions about violence on the screen...&&&&&&&&&&&许多观众对银幕暴力心存反感。&&&&e.g. She was the ideal American teenager, both on and off screen.&&&&&&&&&&&无论是在荧幕上还是在生活中,她都是人们心目中完美的美国青少年。3. 放映(电影);播放(电视节目)&&&&When a film or a television programme is screened, it is shown in the cinema or broadcast on television.&&&&e.g. The series is likely to be screened in January...&&&&&&&&&&&这个系列剧可能在 1 月份播放。&&&&e.g. TV firms were later banned from screening any pictures of the demo.&&&&&&&&&&&后来各电视台被禁止播放任何有关这次游行的画面。screeningThe film-makers will be present at the screenings to introduce their works.制作人将出席电影放映礼介绍他们的作品。4. 屏风;隔板&&&&A screen is a vertical panel which can be moved around. It is used to keep cold air away from part of a room, or to create a smaller area within a room.&&&&e.g. They put a screen in front of me so I couldn't see what was going on.&&&&&&&&&&&他们在我面前竖了一面屏风,所以我看不到发生了什么事情。5. 遮挡;遮蔽&&&&If something is screened by another thing, it is behind it and hidden by it.&&&&e.g. Most of the road behind the hotel was screened by a block of flats.&&&&&&&&&&&宾馆后面的那条路大部分被一片公寓楼遮住了。6. 检查,筛查(以确定是否患病)&&&&To screen for a disease means to examine people to make sure that they do not have it.&&&&e.g. ...a quick saliva test that would screen for people at risk of tooth decay.&&&&&&&&&&&能快速核查是否长蛀牙的唾液检验screeningBritain has an enviable record on breast screening for cancer.英国妇女的乳腺癌患病率很低,着实令人羡慕。7. 筛选,甄别(看是否可靠)&&&&When an organization screens people who apply to join it, it investigates them to make sure that they are not likely to cause problems.&&&&e.g. They will screen all their candidates.&&&&&&&&&&&他们会对所有求职者进行筛选。&&&&e.g. ...screening procedures for the regiment.&&&&&&&&&&&参军的筛选程序8. 对(人、行李)进行安全检查&&&&To screen people or luggage means to check them using special equipment to make sure they are not carrying a weapon or a bomb.&&&&e.g. The airline had been screening baggage on X-ray machines.&&&&&&&&&&&该航空公司已采用X光机对行李进行安全检查。9. 转接,甄别(来电以决定是否接听)&&&&&&If you screen your telephone calls, calls made to you are connected to an answering machine or are answered by someone else, so that you can choose whether or not to speak to the people phoning you.&&&&&&e.g. I employ a secretary to screen my calls.&&&&&&&&&&&&&我雇用了一名秘书转接打给我的电话。相关词组:screen 单语例句screen的意思1. It was adapted into a 1964 screen musical directed by George Cukor and starring Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison.2. However she always attributes her success to Wong, who let her realize her acting passion and help her craft a unique screen image.3. It is danger by road from the Hot Spring to the Jade Screen Pavilion.4. But one former rebel has taken his past to the movie screen and is now looking at spreading a message through his acting.5. Especially after " Police Cadet 85 ", they became the hottest couple on the screen as well as off the screen.6. Screen legend Sophia Loren is to grace the cover of the world famous Pirelli calendar at the ripe old age of 72.7. A few leap from the screen and into reality, mostly as drinking games or goofy poses to imitate for the camera and post online.8. Aaron has got outstanding achievements on the stage and screen he is also an active participant in various charity programs.9. But Grint said he had a backup plan if his career on screen and stage failed.10. Every single episode of the show will pop up on your screen faster than the fairy godmother turned a pumpkin into a carriage for Cinderella.screen的近义词screen 英英释义noun1. a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight&&&&e.g. they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet&&&&Synonym: 2. a protective covering consisting of netting&&&&can be mounted in a frame&&&&e.g. they put screens in the windows for protection against insects&&&&&&&&&&&a metal screen protected the observers3. a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something&&&&e.g. a screen of trees afforded privacy&&&&&&&&&&&under cover of darkness&&&&&&&&&&&the brush provided a covert for game&&&&&&&&&&&the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background&&&&Synonym: 4. partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that serves to divide a space5. the display that is electronically created on the surface of the large end of a cathode-ray tube&&&&Synonym: 6. a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing&&&&Synonym: 7. a door that consists of a frame holding metallic or plastic netting&&&&used to allow ventilation and to keep insects from entering a building through the open door&&&&e.g. he heard the screen slam as she left&&&&Synonym: 8. a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or grading particles&&&&Synonym: 9. the personnel of the film industry&&&&e.g. a star of stage and screen&&&&Synonym: verb1. examine methodically&&&&e.g. screen the suitcases2. protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm&&&&Synonym: 3. separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff&&&&Synonym: 4. prevent from entering&&&&e.g. block out the strong sunlight&&&&Synonym: 5. project onto a screen for viewing&&&&e.g. screen a film6. examine in order to test suitability&&&&e.g. screen these samples&&&&&&&&&&&screen the job applicants&&&&Synonym: 7. test or examine for the presence of disease or infection&&&&e.g. screen the blood for the HIV virus&&&&Synonym: screen是什么意思,screen在线翻译,screen什么意思,screen的意思,screen的翻译,screen的解释,screen的发音,screen的同义词,screen的反义词,screen的例句,screen的相关词组,screen意思是什么,screen怎么翻译,单词screen是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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简明英汉词典brush[brQF]n.刷子, 毛刷, 画笔vt.刷, 掸, 拂美国传统词典[双解]brushbrush 1AHD:[br?sh] D.J.[br(.]K.K.[br(.]n.(名词)(1)A device consisting of bristles fastened into a handle, used in scrubbing, polishing, or painting.刷子;画笔:把刚毛绑牢在一根手柄上,可作擦洗、上光或绘画之用(2)The act of using this device.用刷子刷;用笔画:使用这种装置的行为(3)A li a graze.轻触;轻拂(4)A bushy tail:毛茸茸的尾巴:the brush of a fox.一只狐狸的毛茸茸的尾巴(5)A sliding connection completing a circuit between a fixed and a moving conductor.电刷:连接一个固定的导体和移动的导体,使电路通畅的滑动物体(6)A a brushoff.冷落;断然拒绝v.(动词)brushed, brush.ing, brush.esv.tr.(及物动词)(1)To clean, polish, or groom with a brush.用刷子清洗,擦亮,刷(2)To apply with or as if with motions of a brush.用刷子涂抹(3)To remove with or as if with motions of a brush.拭去,除去(4)To dismiss abruptly or curtly:不客气地打发走;把…撇在一边:brus brushed an old friend off.把事情搁在一边不予理睬;不理会老朋友(5)To touc graze against.经过时轻触;轻擦v.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To use or apply a brush.刷,拂拭(2)To move past something so as to touch it lightly.擦过,掠过常用词组brush up(1)To refresh one's memory.重温,再练(2)To renew a skill.更新技术;改善语源(1)Middle English brusshe 中古英语 brusshe (2)from Old French brosse [brushwood, brush] * see brush 2源自 古法语 brosse [灌木丛,灌木] *参见 brush2继承用法brush“ern.(名词)brush“yadj.(形容词)参考词汇(1)brush, flick, glance, graze, shave, skim(2)The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to make light and momentary contact with something in passing”: 这些动词共同的主要意义是:“经过时与物体轻微短暂地接触一下”:h 她的胳膊轻轻地碰了一下我的胳膊;flicked the p 用他的手指轻轻掸了一下纸;an arrow that
掠过那棵树的箭;a knife blade gr 轻轻擦着厨房里工作台面的刀刃;a taxi
轻轻挨着路缘行驶的出租车;an oar skimming the surface of the pond. 划过池塘水面的桨 基本词义brushbrush 2AHD:[br?sh] D.J.[br(.]K.K.[br(.]n.(名词)(1)A dense growth of bushes or shrubs.灌木丛;小树丛(2)Land covered by such a growth.丛林地带(3)Cut or broken branches.砍下或断落的树枝语源(1)Middle English brusshe 中古英语 brusshe (2)from Old French brosse [brushwood] 源自 古法语 brosse [灌木丛] (3)from Vulgar Latin *bruscia 源自 俗拉丁语 *bruscia (4)perhaps from Latin bruscum [knot on a maple] 可能源自 拉丁语 bruscum [槭树上的节疤] 继承用法brush“yadj.(形容词)基本词义brushbrush 3AHD:[br?sh] D.J.[br(.]K.K.[br(.]n.(名词)A brief, often hostile or alarming encounter:小接触;小冲突: a brush with death.轻微的犯法行为;触及死亡语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from brushen [to hasten, rush] 源自 brushen [赶紧,冲] (3)probably from brusshe [brush] * see brush 1可能源自 brusshe [小争吵] *参见 brush1现代英汉词典brush[brQF]n.(1)刷子;画笔;毛笔a clothesbrush衣刷(2)狐狸尾巴(3)刷;拂拭Give my coat a brush.把我的大衣刷一刷。(4)轻擦;轻触He felt the brush of her dress.他感觉到她的裙子轻轻碰著他。(5)(常与with连用)小冲突a brush with the police与警察发生的小冲突(6)树枝;柴枝 (= brushwood)(7)灌木丛;杂木林词性变化brushvt., vi.(1)拂拭;刷to brush the floor刷地板(2)拭去;掸;拂to brush dirt off掸去尘土(3)掠过;轻擦而过The breeze brushed his check.微风轻拂他的脸颊。(4)疾走;急奔She just brushed past.她擦身而过。常用词组brush off拂去;刷去:The dirt willbrush off easily.这个污点很容易刷掉brush up复习;重温:I must brushup my French.我必须重新温习法文。(= polish up)现代英汉综合大辞典brush[brQF]n.(1)刷子, 毛刷;【电】电刷(2)画笔; 毛笔(3)粗大的尾巴(尤指狐狸尾巴); [美俚]一把大胡子(4)[美]灌木丛; 柴枝; 树枝(5)小冲突, 小的遭遇战(6)(骑马)奔驰; 快走(7)【植】冠毛(8)[美俚]毫不客气地拒绝(9)高梁的花序(10)灌丛植物(11)装在帽子上的一簇羽毛(12)轻触, 擦过(13)挑顶, 卧底, 扩帮(14)吹散沼气(15)石垛平巷(16)富赤铁矿(17)[澳, 新][俚]姑娘, 年轻女人a narrow brush with death差一点丢掉性命的遭遇词性变化brush[brQF]vt.刷; 擦; 拂; 掸; 挤取; 排斥The little girl brushed the tears from her face.这小女孩擦去她脸上的泪珠。brush[brQF]vi.(1)擦过, 掠过(against, by, past, through)(2)(马奔时)两脚相擦受伤 Her pen brushed lightly on the paper. 她的笔在纸上轻轻地擦过。继承用法brush-burnn.擦伤brush-fireadj.局部的; 小规模的brush-lubricatedadj.油刷润滑的brush-offn.[美俚]突然拒[弃]绝brush-penn.毛笔brushpenciln.画笔brush-stroken.刷子[画笔]等的一刷; 绘画的技巧brushwood[5brQFwJd]n.砍下的树枝, 柴枝; 密集的小树丛brushableadj.brushern.brushlessadj.brushlikeadj.习惯用语at a brush一举at a first brush(1)一开头, 首先, 最初(2)在最初的小冲突中at the first brush(1)一开头, 首先, 最初(2)在最初的小冲突中be tarred with the same brush一丘之貉, 一路货色from the same brush出自同一画家之手(指画)give it another brush润色, 再加工一下give sb. the brush[brush-off] 不理睬某人, 把某人打发掉give sb. the a brush[brush-off] 不理睬某人, 把某人打发掉the brush(1)绘画艺术; 画家风格(2)画家(3)[美口]丛林(地带); 不开化地区(4)[俚]拒绝, 不理睬; 打发走brush aside(1)推至一旁; 排除(2)漠视; 不理; 撇开不管brush away(1)刷去, 刷掉; 挥去(2)撇开不管; 漠视(3)扫除(障碍等)brush cut一种男人发型(似平头)brush down(1)刷干净(2)[俗]责备; 谴责brush off(1)刷掉; 掸去(2)拒绝接见; 驱逐(3)[俗]漠视(4)[俚]走开, 离开(常用于祈使句)brush over轻刷; 加以渲染, 使更加引人注目brush up(1)清洁; 拂拭(2)温习; 复习brush up on温习; 复习特殊用法air brush喷枪, 气刷all-carbon brush全炭电刷angular brush倾斜电刷antistatic brush【刷】抗静电刷badger brush獾毛笔(用于油画的软毛笔)bent radiator brush散热器弯刷black-lead brush石墨刷block brush砧板刷子body brush马刷boiler tube brush锅炉管刷bore brush炮刷, 枪刷bottle brush洗瓶圆刷bottom brush洗瓶底的刷子brass wire brush黄铜丝刷bristle brush鬃毛画笔bronze brush青铜电刷 bronze-graphite 青铜石墨电刷burnishing brush磨光辊, 抛光辊camel's hair brush驼毛刷carbon brush炭刷casing cleaning brush毛肠刮制刷cast-steel wire brush钢丝刷center brush中(间)电刷cheliceral brush螯刷Chinese writing brush毛笔collecting brush(1)刮泡刷(2)集流刷, 集电刷, 汇流刷collector brush集流刷, 集电刷commutator brush换向器电刷compare check brush(穿孔卡)检验刷composite brush复合电刷compound brush合成电刷contact brush接触电刷control brush控制电刷copper brush铜(电)刷copper carbon brush铜碳刷copper gauze brush铜网刷copper leaf brush铜(叠)片电刷coreless brush无芯电刷current-collector brush集电刷dial brush表盘刷子distributor brush配电器电刷dry brush(油画、 水彩等的)干皴法; 干笔法dynamo brush电刷earthed brush接地刷electric brush电刷electrographite brush人工石墨电刷electromechanical brush机电刷exciter brush励磁机电刷exploring brush(1)测试弧刷, 辅助弧刷(2)测试或辅助电刷fan brush扇形(油画)笔feeder brush馈电刷file brush锉刷finishing brush画图的润饰fixed brush固定电刷flask brush烧瓶刷flat brush平刷fountain brush喷水刷子gauze brush铜丝布电刷, 网刷generator main brush发电机主电刷germinal brush胚芽分离刷, 胚芽分离机grain brush谷物刷, 清粮机刷graining brush木纹刷(描绘木纹用)graphite brush石墨电刷ground brush接地电刷gum brush胶水刷hair brush毛刷hearth brush炉刷hog hair brush猪鬃画笔horse brush马刷laminated brush叠片电刷lamp brush灯刷leading brush引前电刷line drawing brush划线笔刷marking brush起线刷motor brush电机电刷motor wire brush电动钢丝刷moving brush活动电刷negative brush负电刷non insulation brush无绝缘电刷nylon cleaning brush尼龙清理刷oil brush润滑油刷oscillating brush摆动电刷outer brush外电刷output brush输出电刷oval paint brush椭圆油刷paint brush漆刷paired brush成对电刷, 双电刷pasting brush裱糊刷子; 涂桨刷子pickup brush集电刷, 集流刷pilot brush控制刷, 辅助刷, 选择器电刷points brush道岔刷rabbit brush一枝黄(一种多年生橡胶植物)radial brush径向电刷, 辐向电刷read brush读出电刷, 阅读刷reel brush转筛清理刷; 转筒刷revolving brush转动刷子rheostat brush变阻器电刷rice brush大米砑光机rider-type brush骑马刷, 往复刷(清筛用)rotating brush旋转电刷round paint brush圆油刷rubber tapped spilt brush带胶皮头分裂式电刷sabeline brush牛毛画笔sable brush黑貂毫笔scaling brush除锈钢丝刷scent brush臭毛刷scratch(ing) brush钢丝刷, 金属丝刷子screen brush清筛刷scrub(bing) brush硬毛刷secondary brush副电刷self-propelling brush(筛选机)自动推进刷short-circuited brush短路电刷sieve brush清筛刷sifter brush筛刷silver-graphite brush银石墨电刷slip-ring brush滑环电刷snow brush清雪刷, 刷式扫雪器soft hair brush软毛画笔steel brush钢刷steel wire brush钢丝刷steel wire tube brush(除垢用)钢丝管刷stencil brush镂花刷stiff-bristled brush硬毛刷stock brush润砖刷stylar brush花柱粘液毛tandem brush串联电刷tar brush焦油刷子test-tube brush试管刷third brush第三电刷tube brush管刷turn brush试管刷whisk brush(打蛋机的)搅打刷帚white washing brush粉墙刷wire brush钢丝刷wire wheel brush圆盘钢丝刷英文相关词典brushclean&&&&remove&&&&rub&&&&wipe&&&&[七国语言]英汉电子工程大词典brush电刷[七国语言]英汉公共大词典brush毛笔[七国语言]英汉机械大词典brush刷子[七国语言]英汉建筑大词典brush毛刷, 刷子[七国语言]英汉轻工业大词典brush刷美国传统词典brushbrush 1AHD:[br?sh] D.J.[br(.]K.K.[br(.]n.(1)A device consisting of bristles fastened into a handle, used in scrubbing, polishing, or painting.(2)The act of using this device.(3)A li a graze.(4)A bushy tail:the brush of a fox.(5)A sliding connection completing a circuit between a fixed and a moving conductor.(6)A a brushoff.v.brushed, brush.ing, brush.esv.tr.(1)To clean, polish, or groom with a brush.(2)To apply with or as if with motions of a brush.(3)To remove with or as if with motions of a brush.(4)To dismiss abruptly or curtly:brus brushed an old friend off.(5)To touc graze against.v.intr.(1)To use or apply a brush.(2)To move past something so as to touch it lightly.常用词组brush up(1)To refresh one's memory.(2)To renew a skill.语源(1)Middle English brusshe (2)from Old French brosse [brushwood, brush] * see brush 2继承用法brush“ern.brush“yadj.参考词汇(1)brush, flick, glance, graze, shave, skim (2)The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to make light and momentary contact with something in passing”: h flicked the p an arrow that
a knife blade gr a taxi
an oar skimming the surface of the pond. 基本词义brushbrush 2AHD:[br?sh] D.J.[br(.]K.K.[br(.]n.(1)A dense growth of bushes or shrubs.(2)Land covered by such a growth.(3)Cut or broken branches.语源(1)Middle English brusshe (2)from Old French brosse [brushwood] (3)from Vulgar Latin *bruscia (4)perhaps from Latin bruscum [knot on a maple] 继承用法brush“yadj.基本词义brushbrush 3AHD:[br?sh] D.J.[br(.]K.K.[br(.]n.A brief, often hostile or alarming encounter: a brush with death.语源(1)Middle English (2)from brushen [to hasten, rush] (3)probably from brusshe [brush] * see brush 1[名词委审定]英汉电工名词(1998)brush电刷[名词委审定]英汉铁道科技名词(1997)brush电刷英汉船舶大词典brush n.电刷,刷去,刷,刷洗,刷子 朗文英汉综合电脑词典brush 电刷,刷(子);【WIN,NT】画笔 英汉电信大词典brush n.电刷,刷掉 英汉地质大词典brush n.富褐铁矿,挑顶,采空区内的巷道 英汉纺织大词典brush n.刷,电刷,索绪帚,刷,刷洗,刷子 英汉航空大词典brush n.电刷,刷子 英汉化学大词典brush n.电刷,刷子,画笔,灌木林,小冲突,刷,刷涂;vi.刷,擦光,掠过 英汉海运大词典brush 刷子电刷电刷放电刷(掉) 基本词义brush 刷子电刷电刷放电刷(掉),刷去,清理 基本词义brush 刷电刷刷子电刷放电刷(掉),刷去,清理 基本词义brush 刷电刷 英汉进出口商品词汇大全brush [电]刷子 英汉计算机大词典brush n.电刷(刷子,画笔;vi.刷(擦光,掠过) 英汉机械大词典brush n.刷,刷洗 英汉建筑大词典brush n.灌木林,树枝,梢料 英汉农牧林大词典brush n.电刷 英汉能源大词典brush n.电刷 英汉汽车大词典brush n.电刷 英汉消防大词典brush ①电刷 ②灌丛, 灌丛地带 英汉冶金大词典brush n.刷子,电刷 英汉医学大词典brush n.刷,刷子 英汉中医大词典brush n.刷子
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