
  导语:大熊猫有胖胖的身子,像穿了一件黑白相间的外衣,三角形的耳朵,黑黑的眼睛像戴了大墨镜似的。下面是小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。  介绍熊猫的英语作文_第1篇:  Anyone seen pandas today I went to the zoo. Giant panda it has a fat body wearing a big glasses it loves eating bamboo is a national level to protect animals.  In 2004 the national wild giant panda 1590 only. Adult pandas from 120 ~ 180 10 ~ 20 cm long, 60 ~ 110 kg weight. Trunk tail is white, two ears, eyes, legs, and shoulder are all black, I eat other plants, and even dead animals. , appetite is big, also to spring or a stream to drink every day. Living between 2400 ~ 3500 meters mountain bamboo forest. The living environment humidity is very big, a fairly large temperature difference. The panda's scientific name actually called &panda&, meaning to &bear& like a cat, that is to say, &nature is similar to bear, and the appearance is similar to the cat.  The panda only more than 160 people have to protect giant pandas.  谁都见过大熊猫今天我去了动物园。大熊猫它长着一身胖胖的身体戴着一个大大的墨镜它很爱吃竹子是国家一级保护动物。  2004年全国野生大熊猫有1590只。成年大熊猫120~180尾长10~20厘米,体重60~110千克。躯干是尾白色,两耳、眼周、四肢和肩胛部全是黑色,偶食其它植物,甚至动物尸体。日食量很大,每天还到泉水或溪流饮水。居住于海拔米的高山竹林中。其生活环境湿度很大,温差也比较大。熊猫的学名其实叫“猫熊”,意思即为“像猫一样的熊”,也就是说“本质类似于熊,而外貌却相似于猫。  熊猫只剩160多大家一定要保护大熊猫。  介绍熊猫的英语作文_第2篇:  Giant pandas have a chubby body, like wearing a black and white coat, triangular ears, black eyes like wearing a big glasses, a nose like a small cake, with black chocolate, there are white cream, I want to eat. Under the nose small mouth seems to be even. Its limbs like hairy little black pillar. Its claws can easily put bamboo caught his mouth, tail like a black fur ball, very lovely.  Panda is also called &bamboo panda&. But now the high quality bamboo less and less, it's hard to feed the pandas, so pandas have less and less too. Therefore, the panda is our national treasure, we should protect it.  大熊猫有胖胖的身子,像穿了一件黑白相间的外衣,三角形的耳朵,黑黑的眼睛像戴了大墨镜似的,鼻子像一块小蛋糕一样,上面有黑色的巧克力,下面有白色的奶油,我都想吃了。小小的嘴在鼻子下好像被连了起来。它的四肢像带毛的小黑柱子。它的爪子可以轻易的把竹子抓到嘴里,尾巴像一个黑毛毛球,非常可爱。  熊猫也叫“竹子熊猫”。但是现在优质的竹子越来越少了,很难喂饱熊猫了,所以,熊猫也越来越少了。因此,熊猫是我们的国宝,我们应该保护它。
Conservation groups have called for governments to increase protection of the Chinese pangolin after a social media post triggered public concern over this critically endangered wild mammal.近日,社交媒体上一篇文章引起了公众对穿山甲这种极度濒危野生动物的关注,环保团体已经呼吁政府加强对中国穿山甲的保护。A Sina Weibo user posted four pictures from 2015 showing a pangolin meat banquet held for a business delegation from Hong Kong in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. This triggered public criticism and has led to a probe.一名新浪微博用户发布4张拍摄于2015年的照片,照片显示广西有人用穿山甲肉宴席招待了一个香港来的商务代表团。这引发了公众的批评,并导致了一场调查。The Chinese pangolin, one of the eight species of pangolins, has been heavily hunted and trafficked for its meat and scales, which are believed to have medicinal qualities. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna said in 2003 the population was estimated at 50,000 to 100,000, having declined by up to 94 percent since the 1960s.穿山甲共有8个品种,中国穿山甲正是其中之一,这种动物已经被大量捕杀、贩卖其肉和皮甲,许多人都认为穿山甲的皮有药用价值。据濒危野生动植物国际贸易公约表示称,2003年中国穿山甲的数量只有5只,相比于上世纪60年代减少了94%。The International Union for Conservation of Nature listed the Chinese pangolin as "critically endangered" in 2014 on the basis of predicted continuing declines of up to 90 percent over the next couple of decades.2014年国际自然保护联盟将中国穿山甲列为“濒危”物种,预测未来几十年中国穿山甲数量将继续减少90%以上。Wu Shibao, a professor at South China Normal University, has devoted himself to pangolin protection since 1995. He said the Chinese pangolin is already commercially extinct in the wild.自从1995年以来,华南师范大学教授吴四宝(音)一直致力于穿山甲保护工作。据他表示,中国穿山甲在野外已经商业灭绝了。"There is virtually no information available on population levels of the Chinese pangolin on the Chinese mainland," he said. "The species exists, but is very rare. I talked to some hunters. Some said they haven’t seen wild pangolin for three decades."他指出:“几乎没有任何有关中国大陆上中国穿山甲数量的信息。这个物种还存在,但是很少见。我问过一些猎人。有些人说他们三十年都没有见过野生穿山甲了。”
来源:China Daily爱语吧作者:陶祥飞
爱语吧 (京ICP备号)CopyRight (C) ,All rights reserved翻译关于保护大熊猫的英语作文(80字左右)-夕阳问答网 & 翻译关于保护大熊猫的英语作文(80字左右)信息问题翻译关于保护大熊猫的英语作文(80字左右)-夕阳问答网发起者: eyes have round pupils, and a short tail, Pandas have very good eyesight.&Da xiong mao,&quot. The exception is the giant panda, whose pupils are vertical slits, and its front paws have an opposable & which means &quot, males are called boars.& in Chinese, like cats'giant bear cat&quot. EYES Most bears&#39, cuddly-looking mammals have a big head. This bear is quite differthumb. It has unusual cat-like eyes. These unusual eyes inspired the Chinese to call the panda the & Female pandas are called sows. The panda is a symbol of peace in C eyesGiant pandas are black-and-white Chinese bears that are on the verge of extinction, and the young are called cubs, a heavy body. The Chinese people call the panda &quot. These large推荐回答
呼吁的中国人民的大熊猫“大熊毛”,关于濒临灭绝的中国熊,一个沉重的身体。这种大型的。雌性大熊猫被称为母猪大熊猫是黑色和白色,意思是“猫”在中国巨大的负担,可爱的前瞻性哺乳动物有一个大脑袋,它的前爪有一个对抗性的“拇指”。它具有不寻常的猫一样的眼睛,和短尾巴。这熊是熊不同于其他相当。熊猫是中国在和平的象征,圆形的耳朵相关信息& & & & & 其他回答胖乎乎的身体,熊猫是和平的象征,给它们其名为“大熊猫”,而小熊猫则叫&quot。这种“熊”和其他熊有很大的区别。眼睛许多熊的眼睛的瞳孔是圆的,它的瞳孔是竖着的一条缝;cubs&quot,圆圆的耳朵和一个很短的尾巴。正是这样的不寻常的眼睛给了中国人灵感;boars&quot。但是大熊猫则是个例外;。大熊猫是一种黑白两色的熊科动物,他们的前爪有一个生长方向相反的大拇指;sows&quot。我给楼主手译吧,在汉语里意思是“巨大的熊猫”。母熊猫叫&quot,看起来像猫的眼睛。它有着很不寻常的眼睛,像猫的眼睛一样。请给分吧。在中国;,目前正处于灭绝的边缘,产在中国楼上的两位用翻译软件翻得驴唇不对马嘴,谢谢。大熊猫有着非常好的视力、长相可爱的哺乳动物有一个很大的脑袋,不要复制。中国人叫熊猫为“大熊猫”,花了很长时间翻译的,还有其他回答问题的人请尊重我的劳动成果,公熊猫叫&。这种体型庞大,谢谢,记得给分回答时间:[]大熊猫是黑白相间的熊在中国濒临灭绝的边缘。这些大型哺乳动物,cuddly-looking有一个大头、沉重的身体,圆形的耳朵,一条短尾巴。
熊猫有很好的视力。回答时间:[]大熊猫是一种黑白两色的熊科动物,产在中国,目前正处于灭绝的边缘。这种体型庞大、长相可爱的哺乳动物有一个很大的脑袋,胖乎乎的身体,圆圆的耳朵和一个很短的尾巴。中国人叫熊猫为“大熊猫”,在汉语里意思是“大的熊猫”。在中国,熊猫是和平的象征。这种“熊”和其他熊有很大的区别。它有着很不寻常的眼睛,看起来像猫的眼睛,他们的前爪有一个生长方向相反的大拇指。母熊猫叫&sows&,公熊猫叫&boars&,而小熊猫则叫&cubs&。眼睛许多熊的眼睛的瞳孔是圆的。但是大熊猫则是个例外,它的瞳孔是竖着的一条缝,像老虎的眼睛一样。正是这样的稀罕的眼睛给了中国人灵感,给它们其名为“大熊猫”。大熊猫有着非常好的视力。回答时间:[]百度翻译关于保护大熊猫的英语作文(80字左右) 5蜜汁甜果 |
| 分享Giant pandas are black-and-white Chinese bears that are on the verge of extinction. These large, cuddly-looking mammals have a big head, a heavy body, rounded ears, and a short tail. The Chinese people call the panda &Da xiong mao,& which means &giant bear cat& in Chinese. The panda is a symbol of peace in China. This bear is quite different from other bears. It has unusual cat-like eyes, and its front paws have an opposable &thumb.& Female pandas are called sows, males are called boars, and the young are called cubs. EYESMost bears' eyes have round pupils. The exception is the giant panda, whose pupils are vertical slits, like cats' eyes. These unusual eyes inspired the Chinese to call the panda the &giant cat bear.& Pandas have very good eyesight. 作业不会,学霸帮你立即下载我来解答相关问题英语作文和翻译 80字1180词英语作文 (带翻译 2篇)快300关于大熊猫的英语作文初中水平80字以内206关于濒临灭绝的大熊猫的英语作文60至80词64关于熊猫的英语作文要付翻译80词左右英语作文80词1关于喜欢小动物的英语作文,80字左右13更多相关问题&& 用作业帮一键提问“有关熊猫...”的问题回答大熊猫是黑色和白色,关于濒临灭绝的中国熊。这种大型的,可爱的前瞻性哺乳动物有一个大脑袋,一个沉重的身体,圆形的耳朵,和短尾巴。呼吁的中国人民的大熊猫“大熊毛”,意思是“猫”在中国巨大的负担。熊猫是中国在和平的象征。这熊是熊不同于其他相当。它具有不寻常的猫一样的眼睛,它的前爪有一个对抗性的“拇指”。雌性大熊猫被称为母猪,公猪男性被称为 网友推荐wy9812 | 1325楼上的两位用翻译软件翻得驴唇不对马嘴。我给楼主手译吧,记得给分,谢谢。大熊猫是一种黑白两色的熊科动物,产在中国,目前正处于灭绝的边缘。这种体型庞大、长相可爱的哺乳动物有一个很大的脑袋,胖乎乎的身体,圆圆的耳朵和一个很短的尾巴。中国人叫熊猫为“大熊猫”,在汉语里意思是“巨大的熊猫”。在中国,熊猫是和平的象征。这种“熊”和其他熊有很大的区别。它有着很不寻常的眼睛,看起来像猫的眼睛,他们的前爪有一个生长方向相反的大拇指。母熊猫叫&sows&,......回答时间:[]At present people are taking an important measure to save pandas. People want to find a home for them, and recently, they have set up a nature park for them in Sichuan Province,which is called &Pandas' Home. &There pandas can enjoy their life happily. There is a bamboo forest near the Pandas' Home. So the pandas can find bamboos easily which they like to eat very much.Because pandas are well protected now, the number of them is increasing every year. We hope that one day we will have enough pandas to set them free and let them live in the wild again. Pandas are good friends of man. Man should try to protect them and ]et them live in the way they like!回答时间:[]Copyright & 2017关于保护熊猫的英语作文(不少于80字)
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