
Adele新歌以live的形式演绎,歌词还是依旧那么唯美,沙哑的歌声和完美的转音依旧是这她的标志。--Lyric--Everybody loves the things you do每个人都如此的爱你,爱着你的一切From the the way you talk to the way you move爱你所言抑或是爱你所行Everybody here is watching you所有人都在这里注视着你Cause you feel like home因为你让人感觉好似了回到家You're like dream come true又如同梦想成真But if by chance you're here alone但是如果可能,你也独自一人在这里Can I have a moment 能否给我一些时间Before I go再我离去之前Cause I've been by myself all night long其实这整个夜晚,我也是独自徘徊Hoping you're someone I used to know多么希望你依然是我记忆中我熟悉的你You look like a movie 你予我的回忆,就如同一部电影You sounds like song你熟悉的低语,对我而言,就是脑海中的旋律My god,this remind me哎,天啊,这又让我想起那些日子Of When we were young那些我们都还年轻的时光Let me photograph you in this light就让我把曾经的你定格此刻吧In case it is the last time that we might beexactly we were before we realized 也许,在回到现实之前,这是最后一次,我们依然是…我们。We were sad of getting old 曾经如此害怕我们不再年轻It made us restless 大概也是因此让我们失去了耐心,失去了等待It was just like a movie此刻,就让属于我们的片段停格在这里It was just like a song所有的念念不忘也随着回忆的旋律也渐行渐远…I was so scared to face my fears我是无比害怕去面对自己的恐惧Cause nobody told me that you'd be here因为没人告诉我你会在这里And I swore you moved overseas“忘记我吧,你会忘记我们曾经拥有的,你终有一天可以释怀这一切,漂洋过海,去一个新的地方,开始一段新的人生”That's what you said when you left me这是当你离开时,你这样告诉我的…You're still like a movie 然而,你的身影依然如电影般在我脑海放映You're still like a song你依然如同我心中的一段旋律,不断徘徊My god,it reminds me 哎,怎么了,这又让我想起了Of when we were young那时年轻的我们Let me photograph you in this light就让我,在此刻把最初的感动巨细无遗的留在心里吧In case it is the last time that we might beexactly we were before we realized 我害怕也许此刻过后,我们将不在是我们We were sad of getting old我们大概都太害怕失去年轻躁动的心,希望遇到更加合适的他It made us restless 然后,我们都倦了,都累了It was just like a movie 电影散场了…It was just like a song音乐停止了…It's hard to win me back其实,我知道我不会再等待了Everything just takes me back只是,所有的回忆不断把我拉扯到过去To when you were there到那个有你的地方To when you were there有你的时光And a part of me keeps holding on不知怎么说,我的内心好像总有块属于你的地方,让我无法忘记Just in case it hasn't gone就好像害怕你还不曾离去,还会回到我身边I guess I still care我猜我心里还是依然在乎你的Do you still care?那你还在乎吗?I'm so mad of getting old我现在依然如此的憎恨这岁月的流逝It makes me reckless 但却让我面对一切更加无所畏惧It was just like a movie 这电影始终未完待续It was just like a song 这首歌也依然在回响…(源自网络,如有侵权,请联系删除)更多精彩文章,请“查看历史消息”英文版《后来》,仿佛世界都安静了四六级冲刺 | 真题“九阴真经”其实是这样子炼成的!......听力“冲击波” | 四六级听力“新题型”模拟练习......&蔡雷英语微信ID:cailei_sz1.喜欢文章,分享给朋友2.长按二维码,关注我们长按二维码关注& &致力于打造英语第一学习资源分享平台蔡雷英语(cailei_sz) 
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英文翻译martyr&&&&be die ...&&&&martyr of ashes&&&&acts of the martyrs&&&&justin martyr&&&&wear the crown&&&&pantheon, rome&&&&acts of saints and martyrs&&&&commando for the avenge of martyrs&&&&the early christian martyrs&&&&be die in the cau ...&&&&one who practises buddhism the truth t ...&&&& intelligen ...&&&& preacher&&&&homilist&&&& propagandist
例句与用法He was martyred by the romans .他被罗马人处死而成为殉道者。When you lose, you're martyrs .你们输了,就成了殉道者。A member disputed the martyr's palm with me, and, on a division defeated me by two votes, to my secret relief .一位成员和我争着去当光荣的殉道者,表决的时候,他以两票得胜,我暗自庆幸。They were upheld, as in all their dealings with the black-white relationship, by a feeling of almost martyred responsibility .正如他们对待白人和黑人的一切关系一样,他们都昂扬着一种近似殉道者的责任感。She ' s a real martyr , thanks to you , coach她真是个殉道者啊,多谢你了,教练That ' s why the young people make the best martyrs那就是年轻人成为最好的殉道者的原因It is better to be a martyr than a confessor与其做忏悔,不如做殉道者。 Christian martyrs were stoned to death基督教殉道者被用石块击毙。 20 years in the desert makes you a prophet and a martyr20年的沙漠生活让你成了先知和殉道者了Acts of saints and martyrs圣徒及殉道者之行传更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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英文翻译symbiosissymbiotic relationship&&&& comm ...&&&& relatio ...&&&&symbiotic mothe s ...&&&&symbiosis&&&& have a sexual relations ...&&&& parasitism&&&&antibiotic relation&&&&student
studentt ...&&&&relate&&&&inter-generating relationship&&&&secondary relationship&&&&parasitism&&&&the relationshibetween studentand teac ...&&&&paragenic relalion&&&&teacher-pupil relations in the digital ...
例句与用法Engineering completely new symbiotic relationship is obviously not an imminent possibility .工程上完全新的共生关系显然是可能性不大。Joesting has used the magnetometer to locate gold in alaska, taking advantage of the close association of gold and magnetite in gravels .乔斯丁利用砾石中金子与磁铁矿密切的共生关系,曾经用磁力仪在阿拉斯加寻找金矿。U . s . and china : economic interdependence中美经济共生关系下的战略互需及选择Lt ' s called a symbiotic relationship . you wouldn ' t know about that这叫共生关系.你不会懂的Lt ' s called a symbiotic relationship . you wouldn ' t know about that这叫共生关系.你不会懂的It ' s called a symbiotic relationship . you wouldn ' t know about that这叫做共生关系,你是不会明白的A newly - fashioned symbiotic relationship between the two adversaries was born于是两种截然不同的物种之间产生了一种新的共生关系Mineralogical paragenetic relationships of au - ag tellurides in some gold deposits of china我国某些金矿床中金银碲化物矿物的共生关系Macao no longer relies on its formerly symbiotic relationship with dr ho to sustain it澳门不再依靠此前与何鸿?标志性的共生关系来维持博彩业。 On the paragenesis relations between the historical materialism and marx philosophy and residential society论历史唯物主义与马克思哲学及其市民社会理论的共生关系更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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