
你可能喜欢Distribution Table
...概率的乘积(Product)的累加值获得, 策画收益率时趁便也获得了百家(100)乐庄与闲的点数(Points)的概率分布表(Distribution Table). 上面以8副牌为例, 并对牌的花样不加以分辨, 举例如下(As follows):
distribution list
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报表(Total) 分布表(Histo) 分布图(Statis) 排行榜(Worst) 存档(Store) 读入(Load) 清除(Clear) 硬体诊断(Self-Check) 单体测试(Test-Exers) 切换电路板(Sw...
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table of frequency distribution
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Based on exposure time by year and life table, the cumulative pneumoconiosis incidence of 30 year length of service was calculated.
From the aspect of legislation, the constitution is a political announcement and organization structure chart or power distribution graph.
Result: Listing the table of classification of the origin of botany and distribution of producing region and identification of crude drugs of Gardenia.
And then we looked at this little loop before, for i in range number of stocks, I'm going to create two different lists of stocks, one where the moves, or distributions, are chosen from a uniform, and the other where they're Gaussian.
- 来自原声例句
Graphing with Excel
Bar Graphs and Histograms
Table of Contents
Bar graphs are created in much the same way scatter plots and line graphs are. Histograms are a specialized type of bar graph used to summarize groups of data.
Creating a bar graph with one independent variable
Data is entered into Excel much in the same way as it is with scatter plots and line graphs:
Note that the&independent variable&is placed in the first column while the&dependent variable&is placed in the second column. The headers at the top of each column are not necessary, but they do help identify the variables.
With the data shown above&highlighted, start the&Chart Wizard&from the toolbar:
If the Chart Wizard is not visible on the toolbar, you can also choose&Insert & Chart...
Choose the&Column Chart type&and the&Chart sub-type&in the&upper left corner&(basic bar graph). This chart type creates a vertical bar graph, which Excel refers to as a Column chart. If you want to create a
horizontal bar graph, choose the Bar chart type. Click&Next&when you are done.
Confirm that your Data&Series&are in&Columns&in your spreadsheet. Your&Data range&should reflect your selection of the independent and dependent data (plus possibly your column headers) in absolute cell references.
The&preview&should show a pretty good representation of what your chart will look like. Click&Next&when you are done.
Enter your titling. Also make sure to go to the&Legend&tab and&click off&the&Show Legend&option. You will not need a legend with only one independent variable. Click&Next&or&Finish&when
you are done.
Your final graph should look something like the one above. Note that when the graph is selected, your independent and dependent variables are highlighted in purple and blue boxes, respectively.
Creating a bar graph with two independent variables
A multiple bar graph depicting data using two independent variables is created in the same way as a simple bar graph:
Some things to note when creating this multiple bar graph:
The first independent variable,&Mammal, is still in the first column, with the dependent variable values (Count) in columns two and three. The second and third columns represent dependent variable values at two different levels of the
second independent variable,&Week.Make sure to select all of the data when creating the graph. The Chart wizard will automatically recognize you have a second independent variable.When you get to the last step of the Chart wizard, keep the legend turned&on, since it shows the coding for the two levels of the second independent variable.
Adjusting bar spacing
The relative widths of bars to the gap between the bars can be adjusted by&double-clicking&on one of the bars in the graph:
Gap width&represents the spacing between bars as a percentage of the width of one barOverlap&will overlap bars in group as a percentage of bar width. Negative values creates a gap between the bars within a group.
Introduction to histograms
In some investigations, you may find yourself collecting a large number of data points for a single level of an independent variable. That is, you take the same measurement over and over again. You would do this because a lack of perfect precision in your measuring
process would not let you get a good estimate of the true value with only a single measurement. In this example, the fracture stress of a certain type of glass bar is measured 24 times:
Clearly, the measured stress is not the same for each sample. In fact, the measurements range from a low of 55 to a high of 169. How can you summarize the results of these measurements? One way might be to simply calculate the average (mean) of all these measurements.
This would not, however, give you a good feel for how the data is&distributed.&A distribution graph, or&histogram, allows you to see how many measurements fall within set ranges, or&bins, of the dependent variable.
A histogram is usually depicted as a bar chart, with one bar representing the count of how many measurements fall with a single bin.
Histograms - using the FREQUENCY function
To start with, it is usually a good idea to scan your data and get a feel for its overall range. For the data above, the range is from 55 to 169. Next you will want to decide how fine you want the increment of your bins. The finer the increment, the more bins,
and thus the more bars on your chart. For this example we will choose a bin increment of 15 starting with 70. Depending on what you want to depict, you may want to show an empty bin above and/or below the extreme values of your samples to show the viewer that
you are at the extremes of your data set. Type in these bin increments in a column next to your raw data:
Though you can manually count the number of measurements that fall within each of these bins, an easier way is to use the Excel function&FREQUENCY. This function is a bit more complex than functions such as MEAN. The FREQUENCY function is an&array
function, returning values to a range of cells. Look at the figure below and follow the steps to enter this function:
Highlight&the&range of cells&which will hold the frequency counts&(D3:D8). These will be all of the Frequency Count cells next to the bin increments.Choose&Insert&Function..., pick the&Statistical&Function&category and scroll down in the box on the right and choose&FREQUENCY&as the Function name.Use the dialogue box to enter the function. With the&Data_array&box selected, go to the spreadsheet page and&highlight&the data values&(A3:A26). The dialogue box with &roll up& while you highlight these
values and then &roll down& when you are done.Repeat this process by selecting the&Bins_array&box and then go out the spreadsheet and&highlight&the bin limits cells&(C3:C8).Click OK. The completed formula is seen in the formula bar and the correct count value is seen in the Bin Limit 70 count cell (D3):
What has not been done yet is to copy the array function down to the other Frequency Count cells. This is a bit different that typical cell copying:
With the Frequency Count cells&still highlighted (D3:D8),&click&on the&FREQUENCY function&into the formula bar (i.e., =FREQUENCY(A3:A26,C3:C8))Propagate&the function by typing&Control-Shift-Enter&on a PC (type&Command-Return&on the Mac).
The frequency values should now fill the cells next to the bin increments. Note that your first bin increment, 70, holds all the measurements at 70 and below. The next bin, 95, holds measurements from 71-95, and so on. The result should look like this:
If only the top cell is filled with a frequency value, then you probably either didn't highlight the range of cells next to the bin increments, or you didn't use the special key combination to enter the function. Note that in the next figure, the last bin value,&195,
was changed to&More&to indicate in the graph that it represents the count for everything above 170.
Creating a histogram
You can now create a bar graph as you did&&using the histogram summary data rather than the raw data:
Note again that this histogram is made from the summary data (highlighted in purple and blue boxes), not the raw data. Optionally you can leave the More category from the graph.
Just as you can with other data, you can create a multiple bar histogram. You can either do this as was shown&&or by superimposing two histograms (see the
Advanced module on).
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to make a frequency distribution table in做一个频率分布表
内容提示:to make a frequency distribution table in做一个频率分布表
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to make a frequency distribution table in做一个频
官方公共微信Bootstrap table简单使用总结
字体:[ ] 类型:转载 时间:
这篇文章主要为大家总结了Bootstrap table的简单使用方法,具有一定的参考价值,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考一下
最近接触一个很棒的插件,Bootstrap table没做过前端的表示对table的印象还只停留在html的table标签那一套,用过bootstrap table之后不得不说真的很实用。
&div class="btn-group hidden-xs"id="exampleTableEventsToolbar" &
&table data-toggle="table"
data-url="${ctxAdmin}/user/userData?orgId=${orgId}" //table数据来源,json格式
data-pagination="true" //是否支持分页
data-show-search="true" //是否显示搜索框功能
data-show-columns="true" //显示columns功能按钮
data-side-pagination="server" //支持服务器端分页,默认是client&
&th data-field="user_id"&ID&/th&
&th data-field="username"
data-formatter="usernameFormatter" //columns option 参见官网解释
&th data-field="real_name"&真实姓名&/th&
&th data-field="tel_num"&座机&/th&
&th data-field="mobile"&手机&/th&
&th data-field="user_type"&用户类型&/th&
&th data-field="operation"
&2 、 js构造:
(function() {
url: "${ctxAdmin}/user/userData?orgId=${orgId}",
search: true, //是否显示搜索框功能
pagination: true, //是否分页
showRefresh: true, //是否显示刷新功能
showToggle: true,
showColumns: true,
iconSize: 'outline',
// toolbar: '#exampleTableEventsToolbar', 可以在table上方显示的一条工具栏,
refresh: 'glyphicon-repeat',
toggle: 'glyphicon-list-alt',
columns: 'glyphicon-list'
&结合官网上展示的Table options,Column options,Events,Methods可以完成很多功能。上面的data-formatter ,data-events就是Column options中的选项 。
data-formatter 和 data-events
//value: 所在collumn的当前显示值,
//row:整个行的数据 ,对象化,可通过.获取
//表格-操作 - 格式化
function actionFormatter(value, row, index) {
return '&a class="mod" &修改&/a& ' + '&a class="delete"&删除&/a&';
//表格 - 操作 - 事件
window.actionEvents = {
'click .mod': function(e, value, row, index) {
'click .delete' : function(e, value, row, index) {
bootstrap默认是客户端分页 ,可通过html标签
sidePagination: 'server'
client&: 正常的json array格式 [{},{},{}]
server:{“total”:0,”rows”:[]} 其中total表示查询的所有数据条数,后面的rows是指当前页面展示的数据量。
‘refreshOptions' //设置更新时候的options
‘refresh' //设置更新时的url ,query(往后台传参数)
$("#tablelist").bootstrapTable('refreshOptions', {
sidePagination: 'client' //改为客户端分页
$("#tablelist").bootstrapTable('refresh', {
url: "${ctxAdmin}/user/getsearchuserinfo", //重设数据来源
query: {username: $('#sea-username').val(),realname: $("#sea-realname").val(),mobile: $("#sea-mobile").val()}


更多关于 如何做频率分布直方图 的文章

