cyclicly near rectangular prismwave 对吗

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, August 2012, Pages
A 3D model of non-destructive ultrasonic testing for cracks near a non-planar back surface is presented. The scattering by an interior rectangular crack in a thick-walled component with a back surface of general geometry is considered. The 3D wave scattering problem is solved using boundary integral equation methods (BIEMs): the boundary element method (BEM) for the back surface displacement is combined with an analytical technique for the hypersingular traction boundary integral equation for the crack opening displacement. The solution method generates many unknowns, but by applying a threshold criterion a sparse approximation of the system matrix is obtained such that a fast sparse solver may be used. The computations are accelerated further using the stationary phase approximation for the computation of probe field integrals. The action of ultrasonic probes in transmission and reception, calibration by side-drilled holes and effects of material damping are taken into account in the model, and a few numerical examples illustrate the influence of the back surface geometry.KeywordsElastic waves; Boundary integral equation method; Boundary element method; Scattering; Non-destructive testing; Ultrasonics
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It is a problem of communication that ask you utilize Fourier Series to create a periodic rectangular wave with the frequency of 1000Hz. I'd like to fullfill it using Matlab which I have never come accross before. I hope this is a nice work and i began yesterday. It is easy in fact, however, there seems something wrong with the function of integral. As you know, we must do the integral when we work out the fourier series of any function. I have tryed almost every method but it didn't work still.It is Lao Zhu who helped me to work out this problem. He didn't use the systme function of integral at all but do integral by all his own codes. And it worked very well. But I am still puzzlled that: where i was wrong? Maybe only the God knows.Two days later is the new year 2006 coming. Our class decide to have a celebrating dinner party this evening at the Guolin Restaurant. 52 of our 59 classmembers go for it and we have a even big dinner. The food tastes good and
we all have a good time together. I hope everyone go smoothly in the coming year and have a great progress. Bottoms up!
湘南乃風- 純恋歌
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沪江词库精选quasi-rectangular wave是什么意思、英语短语。
中文释义: 【电】 类似长方波
2017quasi-rectangular wave是什么意思由沪江网提供。


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