
寥若晨星 - 搜狗百科
寥若晨星,汉语成语,寥:稀疏。若:好像。稀少得好像早晨的星星。指为数极少。出自南朝&齐《》 :“晓星正寥落,晨光复映漭。”
liáo ruò chén xīng
【注音】liáo(寥) ruò(若) chén(晨) xīng(星) 【用法】作谓语、定语;用于人或物。【结构】偏正式【近义词】屈指可数、凤毛麟角、寥若星辰、 寥寥无几、寥寥可数【反义词】数不胜数、无穷无尽、车载斗量、 左图右史、浩如烟海、汗牛塞屋【押韵词】日久玩生、倾耳而听、不竞南风、计劳纳封、远来和尚好看经、蛛网尘封、解甲休兵、檄愈头风、月晕而风、被甲持兵【提示】“寥若晨星”是比喻性的,“寥寥无几”是直陈性的,两个是近义词
南朝·齐《》 :“晓星正寥落,晨光复映漭。”唐·韩愈《》诗:“黄衣道士亦讲说,座下寥落如明星。”【典故】唐朝时期,宗教盛行,国子博士韩愈信奉儒家思想,坚决反对佛教和道教的流行,他写《华山女》诗讽刺当时佛教与道教争信徒的情形,华山县的佛教信徒很多,道教信徒寥若晨星,女道士亲自出马布道,卖弄色相,吸引信徒。
【正音】 寥;不能读作“liǎo”。【辨形】寥;不能写作“聊”或“廖”;晨;不能写作“辰”。【辨析】 寥若晨星和“寥寥无几”都形容极为稀少;常可通用。但~是形象性地比喻人或事物;而“寥寥无几”是用来直接陈述事物或人。
◎鲁迅《书信集·致山本初枝》:“经常去,但不是每天,漫谈的人材也寥若晨星,令人感到寂寞。”◎ 当中国自办的幼稚园还寥若晨星的时候,为了训练中国儿童的宗教意识,已经把这种发源于欧洲的幼儿教育制度带到中国来了。
as few as morning stars -- very few;as sparse as the morning stars;few and far between like the morning stars;as few as stars in the morning;
认为历史只是宫廷生活的记录或是寥若晨星的名人传记,当属浅薄之见。It is a shallow theory that views history as the annals of a court, or the record of the lives of a few famous men.虽然这些人寥若晨星并分散在各处,但他们知道神的呼召是什么。We know those of his calling, though few and far between they are.因此,每有太太想了解的事情发生,她便请先生前来一聚。由于蒙她邀请的人寥若晨星,由于她与她的女儿詹尼都是极出色的听众,杰克逊先生通常都是亲自赴约,而不是派他的妹妹代劳。Therefore, whenever anything happened that mrs. archer wanted to know about, she asked mr. and asshe honoured few people with her invitations, and as she and her daughter janey were an excellent audience, mr. jacksonusually came himself instead of sending his sister.
寥若晨星是什么意思 寥若晨星在线翻译 寥若晨星什么意思 寥若晨星的意思 寥若晨星的翻译 寥若晨星的解释 寥若晨星的发音
寥若晨星 基本解释寥若晨星[liáo ruò chén xīng]词典as few [scarce词典rare] as morning stars -- very few词典as sparse as the morning stars:寥若晨星。词典few and far between like the morning stars:寥若晨星。寥若晨星 汉英大词典寥若晨星[liáo ruò chén xīng]as few [ rare] as morning stars -- as sparse
few and far between li as few as stars in the morning寥若晨星 网络解释1. pajj:kakv 唠叨 | pajj 寥若晨星 | trnm 各抒己见2. liaorechenxing:恋人不lianrenbu | 寥若晨星liaorechenxing | 浪人情歌langrenqingge寥若晨星 双语例句1. 唯一比较遗憾的是,无论演讲嘉宾还是个人站长代表,清一色都是大老爷们儿,女站长寥若晨星。&&&&What regret exclusively quite is, no matter speech honored guest or individual stationmaster are represented, all of one suit is old old man, female stationmaster is few and far between.2. 同时,我也确信,能够真正领会股市本质的人也是寥若晨星。&&&&At the same time, I am convinced that to really understand the nature of the stock market are also Liaoruochenxing.3. 这样的女人,虽然确实还有,不过那也是寥若晨星。36至45岁的女人,80%以上都在外面受雇工作。&&&&More than 80% of women between the ages of 35 and 45 are employed outside the home for the simple reason that they need the money.4. 伟大的批评家是有的,可就是寥若晨星。&&&&There are great critics, but they are as rare as comets5. 5. 虽然素质教育对于当今的人们来说都是很熟悉的,但能够切实做到并付诸于行动的人却是寥若晨星。&&&&Although quality education is well known to every one at present, only a few people are willing to put it into practice.6. 6. 伟大的批评家是有的,可就是寥若晨星。&&&&There are great critics, but they are as rare as comet s7. 据我们所知,人的正常寿命也就只是100岁左右,大多数人活不到100岁,超过120岁的人寥若晨星。&&&&As we know, a normal life is only about 100 years old, the majority of people live less than 100-year-old and the age more than 120 is as few as stars in the morning.8. 从美感上看,珍珠从寥若晨星的一颗孤独发光体,转化为项链的群星闪烁、灿烂辉煌,粲然可观。&&&&Look from aesthetic feeling, pearl from a few and far between alone illuminant, the galaxy of translate into necklace twinkles, bright and brilliant, bright is considerable.9. 然而在运动医学中有关运动对细胞凋亡影响的研究近年来才刚刚开始,而有关长期中等强度运动训练和一次性超负荷运动及长期超负荷运动对心肌细胞凋亡的影响更是寥若晨星。&&&&But in sports medicine it is just beginning of the study about effects of exercise on apoptosis in recent years, and it is as sparse as the morning stars about effects of the chronic moderate intensity exercise and training and the overload exercise on myocardial apoptosis.10. 但他的生平事迹在词史上却极少被提起,有关其词作的研究更是寥若晨星。&&&&Considering this, this paper emphatically explores the life story of ZhaoChangqing and the times he lived.11. 认为历史只是宫廷生活的记录或是寥若晨星的名人的传记,当属浅薄之见。&&&&&&For it is a shallow theory that views history as the annals of a court, or the record of the lives of a few famous men.12. 12. 目前已经出版的小学机器人教育教材寥若晨星,大部分还停留在说明书教材的水平上。第二,对立体化教材进行概述。&&&&&&Primary Robotics education teaching materials, which almost have not been published, mostly remain at the level of specification materials. Second, it summarizes three-dimensional materials.13. 不过,这一行业的发展十分不平衡,例如在海运物流方面,集装箱海运的第三方物流服务十分兴旺;涉及干散货运输与调配的第三方物流服务,成功的例子则寥若晨星,即使是在国外干散货物流也只是刚刚起步。&&&&&&But the development of logistics industry isnt balanced. For example, in shipping industry TPL of container shipping is prosperous, jet it is hardly to hear something about TPL of dry bulk and it has just begin in foreign country.14. 14. 如今这样的专家寥若晨星。&&&&&&Nowadays, such experts are as rare as morning stars.15. 柯尔律治作为18世纪末19世纪初英国诗坛上著名的浪漫派诗人、诗歌理论家,在西方一直享有很高的声誉,但在中国学术界有关柯氏研究的专论和著作却寥若晨星。&&&&&&As a famous romantic poet and poetry theorist in the end of the eighteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century, Samuel Taylor coleridge has been enjoying great prestige in the West. But in China few of his works are known in Chinese academic circles.16. 国人工作能开拓一领域,或指出一重要方向者,寥若晨星。&&&&&&There are not much Chinese papers that may pioneer a subject or direction of importance.17. 与铺天盖地的当代设计的理论研究和技法研究还有客家文化理论红红火火的场面相比,有学术深度的客家文化与当代设计结合研究的内容显得寥若晨星。&&&&&&The paper of Hakka culture of depth of academic combined with contemporary Design are very few compared to a large number of the theoretical study and research techniques of contemporary design and the Lively scene of Hakka culture theory.18. 总体来看,这些西方品牌战略理论和本土的品牌管理思想基本上针对大众消费品,对工业品的品牌战略理论深入的研究寥若晨星。&&&&&&Overall, the western brand strategy theory and local brand management thinking are basically for the mass consumer market, research on industrial brand strategy theory is very rare.19. 寥若晨星的近义词19. 然而令人遗憾的是,目前,我国关于立法技术的研究寥若晨星,专门将法的总则作为研究对象而对其进行详细的技术性研究者则更是屈指可数。&&&&&&Yet regrettably, the researches of the legislative technique are really rare at present, and researchers who specially treat the general provision as the research object and make detailed technical researches are numberable.20. 20. 在二十世纪的众多美学家中,对现代技术及其艺术形态表示积极肯定与赞美的简直寥若晨星,德国法兰克福学派的另类代表&瓦尔特·本雅明就是其中一位。&&&&&&Among all the important aestheticians in the 20th century, only a few people showed their affirmatives and praises to the modern technique and its form of art. Walter Benjamin who was a special representative of Germany Frankfurt School belonged to them.寥若晨星是什么意思,寥若晨星在线翻译,寥若晨星什么意思,寥若晨星的意思,寥若晨星的翻译,寥若晨星的解释,寥若晨星的发音,寥若晨星的同义词,寥若晨星的反义词,寥若晨星的例句,寥若晨星的相关词组,寥若晨星意思是什么,寥若晨星怎么翻译,单词寥若晨星是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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读音: liáo ruò chén xīng
释义: 寥:稀疏。稀少得好象早晨的星星。指为数极少。
出自: 南朝·齐谢眺《京路夜发》:“晓星正寥落,晨光复映漭。”唐·韩愈《华山女》诗:“黄衣道士亦讲说,座下寥落如明星。”
用法: 偏正式;作谓语、定语;用于人或物
<a href="/cy/story_ch
  [know reputation or name]∶闻知其名声或名字
  [inform surname]∶告知姓名
  (1).谓正确认识事物的名称。《荀子&正名》:&名闻而实喻,名之用也;累而成文,名之丽也;用、丽俱得,谓之知名。& 杨 注:&浅与深俱不失其所,则为知名。&
  (2).告知姓名。《礼记&曲礼上》:&男女非有行媒,不相知名。& 郑玄 注:&有媒往来,传昏姻之言,乃相知姓名。& 孔颖达 疏:&故《昏礼》有六礼,二曰问名。&
  (3).谓闻知其名声或名字。 宋 梅尧臣 《杂诗绝句》之七:&岸傍草树密,往往不知名。& 陈毅 《中岳庙》诗:&巍巍 中岳庙 ,少小即知名。&
  (4).声名为世所知。犹出名。《史记&淮阴侯列传》:&及 项梁 渡 淮 , 信 仗剑从之,居 戏下 ,无所知名。& 唐 杜甫 《相从歌赠严二别驾》:& 梓 中豪俊大者谁,本州从事知名久。& 鲁迅 《汉文学史纲要》第八篇:& 汉 既平七国, 乘 由是知名; 景帝 t拜 弘农 都尉。&
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