如何学好英语 Howhao to learn englishh

怎样学好英语 How to Learn English Wel【大学英语作文】l
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怎样学好英语by Jack Du(How to learn English well)(原创,申请加精)
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首先我想谈谈中国为什么大力推行英语教育,因为美国(the United States of America)的强大。美国是姐姐上科技水平和经济实力最强大的国家(不要被金融危机所蒙蔽,中国光广东就有数万家企业倒闭,美国呢?中国目前还不够强大,还没有资格怀有大国心态,中华民族的伟大复兴要靠你们这些 爱国的热血青年和祖国的栋梁去奋斗)。科研人员学好英语可以了解科学的前沿,阅读全世界科学家的研究成果。从事金融方面工作的人可以便捷地了解全球最新的动态,最新的模式。想创业的人可以照搬美国的成功模式(百度抄袭Google,校内网照抄facebook)。阿里巴巴的马云(旗下有中国著名的淘宝网)在美国发现了先进的网上购物(当时中国互联网才刚刚起步),然后立即回国创业取得成功。旅游景点卖纪念品的老奶奶因为懂英语,可以和外国人做生意,赚取额外的收入。而你呢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~总之,学习英语的好处不言而喻。
& &&&就我个人而言:我很努力的去学英语,有三个原因:其一,我希望可以和老外交流;其二,中国的传媒受官方控制,带有很强的政治性,而学好英语我可以从国外的传媒获取信息,可以阅读国外的读物;其三,可以去阅读有关我专业的书籍。
但是我觉得最重要的是: 学习语言最根本的目的~~交流。你要可以和外国人交流思想,交换意见。在我看来,如果你没有说好英语,你就没有学好英语。
& && &&&英语是一门语言,而不是一门单纯的学科,更不是敌人。你可以花两个月的时间去攻克高数,但是学英语则是一个漫长的过程。
& && &&&以下是我总结的学英语的方法。
音标不准吗? 去学好音标吧!这样才能让别人明白你在说什么。在你听英语的时候,才能正确理解你所听到的内容。
听力材料:纯正的美语发音。我认为最想的材料是英语对话。其次是VOA English。英语水平低一点的可以去听 VOA special English。水平高一点的可以去听VOA standard English,还可以去听托福听力。不要以为可以听懂四级听力就沾沾自喜,那个语速实在太慢了,真正的英语要快的多。
工具: MP3或复读机足以。
精听: 不要看听力材料,不断重复听同一段材料,争取听懂每一个单词,不懂的单词可以试着用自己学过的只是拼写出来,然后去查字典(推荐牛津词典,要全英版的,解释很简单)。记住重复的次数越多越好,可以听一个星期,也可以听一个月,或者更久。听听力的时候记下你听到的内容。
& && & 你需要阅读大量的英语材料,课本那些事远远不够的,量变自然会产生质变的。
& && &材料内容自己决定。比如我吧,我又很多英语读物。比如:英文写作,教人如何快速阅读的书(The speed reading book by Tony Buzan),一些小说,美国当代历史和文化,美国文学等等。
& && &选择材料的原则是难度适宜。根据自己的词汇量去选择相应难度的阅读材料。如果你读一本书的时候,发现生词太多,或者读不通,说明那本书对于来说太难了,如果继续往下读会打击你的自信心,降低你学英语的兴趣。所以我不推荐大家去读疯狂英语或星火英语什么的,那对初学者来说太难了。
& && &阅读方法:
不要逐个单词的阅读,应该一次性看几个单词,也就是你要把几个单词划为群(group),群可以是词组,可是是几个单词组成的主语或者谓语,根据具体情况而定,原则是便于理解和记忆。这样可以提高阅读速度。(详细方法请留言或参阅the speed reading book written by Tony Buzan)
泛读: 用很快的速度阅读,采用快速阅读法(speed reading)必要时可以用笔协助阅读(详细方法请留言或参阅the speed reading book written by Tony Buzan)。主要以理解为主。
下面我来举个例子:当你想表达“你在干什么?”时,你可能会先在大脑里形成意象,要表达这个意思,但是这个意象是不带有任何文字色彩的。然后,你会把意象转换成中文“你在干什么?”,再转换成英文“What are you doing?”从中文转换到英文,你需要翻译每个单词,并把中文的语序转换成英文语序。
你们不觉得上面南哥例子既繁琐又搞笑吗?你在说汉语时难道会经过一种其他语言的思考吗? 俄语?西班牙语?还是C语言?这样能说出流利的英文吗?
& && && && &英语是词汇量最多的语言,词汇超过100万个,但是常用的只有一万五千个。怎么去记忆这些单词呢?如果你快考试了,时间紧迫,去市面买本单词记忆书吧,那些应试教育的专家会告诉你快速记忆的方法。
& && && && & 你需要用“健康”的方式去记单词---------用英语的思维。不要再读一遍英语,再说一遍中文,像念经一样了。高手是不用这些的。你完全可以用你已有的词汇去解释这些单词,牛津词典里有详细的英文解释。去看看吧,这样也有助于你英语思维方式的培养。
& && && && &不要指望一遍可以记住单词,以往曲线会告诉你一切。记单词应该采用零星记忆法,多次记忆,间隔一定时间,并且要将生词放到语境中去体味。有专家说:一个英语单词,你要记住它,至少要用100次。所以说,当你记日记的时候,当你写作文的时候,记得应用这些你刚记忆的单词或词组,这样可以加深印象并且产生一种成就感。
& && && && &&&早晨的时候别荒废了,起来背单词吧。
当一个英语学的很好的中国人来到美国,走在街头,很多时候根本听不懂周围的人在说什么,因为他们在说俚语,在说他们常用的 phrases and idioms,而这些在书面语中是没有的。而当地人会觉得这个中国人的话很奇怪,因为他们平常不是这么说的,他说的根本就不是口语,口语中一般不会用到很正式的单词的。真正的口语是很随意的。
<font color="#.培养对英语的兴趣---------只要你想做,一定可以做好
& && & 有了兴趣,就会有很好的积极性,学起来就会又好又快。
为什么我们会很快学会说中文? 因为我们在海不会说话时就已经开始听中文了,因为周围的人都说中文。
为什么很多家长要花大量的 金钱送小孩出国学英语?因为在国外周围人都说英文啊。
最近 Michael Jackson死了,我们宿舍到处都是他的歌声,我觉得这很棒。顺便说一句:“RIP(rest in peace) MJ。”
& &过了六级的人遇到外国人一句话都说不出口是很正常的。
& &考试不能完全测试出一个人的水平,但是没有考试时玩玩不行的,那些证书和学好英语都很重要。
& &所以考试前夕,要转变为应试的学习方式。但是记住,过了四六级不代表你英语学好了。
& &&&学习英语不是造汽车 ,不可以单独造零件然后整合成一个整体。以上所说的听说读写等是紧密结合的。被逼入听听力、写日记可以增强口语能力,还能增强写作能力。所以大家各方面要同步提高。
& &&&并且学英语是一个长期的过程,要有耐心,要学会发现和感受英语的魅力。要长期坚持,不间断的学习。这样不光学好了英语,还会培养持之以恒的精神。
& &&&总之,志愿大家学号英语,有一个美好的前景。
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如何学好英语(How do you learn English well?)
如何学好英语(How do you learn English well?)How to learn English well? Well, this is a question that puzzles almost every one. This seems a question that will never have a good answer. However, nowadays, we do have more and more people who have learned English well. How did they make it? First of all, they all have a strong will to learn English well. As a proverb goes, nothing is difficult if you put your mind to it. If you don&t have a strong desire to learn English well, you can never make it. Secondly, they spent a lot of time on it. No one can expect to learn English well in one day. It takes many, it takes many, many years! Thirdly, they all have a good start. By &good start& I mean they know the importance of some basic things, like pronunciation, reading aloud etc. They pronounce every sound clearly and correctly. They do a lot of reading aloud. Well, if we can learn from them, this means if we can do like they did, every one of us can learn English well. Please keep in mind, Practice makes perfect! Each day, spend some time on reading aloud. Find something interesting to read about. And learn to speak English to yourself, to write to yourself. This is a good way to practice speaking and writing skills. Yes, I know some other ways to learn English well. Do you like movies? I mean, do you like seeing English movies or movies in English? If you do, then you are on the right way to be a good English learner. What&s the good of a movie to the learning of English? First of all, you are listening to real English, or English that is spoken in daily life, in real situations. This is what we really need if we communicate with English speaking people. Secondly, movies are interesting to look at. You don&t easily grow bored. However, when you are studying our textbooks, you easily get bored. Now I would like you to list some more good things of a movie. You can start thinking right now, or you think it over before you fall asleep. And in this world, there exist many, many other good ways to help you lean English well. Let&s start right now, to find them out!
1.How to learn English better(如何更好地学习英语)
English is more and more important in our learning and very useful in our daily life. So it&s necessary for us to improve English. Here are my ways.
First, I take lots of notes in every class, and try my best to memorize them. In my essay I will use them. Second, I always watch English movies and listen to English tapes to improve my pronunciation and listening. Next, studying with a group is also a good way to learn. Last, in daily life, I use English as often as possible.
2.The best way to learn English(学习英语最好的方法)
I asked my English teacher this morning, &How do you learn Chinese when you were a child? Think about it, and you&ll find the answer.&
I cannot recall how I studied my native language, but I still remember the way my little cousin learned to speak. He listened to what people said and tried to imitate what he had heard. At two or three years old, he could express himself in simple language. Now, he is five years old, he can speak more perfectly. He is using language, thinking in it and talking in it all the time.
I understand if I use English all the time, it won&t seem so difficult. I will learn it quickly. It&s the best way to learn a foreign language.
3.Its Important to Learn English(学习英语的重要性)
English is widely used throughout the world. So many people speak it as a second language. ()n line, you'll find lots of information in English. If you don't understand English, how can you know more about the world, how can you get more knowledge?
At international conferences, English is also used as the official language. Without good English, you cannot express your ideas well neither can you introduce China to the outside world.
4.How to study English(怎样学习英语)
Study English, you do need to use English with speakers who are not teachers of English. This isn't easy, since everyone feels constrained speaking English with friends with whom it would be natural to use a shared mother tongue. Joining an English Club is a good idea and joining a club with an international membership (where English is in use at least some of the time) is, for many people, even better. If nothing like this is accessible, you might consider what would be involved in getting something going.
5.How to study English(怎样学习英语)
There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this, we can improve ore talking and listening skill.
Secondly, we should try to listen to all kinds of English programmers as much as possible. In this way, we can gradually improve our pronunciation.
Thirdly, we should often read English books. When we come across a new word, we should guess its meaning through the contest first. Then look it up in the dictionary to have a check. I it is a good way of reading.
Fourthly, we should practice our writing skills. Whenever we have any idea, we should get the pen and write it down at once. It is very important to avoid writing in Chinese way and using the Chinese grammar.
As long as we listen, speak, read and write more, we are sure to make remarkable progress!
6.Learning English and Learning About English(学会英语和学习英语)
We are learning English, not about English. A student can know all about English. And he may not be able to speak English.
The people who only learn about English take English as a subject. This is a mistake. Geography is no skill while English is.
You learn to swim by getting into water and swimming. You learn football by kicking a ball. We learn to speak English by speaking English. Let us do more speaking if we want to learn English well.
So you see there is a difference between "learning English and learning about English". Now we want to learn English and we believe the best way to learn to speak English is by speaking.
7.How I Learn English &如何学习英语
It is known to all that language learning is not only a kind of knowledge, but a kind of practice. Practice makes perfect. In learning a foreign language, Marx has set a good example.
From the very beginning I spared no pains and paid as much attention as possible to listening, speaking, reading and writing. I read the English stories with great interest and learn to keep English diary every day. Now I am able to appreciate English poetry.
To meet the demands of present situation I must learn English well.
8.I Learn English Like This(我是这样学习英语的)
English is very important for us. Everyone wants to learn it well. My English is very good. How do I learn English?
First, I listen to the teacher and make notes carefully in class. I revise my old lessons and prepare my new lessons after class.
Second, I like speaking English with my classmates, not only in classroom, but also on the playground. It's to improve my spoken English.
Third, I keep a diary every day to practice my written English.
Besides this, I often read English newspapers or magazines in order to enrich my knowledge on English culture.
We know it is difficult to learn English. My English is very good. I learn English like this.
I Listen to the teacher carefully and write the important points down on my notebooks. After class I revise the lessons. Before class I prepare new lessons to find out the questions. Then I will listen carefully in class.
I also listen to the tape, and speak English with my classmates in the classroom and on the playground. It's to improve my listening and speaking.
I keep a diary every day to practice my written English.
Besides this, I often read English newspapers and magazines to enrich my knowledge on English culture.
We will learn English well so long as we learn it hard.
9.Learning English by Practice(通过实践学习英语)
Learning English is not just a matter of knowing some grammatical rules and memorizing a number of English words, although those are important activities not to be ignored.
Mastering a foreign language is learning a skill, as well as acquiring the language knowledge. It's as much like learning to swim or ride a bike. Then you should not only memorize new words and understand grammatical rules, but also practice speaking, writing, listening and reading.
Here are some suggestions about effective practice.
First, make your month or hand do what your mind is learning simultaneously. Second, study continually day by day and do not expect to learn English well overnight. Third, occasionally go back and review old topics and texts to consolidate what you have learned. Fourth, do not be afraid to make mistakes, otherwise the fear can be a mighty obstacle to learning a language.
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