ebutterflyschmeticaltium sch libraryy.schlib 是什么库

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The evaluation tool is shipped with preloaded firmware that supports temperature sensing, light measurement, voltage readings and music playback. AVR Butterfly can also be used as a nametag.
AVR Butterfly can be reprogrammed from AVR Studio using a serial cable for use as a development kit for the onboard ATmega169PV, or even as target hardware for simple applications. The bootloader source code is available as application note AVR109. The code is written for the ATmega169V device, but is compatible and will work correctly without board modifications with the onboard ATmega169PV device. AVR Studio online-help contains the most current information and a complete list of supported devices.
Key Features
LCD with 120 segments, for demonstrating the ATmega169 LCD controller
Four-direction joystick with centre push for user input
Piezo element to play sounds
32kHz crystal for the real-time clock
4Mbit DataFlash for data storage
RS-232 level-converter, for communicating with off-board units
NTC thermistor for temperature measurements
3V button cell battery (600mAh) to provide operating power
JTAG connector for debugging
USI-interface, for additional communication interface
Supported by AVR Studio 4
Only a serial cable is required to reprogram the AVR Butterfly
Pre-programmed with a demonstration application, including bootloader
Ordering Code
Atmel Store Availability1
Unit Price2
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1Backlog orders can be placed for items currently not available.
2Suggested retail price per unit for budgetary use only.
AVR Butterfly - Bootloader rev04
(4030, updated January 2007)
AVR Butterfly - Application Rev07
(66375, updated January 2007)
AVR Butterfly - Application rev07 and Bootloader rev04
(40867, updated January 2007)分享者信息
资源:EButterflyIntegratedLibrary.7z 相关文件均存储在百度网盘。
盘找找为您免费提供强有力的网盘资源搜索,建议使用前选用百度杀毒 金山杀毒等杀毒工具通过后再使用。EButterflyIntegratedLibrary.7z分享者 兄木资源:


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