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opensearch 的wordpress搜索插件,今天讲一讲基于RDS和opensearch配合使用来替换discuz底层的数据库搜索。
测试的的discuz版本3.2 UTF8/GBK。
会展示3个表,然后选择第一个表forum_thread,点击数据来源,选择rds,点击添加数据。会展示需要的基本配置,输入你的实例ID,数据库名,数据表名(这个为默认为forum_thread,如果你的表有前缀就加上前缀),过滤条件(hidden=0,更多的过滤条件可以自行定义),连接数据库的用户名、密码,然后勾选数据自动同步和同意协议,点连接数据。如果是新版的discuz,所有的字段会默认给匹配上,如下:<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/large/005ODmEAjw1eqhss41yunj30ri0ebabo.jpg"
TITLE="RDS&opensearch&实现discuz的论坛搜索插件" />&
第二个表forum_post 表,填写你的实例ID,数据库名,数据库表名(默认为forum_post
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/large/005ODmEAjw1eqhssj2g4lj30ri0acmyc.jpg"
TITLE="RDS&opensearch&实现discuz的论坛搜索插件" />5.&配置第三个表forum_forum,然后选择rds,点击“添加数据”,同上,区别的地方为表名,默认为forum_forum,如果有前缀的话加上前缀,过滤条件为空。配置好了
中的字段列表为"fid,name",字段连接符为"_",点击保存,点击保存,点击保存如下:<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/large/005ODmEAjw1eqhstojn7uj30ri0crgnp.jpg"
TITLE="RDS&opensearch&实现discuz的论坛搜索插件" />&<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/large/005ODmEAjw1eqhstrnvxwj30ri0cjgm4.jpg"
TITLE="RDS&opensearch&实现discuz的论坛搜索插件" />&6.保存完了数据源就配置好了,然后点击左侧的搜索结果摘要,点击添加,增加subject
和message两个字段,message 的长度为250(用户自定义,为展示summary的长度),点击保存。<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/large/005ODmEAjw1eqhsu4ivt8j30ri04z3yi.jpg"
TITLE="RDS&opensearch&实现discuz的论坛搜索插件" />&
点击您的应用,然后点击左侧的“索引重建”,然后点击“手动索引重建”,然后点击“导入数据并重建索引”,选择所有表,然后点击创建。<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/large/005ODmEAjw1eqhsv2uq41j30ri0dngmf.jpg"
TITLE="RDS&opensearch&实现discuz的论坛搜索插件" />&
<img STYLE="outline: margin-right: 0 margin-bottom: 0 margin-left: 0 padding: 0 font-family: font-style: font-variant: font-weight: font-stretch: vertical-align:" src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/attachment/Fid_242/242_9025_fae.jpg?14"
TITLE="RDS&opensearch&实现discuz的论坛搜索插件" />
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/large/005ODmEAjw1eqht0t3upfj30o303dq31.jpg"
TITLE="RDS&opensearch&实现discuz的论坛搜索插件" />6.填写您的阿里云的Access
Key Id、secret、host和每页显示条数,accessKeyId和secret
为调试所用,在打开之后,会在搜索结果的源代码中增加debug信息(&!-- debug 信息
8.提交以后默认搜索会被替换成opensearch的搜索,搜索结果类似如下:<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/large/005ODmEAjw1eqht3e8nrkj30ri0hf0um.jpg"
TITLE="RDS&opensearch&实现discuz的论坛搜索插件" />&9.您可以对搜索结果样式、内容进行变更,代码位与:discuz主目录/source/plugin/cloudopensearch下。
<img src="/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="/large/005ODmEAjw1eqht8z1fjhj303k03k3yi.jpg"
TITLE="RDS&opensearch&实现discuz的论坛搜索插件" />&
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。DBI and MySQL - Windows
Installing DBI and Using MySQL with Perl in Windows
You will learn in this tutorial how to install the
(the Perl interface to databases) in Windows (NT, XP, 2000). There is another version for Linux . You can obtain a more detailed introduction to DBI by reading its . You can see below the basic DBI model. The scripts are written in Perl using standard Perl variables, commands and syntax. The DBI has methods and handles which are database software independent. You program to access, change or query a database using the standard SQL language, combined with the DBI methods and handles. You install as many DBD::type
modules as you need to support the different database software you may have, but you Perl script will be the same.
You will also see in this tutorial the basics of using DBI to perform queries, and display the results. Once you learn the basics you can use Perl to program the other SQL commands we saw briefly in our class on MySQL, and you should have learned in more details in the DB course. Please note that we have on reserve at the Library the book
, the authoritative reference to DBI.
You will need to download and install three pieces of software: DB_File, DBI, Table and MySQL DBD module.
If you were installing support for another database like Oracle, Informix, etc, you would also have to download their DBD modules.
The installation in Windows relies in
(Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) archives and
(Programmer's Package Manager) from .
When you installed Perl, PPM was installed automatically and it allows you to install and manages modules, originally available in CPAN.
you open a Command Prompt Window and type ppm. An
starts (requires you to be connected to the Internet to search the modules repository) and you can search for the module you want to install, and later install it.
finally at the ppm prompt type install package-name (package-name is the name you want to install after you found it) and PPM will install the module in the Perl/lib directory.
Install DBI
first. At the ppm prompt type search DB_File and if it is found (it will), then type install DB_FIle ( it done).
Proceed to download DBI, the Perl module to interface with Ddatabases. You will only need to download one version of DBI to use with any database: MySQL, Oracle, Informix, etc.
Once more at the PPM prompt type search DBI and you will see a
you can install, related to DBI. Install the main DBI module as shown . The following
let you test if your installation is working fine:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
tie %database, 'DB_File', "createdb.dat" or die "Can't initialize database: $!\n";
If all went well a file createdb.dat will be created by the script.
Install Data-Table
You will only need to install one version of Table to use with any database: MySQL, Oracle, Informix, etc. Again, at the ppm prompt type search Data-Table and when found type install Data-Table, as shown .
Install the MySQL module
You will need to download one version of the DBD module to use with each database: MySQL, Oracle, Informix, etc. These instructions refer to downloading and installing the DBD module for MySQL, but you can install more than one of the modules to access different types of database software. The same Perl commands wich work for one database type will work for the other types: the code is portable not only across platforms, but also across database software.
Once more, at the ppm prompt type search DBD and see the
of modules available. You are only interested in installing the driver for Mysql and at the ppm prompt type
and this is it.
This completes the installation of Perl modules to manipulate MySQL databases.
The following
let you test if your installation is working fine with MySQL, assuming you have created a MYTEST database and the root password is rootpass:
#definition of variables
# the root password
#connect to MySQL database
= DBI->connect ("DBI:mysql:database=$db:host=$host",
or die "Can't connect to database: $DBI::errstr\n";
from database
$dbh->disconnect or warn "Disconnection error: $DBI::errstr\n";
Using MySQL with the Perl DBI Interface
The basic documentation for the MySQL module is the reference table and methods for the , including specific commands only available in MySQL.
Lets see some basic concepts and a series of examples to illustrate them.
Basic concepts
Perl uses three levels of handlers to deal with databases:
the driver handle = DBD::mysql, which is transparent for you once is installed. You will not need regularly to include $drh in your script.
$dbh -- the database handle = what you will need to create a connection to the database, it is different for each type of database software. It has the following format in MySQL:
my $dbh = DBI->connect ("DBI:mysql:database=$db:host=$host",$user,$password);
$sth -- the statement handle = children of the $dbh, and will let the various statements be declared. The types of statements will depend on the SQL commands you are using. SELECT uses three statements in order to perform the query and display the results: prepare, execute and fetch (see examples below). INSERT,UPDATE and DELETE do not use fetch, only prepare and execute.
See the above on-line references and the book on reserve for more details.
: Connecting, quering and displaying results of query.
#definition of variables
#connect to MySQL database
= DBI->connect ("DBI:mysql:database=$db:host=$host",
or die "Can't connect to database: $DBI::errstr\n";
#prepare the query
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "
FROM people");
#execute the query
$sth->execute( );
## Retrieve the results of a row of data and print
print "\tQuery results:\n================================================\n";
while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array( ) )
print "@row\n";
warn "Problem in retrieving results", $sth->errstr( ), "\n"
if $sth->err( );
Once you run the script you will see the following results:
[root@alaptop dbi]# ./queryall
Query results:
347 Al Bento 1420 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201
458 John Morris 1420 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201
569 Milt Jenkins 1420 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201
: select fields and place results in variables
This is a modification of the example 1, where we select some fields and we split the query results into variables before printing.
#definition of variables
#connect to MySQL database
= DBI->connect ("DBI:mysql:database=$db:host=$host",
or die "Can't connect to database: $DBI::errstr\n";
#prepare the query
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "
SELECT name,address
FROM people");
#execute the query
$sth->execute( );
## Retrieve the results of a row of data and print
print "\tQuery results:\n================================================\n";
while ( ($name,$address) = $sth->fetchrow_array( ) )
print "Name: $name, Address: $address\n";
warn "Problem in retrieving results", $sth->errstr( ), "\n"
if $sth->err( );
Once you run the script you will see the following results:
[root@alaptop dbi]# ./querynames
Query results:
Name: Al Bento, Address: 1420 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201
Name: John Morris, Address: 1420 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201
Name: Milt Jenkins, Address: 1420 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201
: another way to query and obtain results
#definition of variables
#connect to MySQL database
= DBI->connect ("DBI:mysql:database=$db:host=$host",
or die "Can't connect to database: $DBI::errstr\n";
#prepare the query
my $sql = "SELECT * FROM people";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql);
#execute the query
$sth->execute( );
## Retrieve the results of a row of data and print
my ( $userid,$name,$address);
$sth->bind_columns ( undef,\$userid, \$name, \$address );
print "\tQuery results:\n================================================\n";
while ( $sth->fetch( ) )
print "Userid is $userid, the name is $name, and the address is $address\n";
$sth->finish( );
$dbh->disconnect( );
Once you run the script you will see the following results:
[root@alaptop dbi]# ./queryallfancy
Query results:
Userid is 347, the name is Al Bento, and the address is 1420 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201
Userid is 458, the name is John Morris, and the address is 1420 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201
Userid is 569, the name is Milt Jenkins, and the address is 1420 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201
You are not limited to queries when using DBI. You can create and drop tables, insert, update, etc.
This page is maintained by
who can be reached at . This page was last updated on October 28, 2002. Although we will attempt to keep this information accurate, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.


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