fan work是罗茨鼓风机型号参数的什么参数

&&&fan speed
Based on the Windows environment and implemented with tool VC++ and Matlab, the automatic test and analysis system for sampling data, controlling fan speed and work stage, scaling performance curve automatically is introduced.
Based on the Windows environment and implemented with virtual instrumentation tool LabWindows/CVI,the system can realize sampling data,controlling fan speed and work stage,scaling performance curve automatically.
该系统基于Windows环境 ,采用Lab Windows/CVI虚拟仪器开发工具 ,可实现试验数据的自动采集与处理、风机转速及运行工况的自动控制 ,性能曲线的自动绘制等功能。
PF cotton yield monitoring system is consisted of a yield monitor, cotton flow sensor, head height sensor, ground speed sensor, fan speed sensor. GPS receiver and other components.
Based on the Windows environment and implemented with virtual instrumentation tool LabWindows/CVI, the automatic test and analysis system for sampling data, controlling fan speed and work stage, scaling performance curve automatically is introduced.
介绍了一套风机性能试验用自动检测与处理系统。 该系统基于Windows环境 ,采用LabWindows/CVI虚拟仪器开发工具 ,可实现试验数据的自动采集与处理、风机转速及运行工况的自动控制、性能曲线的自动绘制等功能。
The application of MCGS for SCADA software in fan performance test is introduced. The system that has automatic data collection,management,display and performance curve plotted,accomplishes the adjustment of fan speed is designed.
介绍了在风机性能测试中使用的MCGS组态软件 ,设计一套自动采集、处理、显示数据和性能曲线绘制 ,并且可以实现风机转速调节的系统。
Circuit provides officient control for fan speed
Introduce two type /C for controling the Fan speed and Its application
A new IC for controlling the Fan speed and Its Application
This article presents a brief overviewof these problems and several fan speed control schemes that serve to reduce or eliminate them.
In addition to control switches of refrigeration, fan,fan speed etc. on control panel,it should also be equipped with operation and fault indicator lamps.
Calculation for regulating fan speed in variable condition dust removing systems
Calculation method of the fan speed control for the
dust removing system under variable conditions
The specialities of fan speed
regulation system for SO2 smoke in copper smelt process are analyzed.
分析了铜冶炼SO2 烟气流程中风机调速的特点。
Develops a calculating procedure for fan speed resulation in variable condition dust removing systems by analysing the variation of characteristic curves of the duotwork and fan and demonstrates how to choose the design air flowrate in the system.
Derives the calculation method of the fan speed regulation through examples of variable condition dust removing systems, involving those of a single source,
and stable sources. Analyses and summaries the characteristics of variable condition dust removal systems.
通过实例对单点变工况 ,双点、多点变工况 ,单点、多点变工况与定工况组合的变工况除尘系统进行分析 ,导出其风机调速的计算方法 ,并对其除尘特性进行了分析和总结。
Error analysis and experiments
of DF_(11)locomotive cooling fan
Speed synchronous control
Performance measurement of VAV air-conditioning system with fan speed reset control
Research of air conditioner dehumidification behavior based on fan speed control with microprocessor
Various fan speed control schemes of proportioning technology of electricity and hydraulics are analized and compared. Principle and characteristics of proportional pressure valve control scheme is emphatically introduced.
Fan speed is determined by an extermal temperature sensor,typically a thermistor-resistor divider,and (optionally) a second signal ,such as the NLX"FanC"signal.
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为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&& An AC-DC-AC static phase-converter, used on the auxiliary equipments of ACelectric locomotives, is introduced in this paper.As a power source for blowersand air compressors, this device has a maximum output power of 240 kVA and anoutput frequency of 2-50 Hz.The static phase-converter can regulate the fan speed by means of the arma-ture current of the traction motor when the locomotive is in traction or brakingstate and is equipped with trouble protection circuit so as to prevent commutationfailure, DC... An AC-DC-AC static phase-converter, used on the auxiliary equipments of ACelectric locomotives, is introduced in this paper.As a power source for blowersand air compressors, this device has a maximum output power of 240 kVA and anoutput frequency of 2-50 Hz.The static phase-converter can regulate the fan speed by means of the arma-ture current of the traction motor when the locomotive is in traction or brakingstate and is equipped with trouble protection circuit so as to prevent commutationfailure, DC overyoltage, input or output overload etc. When the AC supply is in-terrupted over 0.2 second, the converter will stop automatically and starts againfrom low voltage and frequency as power is regained.本文介绍用于电力机车辅助系统电源的交-直-交静止交流器。该装置为通风机和空气压缩机供电,最大输出功率为240kVA,输出频率为2~50Hz。 静止交流器按机车牵引或制动工况时牵引电动机的电枢电流来调节风速。该装置设有故障保护电路,可防止逆变颠覆、直流过压、输入或输出过载等故障。当输入交流电源停电0.2S以上,静止交流器能自动停机,待得电后从低频、低压重新起动供电。 This paper suggests a new automatic regulation system for the total rate of airflow in mines.In the system a kind of capacity converter is used to sonvert the rate of airflow into electric current and voltage.Basing on the results measured and the given rate of airflow, a micro-computer gives a control signal to SCR cascade control system, and it controls the rotating speed of a wound rotor asynchronous motor The rotating speed of the main fan varies with the rotating speed of the motor.The change of the fan... This paper suggests a new automatic regulation system for the total rate of airflow in mines.In the system a kind of capacity converter is used to sonvert the rate of airflow into electric current and voltage.Basing on the results measured and the given rate of airflow, a micro-computer gives a control signal to SCR cascade control system, and it controls the rotating speed of a wound rotor asynchronous motor The rotating speed of the main fan varies with the rotating speed of the motor.The change of the fan speed results in a corresponding regulation of the rate pared with the traditional regulation of airflow through wind valve,not only the automatic regulation can be carried out,but also the electric energy can be saved, and the noice can be reduced considerably.本文提出一种新的矿井总风量自动调节系统。此系统系用一种电容变送器,将风量变送为电流和电压,根据风量的测量结果和给定值,微机发出控制信号,可控硅串级调速系统控制绕线式异步电动机的转速,主扇风机的转速,随着绕线式异步电动机转速的变化而变化,扇风机转速的变化导致了风量的调节。此系统与通过风门来调节风量的传统调节方法相比,不仅实现了风量的自动调节,而且可节约电能和降低噪音。 The complex vapour hood developed by the authors is an
incorporate air exhaust fan and hood with both capturing and receiving characteristics.The control velocity over liquid level, face velocity and vapour extraction
efficiency have been measured respectively in condition of different hood heights and fan speeds for both the complex and ordinary vapour hoods. The results show that the complex vapour hood is an effective measure in vapour extraction inprinting and dyeing mills, for its control... The complex vapour hood developed by the authors is an
incorporate air exhaust fan and hood with both capturing and receiving characteristics.The control velocity over liquid level, face velocity and vapour extraction
efficiency have been measured respectively in condition of different hood heights and fan speeds for both the complex and ordinary vapour hoods. The results show that the complex vapour hood is an effective measure in vapour extraction inprinting and dyeing mills, for its control velocity can reach to 0. 33m / s andvapour extraction efficiency to 80%.作者研制的复合式排雾罩,在结构上结合了外部吸气罩和接受式排风罩两者的特点,并将排风机与排风罩合为一体。对复合式和普通式排风罩,在不同罩口高度和风机转速条件下,分别测定了液面控制速度、罩口吸气速度和排雾效率。结果表明,复合式排雾装置控制速度可达0.33m/s,排雾效率达80%,是印染车间散湿设备排雾的有效手段。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社id fan - 必应 词典网络引风机;抽风机1.引风机火电厂必备电力英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... FD fan 送风机 ID fan 引风机 priming 汽水共腾 ... |2.抽风机o 燃烧空气鼓风机(FD FAN) 、废气抽风机(ID FAN)之设计值一般偏大, 风量OVER 20%~40 %,静压OVER 20~30%。 o 控制模式以档 …|例句释义:全部,引风机,抽风机类别:全部,口语,书面语,标题,技术来源:全部,字典,网络难度:全部,简单,中等,难更多例句筛选收起例句筛选1.
on the anti-wear coatings
for - 5. of
Their 6. on
in 7.Inquisition
fan id the
of 9.forced draft ,
toooo必应词典应用准确权威无广告下 载 手 机 版 必 应 词 典体 验 P C 版 必 应 词 典From Fanlore
For a list of articles about individual fanworks, see .
A fanwork is a
produced by one or more , generally intended for other fans. A common defining phrase used in
is "by fans for fans," or something similar, though this definition might incorporate other
Wikipedia defines a creative work as "a manifestation of creative effort such as artwork, literature, music, and paintings."
In fanworks, some element of a
-- the source text or event -- is taken and incorporated into a new creative piece. The taken element can be the characters, world setting, plot, stories, still images, video clips, or something else from the source. Examples of creative pieces are limitless and include: a short story, a novel, a zine, a poem, a painting, a doll, a song, a video, or some work that combines these media.
- written music and/or song lyrics.
- discussion or analysis of , fandom, fanworks, etc.
of fanworks intended for other fans
Glossaries, encylopedias, dictionaries and other information resources
- usually a Japanese printed fancomic or novel, but can also be a synonym for any fancomic in manga-style.
Other types of
aka Fanvids - music videos, mashups, , etc.
aka AMVs - music videos based on
- short CGI-rendered films.
- recorded/performed music, including albums, CDs, MP3s, etc.
aka FSTs - compilations of songs for a character, pairing, series, etc.
- fan-published works such as comics, booklets, magazines, and novels.
Google turns up 10,600,000 hits for this phrase. Retrieved 24 March 2010.
Google turns up 96,800 hits for the phrase "by fans for other fans". Retrieved 24 March 2010.
, Wikipedia page. Retrieved 7 October 2014.风机特性曲线
fan performance curve
建筑专业英语词汇(F) ...
fan instability 风机不稳定性
fan performance curve 风机特性曲线
fan type anchorage 扇型锚头 ...
fper performperce curve
平面电子送料机_磷石膏压球机选大明 中州石膏压球机视频_压球机 ...
fper instknowledge 风机不稳定性
fper performperce curve 风机特性曲线
fper type single pointera 扇型锚头 ...
fan efficiency performance curve
fan characteristic curves
chalacter curve of fan
mechanical characteristic curve of fan
heat-capacity curve
fan performance curve
fan performance curve
Bases on function parameters and characteristic curve of the fans, it can get efficiency and pressure difference of the fans.
Using the theory of liquid movement, chlorine escaping in producing metal Calcium is analyzed. By combining character of fan and pipe net, old system is improved.
When the M-S curve of a low power asynchronous motor was measured, the powder dynamometer acted as a load, and its mechanical characteristics were required like a blower.
- 来自原声例句


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