
朝阳的近反义词是什么 反义词:夕阳近义词:向阳 反义词:背阴 近义词:向阳 夕阳晚霞或者黄昏
妦 撒旦爱施德撒的还是个打电话撒旦 萨达是生生世世事实上是事实上是事实上实施生生世世实施生生世世实施生生世世事实上生生世世是
朝阳的近反义词是什么 反义词:夕阳近义词:向阳
夕阳 反义词: 背阴 近义词: 向阳 夕阳晚霞或者黄昏 。。。。
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真人发声【解释】早晨刚刚升起的太阳迎着朝阳 && 朝阳的近义词:
初升的太阳旭日东升远景何晃晃旭日照万方。傅玄《日升歌》 朝 日:早晨初升的太阳。《艺文类聚》卷十八引 汉 蔡邕 《协朝阳的反义词:
傍晚的太阳夕阳无限好只是近黄昏。李商隐《登乐游原》关注词典网微信公众号:icidian,回复:朝阳近义词或反义词 查询:相关近/反义词:
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朝阳 基本解释朝阳[cháo yáng]词典:和煦的:照到阳光的;快活的,性情开朗亲切的。词典:向阳;朝阳。词典:向阳;朝阳。词典with [have] a sunny, usu. southern, aspect朝阳[zhāo yáng]词典:朝阳;旭;旭日;朝日。词典:朝阳;旭日;朝日。朝阳 汉英大词典朝阳[cháo yáng](向着太阳) sunny(向南) with [have] a sunny, usu. southern, aspect:  例:这间屋朝阳。    The room has a southern exposure.朝阳[zhāo yáng] the morning sun:  例:朝阳映红了东方的天空。    The rising sun flames the eastern sky.朝阳 网络解释1. CHG:以机票实时查询或者机票北京(BJS) - 长治(CIH)北京飞长治机票价格>机票价格请以机票实时查询或者机票北京(BJS) - 广汉(GHN)北京飞广汉机票价格>机票价格请以机票实时查询或者机票北京(BJS) - 朝阳(CHG)北京飞朝阳机票价格2. 2. :Chaoyang :CHXX:常州 :Changzhou :CHXX0015 | 朝阳 :Chaoyang :CHXX0294 | 承德 :Chengde :CHXX0302朝阳 双语例句1. 对月才经收拾去,又向朝阳补衲衣。&&&&Now pilgrim to the sun to patch your cassock.2. 尹朝阳总是力图在作品中对自己感兴趣的历史问题提出批判,诸如乌托邦系列等等,他的这种审视更多地是从自身的理解角度出发的,就像这件《对话》,艺术家本人就扮演了一个历史对话者的角色。&&&&In this picture Yin Zhaoyang played a role of dialogist with history.3. 插播一段广告:本周六(12日)下午14:30,中年作家黄集伟携萨苏、解玺璋、王磊在时尚大厦时尚廊举行黄老师新书《年代剧内心戏》新书签售会,具体位置在北京朝阳区世贸天阶时尚大厦二层时尚廊书店。&&&&We did our best to help you understand how you might use it yourself, starting with our Google Wave first look, moving onto a few best use cases for Wave, and rounding it out with a guide to Wave keyboard shortcuts, filters, searches, and more with our Google Wave 101 guide.4. 作者单位:100020 北京,首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院肾内科(周亦伦、孟娟、孙芳、马丽洁、刘靖、韩彬、孙倩美、彭立人),超声医学科,检验科&&&&Department of Nephrology, Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020, China5. 5. 据统计,目前还有近3.9万间此类房屋,其中96%分布在东城、西城、崇文、宣武四城区,朝阳、海淀、丰台和通州区也有少量分布。标准租私房承租户的认定,以本市落实私房政策时各区房屋行政管理部门带户发还产权的清册、历次调租的清册为依据。但产权人自愿将原自住房与直管公房或其他房屋使用权互换、并按政府规定的租金标准向其自住房屋的承租人收取租金的,不属于解决的范围。&&&&No standard of housing vacated by the unit under the provisions of the housing reform of the ho Lessee would have to buy houses listed for sale in his office without shelter, his employer will not subsidize or resettlement housing, the tenant should move Lessee agreed to continue renting the property, the two sides agreed to consultations rent units in accordance with the regulations of subsidies.6. 晚8点开始,由东往西在 UCCA 餐厅(798艺术区,北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号。&&&&Moleca Cachaca Party in UCCA Restaurant 798 ArtDistrict, No.4 JiuXianQiao Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing.7. 7. 张朝阳:2000年搜狐股价最低曾达60美分,而最新收盘价已在70美元以上。&&&&Zhang Chaoyang: Lowest of Sohu share price ever amounted to 60 cent 2000, and price of newest closing quotation already was in 70 dollars above.8. 8. 这太夸张了吧 2、地址是:北京市朝阳区 3、相对于QQ,我用MSN更多一些 4、如果我犯了错误,请直接指出来 5、不好意思,又掉线了,我这里经常掉线。&&&&It's too exaggerative address: Chaoyang distric of Beijing i use MSN more than QQ Please tell me directly if i make mistake I'm so sorry that i'm out of connection again, it often happen here.9. 刘忠,李闪,朱建华△,黄朝阳浙江大学医学院附属第一医院心内科,浙江杭州 310003&&&&Department of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University Medical College, Hangzhou 310003, China10. 10. 我想要一个朝阳的房间。&&&&I'd like a room with a front view.11. 教育行业总体是个前景开阔的朝阳行业,预计目前的高速发展状态还会持续3到5年,有志此行业的投资者可以趁着这股风潮,选择合适的项目加盟创业,但要切忌盲目冒进,进入前要考察好加盟总部和本地市场,并结合自身投资条件进行。&&&&&&Education industry is a prospect of industry, is expected to open at the high-speed development of state will last 3 to 5 years to this industry, the investors can take this agitation, select the appropriate project to join venture, but should avoid blindly pushy, before entering to join the local market and good, and their investment conditions.12. 本文通过对朝阳沟、头台油田开发历史的调查,归纳总结了油田开发所取得的经验与教训,分析了目前注水开发中存在的主要问题及产生的主要原因。&&&&&&Based on the development history of ChaoYang-gou oilfield and TouTai oilfield, this article summarized the experiences and problems occurred in the development of oilfield and analyzed the main existing problems and the principal reasons during the waterflooding.13. 作者:温朝阳张志寿郝好赤李儒汉&&&&&&WEN Chao-Yang, ZHANG Zhi-Shou, HAO Hao-Jie, LI Ru-Han14. 保险业在我国属于朝阳产业,但同时也是高风险的特殊行业。&&&&&&Insurance industry in China is sunrise industry, but also a special high-risk industries.15. 文化产业作为21世纪的朝阳产业,在经济社会发展中的作用日益凸显。&&&&&&As a sunrise industry of the 21 century, culture industry plays a prominent role in the economic and social development.16. 属于国家认定的朝阳产业,因此具有巨大的商业潜在价值。&&&&&&Belonging to that country's sunrise industry, it has enormous commercial potential value..17. 近年来,中国的网游产业迅猛发展,被公认为潜力无限的朝阳产业。&&&&&&In recent years, the rapid developing domestic online games industry is recognized as the potential infinite sunrise industry.18. 18. 比较方便?我的的地址在朝阳区垡头市场这边!&&&&&&More convenient? My address in the Chaoyang District mattress market here first!19. 19. 由北京住总集团开发的经济适用房―――翠城也是这次展会上最受人们关注的项目,总建筑面积达160万平方米,一期开发的10栋多层板式住宅南北通透,户户朝阳,政府的最高限价为每平方米3180元,翠城位于朝阳区的垡头,距国贸商圈仅7公里。&&&&&&Live from Beijing's overall economic development groups to apply the Housing Tsui City -- the most concern is the exposition of the project, with a total construction area of 1.6 million square metres, one of the 10 apartment buildings Duocengban South Wing, south sun, the price-cap to 3, 180 yuan per square metre, Chui City in the first night of Chaoyang District, a distance of only 7 km ITC values.20. 20. 我住在欢乐谷附近(朝阳区,垡头,东南四环路),所以最近的地铁站是地铁10号线劲松站。&&&&&&I live by the Happy Valley Amusement Park (Chaoyang District, Fatou, on the side of the South-East 4th Ring Road), so the closest subway stop is Line 10 Jinsong Subway Station.朝阳是什么意思,朝阳在线翻译,朝阳什么意思,朝阳的意思,朝阳的翻译,朝阳的解释,朝阳的发音,朝阳的同义词,朝阳的反义词,朝阳的例句,朝阳的相关词组,朝阳意思是什么,朝阳怎么翻译,单词朝阳是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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