ab两个表之间如何实现: 1.在B表写入姓名,a表也写入姓名 2.内存卡不能删除和写入b表姓名,a表不变

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专题05 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero(A卷)-学年高一英语同步单元双基双测“AB”卷(必修1)(解析版).doc
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班级 姓名 学号 分数 Unit 5基础测试卷
(测试时间:60分钟 满分:100分)
Nelson Mandela----a modern hero
Ⅰ. 单词拼写(每个1.5分,共15分)
1.It was ________ 慷慨的
of her to contribute such a large sum of money.
2.He ________ 逃跑
from prison in June,but was rearrested by the police a month later.
3.I became worried when I heard that he had been ________ 袭击
by an animal on the way home.
4.We need to ________ 教育
people so that they can understand the importance of a good,healthy diet.
5.He is always ________ 积极的
in public service activities.
6.Their ________ 质量
of life improved dramatically when they moved to France.
7.The ________ 暴力
and bad language in the programme shocked many of the viewers.
8.Your teacher can give you ________ 指导
on choosing a career and writing a job application.
9.The dog was so ________ 忠诚的
to its master that it would not leave him,even when he was dead.
10.London is full of homeless people ________ 乞求
in the streets.
【答案】1.generous 2.escaped 3.attacked 4.educate 5.active 6.quality 7.violence 8.guidance 9.devoted 10.begging
turn to,blow up,in trouble,come to power,set up,lose heart,out of work,stop...from
1.They always________me when they are in trouble.
2.The team had won no games and it________.
3.It is reported that many people are________in that country.
4.He said they should not be________studying for their degrees.
5.Things have changed a lot since Obama________.
6.A policeman was killed when the car________.
7.He is such a kind man that he is ready to help people________.
8.People________a monument to honor those people who devoted their lives to their country.
答案:1.turn to 2.lost heart 3.out of work 4.stopped from 5.came to power 6.blew up 7.in trouble 8.set up
阅读下列各句,在空白处填入适当的内容 1个词 或括号内单词的正确形式。[来源:Z,]
1. Most of the audience had a high opinion ________ the performance of our footballers in the match against Iran.
2. A terrible earthquake happened in that district at the
假设表A的姓名在A列,姓名后面,加一辅助列B列 B1填1,然后向下拉,把姓名编号 假设表B的姓名也在A列,同样加一辅助列B列 B1中输入公式=vlookup(A1,表A!A:A,2,0) 将这个公式向下复制 这样,在表B中把表A的姓名辅助编号都取过来了,这时以B列进行排序,得出与表A一样的顺序
本文已影响人很有难度,高手们来挑战一下!查询两个表 a表中的每一条记录都对应着 b表中的多条记录&删除表 &
用户ID(A表中是唯一的) & 姓名 &
& 删除时间 &
& 删除人员
& 交费时间 &
& 删除标志( '是 '代表删除,空则代表没删)
操作情况:每当 & GM & 每当删除一个用户,此用户在 &交费表 &中的所有交费记录都会在
&删除标志 &字段写 '是 ' & ,并且在 &删除表 &中加一条 & GM & 删除用户的信息.
要求:通过输入 &
&删除人员 &的名字(如:GM3)来查找GM3 & 删除的用户所有的交费记录.
举例:输入 & GM3 & 得到的显示结果应为
& 用户ID &
& 交费 & 交费时间 &
& 删除人员
回答1:select * from 删除表 inner join 交费表 on 删除表.用户ID=交费表.用户ID where 删除表.删除人员= 'gm3 '


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