
  我的假期英语作文60词一: My best holioday
  Last summer,i went to the beijing with my parents and my best friends.i went to visit the palace of museum,there was very beautiful and very big.then,i went shopping with my best friends,the clothes were very cool and cute,in the afternoon,i ate the lunch in the quanjude restaurant,the duck was very delicious.
  I have a good time in beijing.
  我的假期英语作文60词二:My Summer Holiday
  I have a very nice summer holiday this year.This year is 2010,and world expo would held in Shanghai China.But for some reasons ,I can't go there.It may be a little pity for me.During this summer hoilday,I have done a lot of homeworks and go to a lot of places with my friends.It's really enjoyable.
  我的假期英语作文60词三:My holiday
  I have a very happy holiday.
  My father and mother take me to the zoo,and I see many lovely animals,like monkey,panda,tiger and so on.
  This year is the Ox year,so we go to the cow factory to see the cows.Oh,how lovely they are!
  我的假期英语作文60词四:My winter holiday
  I decide to make a plan about my holiday.Let me tell you about my own idea!If i want to make myself health ,i should take more exercise and eat more vegetables and fruits .Do not forgot to do my homework in time . anyway ,I think we must relax ourselves .so my family want to make a trip together !I can not wait!
  我的假期英语作文60词五:My Holiday
  My holiday is very interesting!
  I get up at 7 o'clock. After wash and have breakfast , I do my homework at 8 o'clock.And then , I do some play . I have lunch at 12 o'clock.Then I do homework again .After that , I play computer games or watch TV . I have supper at 7 o'clock . And I play game again . I go to bed at 9 o'clock.
  我的假期英语作文60词六:winner vacation
  I have a good winner vacation!
  In my winner vacation ,I often did my homework, and helped my mother clean rooms.
  I sometimes went shopping with my friends . We had a good time! I also watched TV and played computer games. During Spring Festival ,I visited my grandparents.
  I was very happy ,I think my winner vacation was very interesting!~
  我的假期英语作文60词七:My Plans Next Holiday
  Winter holiday is coming.I want to do a lot of things .First of all,I will visit my grandparents in the coutry.I am going to help them with some housework.Secondly,I will take part in some leisure activities like joining the English club, basket club and so on.Thirthly,I would like to help some disable children, teaching them Chinese words.
  This is my plans for the winter holiday.
祝贺信英语作文 祝贺信Congratulation Letter【1】 Dear Sandy, 亲爱的桑迪, I offer my warmest congratulations to you for receiving the first prize of The Olympic English competition for the middle school students
小学生四年级英语作文 小学生四年级英语作文【1】 Tomorrow is the annual National Day, is her mothers fifty-year-old birthday, to celebrate her birthday, our school held a singing contest this morning. Competition
句酷批改网满分作文 满分英语作文【1】 Dear editor, Im writing to tell you about the discussion we have had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. 60% of us schoolmates think that an entrance
句酷批改网高分作文 高分英语作文【1】 Nowadays, a growing number of people tend to think about a question: who do teachers like more? Reading this table, we can get some information and analyse the result via th
课堂英语作文:Beauty in Life People always say that we are lacking of the eyes of realizing the beauty in life. I cant agree with it anymore. Last week, I woke up very early in the morning, so I decided to take
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  I have a good winner vacation!
  In my winner vacation ,I often did my homework, and helped my mother clean rooms.I sometimes went shopping with my friends . We had a good time! I also watched TV and played computer games. During Spring Festival ,I visited my grandparents.
  I was very happy ,I think my winner vacation was very interesting!~
  在我的寒假里, 我经常做家庭作业,并且帮妈妈打扫房间。我有时和我的朋友们去购物。我们玩的很开心!我也看电视和玩电脑游戏。在春节中,我拜访了我的爷爷奶奶。
1. Be of service.帮助别人
It's better to give than to receive -- and that applies to more than material goods. Some ways to spread cheer to those in need: Help your kids deliver homemade holiday cookies to a retirement home, schedule a visit to the children's cancer ward at a local hospital to deliver baskets of toys, help serve a holiday meal at a homeless shelter. 给予永远比获得更有价值,这同样适用于非物质层面。给那些需要鼓舞的人一些鼓励:帮你的孩子做点手工饼干送去养老院;抽个时间去拜访一下当地的儿童抗癌中心,别忘了带一些玩具过去;给一个流浪汉做一顿节日餐。
2. Make food count. 挑选健康食物
How much money does your family spend on &meaningless& food -- soft drinks, chips, cookies and the like? Reexamine your food choices and buying patterns, and pass the savings on: Calculate how much you spend on junk food and gift that money to a charity, or donate 2 percent of your food purchases to a food bank. 你家要花多少钱买一些垃圾食品呢?比如饮料、薯条、饼干等等。重新检查一下你的食品清单和购买模式,节省点开支:计算你在垃圾食品上会花多少钱,然后不如把这笔钱捐给慈善机构,或是将你购买的食物捐赠2%给食物银行吧。
3. Create a ritual. 创造一个仪式
Rituals anchor holidays, and give kids a sense of continuity and a tradition they can pass on for years to come. It can be as simple as lighting candles, singing songs, or saying a special prayer. Other ideas: Take a holiday hike in the woods, throw a latke party, host an annual holiday dessert potluck. 仪式能够很好地衬托节日,给孩子们一种团聚和传统的感觉,让他们可以一年一年的传承下去。仪式可以十分简单,比如点蜡烛,唱歌,或者做一个特别的祷告。如果这些都不够好,不如试试去树林里面来个假日远行,办一个马铃薯饼聚会,或是举办一年一度的甜点聚餐。
4. Share your toys.分享玩具
It's never too early to teach kids to share. Explain to your children that not all boys and girls have gifts to open on the holidays, and ask if they'd like to share some of theirs. Most kids are eager to pick out and wrap old favorites, especially if they're involved in delivering them to the . Sharing toys goes for grown-ups as well: Old computers, golf clubs, CD players or cell phones are meaningful holiday donations. 教孩子学会分享,越早越好。告诉你的孩子不是每个小朋友在假期都能收到礼物,问问他们是否愿意和其他人分享自己的玩具,大部分的孩子们都乐于挑选出旧的玩物,尤其是寄给那些需要的人们。大人们也可以分享&玩具&:旧电脑,高尔夫球杆,CD机或手机等东西,这些在节假日捐赠出去都非常有意义。
5. Tune out. 关掉电视
You can't stop holiday , but you can refuse to partake. Kill your television, and engage kids and family in more festive activities. Give kids disposable cameras and have an afternoon of photo- make cookies for an as head to the local ice rink, drag out the markers and paints and make homemade New Year's cards. 你不能阻止假期的商业化,但是你可以拒绝其影响。关掉电视机,和家人孩子们一起进行更有假日氛围的活动。给孩子们准备一次性相机,让他们好好拍上一下午,给活动中心做点饼干,去附近的溜冰场、博物馆或水族馆,找出纸笔手工做新年卡片。
6. Simplify. 简化
It's hard to focus on the true meaning of the holidays when you're rushing from one shopping mall to the next. Try this: Six to ten weeks before the holiday season, sketch out a weekly calendar with all your holiday obligations -- then start eliminating. Weed out and delegate as much as you can (it's easier if you start early); you'll free up more time for real connecting. 如果你总是一味从一个购物商城跑到另外一个,那似乎很难集中精神去体味假期的意义。不妨这样:假期前6到10周,把假期的计划全部列出来,然后开始删除,尽可能删除(做得越早对你来说越容易),这样你会空出更多的时间来享受假期。
7. Let your purchases reflect your values.让你的购买物体现你的价值观
Instead of supporting plastics, box stores and rampant consumerism, make gifts more meaningful. Buy at small, make your own holiday cards and donate the savings to charity.与其花钱支持塑料袋、零售商店和疯狂消费,倒不如送点更有意义的礼物。在当地小店里买东西,自己做贺卡,把积蓄捐点给慈善机构。
8. Feed your soul. 充实精神
As much as you want to connect with your family and friends, it's essential to carve out time for yourself -- even if it's just 10 minutes a day. Take time for meditation, introspection, yoga, a
hike, gazing at the evening stars. When days get busy and stressful, schedule an afternoon siesta during which everyone goes to his or her room for 45 minutes to read, nap and play quietly. Lock yourself in the bathroom with a hot bath, And don't wait until New Year's Day to rethink your personal priorities -- list them now and let the magic of the holidays inspire you. 和家人朋友联络感情很重要,不过也记得留点时间给自己&&哪怕一天只有10分钟。把时间花来冥想、反思、瑜伽、独自行走或者看星星。当日子变得忙碌而充满压力,不如午休一会,比如在房间花45分钟进行阅读、睡觉或玩点什么。你还可以把自己关在浴室好好泡个热水澡。但别等到新年那天才开始重新思考人生的重要事项,现在就列出来,让假期的魔力来激发你。以我的假期写一篇英语作文吧_百度贴吧
助攻总额: 43W
  假期计划英语作文50词一:my summer holiday plans
  My summer holiday began on july.8,i plan to go to travel in my summer holiday.i will travel to zhangjiajie.i will go there by train.i will travel with my mother and my father and other friends.i will travel for five days.i also plan to do my homework in my summer holiday.i think i will have a good time.
  假期计划英语作文50词二:My Holiday Plan
  The summer holiday is coming soon. What will I do in my summer holiday? I am going to go on a trip with my parents.
  I&m going to Dongguan Park in my summer holiday. I will go with my parents. We are going to eat good food and see the flowers in Dongguan Park. We are going to climb mountains, too. We can have a picnic there and we can read magazines there, too. Of course, We will take many photos in the park.
  I think I will have a happy holiday this summer. What about you?
  假期计划英语作文50词三:my summer holiday
  I am going to have a happy holiday.I am going to Beijing on my summer holiday.I am going with my parents.We are going by plane.We are going to visit the Great Wall.I am going to eat good food.I am going to visit my aunt.That will be fun.What are you going to do on your summer holiday?Can you tell me?
  假期计划英语作文50词四:A Plan for the Summer Holiday
  I have a happy holiday. In the holiday. I have do lots of thing.
  First, I make a plan. Plan about everyday life and study. My life have rule.
  Second, I according to plan execuition. Enable my holiday is very amplitude.
  I watch TV, too. I love English today. Because I like English very much.
  Sometimes I play the computer. I can watch MTV and learn English on computer.
  I have a good holiday.
  假期计划英语作文50词五:My winter holiday
  I decide to make a plan about my holiday.Let me tell you about my own idea!If i want to make myself health ,i should take more exercise and eat more vegetables and fruits .Do not forgot to do my homework in time . anyway ,I think we must relax ourselves .so my family want to make a trip together !I can not wait!
祝贺信英语作文 祝贺信Congratulation Letter【1】 Dear Sandy, 亲爱的桑迪, I offer my warmest congratulations to you for receiving the first prize of The Olympic English competition for the middle school students
小学生四年级英语作文 小学生四年级英语作文【1】 Tomorrow is the annual National Day, is her mothers fifty-year-old birthday, to celebrate her birthday, our school held a singing contest this morning. Competition
句酷批改网满分作文 满分英语作文【1】 Dear editor, Im writing to tell you about the discussion we have had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. 60% of us schoolmates think that an entrance
句酷批改网高分作文 高分英语作文【1】 Nowadays, a growing number of people tend to think about a question: who do teachers like more? Reading this table, we can get some information and analyse the result via th
课堂英语作文:Beauty in Life People always say that we are lacking of the eyes of realizing the beauty in life. I cant agree with it anymore. Last week, I woke up very early in the morning, so I decided to take


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