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CC2564 蓝牙 Smart Ready 控制器 | 德州仪器
蓝牙 Smart Ready 控制器
In English
日本語表示CC2564,最全面的CC2564文章 - 电子工程世界网
飞易通FSC-BT816双模蓝牙4.0模块支持蓝牙 SPP 标准协议,可以同所有具备蓝牙功能的Android 手机、笔记本、电脑以及蓝牙主模块配对连接,从而双向收发数据;同时,其支持最新蓝牙4.0标准BLE 协议,可以同支持 BLE 的 iOS 设备配对连接,不需要 MFI 认证及加密芯片,不需要额外开发包及授权费用,不需要 iOS 设备越狱,支持后台程序常驻运行。...
超出,可以调整晶体匹配电容的值。一般要求常温下做到 +/-10ppm 以下。
3) 检查Slow Clock 晶体或TCXO或外部时钟源信号是否正常,包括信号质量和时序(CC2564要求使能时32.768kHz 的时钟信号已经稳定)。
4) 检查射频链路是否通畅。直观的测试方法有把发送端和接收端放置很近测试;如果是发送和接收链路复用的芯片,可以把板子设置到连续发送模式连接到频谱仪或功率计看是否有...
CC3200 LaunchPad CC3200-LAUNCHXL
9. 全新CC2564MODNEM: CC2564 Bluetooth? dual mode module Evaluation
10. 团购的科星corx STM32 f107 兼容f103 开发板 以太网 arm 物...
最近弄CC2564透传,在MSP430上写,LE模式下发完50个后就无法使用?有人遇到过吗 CC2564 透传有人做过吗?...
& &TI一级代理商(新晔电子)推出BLE芯& &片:CC2540,CC2541,CC2640,CC2564,CC2650.wifi芯片:CC3100,CC3200
1、CC2540/CC2541: 蓝牙语音遥控器方案, 小米语音遥控器(Ti...
关于MSP430F5529LP+CC2564x SPPLEDemo_Lite实验 最近我也想玩cc2564 。可以分享点资料吗?
jonny 发表于...
这些微型封装尺寸使 MSP430 MCU 非常适合各种超低功耗应用,如传感器集线器、数字信用卡、可摄入传感器、保健健身产品(智能手表等)以及消费类电子产品(平板电脑与笔记本等)等。
2, CC2540/CC2541: 提供用于便携式电池供电设备的蓝牙无线技术,充分利用了在 TI CC2560 蓝牙经典、CC2540/CC2541 蓝牙低功耗 (BLE) 和 CC2564 蓝牙...
2, CC2540/CC2541: 提供用于便携式电池供电设备的蓝牙无线技术,充分利用了在 TI CC2560 蓝牙经典、CC2540/CC2541 蓝牙低功耗 (BLE) 和 CC2564 蓝牙 + BLE 器件所支持的体育与健身、可穿戴设备和手机配件等领域中近十年的经验和七代产品.
&&&该系列模块采用TI CC2564芯片设计,包含了2种无线模式:Basic Rate(BR/EDR)和Bluetooth low energy(BLE)。BR/EDR(传统蓝牙)应用于需要进行大数据量数据传输的场合,BLE(低功耗蓝牙)则应用在传输少量数据的场合,这是低功耗蓝牙的低功耗特性所决定的。低功耗蓝牙为了保证低功耗特性,简化了握手协议、缩短了唤醒时间等,在短时间、小数据量的数据传输中,这种协议上的简化和唤醒时间所能带来的功耗节省表现明显。在这种类型的数据传输中,低功耗蓝牙的功耗仅为传统蓝牙的十分之一;而在长时间、大数据量的传输中,由于握手协议和唤醒时间在整个任务的数据量以及全部持续时间中所占的比例较低,其低功耗的优越性会大打折扣,但是传输速率却很低,所以这时采用传统蓝牙通信更为合适。
BR/EDR模式最大可传30KB Byte ,BLE模式最大可传3-4KB Byte
工作频率:ISM频段 2.400~2.483GHz
接收灵敏度:<-88dBm at < 0.1% BER
安全认证:AES 128位
模块尺寸封装 31.8*14.5MM
蓝牙串口设备,蓝牙无线工业控制From Texas Instruments Wiki
The CC256x Bluetooth Service Packs (SP) are mandatory initialization scripts that contain bug fixes and platform specific configurations. They must be loaded into the corresponding CC256x device after every power cycle. The CC256x SPs are delivered in the form of a Bluetooth Script (BTS) file. A BTS file is a scripted binary file which defines the actions that should be applied to the embedded HCI commands and HCI events within the file itself.
In order to operate the chip, the Main BT init script must be loaded first, followed by either the BLE or AVPR addons.
initscripts-TIInit_VERSION_bt_spec_4.x - Main BT init script
initscripts-TIInit_VERSION_ble_add-on - BLE init script
initscripts-TIInit_VERSION_avpr_add-on - AVPR init script - WBS support and Assisted A2DP add on
You need to convert the Service pack (SP) from “.bts” format to “.h” format using the Bluetooth hardware evaluation tool (BHET), to use it with TI’s Bluetooth stack. The BHET Tool can be downloaded from the following
and how to modify and save it as in the desired format can be found . For all the latest TI’s Bluetooth stack versions you need to replace \Bluetopia\btpsvend\CC256XB.h (or \Bluetopia\btpsvend\CC256X.h) files respective (by taking the backup of the original file) depending on your Chip revision.
The sleep mode should be turned off in the Service Packs (SP) since this configuration is done as part of the the TI’s Bluetooth stack initialization. If using the BHET tool, the
can be turned off in the SP Configurations Panel. This option disables the "Deep sleep enable" parameter in the
command that is inside the SP.
This page holds all the Service Packs (SP) required for proper operation by the different variants of TI Bluetooth device CC256x. As noted previously, the CC256x SP must be loaded first during initialization each time the device boots up.
Module Vendor
* Not recommended for new designs
Classic Bluetooth
3Mbps UART baud rate
XTAL Support
Sleep Enabled
AKA TIInit_6.2.31.bts
* Not recommended for new designs
PAN1315A / PAN1325A
Classic Bluetooth
115.2Kbps UART baud rate
XTAL Support
Sleep Enabled
AKA TIInit_6.6.15.bts
* Not recommended for new designs
PAN1316 / PAN1326, PAN1323
Classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy
115.2Kbps UART baud rate
XTAL Support
Sleep Enabled
AKA TIInit_6.6.15.bts
PAN1315B / PAN1325B
CC2560B BT 4.0 SP
CC2560B BT 4.1 SP
CC2560B AVPR Add-On
Classic Bluetooth
115.2Kbps UART baud rate
XTAL Support
Sleep Enabled
AKA TIInit_6.7.16.bts
If you are using TI’s Bluetooth stack SDK for MSP430 V1.4 R2 , use initscripts-TIInit_6.7.16_bt_spec_4.1.bts service pack.For any other TI’s Bluetooth stack SDK for MSP430 version before V1.4 R2, use initscripts-TIInit_6.7.16_bt_spec_4.0.bts service pack.
For Tiva C release V1.1, You would need to use the BHET tool and change the baud rate to 921600 before converting it to array format for the SP to load properly.
PAN1316B / PAN1326B
CC2564B BT 4.0 SP
CC2564B BT 4.1 SP
CC2564B BLE Add-On
CC2564B AVPR Add-On
Classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy
115.2Kbps UART baud rate
XTAL Support
Sleep Enabled
AKA TIInit_6.7.16.bts
If you are using TI’s Bluetooth stack SDK for MSP430 V1.4 R2, use initscripts-TIInit_6.7.16_bt_spec_4.1.bts service pack.For any other TI’s Bluetooth stack SDK version for MSP430 before V1.4 R2, use initscripts-TIInit_6.7.16_bt_spec_4.0.bts service pack.
For Tiva C release V1.1, You would need to use the BHET tool and change the baud rate to 921600 before converting it to array format for the SP to load properly.
CC2564C BT 4.2 SP - Main Script (initscripts-TIInit_6.12.26.bts)
CC2564C BLE Add-On - Audio/Voice processing add-on (initscripts-TIInit_6.12.26_avpr_add-on.bts)
CC2564C AVPR Add-On - BLE add-on (initscripts-TIInit_6.12.26.ble_add-on.bts)
Classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy
115.2Kbps UART baud rate
Sleep Enabled
For Linux Users: - The baud rate must be updated to 3000000 in the Main init script: “Send_HCI_VS_UPDATE_Uart_HCI_Baudrate 0xFF36, 115200 to 3000000. Also update Com_SetParams
instead of Com_SetParams 115200. From here the following
can be followed to merge the Main init script with either the BLE or AVPR addons.
On certain race conditions, the device could lockup while BLE and ACL connections were active, and another BLE connection was being established.
SW Flow Control
For hosts working with SW flow control, there could be a missed tx packet during excessive BLE continuous transmission.
In certain platforms, there could be a race condition where calibration didn't complete successfully during init, which resulted in device becoming unresponsive
If BLE interval was shorter than 24 frames, A2DP quality was degraded due to using only 3DH1 packets
BLE interval was multiplied (x2 or x3) during BT high throughput scenario without notifying the peer
In a certain rare/race condition, BLE connection complete event was malformed
Device could reach a lockup state if BLE Adv interval was very short
BT Connection
BT connection might not have been established successfully if both local and peer started the process at the same time
If host disabled role switch, connection to iPhone 6 was not set up successfully
Current Consumption
AVPR processor did not go into low power mode. This resulted in higher current consumption
The PCM clock accuracy had to be less than 10ppm when the CC256XB was the PCM slave during WBS mode. Higher PPM deviation may have lead to high packet loss (“ticks”) at the PCM interface, or device lockup due to the clock drifts between the BT network and PCM bus
Device could reach a lockup state when using A3DP SOURCE to 2 SINK devices feature
Fixed an issue where packets with bad CRC were sent to remote device
Fixed an issue where device could reach a lockup state if both local and peer devices terminated the BLE connection at the same time
BLE TX start needed to be issued twice if number of packets was set in “HCI_VS_Set_LE_Test_Mode_Parameters” command
There was an issue in the HCI_VS_Write_CODEC_Config (0xFD06) command when using “Fsynch Multiplier” field. If the “Frame-sync duty cycle” is set to 0 (50% duty cycle), this value may not have been calculated correctly
No voice was heard when creating NBS after closing the A3DP stream and without disconnecting the ACL
BT4.0 was reported instead of BT4.1 in LMP_VER_RES
Device could reach a lockup state if BLE and A2DP were working concurrently
BT Connection
6 sniff connections and 1 active ACL connection resulted in device lockup. Solution is to limit the number of sniff connections to only 5 in the controller, where the rest of the connections (2) would be active
Inquiry Scan
In rare conditions, inquiry scan could have gotten stuck, which lead to device not being discoverable
New Init scripts
New init scripts added divided into three different files:
Main init script - BT file with latest improvements
BLE init script - BLE add on
AVPR init script - WBS support and Assisted A2DP add on
In order to operate chip first use the Main init script and use the relevant add on.
Important Note: Both add on files can't operate at the same time
PCM Clock extension
PCM clock extension support
When CC2564 device is the master of the PCM BUS, allows the system to keep the PCM clock running even when no A3DP channel is open
The new VS command
HCI_VS_Enable_PCM_Clock_Extension 0xfe4c
Receives one parameter (UINT16) which indicates the time to keep the pcm clock on
- Keep PCM clock on forever
0xFFFF - Disable PCM clock extension - default value
Improved collision handling in Sniff mode
Fixed collision between Sniff sub rate and exit sniff
Assisted A2DP
PCM clock tracking mechanism when Master over the PCM, Improved skew alignment between channels
New features added to Multi Room support
Improved multiple LMP handling simultaneously. Receiving packet type table request during secure simple pairing resulted in unsuccessful connection, this issue is fixed in this version
Clock accuracy
Better clock resolution result received from hci_read_clock
Resolution of 312.5 uS
BLE stability
Improved Interoperability for spec 4.1
Low power support
Better Immunity to hardware noise over the UART lines
BT 4.1 support
No new features were added
Added new event "vs_reject_voice_link_event" upon remote attempting to establish 3rd voice connection (2 voice connections are already active)
ETSI 300 328 version 1.8.1 might still have failed despite the fix in service pack 0.2
Remote name request during A2DP data streaming might have resulted in BT getting stuck
When running loop of BLE connect-disconnect (with page scan running in background), slave side might get stuck at establishment of BLE connection
Assisted A2DP
Add support for host flow control in assisted A2DP SNK
Assisted A2DP
Fix occasional drop outs in assisted A2DP SNK
BLE slave ignored "LL terminate" indication if was busy with other peer transaction
Current Consumption
High current draw due to slave exiting latency from reception of “LL channel map” or “LL connection update” until instant
Current Consumption
Device did not enter deep sleep in sniff mode after setting LSTO to 5 seconds
ETSI 300 328 version 1.8.1
Assisted A2DP
Assisted A2DP Sink - Audio Dropout Issue
Assisted A2DP
Update Codec Configuration API to support better frequency resolution
Added support to host flow control during assisted A2DP
Fix BLE slave latency behavior during transactions
Current Consumption
Deep Sleep was not enabled after enable and disable advertising mode
Recreated 15% of the time when enable and disable advertising within a 2-3 second period
Missing BLE disconnection event after sending HCI disconnect command
The command status event was executed
ETSI 300 328 version 1.8.1 threshold fine tuning
Improved BLE connection statistics with LPRF 2540 device
ETSI 300 328 version 1.8.1
Data streaming throughput with peer 1 drops, and stays low after attempting to connect to peer 2, and canceling create connection
WBS Audio to peer 1 lost upon connection and disconnection with any peer 2 device
Device connected with WBS to peer 1 and to peer 2. After disconnecting peer 2, when disconnecting and reconnecting to peer 1, there is no audio on peer 1
When in Master role, response to peer initiated "LMP_Feature_Request" with "LMP_Not_accepted" and reason invalid parameter, peer device crashes and connection drops


更多关于 cc2564 开发板 的文章

