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音标:[ sìmiànchǔgē ]&&发音:&&
英文翻译be besieged on all sides (and completely isolated); be a be coerced an be pressed
be surrounded by
be under attack find oneself b have t land oneself in a tight place [spot]: 在这四面楚歌的情况下, 他没有别的办法, 只好暂时放弃他的计划。 finding himself under fire from all quarters, he had no alternative but to abandon his scheme for the time being&&&&bmw-1; th xm971&&&&(on) (on) all round
四面包围敌人 completely encircle th ...&&&&tetrahedron&&&&tetrahedral&&&&tetrahedral anvil&&&& phra phrom&&&&tetrahedral angle&&&&simianjing&&&& matcher&&&&simian mountains&&&&[数学] tetrahedrold&&&& triangular pyramid&&&&tetrahedron&&&&tetra&&&&tetrahedral site&&&&tetrahedral&&&&supplementary tetrahedron&&&&hypertetrahedron&&&&in all directions = in every direction&&&&orthocentric tetrahedron&&&& in all directions&&&& tetrahexahedron&&&&negative tetrahedron&&&&cornersharing tetrahedra&&&&hit o make attacks in all directions&&&&our-way pallet
例句与用法Finding himself under fire from all quarters , he had no alternative but to abandon his scheme for the time being .在这四面楚歌的情况下,他没有别的办法,只好暂时放弃他的计划。It is important to stress that neither government is in immediate peril当然我们也必须承认这两国政府也并非已经四面楚歌。 E in protest at the referee on sunday , confronting china s super league with yet another crisis中国足协在04年着力包装的中超联赛在这个多事之秋已是四面楚歌。 Routed from one position after another , the landlord looked around anxiously for allies , but could find none地主在节节败退之后,惶然四顾,只见众叛亲离,四面楚歌。 Bush ' s radicalism becomes more fervent as he becomes more embattled , and separates him from presidents past布什的激进主义越来越强硬,他变得四面楚歌起来,这是以往历届总统所没有过的。 Jay chou is a singer who likes to use songs to express his thinkings , for example , " beseiged from all sides " in the former album周杰伦是一个喜欢通过歌曲来表达自己想法的歌手,比如上一张专辑中的《四面楚歌》 。 Ever since the wuchang revolution , nearly all provinces quickly responded to it , which placed the qing government in increasingly desperate straits日武昌起义后,各省纷纷响应,清政府迅即陷入四面楚歌的境地。 Ever since the wuchang revolution , nearly all provinces quickly responded to it , which placed the qing government in increasingly desperate straits日武昌起义后,各省纷纷响应,清政府迅即陷入四面楚歌的境地。 The embattled attorney general is leaving after months of the firing calls to resign over charges of misconduct这名陷入四面楚歌的司法部长在数月前开除8名联邦检察官后受到不正当行为的指控并被要求引咎辞职,如今他确实要离开了。 They soon reported to the proprietor that the new province would be landlocked if the colonies on either side of the delaware river or bay were hostile不久,代理人向penn报告,如果该省周围殖民地发动围攻的话,该省将处于一个四面楚歌的境地。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
汉语解释sì miàn chǔ gē 【解释】比喻陷入四面受敌、孤立无援的境地。【出处】《史记?项羽本纪》:“项王军壁垓下,兵少食尽,汉军及诸侯兵围之数重。夜闻汉军四面皆楚歌,项王乃大惊,曰:‘汉皆已得楚乎?是何楚人之多也。’”【示例】在这~里,凭你怎样伶牙俐齿,也只得服从了。(朱自清《航船中的文明》)【拼音码】smcg【灯谜面】九里山前摆战场;乌江岸上困霸王【用法】主谓式;作定语;含贬义【英文】be embattled on all sides
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英文翻译i wide awoke&&&&I; me&&&&clear- sober&&&& fulfi ...&&&&i lie awake at night&&&&like a wake-u call&&&&and the noises that she make keep me awake&&&&i lie awake and pray&&&&i lie awake and pray&&&&the lessons learned at the cost of blood helped to sober us. come to&&&&1.(清楚; 明白) clear- sober
保持清醒的头脑 keep a clear [cool] keep so ...&&&&awake&&&& m yaoguai&&&&wake up,the stream&&&&have woken up&&&&my son is innocent&&&&call me the breeze&&&&copious watery sputum&&&&semiconsciousmess&&&& sober&&&&lucidity&&&&dose of sobriety&&&&lucid dream&&&&lucid internal&&&&disenchant&&&&that reminds me
例句与用法The stroke didn ' t do nothing but clear my head那一击倒没什么不过却让我清醒了Do you understand ? are you calm ? - yes . fish - slap calm me明白吗?清醒了吗? -是的,鱼拍两下确实让我清醒了- do you understand ? are you calm ? - yes . fish - slap calm me-明白吗?清醒了吗? -是的,鱼拍两下确实让我清醒了. . . but now i see但我清醒了But now i see但我清醒了He perceived the surprize , and immediately pulls a bottle out of his pocket , and gave me a dram of cordial , which he had brough after i had drank it , i sat d and though it brought me to my self , yet it was a good while before i could speak a word to him他看见我那么激动,马上从袋里取出一个起子,把他特地为我带来的提神酒给我喝了几口。喝完之后,我就坐在地上。虽然这几口酒使我清醒了过来,可是又过了好半天,才说得出话来。 &&
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All rights reserved四面楚歌的意思_四面楚歌是什么意思_造句_近义词_反义词_英语翻译_成语大全_沪江小学
四面楚歌&sì miàn chǔ gē
成语解释:四面都是楚人的歌声。后用来比喻四面受敌;处于孤立无援的处境。成语出处:《史记 项羽本纪》:“项王军壁垓下,兵少食尽,汉军及诸侯兵围之数重。夜闻汉军四面皆楚歌,项王乃大惊,曰:‘汉皆已得楚乎?是何楚人之多也。’”〖示例〗在这~里,凭你怎样伶牙俐齿,也只得服从了。 ★朱自清《航船中的文明》成语造句:在这四面楚歌里,凭你怎样伶牙俐齿,也只得服从了。(朱自清《航船中的文明》)成语辨析:见“腹背受敌”(329页)。成语使用:主谓式;作定语;含贬义发音技巧:楚,不能读作“cǔ”。书写技巧:楚,不能写作“触”。褒贬解析:属贬义成语 歇后语:九里山前摆战场;乌江岸上困霸王 近义词:、 反义词:、旗开得胜在线翻译:be utterly isolated,。


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